Registration To register with Critical Mass Concepts please send a letter with your name address and which software you obtained. Alternatively enclose the following information (or print this file out and send the filled in portion). The information on here is confidential, and is only requested so we can decide how best to serve you needs. Name : (Mr/Mrs/Ms) _________________________________________ Address : __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ POSTCODE : __________ Daytime Telephone Number : (_________) ____________________ Where did you obtain our software : ______________________ ____________________________________________________________ What CMC software did you obtain : ________________________ Your computer make (i.e. ST520FM): _________________________ Memory : ______(K) Hard Drive : YES / NO Tos Version : V_______ Second drive : YES / NO Monochrome monitor : YES / NO Favourite piece of ST software : ___________________________ Most Used piece of ST software : ___________________________ Please list any items of software which you would like but cannot afford. This helps to determine which items of software have no shareware counterpart. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING IS OPTIONAL BUT PLEASE SEND THESE DETAILS OR ANY PARTS OF THEM TO HELP US DECIDE WHAT TO WRITE FOR YOU NEXT. What do you use your computer for (Tick or give a value between 1 - 10 which represents the importance you would attribute to each use) Application Value or Tick Word Processing ______ Games playing ______ Programming ______ Educational ______ Art / Design ______ Data Storage (e.g. Database) ______ Other ___________________ ______ How old are you : (12-18), (18-30), (30-40), (40-50), (50+) What is your job (specify if possible or tick as many as apply) : __________________ Software Related / Hardware Related / Education / Student Post Graduate / Commercial / Self Employed / Retired Would you be willing to test out future products (we would pay for everything, and chuck in the finished version on a free disk) : YES / NO Do you wish to here of future products : YES / NO Do you wish to here of major upgrades : YES / NO Have you enclosed œ5.00 registration : YES / NO Have you made a donation (GUILT !) : YES / NO Did you find our software useful (1-10 or YES/NO) : ________ What was it's major problems : _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________ How would you like to see it improved : ____________________ ____________________________________________________________ Any ideas for future products : ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________