THE DEMO MAKER (Version 91-07-07) by Dan Panke Written in GFA Basic 3.5 NOTE: The Demo Maker runs in low resolution and requires 1 MEG of memory. The Demo Maker is an easy to use program designed with creating demos in mind. In fact, the Demo Maker program is somewhat of a compiler, taking commands from an ASCII text file, interpreting the commands and executing them. All commands may be entered in upper or lower case. Quotes, spaces and equal signs (=) are optional as the Demo Makers strips them during compilation. Undecipherable commands are ignored. The Demo Maker consists of 12 commands described as follows: DO Marks the location in your demo for a LOOP. FILE=text Tells the Demo Maker to be ready to load this file. This file can be a low resolution picture, Xbios 32 sound, or ST Replay sample. EXAMPLE: FILE="picture.pc1" file a:picture.pi1 File = a:\pics\picture.pp1 NOTE: The Demo Maker automatically defaults to the directory where the loaded demo ASCII text file was loaded from. KHZ=variable Sets the KHz rate for the ST Replay sample. The sample player in the Demo Maker can only play samples of 3 to 16 KHz. The Demo Maker has an original default value of 5 KHz. LOAD PICTURE 1 ... LOAD PICTURE 8 Loads the file set by the 'FILE=' command. The defined picture file must have the extender '.PI1' (Degas Uncompressed), '.PC1' (Degas compressed), or '.PP1' (Pixel Perfect format). The 1 - 8 defines which screen you want the picture loaded into. The Demo Maker has 8 working screens. LOAD SOUND 1 or LOAD SOUND 2 Loads the Xbios 32 sound or ST Replay sample set by the 'FILE=' command into the 1st or 2nd memory area. The maximum sound or sample size is 200000 bytes. LOOP Informs the Demo Maker to execute the command after DO. NOPLAY Turns off any XBIOS 32 music or ST Replay sample currently being played. PICTURE 1 ... PICTURE 8 Displays the picture located in the chosen memory area. PAUSE=variable Delays further execution for 'variable/50' seconds. EXAMPLE: PAUSE=50 (Delays the Demo Maker for 1 second.) REPEAT Restarts the loaded demo ASCII text file over again. REPLAY 1 or REPLAY 2 Plays the ST Replay sample in the chosen memory area. The sample player is interrupt driven so files can be loaded, pictures displayed, etc. while the sample is being played. XBIOS 1 or XBIOS 2 Plays the Xbios 32 routine in the chosen memory area. ABREVIATIONS: DO - DO FILE=text - FILEtext KHZ=variable - KHZvariable LOAD PICTURE 1 ...8 - LOADP1 ...8 LOAD SOUND 1 ...2 - LOADS1 ...2 LOOP - L NOPLAY - NO PAUSE=variable - PAvariable PICTURE 1 ...8 - P1 ...8 REPEAT - REPEAT REPLAY 1 ...2 - R1 ...2 XBIOS 1 ...2 - X1 ...2 SPECIAL NOTES: 1) When Demo Maker is loaded, the program looks for a ASCII text file called 'DEFAULT.DEM' located in the same directory as the Demo Maker program. If found, the 'DEFAULT.DEM' file is loaded and executed. 2) To STOP execution of the Demo Maker program, press the key. 3) The Demo Maker title screen and fileselector always appear on screen 1. It is best to start your demo by loading a picture in any other screen besides 1. It doesn't matter which area you load your sounds into. 4) You don't need to execute 'NOPLAY' before executing an 'XBIOS' or 'REPLAY' as both these commands call 'NOPLAY' before their execution. I do however recommend that you do NOT load a file overtop an already playing file. 5) An excellent program for creating Xbios 32 music is the PD program 'XBIOS MUSIC CONSTRUCTION KIT' by D.A. O'Connell. Should any user of this program have any suggestions for enhancements or encounter any errors, please drop me a letter. Dan Panke 3559 Trappers Road, Gloucester, Ontario Canada K1T 2R1 GEnie: D.Panke CompuServe: 73257,2635