FRIX Flipping Bricks Version 1.0 (C)Carl J. Hafner FREEWARE! DISCLAIMER ---------- The author cannot be responsible for ANY damage to your equipment, other hardware or software products, or physical or mental well being caused by the use, misuse, abuse or inability to use this program. The author also makes NO guarantee as to the compatibility of this program with other software or hardware products. By using this program you are stating that you completely understand AND agree with these terms AND agree to accept FULL responsibility for ANY and ALL events arising from the implementation of this program. If you do NOT understand AND agree, DO NOT use this program ! DISTRIBUTION ------------ You are free to copy and distribute this program as long as the files... FRIX.PRG / FRIX.TXT / OTHERTTL.LZH are included, are NOT modified in ANY way and NO FEE of ANY type is incurred upon the recipient for the files _themselves_. A WEE HISTORY ------------- The other day I came across a few yellowing cut-out pages from a game I used to play when I was knee high to a grasshopper (I was actually looking for some toy missiles that go with one of my Lionel train cars, which is another story...). Basically we would cut out 9 pieces of paper and draw one picture on one side of the paper and another picture on the other side (ie: a car on one side and a face on the other). The object was to have the face in the middle surrounded by cars. Sound simple..? Well, the rules of the game require that certain other pages be flipped (depending on which page you flipped) in addition to the page you choose. I have NO idea who invented this game (probably Confucius) and haven't seen it since. I have, however, tried my best to remember the "rules" and present them within a computer program. Have fun ! RUNNING FRIX ------------ Frix can be run as a program or an accessory, depending on where you put it and how you name it. EXIT ---- Click on the box in the upper left hand corner of the panel to exit. MOVE ---- Grab the "titlebar" to move the panel about the screen. I like keeping it top left so I can still see the panel when alerts appear. TITLE ----- Click on the name "Frix" in the titlebar to call up an options alert. ALERT 1 ------- The "options" alert asks if you would like to play the first game, a random game or to return (cancel) with no changes. The FIRST game sets (or resets) to a predefined layout. This allows you to play the "same" game over and over to try and increase your "score". The RANDOM game sets (or resets) the boxes in a random pattern. ALERT 2 ------- The next ALERT asks how many panels you'd like flipped. If you select 3, 3 panels (bricks) will be flipped (total) for every 1 you select. If you select "multi", multiple panels will be flipped for every 1 you select. The panel reads left to right, top to bottom... --------- | 1 2 3 | | 4 5 6 | | 7 8 9 | --------- 3 PANEL OPTION MULTI PANEL OPTION -------------- ------------------ SELECTED FLIPPED SELECTED FLIPPED -------- ------- -------- ------- 1 1,2,4 1 1,2,4,5 2 1,2,3 2 1,2,3 3 2,3,6 3 2,3,5,6 4 1,4,7 4 1,4,7 5 4,5,6 5 2,4,5,6,8 6 3,6,9 6 3,6,9 7 4,7,8 7 4,5,7,8 8 7,8,9 8 7,8,9 9 6,8,9 9 5,6,8,9 ALERT 3 ------- When you win, an alert will appear to congratulate you ! It will contain the total number of moves it took to complete the puzzle. Once you exit this alert the SCORE WILL BE RESET TO ZERO. Although the score counter will continue after this alert, you can NOT actually start playing again until you select an option from the first alert. An option also resets your score. This was done in case you just wanted to play with the box. HOW TO PLAY ----------- Within each "brick" is either a "bell shape" or a "checkmark". The object of the game is to end up with a bell in the center and a checkmark in every other box. c c c c=checkmark c b c b=bell c c c <-final solution When you "click" on one of these shapes the panel will shift shapes as specified above. If this all sounds confusing, don't worry. Merely play the game and watch what happens when you select a shape. POST SCRIPT ----------- In the event you have altered your system fonts and either one, or both, of the shapes are neither a checkmark or a bell, the default (first) panel is set up as... b c b c b b b c c The character in the first brick is the one which must end up in the center (surrounded by the other characters). I GUESS THAT'S IT ----------------- As mentioned, this program is FREEWARE and NOT public domain. If you enjoy this game and are hit by a wild philanthropic urge to show your appreciation...I won't argue :-) . You are, however, under NO obligation to do so. CREDITS ------- FRIX (C)Carl J. Hafner Special thanks to Larry Duke for his invaluable assistance over the years. -FGCFBA