H-P DESKJET PRINTER DRIVERS The Hewlett-Packard Deskjet Printer is one heck of a nice printer for personal use. Its major advantages are that it's faster than most dot-matrix printers for text printing, much quieter than any other kind of printer I've worked with, and capable of 300 DPI graphics (laser quality!) on most kinds of ordinary paper. Its disadvantages are that it's fairly expensive ($700 - $1000, depending on where you shop) and slow for full-page graphics. Also, almost half the manual is devoted to detailed instructions for setting up the printer with H-P, IBM and Apple equipment and with a wide range of IBM software packages, but never mentions the Atari ST once (why am I not surprised?). To remedy the latter problem, I have prepared H-P Deskjet printer drivers for three popular ST word-processing programs: 1st Word (v1.06), ST Writer (v1.07 or higher) and Word Writer ST. These drivers and associated files have been placed on-line for all to use. The files in this ARC should be: READ_ME.TXT - The documentation you are reading now! 1ST_PRNT.DOT - Driver for 1st Word HP_DJET.HEX - Source code file for 1st Word driver XYZZX.DAT - Driver for ST Writer CONFIG.TXT - Source code file for ST Writer driver PRINTER.CFG - Auto-install driver for Word Writer ST HP:DJET.CFG - Manual install driver for Word Writer ST PLEASE NOTE: All drivers have been set up to allow for italic text. The H-P Deskjet needs an OPTIONAL font cartridge to print italic text with the word processors listed above. Without the cartridge, italic text in your word processor will be printed as normal text by the Deskjet. The installation instructions for each driver are given below: Driver for 1st Word: To install, simply copy the file 1ST_PRNT.DOT to the disk containing your copy of 1st Word. Be sure that the driver is copied to the same folder that contains 1ST_PRNT.PRG and 1ST_WORD.PRG. (If they aren't in a folder, never mind.) Also included is the source code for the driver: HP_DJET.HEX. It has been heavily commented to explain what it does and to aid in modifications. If you make changes to this file, it must be run through INSTALL.PRG (in the PRINTER folder on your 1st Word disk) to create a new 1ST_PRNT.DOT file. Driver for ST Writer (v1.07 and above): To install, copy XYZZX.DAT to your ST Writer disk. If your STWRITER.PRG file is in a folder on the disk, make sure that XYZZX.DAT is copied into the same folder. The driver source file, CONFIG.TXT, has been included to allow you to customize the driver for your own use. If you modify a copy of this file, it must be run through the CONFIG.TOS program to create a new XYZZX.DAT file. This file must be installed as above for your changes to take effect. Driver for Word Writer ST: Copy the PRINTER.CFG file to your Word Writer program disk. This driver will automatically install when you load Word Writer. If you do not want the driver to install automatically, copy the file HP:DJET.CFG to your program disk. This driver, which is identical to PRINTER.CFG, can be installed using the 'Install Printer' option on the 'Print' menu in Word Writer. Either driver can be modified using the WWINSTAL.PRG program on your Word Writer disk. If you wish to make changes to any of the above drivers, I strongly suggest you read _thoroughly_ Chapter 4: Programming, in the Deskjet Owner's Manual. I made a lot of mistakes the first time I tried to create a printer driver by just skimming this chapter (when all else fails, read directions). Also look at sections in the Appendix on Character Set Selection, the ASCII-Decimal-Hex Table and the Escape Sequence/Control Code Summary. These sections should contain all the information you need to create your own custom printer driver for the H-P Deskjet. Warren Lorente, Atari Bay Area Computer Users Society CIS: 72447,414 Delphi: WJL P.S. If you need a GDOS Deskjet driver for your software, Migraph sells one. It comes with a screen dump program which replaces the built-in Alt-Help dump, which is set up for Epsons and the like.