INSTALLING THE CALLIGRAPHER 3 DEMO ---------------------------------- The following files are included in this demo: *FONTS\ ---------- A folder containing the following fonts: CAL.ABR \ATSS10HC.FNT CAL.DCT \ATSS12HC.FNT CAL.HLP \ATSS18HC.FNT CAL.OPT \ATSS24HC.FNT CAL.PRG \ATTR12HC.FNT CALSETUP.PRG \ATTR18HC.FNT CONDUCTR.IMG \ATTR24HC.FNT CRAZY.GEM \HOLLAND.LAC DEFAULT.CAT \ORNA12HC.FNT HELP.CPK \ZURICH.LAC LOGO3.IMG README.TXT Floppy Disk Installation: ------------------------- Copy all of the files and the FONT folder from this demo package to a floppy disk. Hard Disk Installation: ----------------------- If you ran the self-extracting file from the root directory of one of your partitions, the files will already be where they need to be. If not, you should create a new folder called CAL3DEMO and copy all files from this demo package into it. You should end up with the FONTS folder within your CAL3DEMO folder. Configuring the demo: --------------------- If you installed the Calligrapher 3 demo in a folder named CAL3DEMO on drive C, you're already done configuring. Otherwise, you must first configure the demo by running the Calligrapher setup program, CALSETUP.PRG. A GEM dialog box will appear which allows you to set up a number of options in Calligrapher 3. If you've copied the files to a folder called C:\CAL3DEMO, you won't need to change anything because it's already set up that way. Otherwise, edit the path line ("C:\CAL3DEMO\FONTS\*.SYS") to correctly point to your FONT folder. If you've copied the files to D:\CAL3DEMO, you should just change the "C" to a "D". If you're using a floppy disk, change the "C" to an "A". The Grand Tour: --------------- Once you've run CALSETUP.PRG, run CAL.PRG. When Calligrapher 3 demo runs, it will automatically load the file named DEFAULT.CAT. This example document will take you on a grand tour of Calligrapher. We'll see you there...