CopyStuff v.1.02 ½ Carl J. Hafner FREEWARE ! DISCLAIMER ---------- The author cannot be responsible for any damage to your equipment, other hardware or software products, or physical or mental well being caused by the use, misuse, abuse or inability to use this program. The author also makes NO guarantee as to the compatibility of this program with other software or hardware products. By using this program you are stating that you completely understand AND agree with these terms AND agree to accept FULL responsibility for ANY and ALL events arising from its implementation. If you do not understand AND agree, do NOT use this program ! Now... PURPOSE ------- If you're using a bootup program, such as OCULTAR, you generally need to create all of the configuration files you need for your varying setups (ie: DESKTOP.INF, NEODESK.FNT, WARP9.DAT, MULTDESK.MLT files) and then copy (and usually rename) them to a specific folder (in which the bootup utility will look for these files). Well, I FINALLY got tired of this tedious process (I was using the GEM desktop in LOW resolution when I finally gave in) and designed a program to do this for me. CopyStuff will allow you to either specify a default file (ie: C:\DESKTOP.INF) to copy to any of 9 user defined destinations OR to pass the default files name on to CopyStuff by using the Install Application option (and then selecting one of the 9 destinations). CopyStuff runs as either an ACCessory or as a PRoGram in ST/STe/TT low, medium and high resolutions. EXIT ---- Click on the box in the upper left hand corner of the panel to exit the program. DEFAULT SOURCE FILE ------------------- This can be any redundant file you create which needs to be renamed before (or after) it's copied to a new location (ie: creating a NEW DESKTOP.INF file and copying it to a "setups" folder). Click on this line to call up a fileselector. From this you may select a default SOURCE file. You MAY also enter it manually... if ye so wish... EXAMPLE: C:\DESKTOP.INF If you are running CopyStuff as an "Installed Application", any filename you pass on to CopyStuff will appear on this line. DESTINATION PATHS ----------------- These are a list of locations to which you COULD copy your SOURCE file. They can be entered as either "paths only" or as paths and filenames. EXAMPLE: C:\AUTO\OCULTSTF\ This first example calls up a fileselector. The fileselectors "path" will be set to C:\AUTO\OCULTSTF\ . From this selector you may select either an existing file, or enter a new filename. The SOURCE file will then be copied to this destination. EXAMPLE: C:\AUTO\OCULTSTF\LOW_REZ.INF In this example, the SOURCE file is copied to C:\AUTO\OCULTSTF\LOW_REZ.INF . If this file already exists, it WILL be overwritten. ENTERING A DESTINATION ---------------------- HOLD DOWN the [CONTROL] key while clicking on one of these lines to call up a fileselector. From this you may select either a specific file or a general path (allowing you to select the specific file later). COPYING A FILE -------------- Clicking on one of the DESTINATION lines (without holding down the [control] key) allows you to copy the specified SOURCE file to the location specified on the DESTINATION line. If the DESTINATION line is blank, a fileselector will open to the drive specified below the DESTINATION paths. From this selector you may select a path and filename. DRIVES A-P ---------- This is the drive to which the fileselector will open if no path has been entered on a selected line. SAVE ---- This button allows you to SAVE the programs configuration file. CONFIRM ------- This button enables alerts which warn you if you are about to overwrite an existing file. You should leave this ON until you are certain of the programs operation. MANUAL ------ This button calls up a SOURCE and DESTINATION fileselector, allowing you to specify and copy a file manually. The fileselector will be set to the selected DRIVE. EXAMPLES -------- Default Source File C:\DESKTOP.INF Destination Path C:\AUTO\OCULTSTF\LOW_REZ.INF When you click on the DESTINATION line, CopyStuff will copy the SOURCE file to the DESTINATION file. If the destination file does not exist, CopyStuff will create it. Default Source File C:\NEWDESK.INF Destination Path C:\AUTO\OCULTSTF\ When you click on the DESTINATION line, CopyStuff will present you with a fileselector set to the DESTINATION PATH. After you select a file, CopyStuff will copy the SOURCE file to the DESTINATION file. If the destination file does not exist, CopyStuff will create it. UNCLEMOUSE SUPPORT ------------------ CopyStuff also supports the UncleMouse .CURsor file format. Simply rename any CURsor created with UncleMouse v.1.0a or newer as COPYSTUF.CUR and place it in the SAME directory as COPYSTUF.PRG. If found, your custom cursor will be loaded ! DISTRIBUTION ------------ You are free to copy and distribute CopyStuff as long as the files COPYSTUF.PRG - the program COPYSTUF.CFG - a sample configuration file COPYSTUF.TXT - this text file COPYSTUF.CUR - a sample mouse cursor OTHERTTL.LZH - current program versions,registration info... are included, are NOT modified in ANY way and NO FEE of ANY TYPE is incurred upon the recipient for the files _themselves_. CREDITS ------- CopyStuff, Ocultar and UncleMouse ½ Carl J. Hafner Thanks always to Larry D. Duke for his invaluable programming assistance over the years ! NEODESK, GENEVA ½ Gribnif Software Warp 9 & MultiDesk ½ CodeHead Software VERSION HISTORY --------------- v.1.02 - "Borders" now redraw properly under Geneva. v.1.01 - Now checks for sufficient memory before running AND runs as a GEM window. v.1.0 - Original version.