Fones - Telephone Directory Freeware for the Atari ST by Lee W. Benjamin and the Middle Georgia Atari User's Group (MGAUG) with GFA routines by others mentioned below. v1.2 1/16/92 Change History: v1.2 - Added feature where empty search string will show the whole list. - Added Right button or any key to search again, improved prompting. - Added additonal boxes to make screen more spiffy. v1.1 - Changed resolution check to inform High Rez users it only works in medium rez. - Decreased size of "records" display to add feature buttons. - Added up and down scroll buttons and index display. - Changed doc file to admit that I now include a sample file. v1.0 - Original public release. ====================================================================== This program evolved from my tendency to keep a flat ASCII text file around, called FONES.LIS, that contains one line telephone entries and my need to access said file easily. A typical record might be: Benjamin, Lee W. (Atari 1040 ST) 1234 Mystreet Dr. Anytown, GA 31207 212-3333 Note that the line is less than 80 characters and contains various information. Because this file is "Flat ASCII", I can port it to various systems and have my "telephone book" available. On each different system I would then use a local facility like GREP on a UNIX system or SEARCH on a VAX, to access the file. On some systems you run into case sensitivity (UNIX) and on some you don't (VAX VMS). Note that as long as each record is less than 80 characters it may contain ANY information as these generalized searches would pick up any lines/records containing the search string. For example if the search string is "Dr." it would pick up both abbreviations "Dr." as in Doctor, and "Dr." as in Drive. Including a line with the word "updated" and the last updated date can also be useful. On the Atari ST I've typically used DCSHOWIT or DCSHOWER or the DCSHOW chain of DCDESKTOP or an editor to look at the file, but I've always wanted to write a program of my own to search it. Installation: All you need to do is create your own file of one-line telephone or address entries using any editor that can save true ASCII files, name it FONES.LIS, and put it in the same directory as the FONES.PRG file. I have included a sample file. Use: Sorry, no usage notes. If you can read and use an ST, you can use this program. REMEMBER THE CASE SENSITIVITY! Yes, that is a close button at the top left corner. Surprise: Well golly gee, Mr. Wizard, I ran the program without any FONES.LIS file and it gave me a file selector! Yes, it's true. this program is general enough that if you have ANY file of 80 character records you can search through it for any string you can enter on the ST's keyboard. In fact it's not even limited to 80 character records, but if you insist on reading in very long lines, then I insist that they overflow the display area and give you a really lousy looking display. :) Where'd the cool interface come from? This program use's David Becker's excellent ZeST interface as translated to Medium Resolution by Gary Dooms. Opressive Disclaimer: This program is freeware and may not be sold in any way for any purpose. This program only READS diskettes and I cannot imagine how it could damage anything, but being of somewhat sound mind, I must state that I cannot guarantee that this program will never cause anyone any data loss or other forms of grief. If it's broke - tough! On the other hand, comments and suggestions are welcome. Lee W. Benjamin GEnie: L.W.BENJAMIN <<<<<<<<<< MGAUG - An AIM Participating User's Group! >>>>>>>>>>> For more information on MGAUG, please contact me on GEnie or you may contact: Jeff Vincent MGAUG President Rt1 Box 362 M4 Carl Sutton Rd. Lizella, Ga. 31052 (912)836-3852 <<<<<<<<<< MGAUG - An AIM Participating User's Group! >>>>>>>>>>>