MAGNUS Graphics Manipulator BY JOHN C. COOK 323 OVERDRIVE S.E. NEWARK, OHIO 43056 (614)-323-4770 DELPHI:JOHNCOOK ShareWare This program is the result of hundreds of hours of labor. If you find it useful please take the time to drop me a line, or :-) make a $mall donation to offset the ire of my spouse (for time spent locked in my room computing). The Shareware format is fast becomming the ST users main method for getting new software. Please support it. Most of the features of the program functions are readily apparent, but for those features which are not, the following documentation is included for your convenience. The flow of the documentation will follow the flow of the menu items. I. INFO A. LOOK: FOR VANITY PURPOSES ONLY. II. FILE A. LOAD: Will load any uncompressed Degas or Neochrome picture into Magnus. Will also load any compressed Crackart Picture. B. SAVE AS .NEO/PI1/CA1: Will save picture in current workscreen as either a .NEO OR .PI1 uncompressed picture file, or in compressed Crackart format "CA1". C. LOAD VIDI PAL: Load Vidi Palette from Disk. D. QUIT: Returns control to the ST Desktop. III. OPTIONS A. X1,X2,X4,X8,X10: Prints the current workscreen to the printer and will enlarge it by the multiplier selected. In the Horizontal mode it will be a 8x10 multiple. In the Vertical mode it will be a 5.5x8 multiple. B. HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL: This option has been provided to be used with the Degas printer driver accessory. If Horizontal was selected from the driver loader then Magic Print must be placed in the Horizontal mode. If Vertical was selected from the driver loader then Vertical must be selected in Magic Print. If you don't have the Degas printer installer this option must be in the Vertical mode. If you have installed your own printer driver you may still be able to use the horizontal mode. If your printer driver prints horizontally that is. C. INDIVIDUAL/CONTINUOUS: For most printing you will want to be in the CONTINUOUS mode. This will print out your enlarged pictures like strips of wall paper, making it very easy for you to put them together. The INDIVIDUAL mode will print your enlarged picture out in individual squares. This is a little more work but for some applications it may be preferable. If your Printer Driver does auto form feeds this function is invalid. D. CLEAR: Clears only the current workscreen. IV. SPECIAL A. WORK 1: Clicking here activates the picture in workscreen one and allows for printing and editing of picture data. B. WORK 2: Clicking here activates the picture in workscreen two and allows for printing and editing of picture data. C. CUT: Allows for Cutting out a section of picture for later Pasting to either workscreen. D. PASTE: Allows for pasting of a previously cut section of a picture. To exit this option move mouse to the right hand corner of the screen and press the right button. E. EXPAND PASTE: Will expand a previously cut section of picture to the size determined by a rubber box you set on screen. If the size of your box is smaller than the original cut the paste will be aborted and you will have to set a new expand area. To exit this option move mouse to the right hand corner of the screen and press the right button. F. PALETTE: Allows for the changing of current palette information. This applies only to the current workscreen selected. If a mistake is made you may reset the single color you are working on to the default color. G. COLOR EXCHANGE: Allows for the replacement of one color for another or the swapping of two colors. This can affect the whole screen or a zone selected by you. 1. SETTING COLORS: The first selection you will make is the colors to be affected. The colors can be selected either from the options window, the screen, or a combination of both. 2. SWAP COLORS: This option will search for instances of color one and change them to color two, it will also search for instances of color two and change them to color one. If you select WHOLE SCREEN then the whole screen will be affected. You may stop the process at any time by pressing the right button. You can then either elect to keep what has been completed, redo the whole process, or abort and return to the main menu. If you selected the ZONE option only that portion of screen which was outlined will be affected. REPLACE COLOR: This option will look for all instances of color one and replace them with color two. It differs from the previous example in that color two is left as it is. WHOLE SCREEN and SET ZONE function in the same manner as described above. H. GRAB VIDI: If you are the proud owner of the Vidi ST digitizer you can grab continous images from your VCR or Video camera. 1. Vidi Menu: Once into this mode, pressing the space key will bring up a window with some options on it. These options are: a. Brightness: Adjusts the brightness of the incomming images. To adjust place the mouse pointer over the icon and press the left button to increment, and the right button to decrement brightness. b. Offset: Sets the number of lines from the top of the screen that the image will begin. c. Aspect: 0 aspect is normal full screen. 1 aspect squashes the incomming image somewhat. d. Exit: Exits back to the main program. e. Grab Vidi: Continues the process of capturing incomming video signals. H. Grab Vidi(cont): f. Vidi Delay: Adjusts the amount of time the system waits before grabbing the next frame of video. V. FINAL EXCUSES AND DISCLAIMER: What happens to this program next depends entirely upon the user base that develops. I can add virtually any options that may be suggested by those who take time to request them in sufficient numbers. DISCLAIMER: I make no guarantees as to the workabilty or the usefulness of this program, nor do I accept responsibility for any damages which may occur during the use of this program. VI. ADDITIONAL INFO: In order to make the best use of this program the use of the Printer installer written by Tom Hudson is suggested. The printer drivers are available on any bulletin board and will allow for those who own color printers to print in color. You may of course use a printer driver of your own, that is of course if it uses the Hardcopy function of the ST Operating System.