*********************************************************************** * * * GEM Spooler 2 history: * * * *********************************************************************** Version Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 First GEM Spooler 2 version 2.1 GEM Spooler now has movable dialog boxes. New option: prompt for job settings. GEM Spooler can now ask for the job settings in every GEM program, whenever a job is added to the queue. Let'em Fly users can now also enable the shortcut option. Let'em Fly had problems with the resource file of version 2.0 while scanning for the shortcuts: it bombed on blanked G_TEXT objects. Although it shouldn't, we adapted our resource a little... (for your convenience) "Activate burst mode ?" will not appear if there are no jobs. The "Bytes printed" indication is now correct (version 2.0 displayed the bytes printed for each block only) 2.1b GEM Spooler survives resolution changes on the TT 2.2 GEM Spooler 2.2 is faster ! The standard evnt_multi() call was replaced by an alternative 'multi-event' call, that doesn't burden the stack. The net result is a faster spooler. Cosmetic change: the mover in the GEM Spooler dialogs has been restyled (it looks nearly the same as Flydial or Mydial movers) The problems with Tempus and with the Butler James clock are solved. These problems were caused by interrupt collisions between GEM Spooler and Tempus or James. Nobody's fault, because this was caused by a peculiarity of TOS when dealing with interrupts. New option: Intelligent filter (Setup). With this option set, GEM Spooler will check if a file really contains text before activating the filter. If the filter was set for a binary file, GEM Spooler will ignore it. This lets you set the filter always ON, no matter what file has to be spooled ! Filters now have a real name (16 characters). GEM Spooler will show this name in the Printer dialog instead of the filename (which happened to be GSPOOL2.CTB all the time). The names of the buttons User1, User2, User3, User4 can now be changed in the PDF file. The Job dialog will now give the name of the job instead of "(this job)". All utility programs use MyDial by Olaf Meisiek, featuring: movable dialogs, shortcut buttons etc. Serial printing avoids problems with input-output redirecting programs (solution suggested by Atari ST ProfiBuch) A terrible bug has been removed: if the buffer size was too high (e.g. 64Kb), the spooler didn't print. Sorry for this one ! Steven Van Rossen, August 1992