Select 'Printer' under the 'Options' menu for a hardcopy of the text files otherwise all output will be directed to the monitor screen. When viewing text files, use the following keyboard keys to move to the part of the text you wish to read: RETURN or  = row dn,  = row up, SPACE or SHIFT+ or LMB = pg dn, SHIFT+ or RMB = pg up, HOME = top, and SHIFT+HOME = bottom. Graphics files included on this disk may be viewed by selecting 'Art Show' under the 'Options' menu. Press UNDO or RMB to return to menu. Demo programs on this disk may be ran by selecting the appropriate program name under the 'Demos' menu, if any. You may also change the mouse cursor shape with the 'M' key. Select 'Quit' under 'Options' menu or press 'Q' or 'UNDO' key when you are ready to quit **InfoDisk** and return to the desktop.