Here's how to add the Pantone colors contained in this graphic to your PageStream 2.1 color palette. 1) If you do not have an import module for EPS graphics installed, you must place one in your DRIVERS folder (or whatever folder you've defined for your import/export drivers). 1) Boot up PageStream. 2) Select Import Graphics... from the File menu and select the COLORS.EPS file that accompanies this text. Depending on which import modules you have installed, you will be given a choice of importing as ASCII EPS or as an Illustrator graphic. Choosing either one is fine -- there is no viewable graphic, anyway. If you do select Illustrator, don't panic because it looks like absolutely nothing was loaded in. 3) Now, select Edit Color Palette from the Global drop down menu. Use the scroll bar to verify that you now have a pile of Pantone colors in your palette -- they have names like PANTONE 100 CV and such. To save this new palette, just click on the SAVE button. If you want these colors to be in your default palette, simply overwrite COLORS.PAL. That's all there is to it! Bill Rayl