This file should contain BREAKUP.PRG and BREAKUP.TXT. This program is FREEWARE. All rights reserved. Note that FREEWARE does not mean Public Domain. I have often let my Aladdin files get to large to load into a word processor or text editor. I ended up trying to split the files manually. This was a difficult task sometimes so I sat down and wrote this little program. I had seen several request on GEnie for such a program and thus decided to share it with others. Breakup is a very simple utility to split large files. It is nothing elaborate or anything. You just enter 3 pieces of information and off it goes. Breakup has NOT been tested on anything other than a Mega STE 4 with TOS 2.06. It should however work on all ST systems. I do not know about a TT since I do not have one. Reports indicate that it does work on a TT though. I, or Southern Software (the company) cannot be held responsible for any damages, lost time, lost information, lost profit or anything else. You accept this program as is. Nothing intentionally has been added to cause any form of damage. Ok, now onto running Breakup. When the program boots up, you will be presented with a prompt asking what size in 1K increments to make each block. There is a 4000K (4 meg) limit on the size of each block. You can enter '0' here to terminate the program. The program will then calculate the number of blocks that is required to split the file in the size you have chosen. There is a limit of 999 blocks. That calculates to a possible original file size of 4,091,904,000 bytes. If at anytime the program cannot allocated the required memory to do the spilt, it will inform you of a memory allocation error and ask you to choose another block (file) size. You will next be presented with a fileselector to choose the file you wish to split. Selecting CANCEL here will terminate the program. You will now be presented with another fileselector to select the drive and/or path that you want the split files to be written to. Selecting CANCEL here will terminate the program also. The program will then start splitting the file into the file size you requested. The last file to be created will contain what is left over after splitting the file into those sizes. The program will display the filename it is currently writing. The program will write the files with the extension of the number of the file it is currently on. Here is an example of a file that I split. Block Size: 1000 (1000K = 1024000 = 1meg) Filename: STRTINP.TXT (filesize = 2726585) The program will produce the following. File #1: STRTINP.001 (filesize = 1024000) File #2: STRTINP.002 (filesize = 1024000) File #3: STRTINP.003 (filesize = 678585 ) The program will leave the original file intact. It will never do anything to the original file except to read it in. After the program has finished splitting the file, it will return you to the prompt asking for the Block size of the next file. You can either do another file by entering the size you want or, you can enter 0 to terminate the program. I hope this will be as useful to you as it has been for me. A FREEWARE product from Southern Software Copyright ½ 1992 - 1993, Southern Software Wayne Watson GEnie address R.WATSON15