This is the latest demo (25/1/95) of the Apex Animator graphics system for the Atari Falcon030 home computer. It makes use of both of the Falcon processors (32-bit 68030 & 32MHz 24-bit RISC DSP56001) and thus offers working performance greater than an equivalent 50MHz 486DX PC. Playback of 320*200 256-col / truecolour animations at 70hz is possible on VGA/SVGA monitors and external players/viewers can achieve overscan (768*576) truecolour on broadcast monitors & TV sets. Features include:- * Ultra-fast fieldwarp morphing & distortion (seconds per frame!) * Realtime image processing and analog mask filtering. * Hardware interface to 786*576 frame/film grabbing in truecolour. * Animation frame processing for cleaning up digitised films. * Direct-from-disk editing of FLIC & ANIM animations into memory. * Realtime block manipulation for scaling/rotating/distorting. * Fast vectorfont interface for scalable typefaces. And much more besides... For more information, please contact: Titan Designs LTD 6 Witherford Way Selly Oak Birmingham B29 4AX Or: Phone: 0121-693-6669 Fax: 0121-414-1630