AUSPACK 1.15, a PD-Tool for archive-extraction, Chapell/Germany, 26.07.1993 ***** I'm not liable for damage/problems! Use it at your own-risk! ***** 1. What is AUSPACK 1.1 Sense and Purpose AUSPACK looks for all archives in the actual folder and decompresses them in one step. You can choose the archive type (ARC, ZIP, LZH, ZOO, LHA, ...) you want to support, either if you want to extract the archives into folders or if you want to delete extracted archives. Use it when you have to handle with many archives (ftp). 1.2 Short manual For those, who don't read more than 5 lines manual here is a shrinked version: Copy AUSPACK.PRG and AUSPACKE.RSC into one folder, rename AUSPACKE.RSC to AUSPACK.RSC, start AUSPACK and select [Setup]. In the installation-dialogue you have to enter the archive type (extension) and choose the archive-program by using the file-requester. When program or extension is known by AUSPACK, the parameters will be preinstalled. Select [Next] to enter another archive-type. Leave the installation by clicking on [OK]. Use the file-requester to select the path with all archives and choose [OK] to start AUSPACK's work. 2. Installation 2.1 First installation Copy AUSPACK.PRG and AUSPACKE.RSC into one folder and rename AUSPACKE.RSC to AUSPACK.RSC for english dialogues. Delete an existing AUSPACK.INF. Start the proramm by double-clicking. Select [Setup] to change to the installation dialogue. Now you have to choose the archiv-types and the programs you want to use (2.3). Quit 'AUSPACK installation' by clicking [OK]. Then the file 'AUSPACK.INF' will be written to the same folder as AUSPACK.PRG. Now AUSPACK is installed and can be used. 2.2 Dialogue 'AUSPACK installation' In this dialogue you enter the archiv-types and the decompress-programs with their parameters. 2.2.1 Select archive-program Clicking below the text 'Archive-extraxtor' will cause a file-selector. Here you can choose the programs to extract your archives. When the archive-program as ARC.TTP is known (look 4.) you get a preinstallation of the parameter fields. Too long paths will be displayed shortened. 2.2.2 Archive-type Here you have to insert the archive-extension as LZH, ARC or ZIP (,...). Insert this before selecting the program (look 2.2.1) when the program does not have a name similar to that listed below. 2.2.3 Parameter Here you have to enter the call-parameters for the archive-program. You have to differ between two modes. The 'quiet' mode should force the decompress-programm to suppress all TOS-output. This may be useful under MultiTos (not tested). The 'normal' mode allows archiver-messages on your screen. Some symbols can be used as fill-in. They will be replaced during run-time. So '$n' will be replaced by the archivname with its path, '$t' will be replaced by AUSPACK.TMP (temporary-file). AUSPACK.TMP will be deleted afterwards. 2.2.4 Buttons AUSPACK allows you to install up to 20 different archiv-types and their decompress-programs. During installation you have to use [Next] to step to the next entry and [Previous] to change one you have allready entered. The last entry is always empty. To remove an entry use [Delete]. Quit the dialogue by using [OK] or [Cancel]. Quit with [OK] saves the settings to AUSPACK.INF. 2.3 Start with Parameter Calling AUSPACK with a filename as parameter will directly extract the named archive without any dialogue. If you want to start AUSPACK as normal, click the right mouse-buuton while starting AUSPACK. 3. Use AUSPACK 3.1 Extract archives After installation you only have to select the path with the archives and options and click [OK]. All known archives in that path will now be extracted. 3.2 Prepare archives For usefull work copy all archives you want to extract into one folder. Get sure that there is enough free space on your drive. 3.3 Dialogue 'AUSPACK' 3.3.1 Version-number At the top you see the program-name, the version-number and the date of program-release. 3.3.2 Path for archives Below the text 'extracts all archives from' the path and the search-string for the archives are shown. Click on the field to change the path and search-string using the file-selector. 3.3.3 Count of archives AUSPACK displayes the number of files found in the given path. Not all files have to be archives. 3.4 Options 3.4.1 Delete archives After correct extraction the archive-file will be deleted. This causes free place for the following archives. 3.4.2 Extract to folder To get some order you are able to decompress each archive to its own folder. You should use this option, but it may cause to much folders because some archives are compressed recurse. 3.4.3 Suppress TOS-output (quiet) With this mode no output will be made to your screen and the mouse-pointer will not be switched off. Some archive-programs don't have a quiet-option. 3.4.4 Warnings on errors After every error AUSPACK will display an alert-box with a message. Without warnings no archive will be deleted in error-case. 3.4.5 LOG-File: ________ All output of AUSPACK may be redirected to a file. 3.4.6 Save configuration All options may be saved to a file AUSPACK.CFG. 3.5 Output during extraction During work all output by AUSPACK will be started with 'AUSPACKxx:'. 'xx' is a countdown. It starts with the number given at 3.3.3. 3.6 Errors during extraction Errors during extraction will be displayed when an archive program returns an error-code unlike 0. You can choose either if you want to continue or stop. 4. Archive-programs and their parameters 4.1 Known archiv-programs During installation AUSPACK recognizes archive-programs only when they are named as followed. Perhaps you have to rename them or enter the archiv-type before selecting the program. Known programs: ARC.TTP, LHA.TTP, LHARC.TTP, STZIP.TTP, UNARJ.TTP, ZOO.TTP and GZIP.TTP (with *.GZ as archives). 4.2 Recommended preselection of some archive-programs Replace archive-name with '$n'. 4.2.1 Normal mode with TOS-output ARC.TTP x archivename *.* (extract) LHARC.TTP x -r -m archivename *.* (extract recurse) ZOO.TTP x archivename (extract) ZIP.TTP -xr archivename *.* (extract recurse) LHA.TTP -x archivename (extract) UNARJ.TTP x archivename (extract) GZIP.TTP -dr archivename (extract) 4.2.2 'Quiet' mode without TOS-output ARC.TTP xwn archivename *.* (extract quiet) LHARC.TTP x -r -m -d archivename *.* (extract quiet recurse, yes, <2.01l) LHARC.TTP x -r -m -q archivename *.* (extract quiet recurse, yes, >2.01l) ZOO.TTP xq archivename (extract quiet) ZIP.TTP -xr archivename *.* >_TMP (extract redirection to file) LHA.TTP -xq archivename (extract quiet) UNARJ.TTP x archivename (extract, no quiet option) GZIP.TTP -drq archivename (extract quiet recurse) 4.3 Tested archiv-programs ARC.TTP 6.02ST, LHA.TTP 2.01, LHARC.TTP 2.01l, 2.20, 2.21, from 2.20 option '-d' deletes archives, now use '-q' for quiet mode! STZIP.TTP 2.0, 2.2, UNARJ.TTP 2.30GZ, ZOO.TTP 2.1 GZIP.TTP 1.0.7 5. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Ruediger Grenda and Helmut Schilling for testing and motivation. 6. Contacting the author/copyrights If you would like to contact me with bug reports, suggestions or comments, you can do so through the following addresses (in order of personal preference): Internet: MausNet: Fred Nicklisch@AC Mail: Fred Nicklisch, Berdoletstr.2, 52066 Aachen, Germany I have used routines by Olaf Meisiek/Interface/Shift (MyDials), Harald Siegmund (NKCC) and J.&D. Geiž/GEM Profi/Huethig Verlag (Modul global). I did my best to translate the german manual, but i had to shorten this version because of my limited knowledge. So if you want more information read the german manual too. I sincerely hope that you like and use this program. It is free, so you may distribute it any way you please, so long as the files in this archive remain unmodified and unseperated. ***** I'm not liable for damage/problems! Use it at your own-risk! *****