MYDIAL dialogs in the GEM Spooler 2.2 utilities ----------------------------------------------- All GEM Spooler 2.2 utilities now offer MYDIAL dialogs (MYDIAL is a dialog library from Olaf Meisiek) with normalized key code converting (NKCC, a library from Harald Siegmund). This has some advantages compared to normal GEM dialogs: - shortcut buttons: every button can be activated by pressing ALT simultaneously with the underlined character (e.g. ALT-O for OK). - normalized key code converting: all shortcuts behave the same way on all international TOS versions: ALT-Q is allways ALT-Q - dialogs can be moved by means of the mover (upper right corner). Just click on the mover, and drag the dialog to a new place. Release the mouse button to 'drop' the dialog on its new position. If you hold the control key, dialogs will be moved in transparent mode instead of in solid mode. Very useful to see what's beneath a dialog ! - Pressing INSERT in edit fields will pop up a menu with the ST character set. Click on a (special) character and it will be inserted in the edit field. - A mouse click in an edit field positions the cursor. - A more modern look of the dialogs: cross buttons, round radio buttons... I hope you enjoy these features, Steven Van Rossen, August 1992