Area Code Locator for the Atari ST series computer Copyright 1989-1992 DO NOT STAMP (tm) Software. May be freely copied but not sold. All other rights reserved. DO NOT STAMP Software PO Box 781 Park Ridge, IL 60068 USA Version: 3.0a (January 1, 1992) Documentation revised: January 1, 1992 Purpose: Area Code Locator (ACL) is designed to identify and locate telephone area codes in North America. Area codes may be identified by name (e.g. , Utah) or by number (e.g. , 801). The time zone, and current local time, is shown for each area code selected. Also, for those states/provinces served by more than one area code, several of the largest cities in that area will be displayed in order to assist in determining the proper code for the area you wish to dial. Area Code Locator is "aware" of every dialable three digit code in North America (nearly 150 of them), and has almost 500 cities in the data base. It operates under a GEM interface, and can be used as a desk accessory or application program, at the choice of the user. Cost and Distribution: This program is distributed as freeware. It is a copyrighted work but may be freely distributed under the following conditions: 1. Area Code Locator may not be sold. It must be distributed free of charge to all who desire a copy. It may be included on user group and other library disks, as long as it is included with other public domain or shareware programs from other authors. A reasonable fee, for the magnetic media only, may be charged. 2. All files associated with this release must be distributed with the program. These files must remain unaltered and intact. The following files are a part of the Area Code Locator package, all must be present for distribution. AREACODE.PRG - Area Code Locator v3.0a AREACODE.RSC - GEM resource file for AREACODE AC_CONFG.PRG - Area Code configuration program AC_CONFG.RSC - GEM resource file for AC_CONFG ACL_STHI.KEY - ST High Resolution CodeKey macro. ACL_STME.KEY - ST Medium Resolution Codekey macro. AREACODE.TXT - This documentation file. VERSION.TXT - Revision history file. README.TXT - Last minute news about A.C.L. Area Code Locator is distributed to all who would like a copy. Those who send a postcard (or other communication) will be the first to receive update notices and other news. Using the program: In order for Area Code Locator to operate, the file AREACODE.RSC must be in the same folder as the program file (AREACODE.PRG). If the program is unable to locate this resource file, it will not operate. To begin Area Code Locator simple double-click on the AREACODE.PRG file. The program will load, then display the main dialog box. You use this box to interact with the program. You will notice that the cursor is next to where it says "NPA/STATE." (NPA is a technical abbreviation for what is commonly known as a "telephone area code.") You may type in a state (or province) name, or an area code. Clicking on SEARCH, or just pressing the RETURN key on the keyboard, will cause the program to begin a search for the information you requested. After a very brief pause, the results will be displayed for you on the screen. The lower box will contain the area codes, province names, time zone, and current local time for the area you requested. If more than one area matches what you entered (e.g. , California) you will see each entry listed. If there are more than six area codes matching your request, you may click on the UP or DOWN arrows to scroll the list one entry at a time. You will notice that some areas will display a degree mark (a small circle) under the "local time" column. This indicates that the area code serves more than one time zone, so computing the local time isn't possible since it will vary according to the exact location. You will also see the degree mark when local time isn't applicable to the code being displayed. For example, Area Code Locator is "aware" of three digit codes such as 911 and 411. These codes will be displayed without displaying the local time. If there is more than one area matching your request, you may double-click on any entry in the lower box to see the cities for that area displayed. If there is only one area code for the state or province you entered, the cities in that area will be displayed automatically. Note that if there is only one area code for the entire area, "All Locations" will displayed as a city name. This indicates that all cities for that state or province are serviced by the selected area code. The HELP Button: Clicking the button labeled "help" will result in some instructions, the current program revision number, and other important information, being displayed. To proceed to the next screen of information, click the mouse left mouse button anywhere within the text area. Configuration Information: Area Code Locator uses the ST's system clock, and your local time zone, to calculate the current local time in other areas. Therefore, it is important that the system clock in your ST be set to the correct time for your area, and that Area Code Locator knows in which you live. (Or, at least the time zone with which your system clock coincides, some people may keep their clocks set to another time zone, for whatever reason.) Both of these requirements may be met by clicking on Area Code Locator's "Config..." button. The configuration dialog box will display the current system time, from your ST's internal clock. If this time is not correct, you should backspace (or press escape) to erase the time displayed, and then enter the correct time. You should use a 24-hour (AKA military) format, and be sure to include the colons between the hours, minutes, and seconds. If you then click on SAVE, your system clock will be set to the time you entered. Clicking on CANCEL will ignore the new setting, leaving your system time untouched. Note that if you have a "corner clock" or other time display active in your ST, the new time might not be reflected in its display. The system clock, however, has been updated and Area Code Locator will use the new time you entered. However, if you have a corner clock installed, your system clock is probably already set anyway and you won't be using this option in the first place. The ability to set the system clock within Area Code Locator is provided as a convenience to users who don't otherwise care what time their ST thinks it is. Configuring Area Code Locator for you local time zone is much easier, and should take less room to explain... (smile). Simply use your mouse to select the box next to the appropriate time zone. As with the clock, selecting SAVE will update Area Code Locator, while CANCEL will ignore your selection. Area Code Locator comes pre-configured for the Central time zone. If you would like to change this setting you may do so every time you run the program, as described above, or you may use the Area Code Configuration Utility (AC_CONFG.PRG) included in this package. Using AC_CONFG will alter your copy of Area Code Locator so it will default to the time zone you choose. This will eliminate the need to constantly change the time zone setting via the "Config..." button in the program. Area Code Configuration Utility: AC_CONFG.PRG must be used an uncompressed copy of Area Code Locator. If you prefer to "pack" or "squish" your programs, do so only after you have updated Area Code Locator with the default time zone you desire. Also, please do not attempt to use AC_CONFG on a program other than the current version of Area Code Locator. It won't do anything useful to any other program, and could in fact harm other programs should you do so. However, rest easy, the Configuration Utility is quite smart about the files you try to use it on, and will refuse to update any file that it does not recognize as being a copy of Area Code Locator. The Configuration Utility has some built-in instructions for use, please refer to it for additional information. It's quite simple, and fast, so don't hesitate to try it out. The Desk Accessory Version: To use Area Code Locator as a desk accessory simply rename AREACODE.PRG to AREACODE.ACC. Then place the .ACC file, and the resource file (AREACODE.RSC) in the root directory of your boot disk, and reboot the system. Area Code will load as a desk accessory and be available for use under the DESK menu in any GEM program. Area Code Locator will function as already described. Unlike earlier versions, there are no differences when using it as a desk accessory or program. If you are running ACL as a program, and your computer has TOS 1.04 or greater, you may elect to set the "fast load" option for the program file. Refer to your owners manual for information on how to do this. If you will be using ACL as a desk accessory, do not set the "fast load" flag as doing so on any desk accessory can lead to system crashes. CodeKey Macros: If you own CodeKeys, the macro utility from CodeHead Software, you will be able to use the .KEY files included in this package. Using these macros will allow you press ALT-1 through ALT-6 to select the cities for display, as well as other convenient keyboard equivalents for nearly all commands. We have supplied files for use under ST high and medium resolution. If you write macros for the TT resolutions, we would be very interested in getting copies to include for others! Please send them to us, we'll give you credit in the next release. Please refer to your CodeKeys manual for information on installing and using the .KEY files. If you don't own CodeKeys, buy it! It's a very useful utility. MultiDesk Deluxe: Area Code Locator is fully compatible with MultiDesk and MultiDesk Deluxe from CodeHead Software. When used with the latter, it will function as either a resident or MDX accessory. If you choose to run Area Code as a non-resident (MDX) accessory please be aware that it needs to allocate some memory upon initialization. If you are within a program that has claimed all available memory for itself, such as Flash, Area Code Locator will not be able to execute. If you desire to use Area Code Locator under these circumstances you must ensure that MDD holds some RAM in "reserve" when running. See your MultiDesk Deluxe manual for more information on how to reserve a pool of RAM. You may need to reserve as much as 100K for ACL's use. Errors and Omissions: Many users, throughout Canada, the United States, and Europe have encouraged the development of Area Code Locator. My personal thanks for their encouragement and time in helping me ensure this program is accurate. It is nearly impossible for me to verify all the city locations, and other information, contained in this program. If you find an error or omission, please contact me so a corrected version can be released. This program is only as good as it is because others have taken the time to contact me. Please join them. Special thanks to Charles F. Johnson for advice, condolences (see the section on "bugs" below), and compatibility testing. Bugs: All known, fixable bugs have been eliminated in this release. If you discover one (or more!) please let me know. This program has been tested on a Mega STE 4 with TOS 2.05 in medium, high, and low resolutions. Low resolution will function, but is not supported. There is a known bug in this program when used on machines running under TOS 2.05 and greater. These will normally be Mega STe's or TT's only, unless you have upgraded your machine using TEC from CodeHead Software. This bug appears to be related to the GFA Basic compiler used to create this program and is very hard to reproduce and diagnose. The problem exhibits itself when the program bombs immediately after loading. It doesn't occur with regularity, and odds are you may never notice it. I think I've got the problem fixed in this version, but I can't be sure due to its nature. If you have any observations or still see the problem occurring please let me know! Hopefully GFA will address this problem in the next version of their compiler. Updates and Registration: Updates will be issued as needed. For information on the availability of any new versions contact DO NOT STAMP Software. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome at any time. If you enjoy this program, do let me know. Registration is not required for this program, it is freeware. However I do ask for a picture-postcard or other communique if you find the program useful. It keeps me happy, and encourages future updates. If you send some small token of appreciation, you'll receive the latest version and information on other programs from DO NOT STAMP Software. DO NOT STAMP Software PO Box 781 Park Ridge, IL 60068 USA CompuServe: 72307,1502 GEnie: GRMEYER Delphi: GRMEYER Internet: [End Of File]