Richard Hunter 24 Marvin Street Montpelier, VT 05602 May 26, 1994 DJET520C.PRD and DJET520D.PRD Notes =================================== The enclosed printer drivers (DJET520C.PRD and DJET520D.PRD) allow a Marcel 2.2 user to print both internal proportional fonts supplied with the Hewlett Packard Deskjet 520 printer (CG Times and Univers) in every available point size, i.e. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14. DJET520C.PRD prints point sizes which match the point sizes specified on the Marcel Select Font menu, i.e. 7, 10, 12, and 14. Other selections will print the nearest matching point size, i.e. selecting 11 will print point size 10. DJET520D.PRD prints all available point sizes, i.e. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14. The Marcel Select Font menu's hard-coded point size selections do not match these sizes. These are the actual sizes printed by the DJET520D.PRD driver for a given menu selection: Select Font Menu Point Size: Actual Printed Point Size: 7 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 12 10 14 12 24 14 I have not yet succeeded in getting the internal Letter Gothic font to work at all, nor have I been successful in getting Courier to print properly in 6 point size. The fact that both these fonts are not proportional may have something to do with the problem. However, DJET520D.PRD does allow the user to print in either Univers or CG Times in 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14 point type, which is everything allowed by those internal Deskjet 520 fonts. Courier will print nicely in 12 point; 6 point Courier prints in the same width as 12 point, which is amusing but not very useful. I have made two other improvements in this driver: - Draft mode now works, and can be selected from the Adjust Output menu. The printer will automatically revert to full quality mode after printing the document. - I have set the driver up to allow printing of the copyright symbol (c). Those Marcel users who are musicians (a large portion of the Atari community) will probably like that. See my notes in either driver for comments on the technique used. I have provided a copy of my drivers on disk with this note for the unrestricted use and enjoyment of registered users of Marcel. If you are not registered, I urge you to do so. Ten dollars is a very reasonable price for a product as good as this one. This is my first semi-successful attempt at putting together a printer driver, and I have no illusions that it's the best possible solution. If anyone succeeds in working out the Deskjet 520 driver setup for Letter Gothic and Courier, please let me and other Marcel users know via notification to Marcel Software. Thanks! For the record, I will note here that any user of either of these drivers does so at his or her own risk. If you choose to use either driver, any problems that result are your responsibility, not mine.