TUMBLEVANE ATARI ST CATALOGUE TUMBLEVANE PD 6, West Road, Emsworth, Hampshire, PO10 7JT Tel: EMSWORTH (0243) 370600 DISC PRICES All disks are priced at œ1:75, each unless otherwise stated. ABBREVIATIONS DS - Double sided disk drive required. Mono - Monochrome monitor required. 1 Meg - 1 Megabyte of RAM required. Not STE - Will not run on STE. Not 1.62 - Will not run with TOS 1.62. CSR - Colour screen required. If you have a single sided drive we will convert double sided disks so that they will run on your single sided drive where possible. There is a 50p per disk charge for this service as it takes a great deal of time and possibly an extra disk. All disks are colour and single sided unless stated. ADVENTURES ADV 001 DS TARK This is an adventure created with AGT (see PROGRAM section PRG 001).You take the part of Tark the high priestess of the first church in her battle against the demon of dark desire. This is an extremely well written text adventure based on the D&D type game, so get your spell throwing arm in action, sharpen your sword and off you go. Don't miss adding this to your collection. ADV 002 DS ASYLUM is the first of two adventures on this disk. A really top class adventure that runs in any reolution and almost fills this double sided disc. If you like strange happenings in your games then this is a must for you. I loved it and hope you do too!! Also on the disc by the same author is DOPPYWORD one of the first PD adventure games with character interaction of any kind. I found this a bit odd, I yhink the author has spent a lot of time on the character interaction and forgot what the adventure was going to be about!. Still thats just me talking and you might have other ideas. ADV 003 DS GHOST TOWN Another adventure created with AGT (See PRG 001). You are a prospector searching for gold and adventure. You have heard tell of a fabulous mine and an even richer ghost town near the mine. There is talk of strange sounds coming from the town. You have hiked many long hard miles and now find yourself lost with nothing to save your life but your wits........!!! This is one of those that will keep you up all night for a week or more before you find all the answers. (Well I was anyway). A great adventure in the usual style of traps and puzzles that take some thinking about, you can kick yourself when you discover the answer to some of them. ADV 004 This is a restoration of the original adventure game (CLOSSAL CAVE ADVENTURE) or simply ADVENTURE for the atari ST computer. This game was the first of it's type. Since it was called ADVENTURE it became the heading for all games of it's type. Step back in time and see what the original was like. Also on this disk is SLEUTH which is very much like cluedo. You are the local law and it is your job to find out who did it, where they did it and at what time they did it. Sleuth is a good game for the whole family to have a go at on those Sundays when you have nothing else to do. ADV 005 - DS TADS is an excellent adventure games tool. If you want to create your own adventures then this could be what you need. Comes with a large manual and an example on the disk called DITCH DAY DRIFTER. ADV 006 NOT STE INVASION is a STAC text adventure, with some graphics now and then, a bit like some of the early level 7 games. It proves to be quite good with some very hard puzzles to sort out. There is one really mean door near the start that we at Tumblevane cannot get through. We are offering a free disk to the first person who can tell us how!!. Like all STAC games that I've played its Slowwww to load the next picture and as you interact with the pictures, click on the part of the picture you require information about it can get just a bit boring. ADV 007 WIZARDS TOWER is a D&D type game, so wipe the cobwebs off your spellbooks, strap on your sword and enter the tower. Don't get done to death. A nice game this with combat against all manner of beings and a good storyline that keeps you interested. I rather like this one even if it is a bit long in the tooth. ADV 008 DS PORK 1 This is a great adventure for those who like a laugh with their adventuring. It's a parody of the old classic Zork. You need not have played Zork but it might just help if you have. There is a joke lying in wait just around every corner, just press help at the very beginning!! All the low cunning, cleverness and humour of Zork is still retained as well as the authors attempts to poke a little fun at it. Good fun, if like me you have played Zork you will get a great laugh from this, if on the other hand you missed Zork you might be lost by some of the jokes/ ADV 009 - DS PORK 2 This is the sequel to Pork 1 (Would you believe). Again it pokes fun at Zork 2 and is sub-titled "The Gizzard of Showbiz". The game has lewd and tame modes, which unless you know something about the U.S.A you might have some problems entering the lewd mode, unless you go down to your main library. As you awake from a dream you spy a woman wearing an apron with the words "Cajun Fried Chicken House" written on the front. She informs you that the chicken gizzard she was about to cook has escaped from the chicken house got a job as a tapdancer at the local burlesque house and is now an international terrorist (gets you in the right frame of mind for whats coming). Your job is to save the world from the mad Chicken Gizzard. This is as much if not more fun than Pork 1 with strange things going on from the word go!. ADV 010 DER RING DES NIBELLUNGEN You take the part of Seigfried in this adventure based around the opera's of Richard Wagner. ( A lot more fun than it sounds). Your wife has, once again, got you to improve your mind by going to the opera, but you have drifted off into a dream based on the show. A humorous walkthrough a ( somesay ) se- rious subject. When I first loaded this a thought "How can anyth- ing to do with opera be interesting or fun". Well I'll tell you this had me coming back for more until I had finished it and I still can't work out why, all I do know is that its good fun and plays well. ADV 011 DS QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL A mad adventure based on the Monty Python film of the same name. You find yourself in the time of King Arthur. The heavens open and a booming voice informs you that you have been chosen to find the Holy Grail, not that you are really that keen to be the chosen one. Most definately something different that makes an interesting change to the usual quests found in adventure games. ADV 012 DS SIR RAMIC HOBBS AND THE HIGH LEVEL GORILLA ( Who does think up these names ) In this crazy adventure you take the part of Sir Ramic Hobbs. With the aid ofthe Wizard Prang you must attempt to rescue the princess (surprise,surprise) from the fiendish vil- lains. (Boo,Hiss). You can talk to Wizard Prang and also a very helpful owl called Bo. This adventure is highly recommended as one of the best I have played in PD all of the puzzles make sense, once you find the answers, no silly actions to perform and most of inputs that the player needs to enter have been well worked out by the author, so there is no need to guess what hes after. ADV 013 DRAGON SLAYER You start this adventure as a lowly beggar standing outside a golden gate. At your feet is a piece of papyrus that tells you about your quest. Follow what it says, pull the bell cord and you are away. This adventure may have only 55 locations but it should take you some time to complete. It took me awhile to get into the idea of the game but once thats done it plays like a dream. ADV 014 DS PYRAMID OF MUNA While studying the Mayan pyramids in Yacaton you come across a six pointed star with precious stones in it. Writing on the star gives you an indication that it may be the key to a pyramid ( and a great adventure). A good one for those of us who like logical puzzles. ADV 015 ENCHANTED REALM An adventure set in the middle ages which is quite good fun. EB-CITY is a small adventure but worth playing. PARANOIA is an R.P.G set in the distant future. You are a troub- leshooter and your first task is to defeat the retailers in their bid to take over Christmas. I was not keen on the pick and select method to perform actions in this game. It may help the player by cutting out the need for the player to hunt for what the author wants you to type into the parser but it cuts out any mood that the author is trying to but over. Still I will admit that the game was fun to play if a bit short. ADV 016 DS STAR PORTAL This is a Sci-Fi adventure that starts with you lost in a martian desert. The whole game is based on the book "Ticket to anywhere" and is written using the AGT system. There are 177 locations for you to explore and most of them have a puzzle or trap for you to deal with. ADV 017 DS SQUYNCHIA Whilst relaxing under a tree you are rudely awakened by the king of Squynch and asked to undertake a mission to find the legendary Ruby of ancient folklore. The king of Squynch is a very odd looking creature indeed (as are all squynchians!!) This is a D&D type game and you will meet many creatures who will try and finish you off, so get hold of some sort of weapon ASAP. ADV 018 DS ELF You have been called out of retirement and summoned to the North Pole. It would seem that Christmas has run amok and you have been selected to set things right. You will have to use your wis- dom as the eldest elf and the recollections of your youth to get Christmas back on the right track. ADV 019 DS CRUSADE You take the part of Godfrey De Goodheart in this adven- ture. The king has called upon you to recue the Princess Ann from Baron Von Evil and he tells you that while you are about it you may as well take back the Barons treaure which he had nicked from his serfs. If you manage to accomplish all this you can marry the Princess. Another good game recommended for anyones collection. ADV 020 DS QUEST You are Odieus, son of Odielle. Your family have been sor- cerors and enchantresses from way back. Your arch enemy Blackwing, son of Blackfeather has stolen your magic flingshot, leaving you right in the mire. You, being the type of bloke you are, have vo- wed to recover the magic flingshot and have vengeance on Blackwing to preserve your ancestral traditions. An adventure that should have you in fits of laughter as well as scratching your heads. I like this one alot, it maybe text only but it has everthing a good adventure should. ADV 021 DS UNDERGROUND The year is 2093 and you, foolish explorer, have de- cided to take alook at what used to be the capital city of Wa- shington D.C. The whole area is filled with way above normal ra- diation levels. In the last six months you have been subjected to attacks by wild dogs and even more wild human beings. Your supp- lies have been stolen and when you have tried to leave the area the patrols have opened fire on you. You have found some caves where it is rumoured that the rich and famous hid during the last atomic war. Nearby there are some deep, round pits. Selecting one of these pits you slide down your rope, but fall the last twenty feet to the bottom, and this is where your adventure begins. Not a bad adventure, but I think I've come across this storyline some- where before. ADV 022 DS AGT COMPANION DISK You need the Adventure Game Toolkit disk to run the games on this disk.( See PRG 001 in the PROGRAMING section ). None of the games on this disk will run without first compiling them on to a formatted double-sided disk. The reason for this is that you need room on the same disc to save your game.(For some reason AGT games do not accept a separate disc for saving). The games on the disc are:- Odieus quest, Crusade, Elf, Squynchia, Fable, Ghost Town, Underground and Colossal Cave. ADV 023 DS BATTLE OF PHILLIP AGAINST THE FORCES OF CREATION This is the follow on from the popular Tark (ADV 001) and is based on the D&D theme. This strange but extremely well constructed game should be enjoyed by anyone who likes sword and sorcery type games. All the characters from the first game are in here plus several new ones that add quite a bit to the game. Again this is another well thought about game rather than someone just sitting down and putting something together. ADV 024 DS SNATCH AND CRUNCH This is an adult adventure (Not really rude but a bit iffy) In it you switch between both characters (at one time or another), and will need their different abilities to reach the end of the game. One of the good things is that you are never killed off, the game just gets harder the more mistakes you ma- ke!!. AWECHASH This is the follow up adventure to snatch and crunch. ON THE PULL is another funny look at life where you try and pull the girl of your dreams with luck you might make it to the bedroom and under the covers. PUBLIC INVESTIGATER Can you, the top home office investigater solve a burglary that threatens the whole nation if the plans of a new materail fall into the wrong hands. A good adventure with a new theme. ADV 025 ELVEN CRYSTALS This is the first part of a two disc adventure set. The game is full of wry humour from the author, The Fink. With both text and graphics to a very high standard it should keep you coming back for more. This is good, it is the best so far in the library both in the style of writing and graphics presented to the player, well done the Fink. ADV 026 ELVEN CRYSTALS II Well look what's arrived! The Fink must have been working overtime. This is the same format as part 1 but pos- sibly slightly harder. Rather more thought is required but the same standard of gameplay and graphics is still there. ADV 027 DS FAST LANE In this game you must locate and enter a classic car show. You will have to deal with obstructive family members, odd creatures, criminals and the law. Another AGT adventure for you to get into. There are several questions at the start of the game that need to be answered before you can really get into the game, if you want to save a trip to the local library then give us a call and we will pass on the answers. What was Theodore Roosevelt's mothers first name anyway? ADV 028 A NIGHT ON THE TOWN You are off for a night on the town. The idea is to find the lady of your dreams. This is a text/graphic adventure full of fun and witty problems to solve. All you have with you is œ10 and a credit card. Get out there and meet that lady. Well this is O.K but nothing to shout about, I finished it in about two days and the hardest part was finding my way past the maze. ADV 029 DS DUDLEY DILEMNA Another AGT adventure. You play the part of a Harvard University student residing at Dudley House. Your quest is for knowledge, adventure and ( if you are lucky ) a diploma!. Well constructed and written in the style of old infocom adventures. ADV 030 DS HOUSE OF THE 0'S There are no spaceships, dragons, magic or even trapdoors in this adventure. It is based on an ordinary family living in an ordinary house somewhere in New Jersey U.S.A. You are struggling to set up a firm of private detectives and are hired to find a woman's husband. Success with this case would bring you a string of new clients, not to mention fame and fortune. I loved this as a change from killing things, its well put together and requires some thought to get the problems solved. Not a game that will be completed in half a day. ADV 031 DS SUSAN An adult AGT adventure game where your main aim is to get your girlfriend into bed. A light hearted adventure for the over 18's. ADV 032 DS CHRISTIAN ADVENTURE Battle against the forces of greed and lust using weapons like the sword of the spirit. Another AGT adventure, plays better than it sounds. ADV 033 DS LOTTERY ADVENTURE An adult AGT adventure set in the red light area of San Fransisco. ADV 34 DS ADVENTURE SOLUTIONS Solutions to the following adventures:- LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE, SCAPEGHOST, PERSONAL NIGHTMARE, THE PAY OFF, THE GRIMOIRE, HILLSFAR, SPACE ROGUE, MORTVILLE MANOR, ULTIMA 5, RINGS OF ZILFIN, DREAM ZONE, MANIAC MANSION, BARDS TALE, PHAN- TASIA, ROADWAR 2000, FUTURE WARS, MANHUNTER, LEISURE SUIT LARRY 3. INDIANA JONES, DEMONS TOMB and last of all HEROES QUEST. The Tumblevane document displayer auto boots so you can choose the solution you wish to examine or print out. ADV 34/A DS ADVENTURE SOLUTION A complete solution to BARDS TALE 1. This is a picture and text solution that runs in medium res, it gives you all the information you need to complete this classic, which dun- geon to enter, what spells to cast and which items do what to what. There is a slide show to view the pictures and a copy of picswitch that will let you printout the pictures of each level. If you do not have a printer we will print out the levels for you, just write your request on the back of your order form. ADV 34/B DS ADVENTURE SOLUTIONS Solutions to the following adventures:- ADVENTURE QUEST, BEYOND ZORK, BORROWED, BREAKERS, BRIMSTONE, CO- LOSSAL, KNIGHT ORC, LANCELOT, MOONMIST, MIND SHADOW, SHADOWGATE, TASS TIMES IN TONE TOWN, THE PAWN, CORRUPTION, ESSEX, FISH, GNOME RANGER, GUILD OF THIEVES, INGRIDS BACK, JINXTER, KINGS QURST 1, LEISURE SUIT LARRY 1, POLICE QUEST, SNOWBALL, LORDS OF TIME, LE- GEND OF THE SWORD.ADV 034C - DSADVENTURE SOLUTIONS This disk has solution maps for use with the JINXTER, THE PAWN, GUILD OF THIEVES and CORRUPTION. These maps are best used with one of the other disks with the complete solution on a text file. ADV 034D DS ADVENTURE SOLUTIONS Stuck in any of the LEISURE SUIT LARRY or GOLD RUSH adventures?, well this is for you. It contains a com- plete set of maps for each of these games. You can view the maps on any colour or mono screen using the slide show program or print them out with picswitch. If you do not have a printer we will print them out for you, just put a message on the back of your order form. ADV 35 DS DEENA You play the part of a female (at long last someone who thinks about the girls) warrior struggling to escape from the le- cherous Gendi tribe. An adult AGT adventure. ADV 036 DS AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS An AGT adventure based on the Jules Verne story. You make a foolish bet that you can travel around the world in 80 days. Now you must prove yourself and win the bet. This is not the best AGT game I've ever played, in fact I can't think of anything nice to say about it. ADV 037 - DS LASER Peace is threatened in the kingdom of Ellasal. You must venture out and destroy the threat before it is to late. Another AGT adventure. ADV 038 DS DARKNESS IS FOREVER A very odd adventure that gets the old grey stuff working. You wake up in a bedroom not knowing who you are, you soon discover that you are in the smelly stuff up to your neck. You start finding Dead bodies and bits of the same all over the place. Can you find out who you are and where the dead bits are coming from?. I like this it puts you in the muck from the word go, you have to be careful who you talk to and what you do and where you do it from the start, but it starts to make sense after awhile. ADV 039 DS EAGLESTAR A great adventure set in the future, can you escape from the city and all its traps ?. This has everything, great graphics that really add to the game play and the text adds to the fun by giving good descriptions of where you are. This is version 1.0 of the game as the author has promised an updated version when he has finished another project he is working on at the moment. I can't wait for more of this high quality stuff. ADV 040 DS GRANDAD AND THE QUEST FOR THE HOLEY VEST A very good graphic ad- venture where you take the part of an old git named simply GRANDAD in his search for his vest ( strange sounding adventure, but great fun). This is a shareware game and you will need to pay the œ5 asked to complete it. This games graphics are as good as anything I have ever seen in PD and quite a few full priced games.. Well worth œ1:50 for a look and the œ5 to the author for the password to complete, in short one of the best graphic PD/Shareware pro- grams on the market. It was even given rave reviews by all the Atari press. ADV 041 WINDFALL This is the first in a series of Jason Drew adventures written by David Jones of Tumblevane (which means the first and last if I know Dave). Join our hero at the start of of his holi- days when he thinks he's in for a relaxing time doing nothing. Little did he know what was in store for him. Not a bad adventure for a starter, the sailing parts could have been made a bit easier but you get used to it after a bit, you also find that things happen to you without any warning. The one good thing about the game is that it gets harder as you go along rather than land you in the muck right from the word go which can put a lot of people off. ADV 042 DS TAMORET An evil creature has escaped into our world. You have been called upon to return it to wherever it came from. This is not quite as easy as it seems as you do not appear to be a welcome guest in the local town. ADV 043 DS DISENCHANTED An artifact has been stolen by a wizard called Vor- tock (not another Wizard) for some reason you have been summoned to rescue it, something that your not to keen on, but the only way back home is to do just that. I liked this, I don't know why, I just did. ADV 044 DS PYRAMID The game is set in present day Egypt and your task is to discover the secret of the tomb and the meaning of life (should be easy enough). The game has a bug in it that tells you just how bad the dessert is even when you are nowhere near a dessert!!?, it seems not to effect the game but it is a pain in the neck, so be warned. ADV 045 DS MAGIC MANSION You take the part of a young girl held captive by an evil wizard (another wizard, where do they all come from). He keeps you in a tiny room in the basement of his mansion. You see your chance of escape and make a break for freedom, you will meet up with all manner of things on escape bid including obnoxious pets, beautiful flowers, magic and some very clever puzzles that will get the old grey matter in gear. VERY GOOD. ADV 046 DS STORMS Just as your about sit down to a well earned cuppa the phone rings and a lawyer informs you that your uncle the famed scientist prof. Nightshade has passed on, according to the will whoever discovers his greatest invention will get the 7.4 million inheritance. But look out because your not the only one in the race to get their hands on the loot. There are plenty of location to explore on you quest to get rich quick, a 142 altogether. Still you know what they say "Where theres a will theres a way". Good fun to play and it will o on longer than most adventures of its type. ADV 047 WISH YOU WERE HERE A brand new adventure from Ted Webb who wrote Nethack, this is in fact the follow on from that game. You start the game at the bottom of a black pit with a headache to end them all. A bit of tidying up and you are out of the pit and well down the road on your adventure. A good game with touchs of humour, the detail in the game is very good, examine just about everything and you will come across some information, it may not be helpful but it will give you a laugh. ADV 048 DS DON'T BANK ON IT A shareware adventure from Ruth Sunderland. You take the part of Harry Pratt, a wheeler dealer type character with a get rich quick scheme...... can you help him with his plans?. All the options are available but you cannot save the game, if you reuire the full game then you must send œ2:75 to Ruth, her address is on the disk. The game runs in med or low res and has a helpful file for those people who have never played an adventure before. ADV 049 DS ALICE IN WONDERLAND An AGT text adventure in which you take the part of Alice. You wake up to a fine morning. The sun shines, the birds sing and you feel wonderful. Your cat dinah greets you at your bedroom door. There is, however, a spectre on the horizon. Today is the day of your mathematics exam............Buy it and see what happens next!! ADV 050 DS BLACK DAWN This is a Sci-Fi text adventure with some every well drawn pictures that help you along. After you have crash landed on an alien planet your mission is to find and destroy the alien mo- thership. You will meet all kinds of strange creatures along the way, look out for the super cool hedgehog he can be a real killer. ADV 051 DS The Three Relms of Suspicion. This is a new concept in adventures, it might well be called a role playing game in the true sense of the term. You can enter text in some locations, such as examine when in a location where you would try to examine objects. On the other hand there are times when you can choose from a list of mutli options, such as press A to do this or B to do that, etc. The game has some great graphics and the atmosphere that is crea- ted by the game is very good. All the characters you meet act like real people should and it helps if you can 'SEE' yourself in the same sort of contions as the character in the game, there are no strange problems to solve, you know the type of thing turn round three times and bow to the 3rd sector of the sun to open a door!!. It took me awhile to get used to the idea of the game but once into it I found it a joy not having to try and work out what to imput to do something that should have been easy. I'm now looking forward to part 2 of the game. ADV 052 DS INVESTIGATION & THE HEAVY BUNCH The first title is from David Weeks. Its graphic adventure where you take the part of Dave Dare who while experimenting with a new type of video modem system witnessed a conversation that could lead to the biggest computer crime this decade. You have until Monday to stop the crime from taking place. The game itself is along the line of many commercial offerings, you control the character of Dave Dare via the cursor keys or joystick, there are over 60 locations to vist and 30 plus characters to interact with. The second offering is from Dean Sharples and called the Heavy Bunch, this is another graphic ad- venture. You must clear your name and find the 'heavy rocker'. To do this you must travel from town to town in order to find the rocker and his mates (3 in this version). NOTE: This disk autoboots with one of the programs. Therefore use another disk to boot up with to access the other title. ADV 053 DS SHYMER As Sherlock Holmes assistant you have been called in to sort out the nursery crimes mystery.(Sherlock is on holiday) Very clever with beautifull graphics. Also on the disk is a slideshow program to show pictures that have been created and compressed using STAC, you can alter the time between pic's. There is also a loop facility which runs from ram and so does not access the disk continuously. The slideshow also conpresses and decompresses Neo pictures. Remember if you see an adventure game somewhere else which I do not have list in the library then just give me a call or write and I'll be pleased to get it for you at the normal price of œ1:50 or œ1:00 if you are a Tumblevane club member. Please allow 7 days for your order to arrive if you take up this offer. Some libraies take their time sending out disks!!. ADV 054 DS MICHAELS BIG ADVENTURE by Tom Zunder. A jolly adventure of derring do and excitement which will probably appeal to most of the adults out there as well. Talespin is not the best games system in the world, it's speed (Its slowww, unless you have 1Meg and then its a bit better) and need for disk access can be infuriating, but it does provide a beautifully intuitive graphics based approach to adventures and fun. This one is more for the younger mambers of the family, get them young enough and they will use the computer for something other than killing everything in sight. My two young ones (5 & 7) enjoyed this no end. ADV 055 THE PILOT by the ADVENTURE GAME JOCKEY You are an extremely self-confident (though somewhat foolish) jet- jockey who, through some fault of your own, have landed into "an- other fine mess." Your objective, therefore, is to extricate yourself from your current (ahem) uncomfortable situation (diving straight at the ground at something approximating Mach 2) and, having successfully done so, negotiate the obstacles and solve the problems you will encounter in your aggressive, never-say-die attempt to find your way back to the wonderful world you once knew and loved. There are adequate hints within the game (subject interpretation) so that the player won't get completely muddled start hammering on the keyboard with a baseball bat. A text only adventure written with AGT. NETHACK by Mr.T.Webb. A somewhat strange adventure which mixes elements of the ogirinal Nethack game, of which Mr.Webb is a fan off and the more modern up to date world. So you get Elfs and Orcs doing battle with a modern day person. The adventure starts off with you locked in your bedroon after a heavy night on the town. You have in your bedroom a MFI cupboard and your Atari computer system. After a short time of messing around you will be visited by a small man who appears from the MFI cupboard. I like this game it only has a small number of locations but something happens in most of them. It has the right mix of laughs and problems to keep you guessing what will happen next.