GEM SPOOLER v2.2 REGISTRATION FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : ................................................. Age : ..... Street : ................................................. Nr. : ..... Zipcode : ........ Town : ............................................. Country : ............................................................. Registers to GEM Spooler v2.2, by paying .... times (for ... copies): [ ] 600 BF [ ] 40 Fl [ ] 30 DM [ ] 30 US$ or the equivalent value in your currency (banknotes only, please) Total: ........... and agrees with the copyright and responsibility rules as specified in GSPOOL22.TXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARDWARE: MODEL: [ ] ST RAM: [ ] 512 Kb [ ] STE [ ] 1 Mb [ ] Mega ST [ ] 2 Mb [ ] Mega STE [ ] 4 Mb [ ] TT [ ] Other: ... Mb [ ] Stacy [ ] Falcon [ ] ST Book TT only: .... ST RAM, .... TT RAM PRINTER: Brand : ............................. Model : ............................. Type : [ ] Matrix [ ] Laser [ ] Other: ........... [ ] Inkjet [ ] Daisy wheel PERIPHERALS: -- Brand ------------ -- Model ------------- External diskdrives : ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... Modem : ..................... ...................... Hard disk(s) : ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... Monitor(s) : ..................... ...................... ..................... ...................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------