The files in DJLOOKIT are the result of my trying to get the most out of my DeskJet 500's incredible power and the equally powerful combination of Lookit and HotWire. Needless to say, I haven't begun to tap the power of any of them. However, I feel that I have wound up with a highly versatile, yet practical ability to print in several different font styles either directly within Lookit by loading the appropriate CFG file, or by using HotWire's command line options in the included LOOKITRW.HOT (had to get my initials in there somewhere.) It certainly is not my purpose to teach anyone how to use any of the three mentioned products. I'll just note that the command lines are now set up assuming that the LOOKIT CFG files are in the pathname C:\LOOKIT\CONFIGS\. You can change these by holding down control while clicking on the selected line in the HotWire menu. The necessary change to the pathnames will be obvious. This freeware upload is an expression of my admiration and gratitude for the guys at CodeHead. Sure, I paid full price for their great products. But their value to me has exceeded the modest cost many times over. They are instrumental in converting a potentially powerful machine into the real thing. I just hope we can keep them around. Bob Wenham Fort Worth