Raunheim; 09.92 DMC LASERBRAIN Information Version 1.42 DMC LASERBRAIN-Disk contents: README TXT This file LASERBR ACC LASERBRAIN, german Version LASBRAIN BAT Automatic Installation Folder FONTS: ELITE DRF Set of Elite-Fonts Folder UTILITY: COPIES PRG ->copies per page TABSET PRG ->setting Tabs HANDBUCH PRT Owners manual LASERBRAIN (german) CONDENSE PRT Setup 132 chars per line MINI PRT Setup minifont AUTOLF PRT Reset variable linefeed RESET PRT Reset emulator INTLC PRT Interlacing Graphics 3 off NOINTLC PRT Interlacing Graphics 3 on OLDEPSON PRT Setup 'old' Epson NEWEPSON PRT Setup 'new' Epson NEW PRG Complete !! Reset of the computer Folder WORDPLUS: LASBR_80 HEX WORDPLUS Text-file PRINTER CFG WORDPLUS Printerdriver Remark: All files with suffix .PRT should be used from Desktop. Just double-klick and say print. Contents of Fontset ELITE.DRF: Elite 50 (normal) Elite 50 bold (bold) Elite 50 italics (italic) Elite 50 italics bold (italic and bold) Elite 50 light (light, as italic and subscript) Elite 50 light bold (light and bold, as italic, subscript and bold ) Elite 50 expanded (expanded) Elite 50 italics expanded (expanded italic) Elite 34 subscript (subscript) Elite 34 (superscript) Elite 34 bold (superscript bold) (all Fonts DRAFT UNPROPORTIONAL ) Elite 34 (Elite + condesed = 132 chars/line) Elite 34 bold (Elite + condensed + bold ) ATARI Computer GmbH