HOTKEYS FOR PICTURE STUDIO IN RAINBOW 1.1: ------------------------------------------ 'HELP':Default set the video settings immediately (in case of emergency, i.e. if you happen to select a vertical frequency that your VGA can't handle). 'ALTERNATE', 'SPACE', 'CAPS LOCK':Lock/unlock scrolling. 'ESCAPE', 'RETURN', 'ENTER':Enter settings menu for current tool/exits any menu. 'F1' to 'F10':Change to another quickchoice palette. 'P':Select pen. 'L':Select line. 'F':Select fill. 'S':Select sponge. 'Y':Select spray. 'H':Select shape. 'R':Select rgb. 'C':Select pick colour. 'UNDO':undo last action '0-9' (numeric pad):Select colour from the hotkey palette. '(', ')', '/' (numeric pad):Decide whether the left, middle (both) or right mouse button shall recieve the selected hotkey palette colour. '+', '-' (numeric pad):Change to another hotkey palette. '@' (to the left of 'RETURN', just above 'R SHIFT'):Take snapshot. HOTKEYS FOR PHOTO STUDIO IN RAINBOW 1.1: ------------------------------------------ 'HELP':Default set the video settings immediately (in case of emergency, i.e. if you happen to select a vertical frequency that your VGA can't handle). 'ALTERNATE', 'SPACE', 'CAPS LOCK':Lock/unlock scrolling. 'ESCAPE', 'RETURN', 'ENTER':Enter settings menu for current tool/exits any menu. 'UNDO':undo last action '@' (to the left of 'RETURN', just above 'R SHIFT'):Take snapshot.