~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### # # #### ##### ##### # # #### Duplicate File Finder v1.08 # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # #### ### # # # # # # Coded by STeve of ///Reachout # # # # # # # # ## # # #### #### # # ##### # # #### >>>> A Shareware Program <<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The usual Shareware plea.... If you find this program useful then please send a small donation to the ///Reachout 'Support Board' and/or 'STeve's Coffee Fund' The money you send, say a fiver, will help keep ///Reachout up and running and therefore you will have SOME on-line support for this and any of my other programs such as FizzBill, Scan4Pak etc. This program is a FULL version, there are NO features disabled! Send your dosh to: STeve Basford, 139 Wistaston Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 7RH England! Thank You! In the beginning... Well, DupFind was written soon after I got my hard disk drive and as everyone does, you throw on all your much needed files from floppy disk onto your brand spanking new bit of kit... The problem I came across was that, you can easily end up with quite a few versions of the SAME file, in different areas of your hard disk - The bigger the disk, the more likly you are to get duplicate files. So, the first version of DupFind was born...It had quite a few bugs and was very very slow...BUT the idea was there.... Using the program... Ok, you'll need to click on the DUPFIND.PRG inorder to get anywhere! @:-) Once into DupFind, you'll find yourself in MasterMind '92 Ie. You'll be asked some hard questions like... 'Which Drives do you wish to scan?' - Well, you can just scan two drives by entering 'CD', which will look at all the files on drive C and drive D, look for any duplicate files and will tell you where they are. However, for the best results you really should scan ALL your drives, at the same time. 'Output to File, Screen or Printer?' - I'd try 'S' at first, just to see what's going on. If you output to file, the filename will be called 'DUPFIND.LIS'. Lift off... Now, DupFind should start scanning all your selected drives and sort all the files into order. If you have any duplicated files you will be given a list of them, for example... * - C:/FORMAT/DCFORMAT.PRG * - E:/DCFORMAT/DCFORMAT.PRG - C:/README.TXT - D:/TEXT/README.TXT - D:/TEXT/RDD27.PRG - E:/PROGS/RDD27.PRG Ok, the above example shows you have a copy of DCFORMAT.PRG on both the C and E drive and, as indicated by the '*', they are identical. You should now look both these file and you should then be able to delete one of them! Also, in the above example, you have a README.TXT on drive C and a README.TXT on drive D. These files have the same filename BUT are not identical. This feature may not sound very useful BUT it could be that you have a packed version of a file. So, in the above example RDD27.PRG is found on drives D and E, but are not exact in size, however uppon checking E:/PROGS/RDD27.PRG it is found to be a packed version of D:/TEXT/RDD26.PRG and so one of these can be deleted. Advert time... If you want to find out if any of your files are packed then comming soon is version 2.0 of Scan4Pak, which is able to detect a wide range of packed programs, some of which can then be un-packed with MUG UK's superb Muti-file de-packer, which at the current time of writing is at version 1.5! Scan4Pak will be shooting it's way to ///Reachout in the near future... Also ready on ///Reachout is my FizzBill phone bill calculator program, which will read the log files on the Brilliant FzDSTerm comms program and will calculate the cost of your COMMS phonebill... The end bit... Well, hope you find Dupfind useful and that you find loadsa duplicate files... Have fun and keep on coding... STeve Arrrhhhhh it's the Greetings.... Many many thanks to Ste\/e and |_indy Caple for all your support, keeping ///Reachout online and for some great coffee and bicci's... God bless the both of you... Many thanks to MUG UK for those packers and for comments on Scan4Pak... Support... Ricky, Shirl, Jane, Marnie and Alistair. Hi's to... Mark Matts ( Great Programs ) Stuart Coates ( Great Programs ) Rob De Wet ( Expert Bug Finder ) Axe ( Super Program/Data packer ) Thomas Quester ( Mega LZH/PFX programs ) Vincent Partington ( Jekyll..yeah! ) Paul Baker ( Jekyll Shell ) Paul Bramwell, Michael James, Jeff Minter ( Wicked Games Coder ) And all i've chatted to on FidoNet... STeve..... @:-)