INFORMATION PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE: Are programs and files put together by Atari ST enthusiasts from around the world. They have been placed in the public domain to allow other people to use the programs. The authors some times copyright their material, but state that they may be freely copied, but ask that no monies be charged for the product. SHAREWARE/FREEWARE SOFTWARE: Very similar to public domain, but the author asks the user to send a registration fee/donation to them, in return you will get things like manuals, source code, updates, etc. This means the author gets a small payment for all his/her hard work and will hopefully encourge him/her to do fur- ther work. The donation/fee is usually quite small, between œ10 and œ20. We do not contribute any money for such programs sold, because we do not use them (if we do then we pay). It is the user who is asked to contribute to the author, we act as an unofficial distributor. LICENSEWARE: Are programs supplied by TUMBLEVANE PDL on behalf of the authors who have licensed us to do so. We pay the author(s) an agreed percentage collected on all sales of these disks. These disks are of a very high standard and usually have a higher sell- ing price than either public domain or shareware. They are clearly marked as licenseware in this catalogue. NOTE: A public domain library is not charging for the software. It is however covering the costs of disks, labels, advertising, ad- ministration, etc. PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION: All the information you need to get the programs on a disk to run are contained on the disk in the same folder as the main program. We hold no further information about the programs, but if you do have a problem just give us a call, we will try and sort out any problem you have. See TO ORDER section for telephone number. VERSION NUMBER: Where possible we have put a version number. The version number will look something like this: V1.0 or V0.5. The V stands for version. The number is an indication of the programs development, the higher the number the later the version and the later the version the better the program (9 times out of ten this is true). If there is a version number for the program it will appear after the program name. The disk number is also an indica- tion of how new the program is. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Whilst every effort is made to ensure that they work as described, we cannot be held responsible for the functioning of any of the programs herein. We are NOT a software house, we do not own or produce the software described in the ca- talogue. All the programs work on the systems we use in the offi- ce, but if any bugs are found then we are not responsible. If the disks reach you in a damaged state or the data is corrupted we will replace it free of charge, but always with the same software. If you purchase disks that do not run on your system we will re- place them, provided we are informed within 14 days of your order leaving us. We reserve the right to change the contents or prices in this catalogue at any time without notice. SWAPPING DISKS: If anyone has any PD disks, that we do not have already then we will swap them with any disks of your choice from the catalogue on a one for one base. TO ORDER: Simply send us your details, and put the prefix and number of each disk you require IN BLOCK CAPITALS on the order form. Do NOT forget your name and address. You may also order disks by telephone:- EMSWORTH (0243) 370600 you must be a member of the TUMBLEVANE CLUB member to take advantage of this offer. DISK PRICES: All disks are priced at œ1:75 each, unless otherwise stated. Prices include VAT. Payment by postal order or cheque made payable to TUMBLEVANE PD. We do NOT accept any credit cards at this time. One reason why we can keep our prices low.