FEATURES OF JAMES: V 1.2: * 50/60 Hz: (only colour mode) * Bell * Blitter Control * Bootsector Analysis (James knows about 45 bootsector types) * Click * Clock/Date: Change the date & time * Complete Modem Port Settings * Compose Character Function: 'a' + '^' = 'ƒ' * Configurable Screensaver with VBL-Simulation * Disk Verify on/off * Free RAM * Harddisk Ship * Invers: (Only monochrome) * James supports the GEM Message pipes * James uses the XBRA-protocol. * KBD: Repeat-Delay * KBD: Repeat-Speed * Keyboard-reset: = 'warm' reset = 'cold' reset. * Load Other KBD Layout * Mouse Double Click Speed * Permanent Bootsector Control * Printer Settings * Repeat: Keyboard-repeat on/off. * Save Settings * Screen Grabber with ALT-HELP * Vector Control against viruses * Writeprotect for all drives! * Enhanced Mouse Speeder. Lin or Log, fast or slow: no problem. Any speed factor from 1:0.015 to 1:128 possible. V 1.6: (99.9% Bug-free!) * Any ASCII Character can now be generated with -xxx * Automatic KBD-Load feature * Clipboard support * Compose Character is now 'autoconfigurating' * Desk-Clock with CapsLock status display * variable date-format: DMY / MDY / YMD * Enhanced Vector Control against all sorts of viruses * Grow/Shrinkboxes can be switched off * Mousespeeder bug in MidRes removed (routine optmized) * New 'Composed Characters' * New HD-ship-routine, can even UNPARK. Uses targets 0..7, LUN 0 and 1 * HD-Ship displays the number of effective parked devices * New command via GEM-msg-pipes available * New virus-detection routine * Optional Flip Screen after Screensaver timeout * Resolution change now supported (Low/Mid/Hires) * Runs on 68020, 68030 (e.g. 190 ST, TT) * SAVE SETTINGS much safer now! * Screengrabber now configurable * Steprate settings for drives A: and B: * Watch Modem, Screensaver is deactivated while modem is active * Writeprotect now TURBODOS compatible ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE FOR JAMES: * VT52 Emulator (1480 Bytes) * SIGNUM-INTERFACE: Use James in SIGNUM2! (662 Bytes) * ACC.PRG - James can be used even from Command Line Interpreters etc. (464 Bytes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------