Welcome to FujiDesk/BeeWatch/MousEye (FujiMaus for short) A buncha features in one tiny program... Use 'em all or only the ones you want to use..... Plus a few more helpful features for those little emergencies..... These files may be freely distributed as long as FUJIMAUS.PRG, CONFUJWE.ACC and this text file remain unchanged and together. ShareWare from Chet Walters..... ShareWare Notice (ie "the old harangue...") This latest enhancement comes to you as ShareWare from Chet Walters. If you use and enjoy these new FujiMaus enhancements to the original FujiDesk, hopefully you will send $5 or $10 along to: Chet Walters PO Box 45 Girard, OH 44420 In fact, I'd like to write a little editor so that you can replace the watch animation sequence, the desktop's arrow and sleep sequence, and maybe even the FUJI to something personal, but I have lots of "other" work to do so we'll see what the response is here. The hooks to install new mouse forms are already in the program, it's just waiting for me to have the time to write an editor. But, like most humans, I gotta eat...... Last enhancement to FujiMaus -- January 31, 1992 v1.40 (see NEW STUFF) So, what's FujiDesk? A Fuji symbol that adorns your desktop whenever there is a menu bar present. In monochrome (normal, bigscreen and overscan) and ST medium (not medium overscan, though [sigh]), the Fuji rotates at your chosen preset speed. In TT medium and ST low resolutions, it's a nice rainbow corresponding to all the colors currently set on the desktop (or whatever program you're in). FujiDesk will not work on custom color boards as of yet. FujiDesk is active whenever there is a menu bar corresponding to the desktop's menu bar. It detects this by looking for the menu bar line across the screen. If it finds no line, it will hide. The only time you may have trouble with FujiDesk is when you are running a full screen graphics editor and the picture on the screen just happens to have a solid line where the menu line normally appears causing you to end up with an unwanted Fuji in your picture. That's about it. Should this occur, you can turn off the entire package by pressing the toggle keys (as explained below) and turn 'em back on when you're finished with your picture. So, what's BeeWatch? The desktop busy bee is cute enough, but a little boring mostly, especially during long prints and file copies and whatnot. So, BeeWatch replaces the desktop's busy bee with a ticking watch! You can set the speed of the ticking and how long the bee should wait until it becomes a watch and starts ticking. So, what's MousEye? It's a mouse pointer that likes to look where it's going! If you move the arrow, it will turn into an eye looking in the direction of travel. It looks a little scared too, but cute! You can set the relative motion needed before he looks. If you don't move him around for a while, he'll get lazy and go to sleep. While he's sleeping, every now and then he'll wake up and look to see if you're still around (so.... are ya?). NEW FEATURE ADDED January 28, 1992 (version 1.40 see end of file) FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY! If MousEye is active, it has an additional feature. Pressing both the LEFT and RIGHT shift keys at once will ALWAYS have this effect: If the mouse is currently "showing" (ie active) SHIFT/SHIFT will "hide" it (but will leave a copy of it "permanently" on the screen). If the mouse is currently "hidden" SHIFT/SHIFT will cause it to SHOW and go into "sleep" sequence. This can be dangerous in programs which expect the mouse to be "hidden" (drawing programs, word processors, etc). If you abuse these key presses in such programs, there will be little mousie turds all over your work. DON'T use this feature unless you really need it (for emergencies described below). However, if you are at the desktop and want to show off the sleep sequence, press SHIFT/SHIFT once, wait a second (move the mouse if you like), then press SHIFT/SHIFT again. Fool around with this feature when you are doing something that's not important to get the feel of it. Have you ever come up to an alert box but there's no mouse pointer and the default button on the box is just the opposite of what you want to select and you have one hell of a time selecting the other button since the mouse is nowhere to be found? Is that what's troubling you, Boopie? Well, MousEye can fix that and here's the method to use: When you come up to an alert but no mouse pointer, hold the LEFT shift key down and lightly tap the RIGHT shift key momentarily (you can set an extra key explained below). This will "wake up" the mouse pointer. Next, move the mouse so that it is completely inside the button you wish to click (or as best as you can get it completely inside). Repeat the SHIFT sequence described above to "hide" the mouse pointer then press the ALT/INSERT keys momentarily or carefully click the LEFT mouse button (don't move the mouse) to make your selection. The reason you should get the mouse completely inside the button is that when you "re- hide" the mouse with the second set of key presses, there will be a copy of the mouse pointer left on the screen permanently. If the pointer is fully inside the button, when the button is redrawn by GEM to darken it, that will "erase" the "permanent" pointer. Voila! This feature can also be helpful to programmers who are debugging and find that they forgot to hide the mouse when they should have or forgot to show it when they needed to. Initiate the "hide" or "show" with the keys at runtime, and make a note to fix your code (I do this all the time!). ALL THIS FOR SO LITTLE! All three of the features plus the emergency feature plus the "PARK" feature are included in FUJIMAUS.PRG (less than 12K!) You can place FUJIMAUS.PRG just about anywhere in your auto folder so they get installed every time you boot the machine, or you can run the program from the desktop if you wish. It will only install itself once for each session with the machine, and once installed, the whole shebang takes up less than 10K of RAM! KEY PRESS TOGGLE ON/OFF If you need to toggle them ALL on and off for any reason (program conflict or whatever) press CONTROL/LEFT SHIFT/ALTERNATE keys down all at once, then tap the RIGHT SHIFT key momentarily. To turn them ALL back on, just repeat those keys. This key press ON/OFF switch is available at ANY TIME while the computer is turned on. Remember, this will turn off/on ALL THREE of the features of FujiMaus (or just the ones you have active). The SHIFT/SHIFT combination affects only MousEye as already explained. **************************************** CONFUJWE.ACC (.PRG): This program/accessory will allow you to configure the FUJIMAUS.PRG file or the already installed in memory FUJIMAUS with some little enhancements as described below. It runs as an accessory or a program depending on what it's named. It runs fine from MultiDesk or MultiDesk Deluxe as an accessory. It also works as a non-resident MultiDesk MDX too, but you MUST not punch the "0" button under "TOGGLE VBI" (see below). Just name it CONFUJWE.PRG and run it from the desktop or name it CONFUJWE.ACC and install it like any normal accessory. WHAT'S IT DO? When run (either way), CONFUJWE will look to see if the correct version of FUJIMAUS is already installed in memory. If it finds it, you can configure either the one running or the program file. If it's not installed, you can configure only the program file. If you have an older version of FUJIMAUS installed, you will have to reboot the machine after placing the newest version in the AUTO folder. A good rule of thumb, the largest sized FUJIMAUS.PRG is the latest version if you have two of them hiding on your drives. Remember, anything described can be done to the actively running FUJIMAUS or set as default in the program file. There is a built in "help" system which can be accessed by clicking on the TEXT above the buttons in the dialog. Click these to see what most of the functions will do. For the things not included in the "help" system, here are some details: WHAT TO RUN? As mentioned, you can have all features active, just one or just two. Merely turn on and off the features you'd like by clicking the appropriate buttons next to the name of the feature. Remember that the "no mouse alert emergency feature" will only work if MousEye is turned on. However, if you set an abnormally high RELATIVE SPEED factor and set 999 seconds for the "sleep" timer but leave MousEye on, you can effectively disable the "looker" and "sleeper" but still have the emergency feature available to you. DELAY TRANSFORM? What's that for? This will set the time that the bee will remain on the screen before it's replaced by the ticking watch. With hard drives, and some quickly passing functions which only show the bee for a short time or repeatedly turn the bee on and off and on again, it's a little disconcerting to have the bee appear, then the watch, then the arrow, then the bee then the watch then the arrow.... you get the idea. This parameter sets BeeWatch to wait a bit before the ticker shows up. CAPSLOCK FOR RESET: Set this to "YES" and the key press resets will only be activated if CAPS LOCK is on. This is to reduce the chances of your pressing the keys inadvertently. It's really not needed, but it's there none the less. Run with it set to "NO" for a while to determine if you really need it. TOGGLE VBI CAUTION: DON'T DO THIS AS A NON-RESIDENT .MDX IN MULTIDESK DELUXE Under this heading is a button named "0". This button will permanently remove the currently running FUJIMAUS program from the VBI list. This will free a VBI slot if you need one, but the actual program it will remain in memory (though inactive) until you shut down the machine. The on and off buttons work fine even as MDX. GET & SET The GET buttons will read settings for all the other buttons from memory or the program file and put them into the dialog (setting all those buttons). The SET buttons will write the values of the current buttons to either the program or memory. SETting memory will take effect immediately. If you SET the program file, these will become the "default" settings next time boot the machine but no changes will take place immediately. In the upper right hand corner of the dialog is a small notice that will tell you where the button settings were last read from or were last written to (dangle those prepositions, why doncha!). You can GET default settings from the file for a quick SET to memory or vice versa. CAVEATS (ie "things that are not bugs but seem to be") FujiDesk, BeeWatch and MousEye use fully documented and supported Line-A variables to do their work. However, it seems that Line-A is no longer "politically correct" so these things aren't guaranteed to work with all future versions of TOS nor on some custom screen boards. They do work on all versions of TOS currently in release (ST, STe, Mega, MegaSTe, TT). FujiMaus is fixed for Squishing as per Keith at DC but you must configure an "UnSquished" version of the program file before Squishing (but you can still configure the one already installed in memory (since it's UnSquished at that point, right?)). For compatibility with CodeHead's CodeKeys, FujiMaus does NOT "auto" move the mouse pointer in any way. FujiMaus should not screw up any macros you have set up though, admittedly, this has not been tested fully. Let us know. Sometimes if you move the mouse quickly while a window or box is being redrawn, there will be mouse turds left hanging around. Good rule of thumb... if something is getting drawn, don't move the mouse quickly. Sometimes when you move up into the menu bar and select something or pull down a menu and then decide to not select anything, when you click the mouse button to put the menu away, FujiMaus gets "dumb" (he keeps looking up at the menu bar). If you keep moving him around, he'll stay "dumb" and just keep on looking up there wondering what the heck has happened. To get his attention again, just let him sit still for a second. He'll get the message. Some programs need utmost control to do their work and they disable interrupts. This may or may not cause FujiMaus to miss some mouse changes which may or may not leave mousie turds on the screen. If you have a program that's giving you hassles, shut the thing off while you use that program. Some "lazy" programs do not handle the mouse as they should. They will change the pointer to a bee which makes it become a watch, then they will just leave it a bee (which is a watch) and rely that the mouse is just "hidden" and never change it back to an arrow. This may also cause droppings. It's rare. Same solution as above. Some accessories or AUTO folder programs need an interrupt to do some work. FujiMaus needs and interrupt to do what it does. If you have an AUTO folder full of stuff that take up slots in the VBI list, adding FujiMaus may just take up the last slot, being the camel the breaks the straw's back. Hence, no slots are left open for the AUTO folder program that runs after FujiMaus to grab (accessories always run after AUTO folder programs). TOS has built in the ability to add to the list so if an ACC or AUTO PRG really really needs a slot, it should use the documented method to get one. However, some depend on one being free and don't increase the list. No solution here except remove something from the AUTO folder that takes a slot so there will be one left for that ACC or PRG to grab. NOTE: FujiMaus does NOT have the code installed to increase the available slots for VBI if there are none open when it runs. If there are no slots left open, it will not install. It does not feel that self-important. Note to NeoDesk users: NeoDesk's FONTLOAD.PRG uses a "temporary" VBI slot. This means that it grabs a slot, uses it until all the programs in the AUTO folder have run, then frees it once the desktop comes up. Why? I don't know (but I ASSuME that it uses this slot as a "cookie" finder or mebbe a "place holder" for NeoDesk). BTW - you can get hold of me on GEnie at address C.WALTERS1 or check CATegory #7, TOPics 5, 6 and 13. Our "home" BBS is NEO STag at (216) 759-1809. ************************* NEW STUFF ************************ Here is where you will find any enhancements added to FujiMaus since it's initial version 1.31 release of January 17, 1992..... VERSION 1.41 January 31, 1992 FREE PARKING! (a la suggestions by Mel Motogawa) Now, upon entering the "sleep" sequence after your chosen timeout delay, MousEye will run through one dream animation. Upon the second dream animation sequence or at the very end of the first, you can have him "PARK" himself at a preset location on the screen! To set this up, run the new CONFUJWE and set the following parameters as you like: - PARK - NEVER - do we have to explain this one? W/ PAUSE will park the critter upon entry into the second "dream" animation sequence while NO PAUSE parks him right at the end of the first "dream." - UNPARK WHEN - UPON ACTIVITY means that if you move the pointer or press a button while he's parked, the furry little varmint will snap to attention at the point on the screen from whence he came when he got parked (sort of a "valet parking" service)! NEVER means that apparently you did not tip the guy enough so he won't bring it back ever...... - PARK WHERE - The critter has 9 designated parking spots in the screen parking "lot." Pick the one that suits ya! (NO CATS ALLOWED) - OVERRIDE - your "UNPARK" selection can be overridden if you like by holding down the SHIFT KEY the first time you move him once he's parked. If the SHIFT key is down and he is set to UNPARK he WILL NOT UNPARK but start right from his parking spot. Conversely, if he is set to NEVER unpark, he WILL UNPARK if the SHIFT key is down. Why is this feature in there? Well, we like to have him park up by the menu bar set to unpark, but sometimes we like to just grab a menu item without him jumping down into the middle of the screen forcing us to move him back up to where he was resting to make that selection. So, we just hold down the SHIFT KEY and move him a bit then release the SHIFT KEY and voila! He's there already! But, if we have an alert to answer to, if we DON'T hold the shift key, he jumps down to handle the alert box! Smart li'l critter..... These "PARK" features are only available if MouseEye is turned on, of course..... (but you knew that). NOTE: Because it is necessary to "auto-move" the mouse for parking and unparking, we do now send a mouse packet to the keyboard where we did not before. While this does not seem to bother CodeKeys at all, some programs which disable interrupts (but fail to turn off the mouse interrupt) while at their work may CRASH if the mouse is moved while these critical processes are in effect (hard drive formats etc.). We strongly recommend that you disable FUJIMAUS with the press of CTRL/ALT/SHIFT/SHIFT before you run these programs and then repeat that key sequence once you exit them. One tried and true crasher is DIAMOND BACK.... there may be others. A LITTLE SMARTER Oh, and FujiMaus is no longer "dumb" and no longer "forgets" he was in the menu bar, looking up at it like an imbecile. TOS (versions > 1.2) does some funny things and it took me some time to figure out just what it was doing when the mouse went into the menu bar (nasty boys at Atari doing that "illegal" stuff.... hmmmmmmmm...). This does still occur in some programs when an alert box appears. It's rare so we don't figure to fix it. ABOUT SQUISHING..... Just a comment to you folks who wish that FujiMaus could be configured in a "squished" condition. Nearly 75% of the program is bit mapped mouse and fuji data and if you ever wanna have an editor to put your own patterns in there, you would only be able to squish about 25% of the darn thing anyway which would save you about 12 bytes mebbe but since a sector cluster must always add up to something divisible by 1024 regardless of actual file size, YOU WOULD NOT SAVE A SINGLE BYTE by doing it. Nuff said. (the program is still under 10K) INQUIRING MINDS (ours) WANNA KNOW.... Currently there are available eight (8) animation frames for the "bee watch" and twenty-two (22) frames for the "dream" animation sequences. If an editor ever shows up, we're thinking of adding eight (8) additional frames for the bee making 16 available and two additional frames for "dream" making it an even 24 frames. Each "frame" requires 64 bytes of memory so you can add it up and let us know how many you'd like to have in each one...... GEnie address is C.WALTERS1 or, of course, you can let us know when you send your ShareWare donation...