RAINBOW VERSION 1.1 ------------------- This is not a major upgrade (you still have to wait for 2.0), it's basically just a bug fixed version. There are some new features however: IMPROVED MAGNIFICATION: It's now possible to choose between 48 levels of magnification (in the "small window"). Just click with the button on "alter zoom" and the menu will appear. A NEW WAY OF SELECTING COLOURS: There's also a new palette called the "hotkey palette", which can be accessed by either the mouse or the numeric keypad. There are ten (10) colours to choose from and three (3) of them has a red (left button), a white (middle button/both) or a green (right button) frame, and the positions of the frames are changed by clicking with any button on any of the hotkey palette colours. These three (3) colours are the ones you edit with the other colour tools, and also the colours used when drawing. Click on the "-" or "+" to change to another palette. See "HOTKEYS.TXT" for more information. IMPROVED TABBY¿ SUPPORT: If you own a Tabby¿ graphics tablet, you're now able to select "stabilization" on/off (default is on) as well as deciding whether the simulated mouse buttons on the keyboard shall respond directly or only in combination with the Tabby¿ button. Mouse button simulation keys: 'TAB' or 'DELETE': Left button. 'CONTROL' or '#' (just below 'DELETE'): Middle (both) button. 'L SHIFT' or 'R SHIFT': Right button. If only the Tabby¿ button is used (no keys) it will automatically simulate the left mouse button. The mouse buttons are fully working with the Tabby¿. A FEW SMALL IMPROVEMENTS ON CUT AND PASTE: When cutting or pasting you will now see a small green frame surrounding the "cut" or "paste", which disappears when you're finished. Also, when pasting, the program now automatically uses the last cut (if you haven't altered the "source pic number" manually since the cut operation). MAKE YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS OF RAINBOW IN ACTION! If you press '@' (to the left of 'RETURN', just above 'R SHIFT'), the program will produce a perfect snapshot. It is then treated as a normal picture, and can be saved in any supported format for use in reviews, catalogues etc. MORE LIBERAL SECURITY CHECK: The security check is activated only once in a while, so each time you go through the security check successfully, you can use RAINBOW for 2-7 days before encountering the check again. If you run RAINBOW from a floppy disk, be sure to remove the write protection, or the security check will appear every time. 1994-06-23 ADDICTION SOFTWARE