Firstly - How This Program Came About I have many games that although work on the Mega-STE and work in 16Mhz Cache ON will not work with programs such as the Control Panel, but instead need to be autobooted form a clean (inside and outside :}) computer. This caused great problems and stopped me form using 16MHz for the games (and occasional serious programs) I wanted. Eventually I managed to find a PD program to change the processor speed. However this had problems. The first being that the program only allowed choice at the desktop OR it meant using a different program for each speed. SO I set about investigating the address and ways that the processor speed could be changed. This program is the version of a program written to address these problems and suit my needs, I hope it suits your own. Improvements from V1.0a * Quick GEM Alertbox Selection if loaded from the Desktop * Key Menu Selection Available for Autobooters * Current Processor speed indicated Bug Fixes from V1.0a * There were no known bugs to fix Current Bugs in V2.0a * None that are known about How to use this program: From the Desktop: Simply Run the program from any folder or drive. The alertbox that comes up has three buttons: 16Mhz C = 16Mhz Processor Speed, Cache ON 16Mhz = 16Mhz Processor Speed, Cache OFF 8Mhz = 8Mhz Processor Speed, NO CACHE The currently highlighted (bold) button indicates the speed that the processor is currently set at. To select a new speed simply click on the desired speeds button To stick with the same speed, press return this selects the currently highlighted button (you could click on it), which is the current processor speed. From the Auto Folder: This is slightly different. Upon loading the program has a simple numerical menu. choose the speed you would like, or quit by pressing the number of your choice. Your current processor speed is shown below the choices. WORDS OF WARNING: This program in no way checks the type of computer it is running on. This MAY cause a problem for non-MEGA STEs. It may well crash your computer. It is suggested that if you aren't using a MEGA STE you don't run the program. FALCONs and TTs - I haven't the foggiest whether this program will run or not, it may or it may not. Testing: This program has been tested on a MEGA STE, TOS 2.05 If you have a different computer (eg. TOS 2.06 Mega STE, or a FALCON, TT etc.) and you test this program and functions Ok. then register (its free), and I will add your computer, and name (if you don;'t want your name noting then say so.) to the list, for all future releases. THIS PRODUCT IS SHAREWARE: In return for filling in the following form you will receive: + The benefit of knowing you are continuing the life of Atari ST + The source code for this piece of software (GFA BASIC 3.5E (or even disassembled into assembly if you like !)) + Further releases of this or any other software I write (see below) + Any support you need, should you have any queries. To register this software send the following form, and return postage to the address at the end of the form: MEGA STE PROCESSOR SPEED SETTER V2.0 REGISTRATION FORM ------------------------------------------------------ Name: _______________________________________________ Sex: MALE/FEMALE (delete as appropriate) Age: ___________ Address:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Town/City:____________________________________________ County/State:_________________________________________ Post/ZIP code:________________________________________ Country_______________________________________________ Where did you get this software from:_________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ How much did you pay for is (include p&p and any handling costs):_______________________________________ (eg. download costs, pd disk price etc.) What Computer Are You using it on : Model (eg. Falcon 030, Mega STE, TT)___________________ TOS version____________________________________________ Does the Software Function Properly ?__________________ (if NO describe the problem, also see end)_____________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ What do you think of the software ?:___________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ If you would NOT like your name mentioned as a tester of the program in further documentation say so now:____ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ And finally..... How many times had you used this program before registering:___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Thankyou for taking the time to fill out this form, place the following items in an envelope: + The above form (filled out) + the return postage fee (stamps or UK pounds etc.) + any other letter requesting assembler source as opposed to GFA code etc. Address the Envelope to: Philip Hough (VR CREW) 23 Pen-y-bryn Way Newport SHROPSHIRE ENGLAND TF10 7ER Thankyou. NB. If in the above you said that it didn't work properly, this may be due to it not being run on a MEGA STE and as such I can't do anything about it, sorry You can also E-mail me on, I'd be happy to chat with ANY Atari enthusiast. This version was originally posted to Delphi, and any further versions will be found here, along with a good collection of other Atari software. (to subscribe to Delphi in the UK phone 0171 284 2424 (modem)for subscriptions. The ATARI Advantage section is what you are looking for and can be found either in the games section on the UK side. OR by typing GO COMP ATARI form the US part (availabe from the UK bit). Legal Bit. This software is shareware and as such must only be used according to the following conditions: 1. No charge may be made other than reasonable charges for reproduction (This includes the charge made by BBS for downloading, HOWEVER no excess charge above the normal rate must be charged). 2. Modified versions must be clearly marked as such and sent to the original author, and not distributed without the original authors consent. 3. The author are not responsible for any harmful, or otherwise consequences of using this software, even if they result from defects in it. 4. No profit shall be made from the use, distribution, or sale of this program (BBSs see point 1). 5. After using this program 10 times the user shall register the product. 6. Any modified versions must be sent to me first and should not be used or distributed without my consent. 7. This program must only be distributed in its complete form, containing the program and documentation. BOTH unaltered unless the permission of the original author is given. You are free to distribute it, and are indeed encouraged to do so to your friends and others, and to also to upload to any BBS, so long as the above points are adhered to. You are also encouraged to modify this program, the ST world in general would be very glad of your improvements to this software, HOWEVER to protect against badly written copies etc. any modified versions should be sent to me first, and my consent gained, before being used or distributed. By using this software you are agreeing to the above points. The end. Use and enjoy.