B A R N I M A L S a kidprg(tm) created with Talespin by D.A. Brumleve Copyright 1989 by D.A. Brumleve BARNIMALS is a listening/guessing game for the very youngest computer users, ages 0-4. Most kidprgs are intended to be used independently by children; the use of BARNIMALS, however, will be most successful if an adult or older child participates. The game was developed using Talespin, an adventure-creation program from MichTron. To run 7KIDS.TAL, you will need either TALESPIN.TOS (from the commercial development package) or TELLTALE.TOS (the public domain run-time program). To facilitate your child's use of the program, please make certain that TELLTALE.TOS and BARNIMAL.TAL are in the same directory or folder. If you are not familiar with Talespin adventures, the following instructions will help you get started. Upon running TELLTALE.TOS, you will be presented with a dialog box. Click the left mouse button on "Choose & Load Program". Then select "BARNIMAL.TAL". The program will be loaded and the title screen will appear. Click the left mouse button on the box in the center of the screen, and the main screen will appear. Many "objects" are on the screen, some hidden by doors. If you click on the pump, you'll hear the sound of a farm pump and water. If you click on a door, you'll hear a noise. Try to guess what made that noise before its picture appears. Telltale and Talespin require you to use the left button while working within a game. If you want to exit, however, click the right mouse button and the Telltale or Talespin dialog will appear, offering you choices such as "Help" and "End session" (the latter is used to quit the program). If you want to resume work with BARNIMAL.TAL, click the left mouse button while the mouse is off the dialog box. The program is not "locked", so if you have Talespin, feel free to investigate its structure. Please note, however, that BARNIMAL.TAL is copyrighted, so please do not distribute a modified version. I hope you enjoy this little Talespin adventure! D.A. Brumleve GEnie: D.A.BRUMLEVE Delphi: DABRUMLEVE CompuServe: 71451,1141 There are 18 freely distributed kidprgs; many are of a very high quality. These kidprgs often fill a computing need that is not addressed by any other commercial or public domain programs. Check with your public domain dealer, users group, or bbs service for additional selections. Beginning in July, 1989, ST-Log magazine will feature D.A. Brumleve's "COMPUKID CONNECTION" column, and the ST-Log disk will often include new kidprgs. Click the 'INFO' box on the BARNIMALS screen for subscription information. A commercial program, PreSchool KidProgs, which includes three additional kidprgs for ages 2-6 in an autobooting shell program, is available from MichTron/Microdeal; in the U.S., call MichTron at (313) 334-5700.