Freeware Copyright 1992 John M. Sieben Extended Copy and Append This program is freeware and may be freely distributed. I will not be responsible for any damages that may occur as a result of it's use. If you discover any problems with this program please feel free to contact me through GEnie, my address is J.SIEBEN. I wrote this program to serve two purposes: to copy a file larger than a floppy disk to many floppy disks and to rebuild it from those disks. The program will do a regular file copy as well. This program will only allow you to copy one file at a time. Copying Files When the program is executed you will be presented with the Item Selector to select the file you want to copy. If you have TOS 1.04 or greater the Item Selector will make use of the title line. The program also supports the Little Green File Selector's title box. After selecting the source file the Item Selector will appear again so you may select the destination path, and optionally, a different filename. Before the procedure begins, you will be presented with a statistics alert box giving you the filename (of the source), size, free disk space (of the destination) and the drive letter. You will also be prompted for what you want to do. If the filename already exists you will be prompted to choose if you want to append or overwrite the file. Copying to Floppy (Floppies) This option will let you copy from any drive other than "A" to drive "A". If the file is bigger than the free space on drive "A" the program will prompt you to insert another disk when the disk is full. It will continue to do this until the file is completely copied. If the destination filename exists on these extra disks it will be overwritten with NO WARNING. It is assumed you will be using blank disks but you can use disks that are not. This gives you the option to get some use out of that free space. Appending Files When you want to append to an existing file you should select the append option from the statistics alert box. The program will append to the file if it will fit on the disk. This will work for any source and destination as long as they are not both on drive "A". Technical Stuff The program is written in assembly using DevpacST. I have tried to make it as bug free and correct (proper programing techniques) as possible. All of it's disk access functions are done with GEMDOS. The program uses 4342 bytes of memory when loaded. When it starts to copy it will use (Malloc) all available ram minus 16384 which is left for the AES. It uses two Line-A opcodes: $A009 Enable mouse cursor and $A00A Disable mouse cursor. Enjoy, Mike