Steffen Engel Kroeppelstr. 2 FRG-38100 Braunschweig Registration form for GEMAR 1. Name: __________________________________________________ 2. Address & phone number __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ FAX: __________________________________________________ EMail: __________________________________________________ 3. Desired Version: O normal version (Updates only after sending in the original disk plus postal expenses) $ 60,- O large version (3 updates for free, automatically after their publication, written note for each following update) $ 90,- O professional applicant (large version) $ 180,- O additional XFS-Driver $ 25,- 4. Payment by: O transfer O enclosed check O enclosed cash O cash on delivery (plus fees) 5. Used computer: O Atari ST O Atari TT O Atari Falcon 6. Used streamer: _________________________________________________ Hereby I declare that the GEMAR version which is registered upon my name must not be passed on to a third person, and that the hand book must not be copied or put in circulation. Place, Date: _________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________