***************** DATADIET.PRG 1.0a ***************** 1) DOS vector Revised the handler's GEMDOS vectoring method for compatibility with Dr. T's MIDI software plus anything else that severed the old trap vector method. An easy way to tell if a program was affected: only dietize one data support file (ex. RSC). If it crashes, then that means DD could not do its job for the file load call. 2) Improved operation with MultiGEM 3) Cookie jar Changed the cookie jar code to recognize an error state that occurs on pre TOS 2.0 machines when the 'warmstart reset' vector gets munged- such as with Dr. T's KCS Omega. Symptom: On a warmstart, DD's support files could not locate the DD handler and therefore some features were disabled. 4) Creates/Deletes/Renames All three functions needed a "real" name filter since you can't rely on what is passed. The filename that the system _uses_ (not what was passed) when saving a file is now used. Fixes problems encountered with: a) FILE.ARCRC >corrected to> FILE.ARC b) FILE.CVG.CVG >corrected to> FILE.CVG [NOTE: Now compatible with Outline Art] 5) Filespecs with ':' There was a problem with a colon ':' in the path (as a non drive specifier) or filename. 6) Fixed problem with NeoDesk's icon editor save DD's file tracking would fail causing a bomb out. 7) Hotkey change The hotkey routine needed a minor change to make it compatible with some programs with hotkey "controls"- including ADSpeed and Abbreviator ST. 8) Bypass bootup cleanup Since there has been some problems experienced with the bootup cleanup, I have added a way to bypass this process: holding down the 'Control' key before you see the DD "info" lines of text aborts cleanup. 9) Data Diet bypass Revised the bypass logic, now files will be cleaned up better when DD is turned off/on in programs. 10) INF changes A rudimentary 'include' mode is available by using 'incl' for the first four characters. NOTE: You can only have _extenders_ in an include type INF file. Also, the magic word 'diet' is equivalent to 'excl' at the beginning of the file. =========================================================================== ************* DD Tools 1.0b ************* Fixed: 1) Dietize UPDate process Needed to save the status of Data Diet on/off. Previously, the handler would be turned off and then not restored to the present state. 2) ESP readout Certain times when calories was saved, ESP errors occurred later. 3) Save Stats Corrected the 'Save Stats' text type- Data Diet, DC Squish or Both. 4) Normalize file running out of room If the drive runs out of space during normalization of a file, the file will be dietized with B type compression to fit it on the disk and the task aborted. =========================================================================== ***************** DATADIET.APP 1.0a ***************** 1) WORK dir create Corrected the WORK dir creation routine that was broken before official release. Now a RAMdisk ACC can be used again for the WORK dir which requires DATADIET.ACC to create the folder since the handler can not. 2) Dialog access When ran, holding down one of these modifier keys brings you directly to the specified dialog: a] Control - Configure b] Alternate - DD Tools 3) Exit The exit form alert prompting 'Delete/Rename' now has the 'No' button as the default. =========================================================================== *************** DD Control 1.0a *************** Added 'Use compression type A/B for File[S]ize>xxxx K' to the input parameters. S???? =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Taken from the README.1ST file on the MASTER Data Diet disk: **** DO + Try to make the WORK dir folder physically as near to the beginning of a drive for improved speed through reduced seek time. ie. defragment files for optimized writing (all files and folders moved to then end of drive), delete the WORK dir (contents: DATADIET.TBL only) and then recreate it (system places it near the start of the drive). + Use FOLDRxxx.PRG. On _ANY_ version of TOS. - Especially when you do batch dietizing with DD_TOOLS. + Use a cache program. + Periodically defragment your drives. - Performance can only be helped by this maintenance chore. + Try to use REALTIME mode when using a RAMdisk for the WORK directory. + Quit a program if you are using a RAMdisk for the WORK directory in TERMINATE mode. DON'T + Be afraid. + Turn off the power while in a program if you are using a RAMdisk for the WORK directory in TERMINATE mode. **** Corrections and additions to the manual: PAGE i: ======= DD_CNTL.PRG should actually be called DD_CNTRL.TTP. The program and documentation for the program are in the DD_CNTRL folder. PAGE 31: ======== For manuals without the universal recycle symbol on the back, the dialog displayed is not the FILE INFO dialog box. The instructions for getting FILE INFO and the actual text in the display are correct. You can also click on the file name in the FILE INFO dialog to repeat getting file information. PAGE 33: ======== The manual states the buttons to take path calories is PATH, but should be PATH CALORIES, and the button to take drive calories should be DRIVE(S) CALORIES, not calories. ADDENDUM: ========= The key toggles for the DATA DIET functions (to turn DD on and off, and to toggle the FIND NEXT FILE size) will not toggle the button displays in the Data Diet accessory while you are in the accessory. Leave the desk accessory and enter it to have the button reflect the current status. EXEC DD_TOOLS button will be disabled if you do not have enough memory inside the current application to run DD_TOOLS from disk. Try using DC Reserve v1.2! You can save the Data Diet Tools configuration by clicking on the name of Data Diet Tools v1.0 from the DD Tools main menu. An alert box will appear and you can click on YES to save the current settings. When saving configuration information from the Data Diet front end accessory/ program, it will attemp to locate DATADIET.PRG in the current working directory (at the desktop, the currently topped window). If it is unable to find DATADIET.PRG, it will attempt to locate it in the boot disk AUTO folder. When saving configuration information from DD Tools, DD Tools will attempt to locate itself in the current working directory (at the desktop, the currently topped window). If it is unable to find itself, it will look to the directory it was booted up from. The actual default name for the Data Diet work directory is C:\DATADIET.WRK STEFIX.PRG must run after Data Diet in the AUTO folder. This program is only for early production STEs. When using UIS to copy a sub-directory with multiple files (ex. FOLDER1 w/5 files), the filesearch next option must be set to 'original' size to avoid truncating files. If in doubt about multiple file copy situations, just experiment with a couple of backed up files and verify file integrity. Turning off the handler is the easiest way to do _quick, exact copies of dietized files_- especially at the desktop- since compressed files would be normalized then re-dietized at the destination with DD on. This holds true for Maxifile and any other "multiple file manipulator". _DO NOT_ Squish these files: 1) .SYS files, since most are not "executed" (usually drivers: ie hard disk and printer) 2) NEODESK.EXE 3) Timeworks DTP .OVLs 4) Fleet Street DTP .OVLs and .USF ********** Things to note, which are not bugs! ********** The very first file (or if a directory contains only one dietized file) in any directory listing will always be displayed with the original file size, even if the file is dietized. The reason for this is explained on page 26 in the underlined paragraph. Data Diet will always return the original file size for the FIND FIRST FILE, which can be the first file displayed in a directory. Data Diet will create a zero byte length file in the original file directory for any file newly created. The file is full-sized in the work directory. This is done so you can locate the file from the original directory. Once dietization is performed, the file will have a length in the original directory.