1HEBREW. This is a full-featured word processor. In addition, it can measure typing speed (in English or Hebrew) in words per minute, and gives elapsed time. Hit ^H, and the keyboard becomes the standard Hebrew keyboard, with the cursor moving from right to left. Hit ^E, and it becomes English. Files can be imported or exported to other word processor and desktop publishing programs. It can be used to read IBM Hebrew on the Atari. In Hebrew, it will automatically give the Hebrew date from the Creation. COPIES. Copies files. The date stamp is the same as the original. Copies to a .BAK file, renaming it only when the copy was successful, to insure that the original file was not lost. Copies groups of files in the file name.COP. CIRCLES. Draws straight lines that look like circles. DISTANCE. Give latitude and longitude in an ASCII file of cities. The program calculates the distances, writes them to the screen, and to a file. note: Somewhere along the line this program disappeared from this archive....oops! It wasn't me! GAUSS. Solves a set of linear simultaneous equations. LISTPAS. Prints a listing of Pascal routines. Each procedure starts a new page. Each page has a heading, with the date and routine name. Can be killed and restarted. MULTREG. Performs multiple regression. PROBLEMS. Gives various arithmetic problems. The user can choose the level of difficulty and type (addition, multiplication, etc.). Output: time spent, and the grade. STATIST. Performs linear regression. A plot appears, with the regression line shown. Can be used to plot two dependent variables. E.g., given a plot of gold vs. time and Swiss Franks vs. time, it can give a plot of gold vs. Swiss Franks. 4PAK_V1. Compresses .PRG files. Extremely powerful and efficient.