Do you know the phases of the moon? ...the size of the planets? ...the difference between a meteor and a meteroid? Well, this program should help. Browse around by clicking on objects. Then take a quiz to see what you've learned. This is a hypertext geography program on the solar system. Color - LOW RES only. You need to know the following to navigate the program. First, remember: LEFT mouse selects RIGHT mouse backs up When you select an object, a text box appears. If a box appears around a word, you may select the word, leading you to another screen. Or, you may "back up" by pressing the RIGHT mouse button. There are about 10 screens and 40 boxes, so look around! There are 4 boxes in the UPPER-LEFT corner. The top one has a number in it. This shows you how many "hot-spots" there are in the current picture. If you click on this, it will even show you where they are. The other 3 are marked F (FIND), M (MARK), and Q (QUIZ). These can be selected by clicking on them or by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard. FIND: use this to search for text strings. The find box works like GEM, press ESC to clear the line, TAB to go to the next line. Here is a sample of things to try: jupiter comet meteor gibbous planet AND large solar NOT system largest OR smallest When you do a find, several matches may occur. A little box appears, showing you how many, and letting you view each match. MARK: This function can be used to quickly return to certain screens. To set a mark, click on an empty box, type in a name, and press EXIT. To return to the marked screen, select the mark, and press GOTO. Note, this function is of limited use with only 10 screens...I left it in there for use with larger systems. QUIZ: Don't leave the program until you have tried a quiz. Questions are multiple choice, but usually the choices are areas you click on the screen. Sometimes, boxes appear around the text, such as in a TRUE/FALSE question. Some questions require you to click on several areas! All questions must be answered correctly before proceding. If you answer incorrectly, you will lose points, and a little message will give you encouragement, a clue, or tell you why that selection was wrong. There are 45 questions in all, 15 in each difficulty level. When multiple players are selected, the 15 questions are divided up. If you have any questions, find any bugs, etc., my address is in the program, or I can be reached on GEnie at K.KRESSIN. This program is shareware, but I don't ask for a fixed price. Contributions will give me the encouragement and financial resources to write more quality ST programs. Disclaimer: I do not make any guarantees...this program could even have a bug...even a big one! You are using it at your own risk. Credits: written in GFA BASIC 3.0 original artwork done in CYBER PAINT Try these other programs: KV_ME1ST ME FIRST learn by putting stories in order KV_ME2ND ME FIRST 24 more stories KV_PARK_ Butterfly in the Park, Animated Puzzle KV_HOUSE About the House, a Childrens Adventure KV_GEO_1 Hypertext Geography, the Solar System