My Hometown I'd like to tell you about the little town I live in. It's called Atariville. It's a nice, small community, out a ways from the better known, and bigger, cities of Macopolis and Big Blue City. But it's a nice little place, with quite a bit to offer its citizens. We have stores to shop in, clubs to belong to, and even politics to get involved in, should we be of that mind. But, our little town is in trouble, folks, and I want to tell you about it. Our town fathers, who have run the place since it began, rule with an iron fist. Well, they try to, anyways. They come up with all kinds of particular ways to make the town into what they want it to be. But, being independent sorts, someone always seems to come along and do it some other way. We can feel the heat coming from town hall, and sometimes even hear a cuss word or two, but folks here like to think that they have some brains, too. And that just maybe, the town fathers don't always know what's best for Atariville. And judging from the way our community has diminished, that may not be wrong. I guess problems happen when you don't listen enough to the citizens, and make up rules without regard to what they want, or need. I won't even go into the rest of the political situation. Like anywhere, most of the politicians are in it for themselves, and rarely represent the actual interests of the citizens. We got crusaders, out to save us from ourselves. We got good ol' boys, set in their ways and not about to change for nobody. We got sheep, who follow the town fathers wherever they get led, even if it is to the slaughterhouse. But mostly, we got a bunch of folks who just want to live their lives, the best they can. Now, if the community was strong, and healthy, we could withstand a lot of that politics stuff. But that just isn't the case, and all that politicin' just makes things worse, sometimes. If those folks'd spend a little less time trying to get in good with the town fathers, and a little more time trying to help the community, we'd be in a lot better shape. We just can't afford any more petty bickering amongst ourselves. Atariville is losing folks all the time to the lure of the big city, and our storekeepers have been hurting for quite a while. We've lost too many of the good shops already. And there just aren't that many left. Now, I don't want to make it sound like our little downtown isn't worth a a visit now and then. We may not have as many stores as the cities, but the ones we have sell pretty much everything we need. Oh, the selection isn't as varied, but what there is is well made, and lasting. The kind of stuff folks used to call 'good value'. But that doesn't seem to help sell enough to keep all the shops in business. You see, our local shopkeepers need new blood in town, so they can do enough business to keep their families fed. Of course, the town fathers keep coming up with ideas to bring new folks into town. And even their most vocal critics here in town have to admit that some of those ideas are pretty good. But with the way they've handled things in the past, it might be a good idea if they'd just let someone who knows what they're doing implement the ideas. A while back, for instance, they tried to get a bunch of musicians to move into town. Quite a few did for a while, but the town fathers got rid of the guy who was running the effort. And as a result, the influx had slowed down in the last few months. Now, the town fathers are working on getting some renewed interest from musicians. And, you know, I'll bet it works. Here recently, their big push has been in trying to get a big printing plant to move into town. Most of the printing plants are already in the big cities, and it's going to take a lot to get them to move way out here in the sticks. But a lot of folks agree with the town fathers that a printing plant will help things out. And are working on making it happen. If it all works out, it'll be nice. But that's a big if. There doesn't seem to be a lot of energy left to work on other things that might help our little community, so I hope things don't slip by because the town fathers are too busy with this 'pet' project of theirs. And then I wonder just how many folks a printing plant is going to really bring into town. Sure, there'll be some, but I don't think it's going to be enough to help our storekeepers. Some will do real well, but the kind of folks that a printing plant will bring in are already used to big city ways, and a lot of our smaller shops probably aren't going to see much new business. It's too bad, because some of those small shops have been among the strongest supporters our town has. It'd be a damn shame if they don't get some benefits from all the effort the town fathers are putting into that printing plant. It's really a sad thing when our local stores close up. It means the rest of us aren't going to be able to get the things we need. And some are going to leave town, so they can find what they need in the big cities. And our little community will be a little worse off. And a little closer to dying out altogether. But what really sticks in my craw, is that the town fathers don't seem to want to do some really basic things that would bring folks into town. We don't have enough lots for people to build their houses on. There are folks out there, who would build homes, and nice homes, if they could only get a lot to build it on. But, the town fathers just don't make the lots available. There are some rumors that they own land in another county, and are making lots available there, so they don't need to do that here. That's just silly. It's two different places. Why does one have to grow at the expense of the other? Why not help both of them grow? Of course, there are all those empty homes that are left from folks who've moved to the big cities. We could get people to move into them, but that wouldn't help as much as getting a bunch of new houses built on some new lots. When you're building a new house, you need to spend a lot of money getting things comfortable. When someone buys an already existing house, there is only minor remodeling to do, and a lot less money gets spent. And as bad as some of our shopkeepers are doing, the more money that gets spent, the better. Another thing that really gets me is how our town fathers change their minds all the time. Just when something starts rolling, they decide to concentrate on something else. I don't know why, and most of us in town just sit here and scratch our heads in amazement. Is a little consistency too much to ask for? One time, they even built a whole new building, a beautiful place, and for some reason, couldn't get it to pass the building inspection. Oh, some folks used it anyway, but now, the town fathers are building another beautiful building, and aren't going to do anything about getting the first one fixed. The old one is just going to sit there, and eventually rot away. I sure hope the new one passes the inspection. Before they change their minds again, and start another project! Like I said, Atariville is hurting, like many other communities in this great big land of ours. Others have done what they need to do to put themselves back on the road to recovery. I hope the town fathers will wake up to the facts, and get Atariville on that road. That's the kind of thing that everybody in the community can get behind, and help make a reality. But we'd better get on that road soon, or we're going to be so far behind, that Atariville is going to just wither up and blow away.