DISKLOCK v1.0 for Atari ST/TT computers by Jim Stamm ** User's Manual ** DISKLOCK is a memory-resident AUTO folder program that allows you to disable all destructive disk operations. When activated by a "hot key" sequence, it prevents any program (including the GEM Desktop) from making changes through operating system calls to any of the disks connected to your computer. DISKLOCK protects floppies, hard disks and ram disks. It was inspired by my two year old son who loves to play with D.A. Brumleve's excellent children's programs. When I activate DISKLOCK, I can let him use the computer (fairly) unsupervised and not worry about him trashing files on my hard drive. It's also convenient to use _whenever_ I leave the computer unattended, as even adult tampering is not unheard of. In fact, I have come to think of it as a "screen saver" (although manual) for my disks. There are other software "write-protect" programs around, but they have more features and complexity than I need, and take up more RAM than I'm willing to give. INSTALLATION Copy DISKLOCK.PRG to the AUTO folder of your boot disk to install it. If you want to protect a hard disk or ram disk, you will need to be sure that it comes after the hard disk or ram disk driver program in the directory listing (as viewed unsorted). DISKLOCK.PRG can also be run from the Desktop at any time, so rebooting is not necessary for an occasional use. However, it only takes up a little over 1 KB of RAM, so it's a good candidate for permanent presence in your boot sequence. Please note though that if you want to protect a RAM disk that you run from the Desktop, you will have to run DISKLOCK from the Desktop also, as it is necessary to run it after the RAM disk program. ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION Until you activate DISKLOCK it just sits there passing disk operation requests on to the operating system. After pressing the keypad's "plus" key while holding down the Control, Left Shift and Alternate keys, DISKLOCK swings into action. It can then be deactivated by pressing the keypad's "minus" key while holding down the Control, Left Shift and Alternate keys. You can activate and deactivate DISKLOCK as many times in one session as you like. OPERATION When DISKLOCK is installed and activated, it automatically intercepts attempts to make changes to any of the system's disks (copying, renaming or deleting files, creating or deleting folders, formatting floppies, or changing a file's attribute bits). If such an attempt is made, DISKLOCK will ring the console bell and deny the request. COPYRIGHT DISKLOCK is placed in the public domain, and may be freely distributed, provided this documentation file accompanies it. If you find the need to alter the program, or this file, please be sure to make it clear to the user/reader that you have done so. Commented assembly language source code (for Laser C's in-line assembler) is available on request. DISCLAIMER While this program seems fine to me (else I would not release it) you must take it "as is". I am not responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of or while using this program. I will, of course, take credit for any and all good things that happen. It has been tested only on TOS v1.04, but should work on any TOS version and machine. January 26, 1992 Jim Stamm Silicon Mountain Systems 5989 Ohio River Rd Huntington WV 25702 304-525-0164 GEnie address: J.STAMM