This program (OMVARCDV.PRG) is in the public domain, and is to be distributed freely, so long as the complete archive remains intact, or the program, and its documentation reside on the same disk. This program is Copyright 1989 by John C. Blakely, All Rights Reserved. Presenting, another fine program from O-MayerVare software! I was getting pretty tired of having to enter the needed commands to unARC and view archives. I run a Bulletin-Board, and everything sent to me needs to be unARCed before being tested for integrity. I've seen ARCSHELLS in the past, and liked the idea, but for some reason, didn't see why I should bother with such a BIG program just to VIEW and EXTRACT a few files. 'The O-Mayer ARCDriver" is my solution! It's basically a ARCSHELL, but all it does is VIEW and EXTRACT Archives; two operations that I use more than any other. The program is fairly simple to operate, and is 100% mouse- driven. The two functions that this program performs work as follows: When the program runs, you'll be given two choices, VIEW, or UNARC. If you choose VIEW, you'll be presented with the standard GEM file selector from where you can change pathnames to your heart's content, and finally select the archive you wish to view. Clicking on 'OK' selects the filename you want, as does double clicking on a filename. The program will run ARC.TTP, and do the rest. If you choose UNARC, you'll see a similar file selector from which you can choose the archive you want to work with. At the top of the file selector box you will also be able to change the disk drive, and pathname you would like the EXTRACTed files to go to. After you have selected your archive, you will then be presented with a second file selector. Here you can either enter "*.*", to UNARC all of the files in the currently selected archive, or enter a specific filename to extract single files. Possible entries are: "*.*" (Extracts all files to the current pathname at the top of the file selector box) "GAME*.*" (Extracts any and all files beginning with the first four characters of 'GAME') "*.PC?" (Extracts any, and all files in where the last character of the extender can be any character (such as in a DEGAS ELITE compressed picture) Pressing RETURN, or clicking on 'OK' selects the default filename of "*.*", which extracts everything. Several things must be remembered when using this program. You'll need to keep ARC.TTP in the same folder and on the same drive where this program resides. This program is a driver for ARC.TTP, and needs to know where it is at all times. When the program has finished with an operation, it will ask you to press the left mouse button, and then ask if you would like to QUIT the program, or RERUN itself. RERUNNING the program is a way for you to first see what programs are in the archive, and then extract them all, or the ones that catch your eye. I hope that you find this program useful, and that it speeds up the process of viewing and extracting your archives. I've tried my best to debug this thing, but if you should happen to find a lil' bug floating around anywhere, get in touch with me in any of the following ways. Also, if you think that a donation would be nice, I'm open to what you feel this program was worth to you. Places I can be reached at are: John Blakely 969 Westchester Pl. Los Angeles, CA. 90019 The GEnie information service, at address, J.BLAKELY The O-Mayer V BBS (213) 732-0229 where I'm Sysop, with the username, Drazil T. Reptillian. We support ST, Atari 8-bit, IBM, and Macintosh. Another fun 'n' free O-MayerVare product! Other products mentioned are trademarks of their manufacturers, and the O-Mayer V BBS is in no way affiliated with them. ENJOY THE PROGRAM! John Blakely, 4-26-89