Dingbat! ------------------------ Copyright 1990, David Becker GEnie mail to D.Becker8 Would'nt it be fun if you could include those non-standard graphic characters in your filenames? How about a little clock in your alarm accessory or a musical note in your MIDI program? The ST's desktop will not allow you to enter any of these special characters (try holding down CONTROL and typing random keys within your word processor). Dingbat is the answer to this shortcoming. Dingbat will run on all ST platforms with a monochrome monitor. (If you are only using colour I recommend you take a hard look at Atari's excellent monochrome alternative). When run, Dingbat presents you with the standard item selector box in which to choose the file you wish to re-name. After you have made a choice (do not re-name .RSC or other support files associated with a program - this will prevent programs from loading properly) you will be presented with the main screen containing (from top to bottom) the original filename, the new filename being created and the "point and shoot grid". To re-name the chosen file simply type characters from the keyboard or point at one of the graphic boxes within the "point and shoot grid". The backspace key deletes characters and the ESC key erases the entire filename for re-entry. Click within the RENAME: box at the top to abort and choose another filename. When you are happy with the new filename in all of its glory simply press RETURN and make sure your disk is not write protected. Dingbat automatically tests to make sure your new name contains the correct extension (.ACC .PRG .APP .TOS .TTP) but remember that filenames can be no more than eight characters and extensions no more than three characters. After re-naming the file, Dingbat will again bring back the fileselector asking for another file to re-name. Simply click CANCEL when you are done. You use Dingbat at your own risk. It is NOT shareware, it is freeware. Have fun! Dave Becker GEnie D.Becker8