Print oR SAVE -- an ALT/HELP vector stealer..... These programs are Copyright 1989 Chet Walters **** NO RIGHTS RESERVED **** That's right! Upload 'em anywhere. Give 'em to anyone! However, just keep the text file that goes with them _WITH THEM_! (Hey, even us beleaguered ShareWare programmers are entitled to a little free advertising). 11/14/89 UPDATE INFO It was discovered that the original P_R_SAVE and HP_RSAVE would create PI3 files that would load into PageStream as INVERTED pics (HI REZ ONLY). Whether that is a shortcoming of P_OR_SAVE or PGS is a matter for conjecture. At any rate, even though it wasn't broken it's been fixed so PI3's load into PGS just fine. However, the subsequent program files have grown by 22 bytes each. The new program and old program file sizes are given here so you won't get confused. P_R_SAVE.OLD 956 bytes <--- discard this one P_R_SAVE.NEW 978 bytes <--- use this one HP_RSAVE.OLD 1780 bytes <--- discard this one HP_RSAVE.NEW 1802 bytes <--- use this one 5/17/90 MORE UPDATE INFO Having recently obtained a Panasonic KX-P4450 laser printer, I have written a special verison of the screen dumper for that printer. Since the KXP is supposedly compatible with the HP Series of laser printers, then this little ditty should work with them to. It's here as: LP_RSAVE.PRG 1712 bytes <--- new program for lasers Prior to this update, I had always thought that the HP Lasers could accept compressed data like the DeskJets. Wrong! LP_RSAVE is ok tho. To use it, just follow the instructions for installing the HP_RSAVE program detailed below. However, the DRAFT button will be ignored by the laser. Also, I recommend that you set BOG for defaults size and set ALWAYS for feed paper from printer. Works ok. INST_EPS.PRG is now included in the arc. It's a tiny program that sets 960 instead of 1280 as the default of the system screen dump. Put this in the auto folder anywhere and it will set EPSON printer as the default relieving you of the need to have the control panel installed to get proper screen dumps on an Epson printer. The WHY... I simply got tired of loading a separate program into memory then rebooting or running something that stole the ALT/HELP vector depending on what I wanted to do -- that is whether I wanted to SAVE the screen as a PI? pic or whether I wanted to dump the screen to the printer (I have an HP DeskJet (oops, make that a Panasonic KX-P4450)). The WHAT... So, I wrote and ALT/HELP vector stealer that did both! Yup, depending on what keys you press, the Print oR SAVEr will either print the screen on the printer or save it to a disk. There are two versions, one for HPDJ owners and one for regular printer owners. Please read the instructions below carefully for the one you want to use. The HOW... SAVING PI? pics with Print oR SAVE The following is common to both programs so I will detail it only once here since it applies to both. First, it's not necessary to hold the key presses for any length of time (with the exception of the EJECT for the DJ). Just use a normal key press for the keys. Whichever program you use, it should be run from the AUTO folder though you can run it from the desktop anytime and it will work OK. Back up the program you're going to use. Then copy it to the AUTO folder. The programs come defaulted to the root directory of drive A: for saving the PI? pics. You can change that, however, by running the appropriate SET program. Here's the ones to use: If you _DON'T_ have an HP then: Use P_R_SAVE.PRG in the AUTO folder and set with P_R_SSET.PRG If you _DO_ have an HPDJ then: Use HP_RSAVE.PRG in the AUTO folder and set with HP_R_SET.PRG If you _DO_ have an HP Laser or compat then: Use LP_RSAVE.PRG in the AUTO FOLDER and set with HP_R_SET.PRG Run the appropriate SET program. You will be first asked to locate the copy of the program to modify (normally the one you've copied into the AUTO folder). If you don't select the right program, then the SET program will ask again and again until you get the right one or hit CANCEL on the FSEL. Once you choose the right one, you will be asked to choose the path to which you wish your screen dumps saved as PI? pics and whether you want to modify the program to remember that path. Say YES and you're done. With either program, pressing the RIGHT-SHIFT / ALT / HELP combination will save the currently visible screen to the path you have set as an appropriate Degas PI? picture file. The program can save 26 screens consecutively starting with the name SCREEN_A.PI? and ending with the name SCREEN_Z.PI?. It starts scanning with the 'A' and the first time it encounters an empty slot, that's the name it will use. With this in mind, it's a good idea to often clean out the path of old pics since this will speed the process of searching for an empty slot and also will keep you from getting confused as to which pic is which. Pic Saving Caveats... Now, one is not supposed to go poking around accessing the disk and saving screens while another program is running without first asking that program's permission. That's what we're doing here. We're cheating. Along down the road we're gonna crash the machine. Someday, sometime the inevitable bombs will appear. Don't say I didn't warn you. Eventually you'll come upon a situation where trying to save the screen will crash the machine. Make sure before you go to save a screen, that you save any important work you might be in the process of creating. THEN save the screen with the RT SHIFT/ALT/HELP keys. Also make sure you don't press those keys when there is any disk or printer I/O going on at the time. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! BTW - if a save is successful, you'll hear a bell chime. If it's _NOT_ successful (disk full, no names left, whatever) then you'll hear _no_ bell chime (or see bombs maybe). Too, if another program has moved the keyboard vector after we're installed, the SHIFT KEY may be ingnored by the system (then again maybe not). If that happens, you won't be able to save the screen but the print dump should still work (then again, maybe not). USING P_R_SAVE.PRG... (if you have an HP DJ or LJ then skip this part) When P_R_SAVE.PRG is installed, it will take up 630 bytes or so of your memory (cheap, huh?). Any time you press the ALT/HELP keys, you'll not even notice that P_R_SAVE is there. It will fall through to the system's PRINT SCREEN routine and that'll be that. But, you happen to have a Rainbow printer and have a nice driver installed so that the ALT/HELP keys will dump the screen in color, right? So, you're wondering what the heck you can do to use P_R_SAVE. No sweat. Just make sure that P_R_SAVE.PRG runs AFTER the program that installs whatever custom driver you need for your printer. P_R_SAVE will then fall through that custom driver. Easy, huh? Run P_R_SAVE after any programs that already steal the ALT/HELP keys and you won't know it's installed unless you press the RIGHT SHIFT / ALT / HELP key combo and then it'll save your screen. Now, skip the next section and move on down to the advertising section (hey, all I ask for my trouble in writing this program and dox and taking the time to upload it and making it easy for you to use is that you read my ad. Small price to pay... go ahead....) USING HP_RSAVE.PRG There are a few more things you DJ or LJ owners will encounter when configuring your HP_RSAVE.PRG. You will be asked to set some other parameters. You see, this ain't just a screen dump. This is a real fancy screen dump (at only 1600 bytes of memory when installed, it ain't gonna be THAT awful fancy, but I think it's nice and you will too). LETTER or DRAFT mode (LEFT-SHIFT/ALT/HELP) First of all, the program comes defaulted to DRAFT prints. They turn out real good looking in draft and you'll hardly notice the difference in quality, but you'll REALLY notice the savings on your expensive ink carts. You can change the default to one of three things. If you choose PANEL, then it's up to you to set the quality with front panel switches on the printer (at least the DJ, dunno about the laser). If you choose LETTER then that's the default. If you choose DRAFT then DRAFT it'll be. However, unless you have chosen PANEL you can change the default ON THE FLY for each individual screen dump! If you've chosen LETTER and you hold the LEFT-SHIFT/ALT/HELP keys then for this dump only, you'll get a DRAFT screen dump (the front panel will switch to DRAFT after the dump and remain that way so punch it if you need LETTER for other things). Just pressing ALT/HELP will still cause a LETTER print with HP_RSAVE next time, so remember, the LEFT SHIFT key will SHIFT your PRINTER into the opposite mode from the default for THIS DUMP ONLY but the printer remains in that mode for ANY OTHER program BUT HP_RSAVE. The same applies to a DRAFT default. The LEFT SHIFT key will toggle LETTER for this dump only. If you have chosen PANEL as the default, then the LEFT SHIFT key is ignored. Personally, I have it set for DRAFT and hold the LEFT SHIFT key only if I need a LETTER quality dump (boy do my carts last a long time and this also has the bonus of cutting about 40% off the time it takes to print). TWO SIZES (CONTROL/ALT/HELP) HP_RSAVE can dump in two sizes as well. The SMALL size is roughly 4 1/4 by 2 3/4 inches. The LARGE size chimes in at 6 1/4 by just under 4 inches. Set the one you want as default (I like 'em small -- saves ink and time). You can change the size ON THE FLY by pressing the CONTROL/ALT/HELP keys for a dump. That will set the printer to the OPPOSITE of the default like above. If you have SMALL set then for THIS DUMP ONLY you'll get LARGE when you hold down the CONTROL key while you press ALT/HELP. Small size dumps will fit three to a page and large will fit two. That's why I included the following extra feature. PAGE EJECT (HOLD the ALT KEY FOR ONE SECOND) You can set HP_RSAVE to ALWAYS eject the page for every dump. That's just what it will do. Before each dump, the printer will bring up a new page and after each dump it will spit it out. If you set ALWAYS, there is NO WAY to change it on the fly. If you set it to KEY then pressing ALT/HELP will just print the screen wherever the paper lies and will stop printing leaving the paper right where it is with a small advance so's not to print on top of the last one. This is nice for getting two or three screens on a sheet. But, when you get to the end of a sheet, it would be a pain to get up and eject the page manually, now wouldn't it? So, if you press ALT/HELP then release the HELP key but continue to hold down the ALT key for the count of 'one mississippi -- two mississippi then the page will eject once the dump is done! Neat! ABORT PRINTING (RESET BUTTON ON THE PRINTER) You're wondering now how to abort a print in progress? You can't and here's why: Graphics images are notoriously repetitive (a blank line is all zeroes). HP_RSAVE will read the screen and compress it (something like ARC only different) and will send that compressed screen to the printer. The DJ can accept this COMPRESSED data for printing graphics. The ATARI screen is 32K. The DJ is sleepy (takes a while to begin actually printing). HP_RSAVE normally compresses the average desktop into LESS than 16K of data. The DJ has a 16K buffer. See what we're leading up to? If you press ALT/HELP to dump a relatively uncomplicated screen, HP_RSAVE will send the screen into the DJ's buffer and will give you your ST back BEFORE the printer ever starts printing (usually about four seconds!). There just ain't time to abort. If you need to abort a print, wait until you can move your mouse again (it freezes) then press the RESET button on the printer. NOTE TO WILY PROGRAMMERS OUT THERE: If you feel the need to disassemble HP_RSAVE and steal the compression scheme, then go ahead have at it. Just give me credit when you release you're WONDERFUL HIGH SPEED HPDJ PRINTER DRIVER that uses only 400 bytes of memory. KEY SUMMARY -- Print keys ALT/HELP --------------- prints the screen with current defaults LEFT-SHIFT/ALT/HELP ---- toggles (SHIFTS) the print quality CONTROL/ALT/HELP ------- toggles (CONTROLS) the size delay ALT KEY release -- causes page EJECT after dump (these above presses can be combined in any fashion such as pressing the CONTROL/LEFT-SHIFT/ALT/HELP combination will cause a large letter quality dump if small and draft are the defaults or vice verse [Whaa'd 'e say?]) -- Save keys RIGHT-SHIFT/ALT/HELP -- saves current screen to default path -- Crazy keys RIGHT-SHIFT/LEFT-SHIFT/CONTROL/ALT/HELP (all keys at once) will cause HP_RSAVE to fall through to whatever driver was installed BEFORE itself (likely the system dump so you'll get a whole bunch of smiley faces and lots of other garbage on the page unless you have another printer hooked up temporarily and need to print a screen on it). HP_RSAVE caveats Again, since HP_RSAVE does a little cheating to do what it does for you, it might (rarely) bomb when dumping a page to the printer. Save any important work before dumping a screen. Saving a screen is much more prone to bombing like explained. HP_RSAVE will NOT dump LOW RES screens to the printer. Pressing any of the print key combinations will cause absolutely NOTHING to happen at all. HI RES screens turn out terrific! MED RES screens turn out terrific about 95% of the time. The other 5% you are advised to save the screen (like in LOW RES) and use some other program to print them (hey, waddaya want for 1600 bytes). I have strived to make HP_RSAVE compatible with just about anything at all. It works great for me. However, there's likely SOME program SOMEWHERE that won't like the key presses involved here. To this I say (and you can quote me), "TOO BAD!" It's free and it won't tie your shoes or make dinner for you, but try it... you might get hooked on it! While we're at it, here's some stuff that's available for a donation: >>>> Now for the advertisement section of this doc <<<< by Chet Walters.... **** DOT MAGIC! Text file printer with 22 fonts and a font editor enclosed. Don't feel like booting up that DTP application for just a letter to Aunt Minnie in Minnesota? Well, print a pretty with Dot Magic! Comes with several utilities including one that lets you put those nice fonts on pics too! 9pin and 24 pin dot matrix only. **** COMPACT DIR Directory dump with a twist. Uses the smallest font of an HP DeskJet or superscript on an Epson compat to fit more than 10 meg worth of filenames on one page for easy cross-referencing. Dump just one partition or the whole shebang! Sorts on NAME DATE TIME TYPE too! ***** EASY MOVE Tired of dragging those IMG files along with your GEM drawings from Easy Draw? Use Easy Move instead. This will copy or move GEM files searching through the file itself for any corresponding IMG files and will move them with it automatically. A must if you use Easy Draw. ***** PS to PM Got a huge library of 8 bit Print Shop icons gathering dust? If you have an ST and an 8 bit Atari, you can use this to transfer an entire Print Shop disk full of graphics from the 8 bit to a nice alphabetized PrintMaster file for use on the ST. You'll need a null modem to make the transfer complete. ***** CLIP_ART Got a thousand PrintMaster Graphics that you'd like to use elsewhere? This one will load up to 2000 PM icons from which you can view and select individuals to put on a Degas screen for easy access in other DTP applications. Mono version fits more than 40 on a screen for easy clipping. Color version slightly less. **** PM CAT Right, and what would you do with all those PrintMaster icons if you don't know what they look like? PM Cat is the answer. Prints 77 icons in each page complete with name and library. Works with Epson compatible 9 pin or 24 pin printers. **** CHANGE EASELY Get tired of the same pic on your desktop when using Easel ST? Use this handy accessory to change it on the fly! Got a nice lady that you'd like to have peeking out from behind your windows but are afraid that you know who will get jealous? Well, put her there any time you want, and if you feel someone sneaking up behind you, you can change to that nice mountain scene in an instant. Requires Easel ST v1.10 to work. **** STITCH X Want to get that Computer Eyes shot of kids made into a cross stitch pattern? If you have an Epson FX compatible printer then you can do it with STITCH X. Load Tiny, Degas and Neo pics from which you can clip any portion to dump to the printer as a cross stitch pattern complete with color chart and symbols. If your clip won't fit on one page, then it gets tiled for you up to poster size suitable for framing. (lo rez only) **** BIG_MAC MAC format picture viewer. This is actually the only MAC pic slide show available for the ST! Scrolls the pics one after the other for you to see. Choose 'single' from the menu and you can load one at a time with the ability to save the visible scrollable screen to a Degas PI2 or PI3. Color or monochrome. ****Print oR SAVE You already know........ Write for info or send a donation to Chet Walters PO Box 45 Girard, OH 44420 ===================================================================== Dr. BobWare - software available for a donation to - W. D. Parks 180 N. Hazeltine Campbell, OH 44405 ==== Program Menu Include up to 8 names of programs which you can run at the touch of a key or a simple mouse click. Stores complete path for harddrive owners and even looks on both floppies if you have two. Chaining of menus is easy so you can have an infinite number of things to run at a touch. Install one of these in each slot of the HotWire! menu and you'll have 416 available slots. Don't dig through those directories again! Great for those game disks! The latest version includes a text file reader with pageup and pagedown features. Prints characters to the screen that other readers won't (including the FUJI!). ==== Shape Lib Now, for those PrintMaster fans comes finally a sorter organizer for all those icons! Choose any or many source files from which you can choose individual PM icons to move to a destination. Singly or by just tagging with a click several names from the list. Icons are in full view and it even accepts those 'odd' sized icons from the IBM version of NewsMaster! ........>>>>>>>> SUPPORT SHAREWARE AUTHORS <<<<<<<<........