TUMBLEVANE ATARI CATALOGUE TUMBLEVANE PDL 6, West Road, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 7JT Tel: EMSWORTH (0243) 370600 DISK PRICES. All disks are priced at œ1:75 each, unless otherwise stated. ABBREVIATIONS DS - DOUBLE SIDED DISK DRIVE REQUIRED MONO - MONOCHROME MONITOR REQUIRED 1MB - 1 MEGABYTE RAM REQUIRED NOT STE - WILL NOT RUN ON STE NOT 1.62 - WILL NOT RUN ON 1.62 TOS CSR - COLOUR SCREEN REQUIRED ALL DISK ARE COLOUR AND SINGLE SIDED UNLESS STATED. MUSIC AND MIDI MUM OO1 DS ACCOMPIANIST is a 16 voice sequencer for use with any model of ST. It works with either monochrome or colour monitor. On the 520ST there is room for over 10,000 notes and on the 1040ST up to 60,000. It features multi-recording using separate midi channels, mouse click sampling and a wide range of superb editing utilities. This is a shareware release with a suggested œ10 donation to the author, and well worth three times that amount in my book. The registered version features over 500K of sound samples and addi- tional utilities. MUM 002 DS IN CONTROL is a user defineable MIDI controller. It provides the user with 20 sliders which can be programmed to control your midi instruments. The possible applications include a mixer, which allows you to control the volume of each of the 16 midi channels, or a basic synthesizer editor. In control is especially useful for midi equipment with features that can only be accessed by midi, the Roland MT-32 for example. It runs both as a programme or as an accessory. SCONVERT compresses or expands sound samples and con- verts from one format to another. The samples supported are:- ST REPLAY, REPLAY PROFESSIONAL, STOS MAESTRO and MASTERSOUND. MUM 003 DS DISCPLAY This programme replays sound samples with a difference. A standard 1/2 meg ST has about 390K or less to load and play samples. Now you can load an incredible 910K and sit back and listen to them playing. Discplay does this by reading a double sided disk and playing each of the samples it finds in turn. Sup- ported formats are:- ST REPLAY, PRO SOUND and STOS MAESTRO and one or two others. MUM 004 DS ACCOMPIANIST SEQUENCER As above but instead of the full range of samples on disk 001 it also has COMPOSER. This is a 16 voice sequencer with a full manual on the disk, runs in high or medium resolution. COMPOSOR ST music production which supports St key- board and real time MIDI keyboard input. Transposing and copying are also supported with output to MIDI, ST soundchip and triggered drum machines. Runs in high or medium res. Also on the disk are three tunes to play from the desktop or from a GEM based programme they are:- LEATHERNECK, GARFIELD and GOLDRUNNER. MUM 005 DS AUDIO SCULPTURE DEMO This is a powerful demo of the latest sound tracker type music creator, and in most peoples opinion is even better than Quartet, TCB Tracker etc. Why not try it for your- self?. you will require a blank disk as the master creates a working disk. MUM 006 DS NOISETRACKER V1.5 This is a programme that will allow you to mix various sounds (called samples) and make a tune out of them. There are four channels so you can play four sounds (or instruments) at the same time. This new version has 31 instruments in memory, sampler included, new edit functions and much, much more. On the disk are a selection of samples to get you started and for the programmers there is some source code. Also on the disk is REPLAY 1.5 which is a play only utility for the modules you produce with NOISETRACKER. Full manual for the noisetracker is included on the disk. This really is an excellent package. MUM 007 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 8 modules, sit back and enjoy the music. Tracks on the disk are:- JOURNEY, FLASH, CATMIX, TRAILS, TAKILLA, SYMPHONY, SLL9 and IPEC MUM 008 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 9 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- 5, STOLENDS, TRASHZON, QUANTUM, 2, TEDDY, SIN, POLKA, 4 MUM 009 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 12 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- BRAIN, CREATE2, ALPHA, BLUESONG, CROCKETS, EG, COOL, ALFA, BOOTER, SHORT, CHIPGENE and BLIZZARD. MUM 010 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 12 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- FLESH, TURBO, DEMO3TUN, TURT, FLETCH, INDUSTRY, COOL-BLU, HOOPY, SLL9, BOOTER, IPEC and BLIZZARD. MUM 011 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 6 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- AFRICAN, ANA, GAM, MED, VIR and TIM. MUM 012 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 5 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- THE, MIKE, AUG, FUN and ALR. MUM 013 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 3 modules (some of the very best around and long playing). Tracks on the disk are:- HEAPSHIT (acid house), TRIKLITE and MEMRYDUS. All produced by MUG-UK. MUM 014 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 8 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- MUSIC1, MUSIC2, MUSIC3, MUSIC4, MUSIC5, MUSIC6, MUSIC7 and MUSIC8. Someone has limited ideas for names. MUM 015 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 7 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- CHARTMIX, CROK, MYWAY, ACES-HI, INTRUDER, ZLASK and ZOMBI. MUM 016 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 6 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- PETSHOP, SA- VAGE, SUBURBIA, JUDGE, ESONG and POWERSLA. MUM 017 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 7 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- FAIRLIGH, FLASH4, KEFTUNE, THUNDRBR, SPELL, PIANO2 and VISION. MUM 018 1632 voices for use with the Yamaha DX/TX series of 6 operator synths. The disk was compiled by the Yamaha X club. It has a file reader for loading the voices directly Via the MIDI. The voices are varied and very useful, so our expert tells us. MUM 019 DS TRI-SOUND SEQUENCER This is a chip/digi-chip 3 channel music sequencer. If you fancy your hand at being the next misic maker to appear on the ST scene then this is probably (as they say some- where else) the best chip music package around. Take a look for yourself!!. MUM 020 DS SAMPLE EDITING DISK This disk is a must for music enthusiasts and samplers alike. Most of the programs are used for sample editing, converting, etc. But also on the disk is a chip music tracker for all the budding musicians out thee in PD land. Create any music with this disk and then send in the disk and I'll add it to the disk. MUM 021 1MB MONO MIDIDRUM AND MIDIPLAY Two very useful programs for anyone into midi. MIDIDRUM is a drum machine, fully programmable, MIDIPLAY a sequencer. You must have a midi instrument and a mono monitor for these two. The docs were in German but have now been translated into English. NOTE: You can use this disk with a MONO EMULATOR MUM 022 TX81Z EDITOR - V2.1 This is a mouse driven Yamaha TX81Z editor. Will work on both mono and colour systems and features a fairly straight forward parameter editing functions for both voice per- formance/voice data. MIDIMOVER is a midi-file converter from Hybrid Arts Freeware. MUM 023 SOS64V08 The Yamaha DX synth voice mover from/to ST and DX synths. This is a 6/4 operator FM single voice utility designed to make the transfere of voices (sound patches) between any 6 opera- tor FM synths very easy indeed. For use with most Yamaha DX and TX synths. MUM 024 1MB MONO ALCHIME Jr V2.22 One of the most powerful musical sequencers in the world of Atari music.(well thats what the authors doc says). It has alot of features not found on larger (and more œœœ) com- mercial packages, if you have a larger machine (2/4 meg) then you will be able to use most, if not all of the 200+ tracks available. Some of the more useful features are, the ability to get system info such as:- how many notes/events are available with your size machine, change functions i.e. repeat, stretch or double. This is a full working version of the program, but if you regester with the French authors you will be sent ALCHIME Sr, which they claim is a far superior version. Lord alone knows how they have got so- mething better than this!!. MUM 025 DS 1MB MIDI-STEP V1.2 this is another 16 track MIDI sequencer dedicated to step-time music creation alone. You will require an Atari ST with 1 megabyte of RAM and a colour monitor. It was written in 68000 and Computer Concepts Fast Basic. The one gripe I have with the program is that its not mouse driven apart from file selection and some alert boxs.(but I'm mouse mad, so they tell me) MIDI-STEP was developed with digital synths and pianos in mind and does not control the sound chip. Pitch bend, control/program change, code can be included; control number 64 (sustain pedal) can also be used by simple graphic means. Any MIDI channel may be assigned to each track and all 16 MIDI channels can be operated at once. NO restriction being placed in theory on the number of notes occurr- ing at the same time. System exclusive mode is supported. The disk contains several playing files, all created using the program (unlike some I know). Being piano music they are best appreciated with a digital piano but may be enjoyed using any velocity-sensi- tive synth voice receiver on MIDI channel 1. This version now has the facility to produce Rubato effects to simulate a human per- former etc. NOTE: This product is aimed strictly at QUALITY MUSIC SYNTHS and will not record real-time performances. The disks that follow are a new selection of Tracker modules just in. They all run from the ST's sound chip, So you can sit back and enjoy the sounds. MUM O26 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 7 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- BETTERWA, MOD1, OUTOFTIM, PANINERO, PAZHOUSE, SADHOUSE and TOXOPLAS. MUM 027 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 6 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- FINALTED, GA- TEWAY, LASTNINJ, MAGNETIC, SETROX and TOUCH_ME. MUM 028 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 6 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- ESONG(very strange), JUDGE PETSHOP, POWERSLA, SAVAGE and SUBURBIA (very good). MUM 029 REPLAY 1.5 plus 4 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- BATMIX, HOW- DEEPI, THEMODEL and TRANZE_S. MUM 030 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 8 module. Tracks on the disk are:- BANANAS, BATT- LEMO, BLITZWIN BURNING, CONFUSIO, FLETCH,LN_02 and LN_MUSIQ. MUM 031 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 6 modules. tracks on the disk are:- DIGIEX, FLIGHT, HYSTERIA, NICEDAY, PAN and YEZZ. MUM 032 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 8 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- DALLAS, DRUM02, DUCKSONG, HOTBLOOD, JARRE1, KILLING, UNIT and ZARK. MUM 033 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 9 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- ROBOTRON, BLOOD, POPCORN2 RAP, SLEEPY SMOKE, SNOOTLES, STARWARS and TELE- PHON. MUM 034 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 3 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- CRACK, EL- CONDOR and ENJOY Only three tracks on this double sided disk, but they are huge. MUM 035 DS REPLAY 1.5 plus 8 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- OUTRUN, MICROCOS,HI-ENERG BRILL, ACES-HI, VORTEX, TUNE3 and BLIZZARD. MUM 036 DS REPLAY 1.5 + 6 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- 4AFRIEND, AF- FAIR, AROUND, COOP, CHECKED and COSMIC. MUM 037 DS REPLAY 1.5 + 12 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- AKTION4, AKTION5, AKTION8M, ATTAKK, CRYSTAL, DEMO2, ENDTHEME, HUNTERS, MOD, NITEFLI, NONAME, OXYGENE2. MUM 038 DS REPLAY 1.5 + 7 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- ALIVE, FROGMIX, RIGHT2, SHOWEM, UNKNOWN and WARM_STA (very good, well I like it. I'm tone deaf as well) MUM 039 DS REPLAY 1.5 + 5 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- ELMSTREET (very good), SS, EQUALOGO, HEAVYBAL (both very weird) and HYMN. MUM 040 DS REPLAY 1.5 + 7 modules. Tracks on this disk are:- BAAL, CASTLE, FLUMP_2, TGM, TJATMIKE, VECTORBA and YAZOO. MUM 041 DS REPLAY 1.5 + 6 modules. Tracks on the disk are:- CABALINT, DEMONS, MINIMIZE, SUPERTED, WE'RE, Z-BROTHER. MUM 042 DS REPLAY 1.5 + 3 Modules. Tracks on the disk are:- ACID_HOU(SE), HUMANINV, MAGTUBES. Only three tracks on this double sided disk but they are well put together. MUM 043 DS Replay 1.5 + 8 Modules. Tracks on the disk are:- AFL, LN_08, LN_10, LN_21, NSQUIZ, SINNERS, STRANGE, TANKSCOR. MUM 044 DS Replay 1.5 + 6 Modules. Tracks on the disk are:- CRIMINAL, DEAD- LOCK, DEATH_ST, GOOD, PETSHOP, SS. MUM 045 DS YAMAHA PSS 790 SYSEX DUMP UTILITY Save your 790's memory to disk with a selection of 13 types of dumps. MIDIMAPS (3) for the lucky owners of cubase. MUM 046 DS YAMAHA PSS 680/780 PATCH EDITOR, LIBRARIAN & TABULATOR SHEET PRINTER, MIDI DEMO MUSIC ST V1.0 A player with sample files. MI- DIDRUM This is a programable drum machine (as if you did not know that). MIDIPLAY A sequencer that runs in MONO but will work with an emulator, 1Meg as standard but can be made into 520K by adapt- ing the source code supplied on the disk. SOUND LAB is a sound generator for the ST's sound chip, saves all that messing around looking for the sound you want for your next games program. All in all this is a very good disk for producing music/sounds with/from your Atari ST. MUM 047 DS The Peeks And Pokes sound pack 2. This is a disk full of Amiga modules with graphix, they are enhanced for play on the STE (stero no less). In other words a picture appears while each track plays. The sound quality on our STE is very good and the pictures are of a very high standard. Worth a look. MUM 048 DS The Peeks and Pokes sound pack 4. As above but with another set of tracks nd pictures. MUM 049 DS The Peeks and Pokes sound pack 5. As MUM 027 another set of tracks and pictures. MUM 50 DS The Peeks and Pokes sound pack 6. As MUM 047 yet more tracks and pictures. MUM 052 DS MONO SOUND MERLIN V1.02 An ex-commercial program now released into the public domain. It is from Tony Software and the manual is in Ger- man but there is an English version on the disk I can't tell you how good the translation is. The funtions in the program are for a sequencer, drum machine, sampler. etc. MOZART'S DICE WALTZ This is a very strange program that allows you to compose music without any musical knowledge whatsoever!!?, you do this by throwing dice to select bars of music, you can then play the result through the internal speaker of a variety of MIDI instruments. It's quite fun hearing the finished 'waltz'. MUM 053 DS 1Meg MONO RIFF Is a program to help you create backing tracks. It is writ- ten in STOS and I would guess that it works best with that. You will require the full 1Meg of memory so be sure that you only have the accessoeries you need. There are two demos on the disk to give you some idea of what you can do, also on the disk is the full source code so you can add to the program if you like. Options include, Velocity, Loop, Play, Part Volume, Channel, Program, Tempo, Octave, etc, etc. Written with STOS so NOT Monulator com- patible. A 13K manual is also included on the disk. MUM 054 DS 1Meg MONO KAWAI K1<>K4 A useful program to convert sounds between K1 and K4 format. Plus SPRECTRA, a voice editor for the K1. The one problem is that the manual is in dutch. I found most of the program is pretty simple to follow so you should be alright. MUM 055 DS 1Meg MONO YAMAHA SY22 Another very comprehensive editor this time for the Yamaha SY22. You will need at least 1Meg of memory (more if you like), the instructions for the use of this program are built into the package and it comes with a demo to get you going. A monulator program is also supplied on the disk to allow you to run it from a colour monitor or TV. MUM 056 DS GUITAR PROFFESSIONAL (their spelling not mine). This program is for both the beginner and the advanced guitar player, the program is controlled via the mouse and keyboard. You select the cord you wish to learn from the menu bar. Menu 1 only in this version, 60 cords available, but first you better select menu 3 and use the tuner!! menu 3 also has a jam mode which displays random cords at a speed selected by you (the author says even he has difficulties keeping up with this when set to a second). Menu 2 is disabled but if you would like another 60 cords you can register for the full package for œ5 for which you will also be sent full instructions and update news and info on further programs as they appear. MUM 057 DS MONO FINAL SCORE A graphic based fully WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) score writing program from Mainstream Music. The package is almost totally mouse controlled for ease of use and produces exceptional results on the most basic of 9 pin printers. There is a comprehensive selection of symbols, save as degas PI3, draw staves, lines squares, 5 selectable score fonts, print preview mode etc. MUM 058 DS ROLAND 'D' SERIES SOUND BANKS From 'The Sound Bank', a bank of tones for the D5, D10, D20, D110 and GR synthesizes. They have been compiled from six banks of tones which have been produced over the last two years. The complete banks have been sold for œ30 in the music press and have been used by both amateur and pro alike. The disk has details on how to acquire the complete selec- tion at the low, low price of just œ15!!. MUS 059 SS K1 & MT32 SOUND LIBRARIES 64 new voices for the K1, K1M and K1R synths. There are also 64 new voices for the Roland MT32. You can also find details on the disk of how to get hold of the full stes, 775 for the MT32 and 609 for the K1. A full instruction file is included on the disk. MUS 060 DS QUARTET PLAYER 3 Compiled by Dan Pankes and runs in any resolu- tion, a selection of four songs along with voice sets and a player program that plays Quartet created songs. MUS 061 DS 1Meg [minimum] OMEGA II DEMO by Dr T: This demo is identical to the full release version with the exception that all the save functions are disab- led. The full version is available for œ275 to new users - exist- ing users of any of previous versions of the Keyboard Controlled Sequencer, MIDI Recording Studio, Tiger or Tiger Cub may upgrade for œ99: this includes a copy of the manual. Omega II is an integrated suite of programs for MIDI production and composition. While it is, ostensibly, a sequencer, there are many functions that permit you to use Omega as a means of gene- rating musical data by manipulating rule-based structures, either in real-time or step-time - this enables you to use the system as a means of generating pre-compositional material for subsequent incorporation into complete works. You can also use Omega as a performance instrument, creating material which can be played and modified directly from the computer's console in real-time. Be- cause of its general-purpose structures, it becomes possible to explore, develop and produce musical data which would otherwise be impossible on other systems - for the advanced or experimental composer, or just the curious, this means that you are freed from working or thinking in the kinds of ways that you are usually forced into by other sequencing systems. Omega, while giving you the option of working within the usual kinds of structures that you find in conventional popular music, also makes it possible to make it function in any way you wish. Remember, if you see a disk somewhere else you fancy the look of, then just drop me a line and I'll get hold of it at our normal price of œ1:75. Please note that not all libraries get their or- ders out as quickly as we do. So you may have to wait a few extra days.