:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 2 - Issue 15 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 4 September 1993 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI :: :: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER :: :: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE :: :: :: :: Published and Copyright ½ 1993 by Subspace Publishers :: :: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: Publisher ........................... Michael Lindsay EXPLORER :: :: Editor .................................. Travis Guy AEO.MAG :: :: News and Features Editor ............... Ron Kovacs Z-NET :: :: Assistant Editor GEnie............... Ron Robinson EXPLORER.1 :: :: Assistant Editor CompuServe......... Albert Dayes AEO.1 :: :: Assistant Editor Delphi........ Andreas Barbiero AEO.2 :: :: Assistant Editor Internet....... Timothy Wilson AEO.8 :: :: Atari Asylum .................. Gregg Anderson AEO.7 :: :: Unabashed Atariophile .... Michael R. Burkley AEO.4 :: :: Atari Artist .................. Peter Donoso EXPLORER.2 :: :: :: :: Contributors :: :: """""""""""" :: :: Ken Baum Robert G. Brodie Jerry Davis :: :: :: :: Telecommunicated to you via: :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: GEnie: AEO.MAG :: :: CompuServe: 70007,3615 :: :: Delphi: AEO_MAG :: :: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 706 :: :: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/10 :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents * From the Editors ....................................... There is a time. * Z*NET Newswire ...,,,,,,,,........... Atari posts Second Quarter results. * Dateline: Atari! ............. Falcon030 and Jaguar news direct from Bob. * Atari Artist ............. New hardware, including video editing for the Falcon030 from Wizztronics? Peter interviews. * Houston Atari Safari ......... Jerry Davis reports on a hot day in Texas. * AEO Calendar of Events ............... Events to note in the World Atari. * Delphi Jaguar RTC ............... Bob and Sam Tramiel meet the videogame crowd to talk about the new Jaguar. * Atari Asylum ....................... More ScreenBlaster tests from Gregg. * The Unabashed Atariophile .............. New PD and Shareware files made for _your_ Atari computer. * The Second Twenty Questions .............. Atari Corp. answers questions posed by CIS users. * An Open Letter from Bob Brodie ......... On the ongoing online imbroglio. * How Many Colors? ................. An AEO reader wanted to know how many colors just were in those Targa files. * News from Usenet ............... Tim digs up more news from the Internet. * Andreas' Den ................. Still in the Orient, Andreas thinks small. * Developing News ....................................... STraight FAX 2.0 ImageCopy Oregon Research Raystart CyRel Catalog Disk ATARI UNITED! MegaType * Shutdown ...................................................... "YOU DO." --==--==--==--==-- ||| From the Editors ....... Atari Explorer Online: The Next Generation ||| Travis Guy / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: AEO.MAG@GENIE.GEIS.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings everyone! Here in America, it's the Labor Day weekend - the traditional end of summer, and for our children, the marker for the beginning of another school year. Labor Day, a harbinger of change. Hurricane Emily skirted across the Outer Banks of North Carolina before changing course into the Atlantic; David Letterman is back on late night television after changing networks, and he's in vintage form ("Same Dave, better time, different station." - Yep, those promos are everywhere.); and Atari's role in the marketplace is changing, with the respect that accompanies the excitement generated by the new Jaguar. I'd like to thank all of the readers who took the time to send us feedback on our Jaguar Special Edition. Responding to y'all has kept me busy these last two weeks (and has grown to be the part of my job that I enjoy the most), and I would like to encourage more EMails. As Editor of AEO, it is my duty to see that the magazine reflects your interests. Keep those messages coming! What I've seen is that there is overwhelming interest in the Atari Jaguar, enough so that I can't see why it won't be a phenom when it's released. Oct-Nov-Dec for New York and San Francisco, and early 1994 for the US and Europe. Late maneuvering by Nintendo and 3DO shows that they are clearly worried about, "that upstart, Atari." This battle should be fascinating. Back in the 70s, Atari _created_ videogames. Today, Atari has the power to _redefine_ videogames. Again, the next 18-24 months should be interesting. For those of you who were introduced to AEO with our Jaguar Special Edition, welcome to an ordinary, text-only edition of the best online source there has ever been for Atari news. This issue is our largest to date; there is so much that is happening in the World Atari these days, that I had to make it all fit. (And like me, it wound up too big. ) If you have ever read AEO all the way through to EOF, you would have noticed a cryptic tagline that sits just above the legal notices. The line reads "DNFTEC" and stands for "Do Not Feed The Energy Creature." It's a gentle reminder (to me, if no one else) to ignore slight, snide comments made while online. In most cases, Energy Creatures are harmless, but will Feed off of your replies to them, grow in size, and continue their juvenile attacks. Sometimes, however, the Energy Creature isn't harmless, and is self-sustaining. There's a open letter from Bob Brodie to Ralph Mariano in this issue on a subject that AEO has steadfastly refused to cover. The GEnie ST RT / Lexicor / STReport dispute has been waged in sometimes vitriolic style over the past few months, and despite pleas from some AEO readers to balance out the "coverage," we have remained aloof. However, stands must be taken. After an online exchange with Mr. Mariano this week, Bob Brodie felt compelled to clear the air of the charges and countercharges being levelled. While this isn't AEO's usual fare, together, the editorial staff felt that Bob's point of view as an outsider should be expressed. We have always encouraged feedback; and here too, if you have any comment on this issue, please send EMail to me, your editor. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Z*NET Newswire ||| By: Ron Kovacs / | \ GEnie: Z-NET CIS: 75300,1642 Delphi: ZNET ------------------------------------------------------------------ //// ATARI REPORTS SECOND QUARTER RESULTS - Atari recently reported ========================================= its operations for the second quarter ended June 30, 1993. Net sales for the quarter were $5.7 million as compared to $23.3 million for the same quarter in 1992. During the quarter, Atari incurred an operating loss of $4.0 million as compared to an operating loss for the second quarter of 1992 of $45.0 million. In addition, during the quarter the company incurred loss on exchange of $3.1 million and had other income items totalling $0.5 million, which resulted in a net loss for the second quarter of 1993 of $6.6 million as compared to $39.7 million in 1992. Commenting on the results, Sam Tramiel, president of Atari, said, "The company has focused all of its efforts on the development and launch of its new multi-media video entertainment system called Jaguar, which will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year in the New York and San Francisco markets. We have approximately $35 million in cash." //// AMD DISCLOSES INCORPORATION OF INTEL IN CHIP - Advanced Micro ================================================= Devices has disclosed that its scientists may have incorporated parts of Intel's computer language in its new "built from scratch" microprocessor. An AMD spokesman said the development will not significantly delay release of the new chip, which could occur as early as this month or in October. AMD had previously pledged that it would release the AM486SX chip during the current quarter. The new chip was designed to be a non-cloned version of Intel's 486 with the circuitry largely reverse-engineered from Intel's. The chip will be "pin-compatible" - that is, like other AMD chips, it will be able to be plugged into sockets designed for Intel chips. //// COMPUTER ORDERS RISE - A government report on factory goods ========================= orders, released earlier this week shows that demand for computers is rising sharply. Overall, orders for all products made in U.S. factories and manufacturing shops is growing slowly, rising 3.7 percent from July 1992 to July 1993. But orders for computers and office equipment climbed 21.6 percent in that one-year span. Computer and office equipment orders each month this year: -up 8.1 percent, July; down 5.3 percent, June; up 6.1 percent, May; down 2.5 percent, April; down 4.8 percent, March; up 9.6 percent, February; down 0.8 percent, January. //// HP ANNOUNCES TAKE BACK PROGRAM - Hewlett Packard has announced a =================================== pilot program to collect used inkjet printer cartridges. The cartridges are used in HP's market-leading DeskJet brand printers, as well as in its inkjet plotters and fax machines. In the U.S. program, customers may return their used cartridges to any participating dealer. HP will provide dealers with cartridge collection bins and retrieve the cartridges periodically at no cost to the dealers. After the cartridges are collected, they will be sent to processing facilities where the precious metals (gold and copper) used in the cartridges will be reclaimed. Ore smelters will use the remaining plastic parts as an energy source. The plastic, which can be burned at extremely high temperatures, is a much cleaner source of energy than traditional fossil fuels. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Dateline: Atari! ||| Captured and Edited by: Ron Kovacs / | \ Courtesy: GEnie ------------------------------------------------------------------ <[Host - Lou] ST.LOU> Welcome to the First Anniversary Edition of Dateline Atari! with Bob Brodie. This evening we have not selected a specific topic. Instead the topics of discussion will be your choice. No doubt Bob will provide us with the latest news on Atari computers and game machines. The last few conferences have been dedicated to those topics and I expect there is still great interest in developing and marketing those products. We also have some special giveaways to celebrate the anniversary edition of this conference. Sometime during the evening Bob will post a skill-testing question. If you answer correctly, you may be one of the winners of Atari Works - the integrated application, MultiTOS or SpeedoGDOS. Just a quick note... only paying customers are eligible for the prizes :-) Without further ado............. Here's Bob! Paying customers only!!!! Good evening everyone! And it's a great pleasure to gather together on the eve of this long weekend. I hope that you have a chance to enjoy being with your loved ones, relax and just enjoy the long weekend. I know that here at Atari, we're all looking forward to it. It is with great joy that I look back at our last year together in this setting! Here on our official online service, GEnie, we had wonderful series of monthly conferences!! We've had quite a series of events to share. In addition to being able to visit with you personally, I've been privileged to have as special guests Eric Smith, the author of MultiTOS, Pradip Fathepuria, author of Atari Works, and James Grunke, Director of Atari Music. In the very near future, we'll be scheduling another special CO to discuss in greater detail our exciting new 64 bit home entertainment system, the Jaguar!!! I'd like to take this opportunity to that Darlah Potechin and her entire staff of sysops for making the Atari RTs on GEnie THE PLACE TO BE for all Atari owners! Without their help and support, our efforts to support our customers online wouldn't be nearly as effective as they are. Further, I'm grateful that she lets me have these monthly events! Not every sysop is as supportive of real time conferences as Darlah, and as the contract holder of the RT, it really is up to her if we have these events. Thanks, Darlah! I'm grateful for your support!!! I also appreciate the hosts of these real time events, as they make sure that things are always "going the right way" and keep the flow in tow! Lou, Brian, and Mike...thank you!!! As a part of the commemoration of the one year anniversary of Dateline: Atari, tonight we're going to be giving away a number of Atari products! The way that we'll do this is that I'll include in my opening remarks some key information that you'll have to repeat later on in the CO. The first one with the correct answer will have his choice of our prizes! We're giving away one copy of Atari Works, two copies of MultiTOS, two copies of SpeedoGDOS, and as SPECIAL EXTRA BONUS, I've added a copy of our latest Lynx offering, Lemmings to the prize list! First correct answer picks first, second second, and so on. So pay attention, and get those capture buffers open! Let's begin our time together tonight discussing the BEST handheld game system on the market; the Atari Lynx! We just gotten two more games in stock: Lemmings and Jimmy Connors Tennis. Approval has been given to start manufacturing on two more titles, Malibu Bikini Beach Volleyball, and Ninja Gaiden III. Lemmings is an excellent conversion of the popular computer game, brought to life with the superb color of the Lynx. It's really a fun game!! At our house, my 11 year old has always been semi-interested in the Lynx. When I brought home Lemmings, he couldn't put it down for hours!!! I guess that's one of the highest endorsements I can give it: it captivates the interest of Brian Andrew Brodie. Truly a fun game, and reviewers have their copies on the way to them now. Jimmy Connors Tennis is a title that is full of all kinds of exciting digitized sound, one of the largest games that we've produced to date (4 megs!). This is an excellent tennis game, filling a niche in our line up of sports titles for the Lynx! One of the titles that I know where anxious to get going on for the Lynx is Eye of the Beholder. Work is progressing along with that title, and I'm hopeful that we'll see that title in time for Christmas. That pretty much covers all the things going on regarding the Lynx. One of the questions that I'll be asking tonight is which Lynx game has my son's attention, and the answer is LEMMINGS! Be sure to pay attention when we ask that question during the RTC! You don't have to take the Lemmings game if you win...you can pick from any one of the prizes available at that time!!! On the Jaguar front, we're overwhelmed at the amount of attention that the Atari Jaguar is garnering. Retailers and the media alike are excited at the views that they've seen of our 64 bit home entertainment system. As seems to be ALWAYS the case in the Atari market, while we've projected the Jaguar to be a home entertainment system, the rest of the world is coming up with all kinds of things that they want to do with the Jaguar!! There has been interest in using it as a main board in coin-operated video arcade games from a number of companies. A number of people believe that the Jaguar has enough power to finally be able to start the promise of Virtual Reality. And of course, the techies among us want to know everything about everything, why it is, how it is, and how can they get it. I've gotten contacts from potential developers ranging from self described "brilliant, but poor college students", and some of the greatest names in gaming. The video game magazines are virtually camping out on our doorstep.. I'm getting to know the people from GamePro by their voice on the phone! For those of you that haven't seen a lot of the information on the Atari Jaguar, please take a look at the recent issue of Atari Explorer Online Magazine, Special Jaguar Edition. It's here in the libraries of GEnie as file AEO_SE_J.ZIP, and includes some GIF format pictures to give you some screen shots from the Jaguar. The entire staff at AEO, lead by publisher Mike Lindsay, editor Travis Guy, and news editor Ron Kovacs have put a tremendous amount of effort into making this a terrific resource for everyone interested in the Jaguar. Congratulations, guys!! For those of you that have taken the time to download and check out the GIFs and Targa pictures from AEO, thanks for your comments!! We will be putting out some more pictures later on, but we want to be certain that we don't step on the toes of the game magazines by giving away too much before they publish, either!! But rest assured there will be more Targa files uploaded. And naturally, they will be on GEnie, our official online service FIRST! We're now just a few weeks away from one of my favorite events of the year, The Southern California Atari Faire!! This year Faire Chairperson John King Tarpinian will once again be putting on the best fest in the West at the Glendale Civic Auditorium. GEnie will be there, as will a host of other notables, including Bill Rehbock from Atari. In addition to attending the show, Bill will be hosting a developer conference held in conjunction with the Glendale Show. Be sure to check in category 11 for the latest updates to the show vendor list!!! Well, I think I've gone on just about long enough now! I'm really excited to be here, and lets get started with some questions!!!! My apologies for the typos, I got home late due to heavy traffic. <[Graham] B.STEVAN> 1) Do you have any info yet on higher end Falcons? 2) Do you have any release dates on Atari's 14MB RAM board? 3) Does Atari have any plans for LDW Power? 4) Do you have a name yet for the new service manager you mentioned at the last RTC? 5) How is Atari handling VARs right now (with regard to the Falcon)? I'd also like to encourage Atari to contract IBM to produce the Falcon. Right now we have to pay 3.9% duty to bring the Falcon into Canada since it is made in Taiwan. If it could be made in the US we could avoid this duty, and would be able to offer the Falcon at a lower price. OK, On the higher end Falcons, not at this time. As I've said in the past, I've seen the plans, and I think you will be pleased with what we've got in the works. Our service manager is named Jim Jackson, and he has years of quality control and service experience. A real first rate professional, and very famililar with dealing with manufacturing in the Far East. Re the 14 meg boards, Sorry. I forgot to check on that issue, but until ours is available, please use the very excellent board from Chro- Magic Software, the Ram Gizmo. Works great, and is a very nice product indeed. RE LDW, we're kicking around a number of ideas with it. Our deal that we were working on with a developer fell through, so we're looking at other options right now. Regarding VARs we have no specific VAR program per se at this point on the Falcon. We simply confirm that they are in fact VARs, and then we treat them just like a normal dealer in terms of ordering, etc. I appreciate your input on the manufacturing, we'd love to be a totally US produced company as soon as it is practicial to do so. Any news on the GE SOFT speed up board? Will dealers like Toad get Jag's to sell for the holidays? Any promo deals for Falcons? How about advertising the Jag in movie theathers with trailers? Pro Logic surrond on Jag? Please gang...ONE question. We haven't firmed up our plans for sales to dealers like TOAD yet but I suspect that they will be able to purchase Jaguars after the holidays. We don't plan on opening up mail order until after the initial roll out in NY and San Francisco. The advertising for the Jaguar will primarily be television. We've been working on the design spec for the worlds first and only digital signal processing, solar powered flashlight. We want to know when we can expect to see the falcon developers kit we ordered more than 6 weeks ago. Please send email here on GEnie to Mike-Fulton and cc Ataridev on the mail. I don't handle developer orders, and since I'm (for a change) doing this RTC from home rather than the office, there isn't any way for me to check on it for you tonight in real time. Sorry. Mike has already left the office as well, as we were having some maintence done in the building. Why should I develop for the Jaguar, when Sega and Nintendo have shown themselves to be top-notch marketers? What can you offer developers to tempt us away from those companies? Superior technology doesn't always sell best, as we've seen. There are two big reasons why, Rhett. First, the real thing that sells entertainment systems is quality software. And as a developer, you will have more power at your disposal with the Jaguar than with ANY OTHER SYSTEM ON THE MARKET, period!!! That means that you will be able to create games for the home in a fashion that before you only dreamed about being able to do. The Jaguar has the power to make games unlike ANY of the systems that Sega and Ninetendo have. As a developer, you also know that the price is a prime consideration of these systems. Neo Geo had (or should I say has) a very nice system as well, but it is simply too expensive to be a success in the home market. We feel that the price of the Jaguar is agressive enough, and the technology is so far advanced that we will have some of the finest games available on the planet. While I am not familiar with your company, and I'm not in a position to release names tonight, I can assure you that we have some of the finest names in gaming that are coming on board to develop for the Jaguar. Personally, I feel that the Jaguar trounces the competition into dust. So recently when Denny Atkin-formerly of Computes Amiga Resource had a conf. on the Amiga Roundtable, I asked him to compare the CD32 to the Jaguar...He replied that he thought the 2 machines were aimed at different markets...(strange!) Anyway from the close relationship that you have with the developers how much superior do THEY think the Jaguar is? Every developer that has seen the system is very excited. There are admittedly "camps" in these meetings. The bean counters tend to take a look at Atari, the company, and question how much real support we will give the system. The programmers and technicians can't wait to get the system in their hands, especially after they hear that there is NO OPERATING SYSTEM to get in their way. They get to write directly to the hardware! They all love that!! Hi Bob, I know I'm going to sound like a broken record but when could we see some (any???) ads for the present systems including the Lynx? I haven't even seen any ads in the comics lately! Kent, we had a promotion proposed for the summer, but we have decided to hold off and make a big push for the Lynx at the same time as we will do the Jaguar roll out. I'm sure you will be pleased with the ads that we will be running then. Titles are starting to come out at a better pace, too. I love the LYNX and cant wait to get Lemmings (I'll have my cousin in NY send me a Jaguar... :> ) But around here (tampa) NOBODY seems to carry the LYNX anymore! (Toys R us, etc.) Any deals with companies to keep the Jaguar and LYNX on the shelves. I've got $1000 in the LYNX now. (and can't wait for Lemmings!) The Lynx is set to be back on the shelves of Electronic Boutique very, very soon. In fact, it should have already have happened by now. Re the Lynx/Jaguar combo, there is no question that we will be using the Jaguar as a leverage tool to also place the Lynx in the stores. But we also have to be mindful that the entire handheld business is just 17% of the total video game market. So we're not going to be shipping Lynxes in to the stores on a 1:1 basis with the Jaguar. BTW, we haven't had a single retailer tell us they DON'T want to do business with us on the Jaguar...they have ALL told us that they want to sell the product. Bob, I can no longer buy Lynx games here in the Chattanooga, TN area. A Service merchandise ad I recieved today featured the LameBoy for $44.95, on sale from $49.95. What is the current pricing on the Lynx? The current price on the Lynx is $79.96, Sam. Like I just told the previous questioner, you will be able to purchase them in Electronic Boutiques again, very, very soon. Thanks Bob for being here! Any word on Blackmail the voice mail program for the Falcon? I saw a picture of the Jag in the paper.. Great Job to the entire team ! Really looking forward to seeing production line units ;-) Thanks again!!! Dale, last I heard of Blackmail, they were awaiting the approval of the FCC to market the program. I saw them at a conference that I attended back in May, and they were still wrestling with that problem. Glad to have you here bob. With RAM prices going up, How are Atari prices for Falcon and Jaguar going to be affected. We don't envision a change. For one thing, the increases in RAM prices were pretty artificial anyway. There was a report that a major factory was destroyed in an earthquake in Japan, but that turned out to be an epoxy factory...not a chip site. So, most of the increase has been temporary. Locally, we've been very encouraged by two events, #1) The big, big comeback that US semiconductor companies are making against their Asian competitors. They really are doing a great job of getting back into the competitive standpoint. And #2) we have benefitted from Apple's problems. As a result of their sales slump, they have cancelled some huge orders for parts (like DRAM), which naturally made the product available to other companies! Along with the push for the Jaguar, will there be any advertising or other means of getting the word out about the Falcon? The market needs to see a large number of units in the hands of those other than Atari die- hards. Right now, the plan is for the Jaguar to get the big push, and then we'll take some of the funds from the Jaguar's success and put it toward the Falcon. The reason we have changed our mind and gone this way is that PC sales, across the board are really poor. There are a handful of companies that are making any money in the hardware business right now. However, we are still committed to the Falcon. We believe in it, and intend to support it. I'd love to upgrade my '86 vintage 1040 to a Falcon but refuse to sell my SLM605for a big loss then spend 100's more for another laser. Any word on being able to hook up an SLM to a Falcon (and why were SLM owners abandoned)? Hi Scott, the interface for the SLMs has not materialized yet. And I confess to not knowing what the problem is. Bill is just back from Europe, and I haven't had a chance to discuss this issue with him. The reason for the change is that we wanted to bring the system more in line with the standards that the rest of the computing world was using, so we eliminated the DMA port. At some point in time, every peripheral becomes obsolete. We also did away with the floppy disk port, which made useless every external floppy disk drive ever made. Any news on the next batch of TT's; changes; TOS updates; RAM configurations? (with only one question mark, that should count as one question. I asked about this before I left the office tonight, Chris. And I KNEW that someone would ask about this!! :) But I wasn't able to get a definitive answer about how many, when, what, etc. I can tell you that we're continuing to work on MultiTOS, and have another beta rev going thru testing now. It's stable enough that it is in use in the office. I don't have a time frame on it being released, or cost at this point. Bob, AEO has received a tremendous amount of feedback from our readers on the Jaguar Issue, and on the screenshots. (They want more!) Many of the letters have been coming from Europe asking if and when Atari plans to market the Jaguar over there. Do you have an answer for these very interested (potential) customers? Hi Travis, we have plans to sell the Jaguar in the first half of 1994 in Europe, going first to London, then Paris, and Frankfurt with our European lanuch of the Jaguar. I've gotten a lot of wonderful compliments about the AEO Special Jaguar Edition as well, and I'd like to take this opportunity to say thanks for your efforts in making this such an outstanding issue. I'm particulary grateful that AEO is a magazine that has a balanced editorial staff, that is such a pleasure to work with. Unlike a certain other online magazine which is piloted by an obsessive, overbearing, vindictive, self centered ego maniac. Any chance of a 14 meg, no HD config Falcon? Kevin, not directly from us, no. But it would be an easy system to create by purchasing a one meg no HD Falcon, and then installing the Chro-Magic RAM Gizmo. Hi bob i am a dealer in australia, i met you 2 years ago at the vancouver atari fair. Over 6 years i have been an atari dealer. I don't agree you can critcize apple, may be years ago you could not any longer. The Ste was late, The TT was Late, The stacy was late, The not book we never saw, The falcon was late, Why Should i remain an atari dealer or anyone for that matter? P.S. what about my atari dealers access to genie? (I've requested this for over 1 1/2 years! Hello Lucas, of course I remember meeting you, both here at the office, and it the airport on the WAY to the Vancouver show. I did not criticize Apple, I merely pointed out that they were cancelling their orders for certain parts, and that had impacted the prices of those parts. Re your GEnie access, I gave that to you, but if you do not go in to the dealer category at least once a month, you will automatically LOSE that access. That is not something that we have set up, it is simply the way that GEnie's software operates. And for the most part, the information in the dealer topic is for US/Canadian dealers. They deal directly with us in Sunnyvale, while you are to conduct all of your business with our office in North Ryde. If you want back in, I'll set you up, but all of your questions about pricing etc are going to be referred to our office in OZ. I'm not 100% up to speed on what they're pricing/policies are there. I believe in the last year they have primarily focused on selling the Lynx, and have become profitable in the process there. This is in marked contrast to most of our subsidiaries that have operated in the red for the last several years. //// Editor's Note: At this point a drawing was held. This part has been //// edited out of the transcript. The winners, and their prizes were: //// //// Atari Works. //// SpeedoGDOS. //// MultiTOS. //// Speedo. //// Lemmings. //// MultiTOS Congratulations to the winners! <[Host - Lou] ST.LOU> OK back to the conference. Are there any CD Rom games being developed for the Jaguar? Ed, the initial games that we are working on are cartridge products. The CD will be available next year. So, Is there any chance of a keyboard attachment for the Jaguar, so that us application devs will have something to develop software for? ;-) Hmmmm, I'm not aware of any plans for that, Charles. But there will be a DSP expansion port, that is envisioned as being something that interactive media (including modems) could take advantage of. <[Jeff] J.WHITE99> And a gracious good evening to you, Robert. Have you guys decided where you want the booth to end up after the San Diego show next week? I believe that we will want it to be in Glendale, home of the Southern California Atari Faire, version 7.0. We'll be putting it up on the stage to showcase the Falcon, and perhaps some video tape displays that will give the attendees a look at some of the capabilities of the Jaguar. While I plan to purchase a Jaguar asap I am underwhelmed by the targas released, will these be touched up in any way? Also what happened to Battlezone 2000? Hi Steve, well, I'm sorry that you didn't like the pics. We have gotten all kinds of reactions to them, like Travis from AEO indicated earlier, including mail from Europe that was high praise for the pics. We've also heard from some people like you that didn't care for them. Which ones didn't you like? PrimariMostly the Kasumi ninja ones...they seemed bland... especially the one with the two fighting...the title screen shot seemed alright Ah, right. Those are very preliminary shots. Please bear in mind that part of what gets lost in these pictures is the motion, and of course, the sound. It really is a terrific game but I agree that the still shots didn't do it justice. Releasing the pics was a tough decision. A lot of people here were opposed to it, because of the mixed reactions that we knew would occur. Especially because the way the pics looks isn't entirely in our control. Seeing them in ST low rez on a stock ST really doesn't do them justice. On the other hand, on a Falcon030 in true color mode, they look terrific. They were also previewd on a Mac, with a SuperMac video board, and they looked terrific there too. Anyway, the pictures are not retouched in any way. They are the real thing. Hi Bob. I joined late so I hope that this was not covered yet. Are there any plans to hook a Falcon up to the Jag? (I think it would produce a pretty interesting animal, don't you? :) ) Also, will the CDrom drive work on other Atari computers? Hmmm, not directly, Hassen. It does sound like a very interesting idea though. I'll pass that idea along. Re the CDROM, no...it is designed to fit onto a special spot on the case of the Jaguar, and plug into the cartridge port. And it also has a "pass through" cartridge port to allow you to play cartrdige based games while you have the CD Rom unit installed. Thanx Lou. Hi Bob! Thanks for the prize! Will games for the Jaguar be designed like the card type for the Lynx or a box type of cartridge? Battery backed games are appealing. Especially for the RPG games. Hi Chris, my pleasure...you're welcome! The Jaguar games are designed to be cartridges, the idea of battery backed systems has been discussed, and is possible. Bob, how do you view the Nintendo/SGI system announced for late 95? If it ever makes it to market, will the Jaguar compete and can the Jaguar be easily upgraded so that in will blow the Nintendo/SGI away if it ever comes to market (i.e. can the clock rate be increased, memory expanded etc.). BTW I want Star Raiders for the Jaguar! What type of monitor does the Jaguar RGB port work with? Hi James, well I view the Nintendo/SGI announcement as an attempt discourage, cause fear, and place uncertaintity in the marketplace. It isn't a real product, they haven't even signed the agreement so far as we know. SGI is a terrific company, but they are not known for making inexpensive systems, which is what needs to be done for a home based system. Most of the analysts here in the Silicon Valley have decried it as a FUD announcement...if it shows up in a few years, they're going to be WAY WAY WAY, behind us. Not a good position to be in. Re the monitor, the Jaguar is incredibly versatile in the way that it handles video. There are plans to have an accessory that will handle composite RGB output. Is there an editor for SpeedoGDOS drivers & Fonts. It doesn't seem to support my HP 500C in color mode. BTW does Works do color pics? Joe, the fonts are a propreitary format from BitStream. They don't produce an editor, they just make more fonts. Re the driver...hmmmm I thought that there was a 500C driver! Works doesn't do Color pics though at this time. MTOS v. Geneva: Comments? Opinions? Recommendations? (Three question marks, one question.) (-; Hi, Bob from sweltering, humid, sweaty NYC. MTOS vs. Geneva, why choose...you can use BOTH at once! Really, my friends at Gribnif, Rick and Dan, are talented programmers with yet another great product. From the talks that I had with Rick on the phone, there is no reason to choose, as Geneva really replaces the AES, not TOS. I heard the Simarils was going to do a 65,000 color 16 bit sound version of Ishar 2 for the Falcon...from a hardware standpoint can the Falcon move this type of game well and are they probably using the DSP to do it? I haven't had a chance to talk to Bill Rehbock about this, but if they were going to do a 16 bit sound version of the game, yes, the DSP would be the way to do it...and I think it can handle it very well. How about a comment on the production schedule for the Jaguar roll-out. Are we still on schedule? Really looking forward to both the Jaguar and the Falcon But have to get the money first. Yes, we are still on schedule. We have just done the first pilot production run, and Sam Tramiel is in North Carolina to be there as the first units come off the line. I know what you mean about having to get the money first, the economy here in California continues to be horrible!!! Why is the Falcon at the rate of 16 MHZ? Why not put in a faster one like the rest of the competition? And how many software companies are bringing out new programs? Gary, the reason that we used a 16Mhz 030 was because of the way that our system works. We don't just rely on the CPU in order to make the system work. We have an DSP chip, DMA, and FPU chip that are all available to take the workload off of the CPU. We have in fact discussed using a Jaguar chipset as a card for other products, including a PC card. Will Atari be making a 24 bit (Jaguar based) graphics card for The falcons pds??? We're considering it, but we haven't committed to it yet. <[Host - Lou] ST.LOU> Well, that wraps up our Anniversary Edition of Dateline Atari! Many thanks to Bob and Atari Corp. for providing the prizes. Congratulations to our lucky winners. Don't forget to send your addresses in email to BOB-BRODIE. Join us on Saturday, September 18 at 4 p.m. Pacific Time (7 EST, 6 CST, 5 MST) for a special Glendale RTC live from the Glendale Show. Our guests will be Bob Brodie, Glendale Coordinator John King Tarpinian, and ZNET/AEO writer Ron Kovacs. Goodnight everyone and thanks for coming. Thanks for coming tonight, everyone. I'm grateful, as always to have the opportunity to participate on this network where the staff and system have taken a strong stance to ensure that you have the _BEST_ of everything at your disposal to serve your computing needs. I'm also proud to be associated with these people, both as professionals, and friends. Be sure to read our next issue of AEO, it will be in the libraries this weekend. Good night. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Atari Artist ||| By: Peter Donoso / | \ GEnie: EXPLORER.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]©=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [ ATARI ARTIST ] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]©=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=©[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This issue features a talk with Steve Cohen of Wizztronics. We cover some familiar ground, and then delve into a number of their upcoming hardware enhancements for Atari ST/STe/TTs, as well as the Falcon030. I had the pleasure of being able to talk with Steve at length in a recent, exclusive interview, during which he shared with me details concerning a number of Wizztronics' exciting new products. While some of these have just recently been released, I'll also be telling you about the soon-to-be available products which they plan to debut at the upcoming Glendale Atari show in California, along with a brief review of the company's current roster of quality hardware enhancements, you'll also get a glimpse into what's on the Wizztronics drawing board for '94. So, without further ado.... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = = - -=-=-=- [ EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! ] -=-=-=- - = = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //// NEW HARDWARE PRODUCT PREVIEWS: //// A TALK WITH STEVE COHEN OF WIZZTRONICS Companies who venture into the area of hardware-based computer enhancements often have to contend with a number of unique challenges. Although handling the distribution of third-party products has certain advantages, there may be faulty parts and/or assemblies, as well as warranty and service requirements to deal with. If the original developer is based elsewhere in the world, there's the added frustration of contending with foreign shipment. Anticipated feature-upgrades can sometimes meet with costly delays, and suggestions for improvements to make the product more marketable may meet with negative reactions and resistance from the inventor. Each of these factors can whittle the licensing "edge" down... and then down some more. If both design and distribution is assumed by the same outfit, the profit margins become potentially greater, but then, so do the risks. Research and development costs for materials and prototypes have been known to put a product permanently to pasture, often taking the company with it. As Tarzan said to Jane after relaxing with his third martini from a hard day swinging through the big primeval, "Jshane...ish a jshungle out there!" As the founder and principal developer of Wizztronics, Steve Cohen knows only too well the joys and pitfalls of being both a hardware developer and product distributor. Located in New York's Port Jefferson section of Long Island, the company is presently headed by Steve and his partner, senior programming engineer Joseph Rodomski. Both men have certainly had their share of rewards and frustrations, and though the rewards may not have all necessarily been of a financial nature, the company continues to be responsible for producing a number of excellent, quality ST/STe/TT/Falcon products. And, as they often say... the best is yet to come! But first.... //// Some Background The birth of every company shares the common proverbial beginning, "It all started when... In keeping with that tradition, I'll ask Steve to fill us in. "Well...Back in 1979 I was on my way to visiting my family when I became intrigued by a store sign advertising video games, so I pulled over to check it out. Even though I had a strong electronics background, I really had little experience in computers at that point. Little did I realize I'd soon be closing that gap, though. I ended up walking out of that store with an Atari 800 8-bit computer, loaded with an impressive (at that time) 16k of memory, along with a couple of video games and some software. Within eight months I had upgraded my machine to a whopping 48K, and gladly abandoned storing my data on cassette recorders for a 5 1/4" disk drive." Like so many small companies, the business end of Wizztronics' computer hardware development grew out of Steve's own personal desires and requirements. He found himself wishing his computer had features and capabilities beyond the manufacturer's standard factory specs, and since neither they, nor anyone else, for that matter, could supply him with those options... he promptly decided to design, build and install them himself! "Our first product grew out of my frustration of having to put up with having to sit there, notching my floppies just to get the drive to read and write both sides of the disk. After figuring out all I needed to do was bypass the write-protect feature on the drive, I came up with the design for installing a hardware switch which would allow any model 810 or 1050 floppy disk drive to access both sides of any 5 1/4"floppy. It worked great!" A friend convinced him to market it and, though it may have seemed at the time like a rather small step for Wizztronics into the formidable arena of computer hardware developers, it would prove to be a giant step for the world of Atari users. When Atari upgraded their operating system with the release of the 800XL, there were incompatibilities with a number of software titles. Wizztronics solved the problem by coming out with a board that allowed users to switch between any one of 5 operating systems, including the original 800, the 800XL and a number of alternate software-based operating systems as well. Its release was greeted with great enthusiasm. People really began to take notice of Wizztronics, and the company soon became an established name among the pantheon of Atari 8-bit developers. Steve dabbled briefly with becoming a software developer when he wrote his first game for the Atari 800, a jump-and-shoot-'em-up that featured multiple screens. "Apart from the graphics and novelty of the game itself, the thing that really stood out the most in this piece of software was how I got the screen to scroll so smoothly! I shared a beta version with a few friends to get their opinion, and they were gaping in amazement that this smoothness was really possible on an Atari 800! A week later I was handed a disk by another Atari user as he excitedly told me I had to check out this great new game that he just downloaded off a bulletin board. I couldn't believe it - it was my game! After that experience, I quickly lost all desire to become a commercial software developer." When the first ST models came out, 8-bit musicians had already gotten the jump on using MIDI in conjunction with their computers. Wizztronics had recently released MIDIMax, their hardware MIDI In/Out interface which they bundled with MIDI MusicSystem, a sequencing software package licensed from a third party developer. Although the software was simplistic by today's standards, MIDIMax turned out to be one of the most popular 8-bit products for the company. Wizztronics also developed an Atari 800XL 256k upgrade, which did extremely well, and still does even to this day. //// Developing for the 16-Bit Atari Surprised by the continued demand for 8-bit related products, Wizztronics coasted through the early years of ST/STe development by supporting their 8-bit market, and started looking into doing repairs, installations and upgrades for DOS-based computers as well. Steve was certainly intrigued by the direction Atari was heading, and begun to explore the possibilitiesfor developing products for Atari's family of 16-bit computers. "Our first ST product was Compatibility Plus ($59 - limited to remaining stock) a bare, unpopulated board which allowed a520/1040/Mega ST user the convenience of being able to install and toggle between any two versions of TOS 6-chip sets through the use of an external hardware switch. Compatibility Plus II ($99 unpopulated, $149 with TOS 2.06 pre-installed) makes Atari's NewDesk desktop available to older ST users, and provides the additional option of being able to switch back to their original version of TOS in order to run older software that may not be compatible with the newer TOS. "Then we introduced Cartmaster ($199), which allows any ST/STe/TT and Falcon user to simultaneously connect up to four cartridges to their cartridge port. They can then activate any cartridge through a desk accessory without having to turn of and re-boot their computer. In response to a number of customers who wanted to be able to activate a specific cartridge when auto-booting the companion program with boot-up utilities like Super-Boot and X-Boot, we've just recently made four Auto-Folder programs available - one for activating each port.These are now on GEnie in the ST Utilities library. "Cartright ($65 assembled with enclosed case, $35 assembled without case or $15 for the unassembled kit) frees any over-sized cartridge interface - a hand scanner, sound digitizer, video capture cartridge, MidexPlus or Spectre GCR - from taking up extra desk space. It's basically a ribbon extender (10" length is supplied, but we've tested it successfully at 6' feet; call us for a price on a custom length) with a standard 40-pin male and female cartridge plug on either end. You can then relocate your cartridge to sit on top of or behind your computer. You can even bury it underneath your desk, or put it on the opposite end of your desk, or up on a shelf! Cartright also comes in handy for those people who have their computer sitting on top of an external hard drive or power switch panel. Rather that have their cartridge just sitting out there in the middle of the air with no support, Cartright can insure that an over-sized cartridge won't end up with bent or broken pins." (Editor's note: For a more detailed description and review of these two products, please see Issue #13 - AEO_013.TXT - of Atari Explorer Online) "Printer Perfect ($125) is a bi-directional hardware device which offers the convenience of being able to connect up to three printers that use the Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon parallel port. It's basically an A/B/C switcher, but is totally controlled using software - there's no physical knobs or switches. As in Cartmaster, we supply an accessory, which can also be run as a program, along with 3 small programs for booting your computer with a pre-assigned port as the default. Although 1040ST/Mega ST/STe computers unfortunately do not have parallel ports which are bi-directional, the Falcon 030's parallel port definitely is (we still need to check out the TT about this). This means you could also use Printer Perfect with up to three networked Falcons for enabling them to share the same printer. "Stowaway Professional ($19.95) is a disk labeling software package for printing labels on any 9 or 24-pin dot matrix printer written by James E. Thompsen. The next update, scheduled for release in the first quarter of '94, will add support for laser, DeskJet and PostScript printers. The tentative price for this release will be $44.95, and owners of the earlier versions will be able to upgrade for $25." //// So, What's New? If you're one of the growing number of proud Atari Falcon 030 owners, congratulations! If you wanted to get the MAXED version with 14 megs of memory for doing some serious desktop publishing or digital multi-track recording, and found they were impossible to get (Atari's supply of upgrade boards are presently backordered), well, wait no longer! Now you can take your Falcon to the upper©memory ozone with Wizztronic's Falcon Memory Upgrade board ($99 unpopulated). The board matches Atari's dimensions, measuring 2 1/4" x 4 3/4", and you have the same option of upgrading from a 1 meg configuration to either 4 megs or 14 megs. Installation is a breeze for even the most faint-hearted do-it-yourselfer. The unit comes with simple and easy to understand instructions. Simply remove the 8 case screws and then the ten screws that attach the shielding. Next, unplug Atari's Falcon memory module board, plug your RAM SIMMSs onto the Wizztronics board, plug the board in and secure it to the high-insertion force pressure-fit pin connect or, re-attach the shielding and seal the bird back up. That's it! Although you can get the board pre-installed with RAM, Wizztronics is not really in the business of selling RAM. They deliberately offer the board without RAM so that you can get the absolute best price you can find. Of course, if you're really gun-shy when it comes to doing anything other than tying your shoes, Wizztronics will also mount your preferred configuration of RAM onto their board and install it in your Falcon. The total charge consists of their current market price for RAM (market prices for RAM go up and down constantly) plus $10 for installation, along with the cost for shipping and insurance both ways. Insuring your unit is a very wise precaution to take, I might ad. Just what kind of RAM chips can be used? Want to fill us in, Steve? "You can use 1-SIMM chips (72 pins) in a 1x32,(4 meg) or 4x32 (14 meg) configuration. Alternately, you may have a friend, or know someone at the office with a IBM PS2 which they're about to upgrade with more memory, and are switching to the larger memory chips. Well, tell them you'll offer to take their existing RAM chips off their hands, because you can also use these 1x36 or 4x36 bit module chips as well. The board we sell comes with two pairs of mounted solder pads. Pre-configured for 14 megs, you can easily alter the board's configuration by simply using a soldering iron to break one of these two jumpers, which automatically reconfigures it to 4 megs. "I'd like to also point out that our board employs multi-layer construction - 4 layers, to be exact - as opposed to the traditional two-layered boards, which eliminates electrical noise, and we use top-quality all-gold connectors manufactured by AMP. In the interests of environmental concerns, we're also offering a $5 rebate plus a refund for the cost of shipping for sending us your original Falcon memory board." //// Next Up If you're a 1040ST/STe, Mega ST/STe, TT030 or Falcon 030 owner, you may have found yourself looking at your friends' PC towers with envy, and wished that you could also be able to reduce the number of your Atari components down to one case! Wouldn't it be great to finally free up your desk space from that jungle of wires, power cables, and varying-sized cases? One case that now stands straight up, off to the side or, even better yet, located underneath your desk and off it entirely! Well... you won't have to wait much longer. What's Wizztronics got up it's proverbial disk-sleeve, Steve? "Although we're still working out the final details - I'll get to those in a minute - we plan to offer tower cases in either grey or black for around $250. The present units we're thinking of using will be 24" tall, 8" wide and approximately 18" deep, but we may scale them down a bit in size. They'll have four external drive bays, which could ideally be used for two floppy disk drives of any available density, a Syquest removable media hard drive and a CD ROM drive, but you can use any or all of them for whatever you might want. "These cases will be able to mount ANY Atari 68XXX series computer's mother board, with plenty of room for expansion. Each unit will come with the necessary cable extensions for making your ports accessible from a supplied back case template, which will have the appropriate ST model's punch-outs to fix their port extensions into. The case will be able to accommodate two to three internal hard drives, depending on their physical size and storage capacity, as well as a FAX/modem, and even a Cartmaster! A 230 watt UL-approved power supply, and a standard three-prong power cord will also be included. "The cartridge port placement (and accessability) will be optional. If you're a one©cartridge kind of person, and that's the only thing you ever use the cartridge port for, you can just plug it in and close up the back. For external placement, the back of the case seems to make the most sense, but it can also be installed in the front. Alternately, using our Cartright ribbon extender, you can locate your cartridge port wherever you like - on the top of the case or on the side. If you're really handy, you can also probably cut a hole in the side of the case and mount it there, but we won't be providing a punch-out for that, and you'd have to work out the mechanics of securing it well enough to withstand the pressure of inserting and removing a cartridge. For those CartMaster owners who prefer to have their unit buried in the case, there'll be plenty of room for locating it inside as well! "The front panel will have an access light for indicating internal hard drive activity, as well as a front-mounted power switch, keyboard port and soft reset button. The available amount of interior space will ideally also allow for using the recently developed European memory expansion boards, which can bring your Atari 1040 ST/STe or Mega ST/STe up to a total of 12 megs of RAM. "Mega ST owners who are using an ADSpeed16 accelerator, or have a color accelerator, ATSpeed, Viking Moniterm or SoundTools card installed in their Megabus slot would not have the room to accommodate the addition of a 12 meg memory upgrade unit within the dimensions of their standard Mega ST case. Once relocated in our tower case, this would not be a problem." Steve, that's really great news for Mega ST/STe and TT owners, since their computers already have separate keyboards. Now, the big question - what about Falcon and 520/1040 ST/STe owners who have their CPUs and keyboards integrated within the same computer case? "Well, remember when I mentioned earlier that we're still working out the final details? This is one of the big challenges we have; being able to offer this to ANY Atari 16bit or 32bit user, which we really want to do. We looked at the possibility of being able to use the original 1040ST/STe-styled keyboards, but it looks like that solution may not end up being cost-effective in the end. "As a viable alternative, we thought of purchasing MegaSTe/TT keyboards from Atari to offer our 1040/Falcon customers, and we're still checking that out with Atari. Stock status and pricing for their keyboards are uncertain, so right now that option is up in the air. We're presently investigating the possibility of getting injection-molded keyboard cases made that could house the original 1040/Falcon-style keyboard, and still be able to incorporate a mouse and joystick port as well...we're not quite sure yet what the best solution will be, but we're hard at work on getting it solved." //// Debuting at Glendale Ever since Atari unleashed the Falcon030, a video-hungry user base has waited off-camera in eager anticipation for a video editing package to finally be released that would take full advantage of Atari's amazing video machine. Nothing too expensive; how about, oh, let's see... how about less than half of what it costs on the "other" video computer, which needs that break-the-bank, "extra-aneous pseudo-kitchen appliance" hardware accessory to do a lot of the same video prestidigitation? Seems too good to be true? Well, the wait is just about over! This September at the annual Atari Glendale show in California, Wizztronics will unveil the first module in their total VES 2000 (Video Editing System) Prosumer package! The term "Prosumer" indicates the unit has a number of professional features and capabilities, but due to certain limitations, can't really be consider as a fully professional system (they start at around $25,000!). Now that I've drawn the curtains and cued the orchestra, I'll let Steve introduce the cast. "The first part of our VES package is a VFC (video frame capture) unit which we're targeting at around $300. The unit is a cartridge-based integrated assembly which plugs into the Falcon's cartridge port and powered by an included UL-listed AC adaptor. It features a composite input via standard RCA jacks, which will make it compatible with any VTR (video tape recorder) or camcorder, and will also contain RCA composite output jacks. "On the technical end, the unit will have a capture rate of 20 FPS (frames-per-second), with a resolution of 640 by 480. The VFC then automatically scales this down to 320 by 200 for use with the Falcon's high-res, true color capabilities. This is accomplished using an on-board 24-bit VIM (video input module). You'll be able to store captured images to your hard drive, which will average around 600K per picture at uncompressed, high-res quality. In addition we've also integrated a 1 megabyte RAM buffer into our VFC unit to allow for fast frame buffering. The data capture rate is 1/60th of a second, NTSC quality, and displayed to the Falcon's monitor screen at the rate of 20 FPS, which is the Falcon's maximum limitation. This unit supports full NTSC input and output, as well as TBC (time-base co rrection) for syncing signal timing from multiple sources. This particular feature will be important for when we release the complete VES2000 system." Wow! But wait, there's more. The full blown VES2000 system, which is scheduled for a second quarter of '94 release, will offer a COMPLETE hardware/software video editing package! It will support both consumer AND commercial VTR units, be able to handle two input sources (a total of three inputs with their VFC unit) which can then be mixed down to one final output, and the software will feature live editing capability on your Falcon monitor screen, as you're watching it on your video monitor. Steve, tell us some of the features you're planning to include in this system. "The package will include: genlocking with titling and animation capability; chroma keying (like they use for putting weather maps behind TV weather casters); luminous keying; colorization; a variety of fades and wipes; screen scrolling and rotation; digital effects; zoom in/out capabilities, as well as solarization. You'll be able to do such special effects, as displaying one live image which then can be "ghosted" to allow another image to emerge from behind - in real time! You'll be able to display anywhere from 3 to 6 frames of video in linear mode - the list just goes on and on. "Commercial decks, which have servo-controlled motors for single-frame accuracy, will be controlled through either a RS232 or RS422 cable directly from the Falcon, and hopefully be able to... [access] the bus directly for optimum processing speed. "Consumer decks will require a third-party hardware interface, such as Sony's "VBox" (video computer interface), which uses Sony's industry-standard VISCA (Video System Control Architecture) to generate and translate a number of protocols that interface with a variety of consumer-model VCRs. These protocols include CONTROL-S, LAN-S and LAN-C. Sony models include their SLVR5, SLV676, SLV757, SLVP30HF, SLV50, SLV70HF, and Beta models SLHF1000, SLHF2100, EDV9300, EDV9500, but a number of companies support these protocols as well. "Basically, any VCR which has either a 5-pin DIN connector, S-3 or other kind of wired remote plug on the back of the unit will most likely qualify as being compatabile with the VBox, This will allow the Falcon to control such standard VTR functions as play, record, stop, pause, rewind and fast forward. Wizztronics, by the way, will be a registered Sony VISCA developer. "The audio aspects will take full advantage of the Falcon's DSP chip to handle full digital stereo as well as digital sound effects. This whole project is a real complicated challenge! We're hard at work on this package, and are looking at a host of other hardware and software features and capabilities as well, including interfacing with third-party animation software, but we'd rather not talk about them until we've got them worked out. Atari has been very helpful and supportive, and we're as excited as they are about showing what the Falcon030 can really do!" The VES2000 system is slated to come in at somewhere around $2,000. At this point it's not certain whether the VFC cartridge unit will be incorporated into this total package, or remain a separate piece. You will need to have 14 megs installed in your Falcon to take full advantage of all the incredible features of this system. This may seem like an expensive price tag at first, until you start to do some comparison shopping. Even at a total price tag of $3,800 (14 meg Falcon with monitor included), a total PC-based package with comparable features comes in at somewhere between $5,000 and $7,000 dollars, while an Amiga 4000 package - including a VideoToaster 4000 - comes to about $6000! And that doesn't include multi-track digital audio and effects! With the upcoming official US release of Cubase Audio for the Falcon (8 channels of digital audio without any additional hardware) Atari's claim that you'll be able to actually produce your own music video or commercial spot on the Falcon will soon be a reality! //// On the Drawing Board Wizztronics is working on some other exciting new projects that are in various stages of development. One of them is a Falcon video accelerator card! Another is a memory upgrade board which will boast handling up to an awesome 1 gigabyte of RAM! Of course, these products will be able to integrate with the VES2000 system as well. Steve and all the other people at Wizztronics believe in giving their customers FULL support for any and all of their products. "If there's a problem, we'll stay with it until it's solved! If, in the unlikely event that we can't solve it, we'll be more than happy to give them a full refund. Our customers are important to us, and that's exactly how we treat them. Talk to any of our past customers and you'll hear the same thing: 'Wizztronics took the time to make sure I was totally satisfied!' We also believe in using only top-quality parts in all our products, for obtaining the best possible response and durability. "Wizztronics is an authorized Atari developer, as well as a recognized Atari repair center. We have a pretty quick turn-around for installing hardware and memory upgrades. We're very familiar with the complete line of Atari 8, 16 and 32-bit computers, and can help you with whatever problems you may be having." I'd like to thank Steve Cohen for his generous time and efforts in getting all this information together for this interview, exclusive to AEO readers. I'm sure they share my excitement in learning about these exciting new products and are as eagerly looking forward to their official release as I am. If you have any questions, you can reach Steve at: Wizztronics, P.O. Box 122 Port Jefferson, NY 11776 Voice/Fax (516) 473-2507 Or leave him E-mail on Genie at S.COHEN27. Well, that's it for now. We welcome your comments, suggestions and any interesting things you may want to see mentioned here, so feel free to write to either of us on Genie at EXPLORER.2. Until next time, just remember... -=-=-=-=- Today Is The Tomorrow You Dreamed About Yesterday. -=-=-=-=- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Houston Atari Safari '93 Report ||| By: Jerry Davis / | \ GEnie: EXPLORER.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- The fourth annual Houston Atari Safari, sponsored by the Houston Atari Computer Enthusiasts (H.A.C.E.), was held on August 21st, 1993, at the Jerabeck Athletic Center on the campus of the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. As has been the case with most other Atari shows recently, attendance this year was down sharply from previous years. But, the mood of those attending the show did not appear to be dampened by the low turnout. The H.A.C.E. members put a lot of time, and effort into this year's show, and their hard work was evident from registration to show's end. H.A.C.E. President George Iken, Treasurer Bill Kithias, and the other members manned the registration table throughout the day, distributing the Safari packs, and making sure everyone got their name tags and were registered for the many door prizes given away during the show. Disk Librarians Bruce Fudge and Harold Gailey were busy passing out free disks and selling compilations of PD and Shareware files from the huge H.A.C.E. library. Other members were scurrying about attending to the needs of the different vendors and people who came for the show. This show seemed to be very well organized, and the members of H.A.C.E. are to be commended on a job well done. The hall and the meeting rooms in the Jerabeck Athletic Center provided a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere for this year's Safari. Although there were no local dealers present, two retail dealers from outside the Houston area, several individuals with swap tables, and eight different developers were on hand to answer questions, offer upgrades, and sell their products. I believe most of the tables did a fair amount of business. I saw many smiling people leaving the show with new purchases in hand. There was a good deal of excitement for many, seeing a Falcon030 closeup for the first time. Most of the developers had at least one Falcon030 on hand to demonstrate their products. This idea worked, because the tables garnered a lot of attention as interested show goers checked out the demonstrations while actually getting a chance to use a Falcon030. The lack of a local dealer was disappointing to many, in the fact that there were no Falcon030's for sale at the show. I spoke to several people who had come to the show planning to buy one. There were rumors of the arrival of a new Atari dealer in the Houston area in the coming weeks. This will hopefully give the folks in Houston a quality dealer to fulfill their needs. One of the stalwart developers of software for the Atari, Codehead Technologies, was represented by Tomas Ensley. Tomas had a Falcon030 with a VGA monitor demonstrating MIDI Spy, the background MIDI file player/recorder and the 030 version of Warp 9's EOS screen saver. In addition to answering questions and putting up with some good natured ribbing from myself and others, Tomas stayed busy selling copies of the ever expanding line of software available from the Codeheads. Of special interest were Image Copy II, a new product that allows you to view and convert many different types of graphics on any ST, TT, or Falcon030 and DigiTape, a digital audio recording/editing package for the Falcon030. James Collins, of Chro-Magic Software Innovations, spent the day showing Guitaristics and Pianistics, two computer-assisted instruction tools for beginner or professional guitarists and pianists. Mr. Collins reminded me that software updates are now available for those who purchased Guitaristics when it was being distributed by Dr. T's Software. James also displayed an open Falcon030 showing Chro-Magic's new RAM Gizmo, a unique solderless RAM expansion board for the Falcon030 that makes use of standard SIMM modules. I must say it was impressive to see the innards of the mighty Falcon, with the upgrade board tucked neatly in place. With a list price of $99, this little board should prove to be popular for those looking to upgrade the memory in their Falcon030s. The amiable S.K. Webb of SKWare exhibited the many features of Seurat Version 2.80. In this relaxed setting, I saw several different people putting Mr. Webb's excellent drawing program through it's paces. This latest version is fully TT030 and Falcon030 compatible. Offering many new features, Seurat now allows you to enlarge, reduce, or re-proportion both B&W and Color images. A bundled package featuring Seurat v 2.8, Color Scan, a utility that converts scanned grey scale images to Color pictures, and other graphics utilities was being offered at a special show price. This package is also available via mail order, direct from SKWARE. Linda Peckham of Electronic Spinster Graphics, presented a wealth of DTP graphics, and offered some great package deals for those attending the show. I noticed a considerable amount of interest in their new selection of Vector Graphics. Available in CVG, GEM/3, and EPS formats, these graphics are ready to import into your favorite DTP software. The lone TT030 at the show was located at the DMC table. With a large screen monitor, Mario Georgiou exposed some of the many features of Calamus. As with wares offered by the other developers, special show prices were in effect for Calamus, Invision Elite, Outline Art, and other fine DTP products offered by DMC. Barefoot Software Inc. CEO Jeffrey Naideau and Product Specialist Dana Byrd gave some very impressive demonstrations of SmpteTrack and EditTrack Platinum MIDI sequencing software. Their usual array of MIDI tools, GenEdit, a new version of EZ-Score Plus, and Take Control Music DTP were prominently displayed also. On the cutting edge of Atari/MIDI capabilities, Barefoot announced the availability of AudioTrack Platinum, a new version of the EditTrack series of sequencers. When run on an Atari Falcon030 with D2D System's direct-to-hard-disk software, it allows MIDI sequencing along with playback and recording of hard disk audio files. In combination with their proprietary hardware, AudioTrack and the hard disk recording/playback can both sync to the same SMPTE signal. In addition to working the Barefoot table throughout the day, Jeff conducted an informal and educational demonstration of EditTrack in one of the adjoining classrooms. Those attending the demonstration seemed to be genuinely impressed. Jeff's willingness to answer even the most absurd questions was refreshing. Keith Gerdes of Trace Technologies was exhibiting his familiar Data Diet and Data Rescue. Squish II, the newest version of Keith's executable file compression program was being displayed too. Keith was also handling sales of Craig Harvey's EdHack, the edit anything accessory from, Clear Thinking Software. One of the busiest folks at this years Safari had to be Damien Jones of DMJ software. Fairly new to the arena of American Atari developers, Damien has generated a lot of interest from the Atari community lately. His appearance at the Safari proved to be no different. Damien's View II, being distributed by It's All Relative, is a program that replaces the Atari desktop's show routines. Once View II is installed, you can display text files, picture files, animations, play digitized sounds, and display or extract ARC and LZH files. The different viewers are completely configurable and offer many features. In closing, I would like to thank my good friend and fellow Atari die-hard Jim Ashly for convincing me to make the trip to this year's show. I also appreciate him putting up with my incessant ravings and running count of the many Bar-B-Que stands between Lubbock and Houston. The folks at H.A.C.E. are some of the friendliest you'll ever meet, and I did enjoy their hospitality. I know that the low turnout will cause some concern when planning next year's show. One alternative I heard suggested, was to combine the efforts of the surviving user groups in Texas into one big show at a central location in the state. Regardless of where or how next year's show materializes, if H.A.C.E. is involved, it will be a winner! --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- GEnie Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- 1. Set your communications software for half duplex (local echo) -- -- at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud. -- -- -- -- 2. Dial toll free: 1-800-638-8369 (or in Canada, 1-800-387-8330). -- -- Upon connection, enter HHH. -- -- -- -- 3. At the U# prompt, enter XTX99436,GENIE then press . -- -- -- -- 4. Have a major credit card ready. In the U.S., you may also use -- -- your checking account number. -- -- -- -- For more information in the United States or Canada, call 1-800- -- -- 638-9636 or write: GEnie, c/o GE Information Services, P.O. Box -- -- 6403, Rockville, MD 20850-1785. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Atari's Official Online Resource! --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| AEO Calendar of Events ||| Compiled by: Ron Kovacs / | \ GEnie: Z-NET CIS: 75300,1642 Delphi: ZNET ---------------------------------------------------------------- //// Fairbanks Atari Expo September 4, 1993 The Fairbanks Atari Users Group will be holding a computer exhibition on Saturday the 4th of September at the Ft. Wainwright post library. The show will begin at 12:00 and go till 5:00 pm. Purple Mountain Computers from Bellevue Washington will be there as well as Far North Computers. The user group will have a booth demonstrating some MIDI software and answering questions. If you have questions regarding the show or the area, please call 907-356-9835. //// The Glendale Show September 18-19, 1993 The Glendale Show, Version 7.0, The Legend Continues... The show will be held Saturday and Sunday, September 18-19, 1993 at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1041 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA. Hours are 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday. General Admission is $5.00 per person. If you plan on attending and you live outside of Southern California you may get FREE admission by sending a self-address-stamped-#10 envelope (the long one) to H.A.C.K.S., 249 N. Brand Bl. #321, Glendale, CA 91203 and get TWO one day passes. For those of you who will be needing lodging we have made arrangements with the New Red Lion Hotel in Glendale. Regular rates are $129.00 per night but if you mention ATARI/HACKS you will get a room for $79.00 per night, single or double occupancy. Reservations may be made by calling the Red Lion at 818-956-5466. The hotel has a free shuttle from the Burbank Airport. The guaranteed reservation cut-off date is August 28th. If you are quoted another rate ask for Janet Waldie in Sales. Atari will be doing something very special in conjunction with this year's show. Details to come. If you have any questions send mail to: H.A.C.K.S., 249 N. Brand Bl. #321, Glendale, CA 91203 or leave GEmail to JOHN.KING.T or call John King Tarpinian at 818-246-7276 before 9 pm PDT. Exhibitors List: ATARI DMC GEnie Oregon Research Clear Thinking Branch Always Steve's Software for Safari Fonts J&J Computers S.D.S. A&D (ST Informer) Toad Computers for Straight FAX! Best Electronics chro_MAGIC Compo J.V. Enterprises Canoe Gribnif CodeHead The Computer Network ICD MiGraph Mid-Cities MegaType WizzTonics Fast Technology Fair Dinkum //// MacWorld Expo September 20-22, 1993 The third MacWorld Expo, titled Canada '93 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, sponsored by MacWorld Magazine. //// Mobile World Expo September 21-23, 1993 Mobile World Expo and Conference at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose California. //// Unix Expo '93 September 21-23, 1993 Unix Expo '93 in New York City, New York at the Javits Convention Center. //// Image World October 4-8, 1993 Image World New York, Javits Convention Center, New York City. //// NetWorld '93 October 5-7, 1993 NetWorld 93, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas TX. //// Lap & Palmtop Expo October 7-8, 1993 Lap & Palmtop Mobile Computing Expo at the Chicago Mart/Expo Center in Chicago, Illinois. Exhibitors will show the latest in mobile computing, software, pen, peripherals and communications from the industry's leading manufacturers. In conjunction with the exhibits is the Mobile Systems Solutions Conference series. Featuring over 80 leading industry experts speakers, the conference provides vital information needed to build or improve your world of mobile computing. //// PC Expo October 19-21, 1993 PC Expo-Chicago, McCormick Place East, Chicago IL. //// CD-ROM Expo October 27-29, 1993 CD-ROM Exposition at the World Trade Center, Boston MA. //// EDA&T Asia '93 October 27-29, 1993 EDA&T Asia '93. The Electronic Design and Test Conference Exhibition at the Taipei International Convention Center in Taiwan. Exhibit space is still available. For more information contact: Betsy Donahue, Chicago, Fax: 708-475-2794. //// November 1-3, 1993 Online/CD-ROM '93, Washington DC. //// GeoCon/93 November 7-10, 1993 GeoCon/93, an international conference and showcase for software products developed outside the U.S. at the Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, Mass. The conference program will include three days of workshops on topics of interest to overseas developers entering the U.S. market. Workshop presenters will discuss such issues as how to negotiate distribution and licensing contracts, setting up a business in the U.S., manufacturing and fulfillment, technical support, packaging, research sources, and how to market through direct, retail, and catalog channels. For additional information, contact Tom Stitt, associate publisher, Soft letter, 17 Main St., Watertown, Mass. 02272-9154; Telephone 617-924-3944; Fax 617-924-7288, or Colleen O'Shea, director, Soft letter Europe, 2 um Bierg, 7641 Chirstnach, Luxembourg, Telephone: 35.2.87119; Fax: 35.2.87048. //// COMDEX November 15-19, 1993 COMDEX Fall '93. Las Vegas Nevada. //// Mobile '94 March 6-10, 1994 Mobile '94 Conference and Exposition at the San Jose Convention Center. //// SAC Expo 94 March 12-13, 1994 S.T.A.R (formerly known as SST) proudly announces SAC Expo 94. The second annual Sacramento Atari Computer Exposition will be held Saturday and Sunday at the Towe Ford Museum: 2200 Front Street, Sacramento, California 95818. The Towe Ford Museum was so excited about the '93 show that they allocated nearly double the space in the museum for SAC Expo 94. STAR will be mailing vendor packets by September, if you are a vendor and did not receive a packet for SAC Expo 93, please contact us so you will not be missed this year. Look for future press releases containing more details, vendor lists, and show information. For more information contact STAR at P.O. Box 214892, Sacramento, CA 95821-0892. //// GEC '94 June 4-11, 1994 GEC '94, Milam ITALY. Centrexpo, Sheila Palka/Delia Associates, PO Box 338, Route 22 West, Whitehouse, NJ 08888; (800) 524-2193, (908) 534-6856 (Fax). If you have an event you would like to include on the AEO Calender of Events, please send email via GEnie to Z-NET, CompuServe 75300,1642, or via FNET to node 593 or AtariNet node 51:1/13.0. International shows also covered. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Delphi's World of Games' Atari Jaguar RTC ||| Courtesy: Delphi / | \ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- On August 25, 1993, a formal Atari conference was held on the Delphi information service (e-mail to VIDGAMES@DELPHI.COM or VIDGAMES@NETCOM.COM for signup info). The conference was held to spread info on the recently announced Atari Jaguar game system. Moderating was Andy Eddy, former Executive Editor for VideoGames & Computer Entertainment magazine. Guests were Sam Tramiel, president of Atari, and Bob Brodie, Atari's director of communcations. After a lengthy delay of nearly 20 minutes while chaos reigned due to a temporary bug in Delphi's conference software, the CO started and attendees got to ask questions of Atari's execs. What follows is a *very* edited transcript of the questions and answers. The list of attendees were compiled from /WHO lists taken during the CO and in the post-formal chatter that followed; apologies to those I may have forgotten. (This "post-war" CO is in an accompanying file, for those who are interested.) Comments to my e-mailboxes, save your flames... Andy Eddy VIDGAMES@DELPHI.COM VIDGAMES@NETCOM.COM 71333,3664 on CompuServe =-=-=-=-=-= Formal Atari CO attendees: 16BITTER, ADLEVIN, AEO_MAG:Tim@AEO, ALLEBARAM:Mark, ARNOLDB:Arnie!, ATARICORP, ATARIMUSIC, ATARIPOWER7, ATARITECH, BACHAND, BMHAL1000, BOBMATISKA:Bob M., BRIANXAP, BRYEDEWAARD:Bryan, CHRISBEST, CMILLAR:Chris M., DAVHEBEL, DAVIDSHORR:Dave, DJSAHN, EELIAS:Eric, EFLY:Fly, EICHER, ENFORCER2, FSDMB3, GAIARES, GENE5320, GREGG43, GREGRPH, HODOSKO:Jeff H., INNOVATOR:Jared, JAHORN, JEFFTZ, JELLISON, JES68K, JMILLAR:Jay 030, JMV, JONSEI, JONWOOD, JSCHEPP, KALL, KEITHFISHER, KKORDES1:Kent@SFT, KRISJOHNSON, LEXICOR:John @ Lexicor, LINDERDG:Dan The Man, LMCCLURE, LOUC, MARK_SCHEY, MBRADY, MICKEYANGELL, MOSA, MRBURKLEY:Michael, NOLRAM, NORMW:NormInLA, OLDGROUCH, PALAZZOL:Frank, PHUNKZIP, PLEFEBVRE:Paul, QUINNGRANFOR, RDIMICK, RJUNG, ROB_G:Rob, ROM1:Raul, RONALDB1, SAM_RAPP:Sam 030, SANZA, SBEYER, SCARPAD, SCMMETALS:Jeff, SCOTTGO, SEANSHARP, SEIGH, SLAVGRID, STEVE677, STEVENBAKER, TACK, TELENUT, THINK, THOMAS345:Tom, TOMFANN, VGCHRIS, VGJOSHO:Josho, VGZACH:Zach, VIDGAMES:Andy, VILLARREAL, VILLARREAL:JMV, WHITEW, WUNDERLEYS, YOONK VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, before we start, I'll apologize for the problems. I think Delphi... has a software bug. VIDGAMES:Andy> I'd like to start by welcoming everyone here tonight. Special thanks to Sam Tramiel and Bob Brodie of Atari for taking time out of their very busy schedule to answer some questions for us here. Finally, I'd like ATARIPOWER7> .... let's to be patient and virtueous..... :):):) VIDGAMES:Andy> to welcome any of the Internet crowd for coming by Delphi this evening. I hope you like the system and will join us again. As an introduction, you all know that Atari announced the Jaguar last Wednesday in a press event at its Sunnyvale offices. Before the event, there was skepticism, and since there has been lots of speculation. Atari has thrown the gauntlet at 3DO, and tonight Sam and Bob will be sharing with you what makes this product so exciting. Finally, the Jaguar has sparked a flurry of heated debate. With that in mind, I'll set the law right now: NO SHENANAGANS (whatever they are) WILL BE TOLERATED! We're doing this conference as an effort to spread vital game information to the public, and disruptions make that impossible. This is a formal conference, and if you don't know the rules for how a formal CO works, you are asked to exit the Conference area (/EX twice) and re-read the banner that greets you upon entrance. Not abiding will put you in the "audience." Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Now, while those of you with questions will signal with a ? (remember, only one per customer), we'll start by asking Sam and/or Bob to open with a statement, then get to the conference... Bob and/or Sam? Comment to start? ATARICORP> Good evening everyone. On behalf of Atari Corporation, I'd like to thank you all for attending tonight's conference. We appreciate the opportunity to meet here with you, especially with our good friend Andy Eddy! Andy has been a long time supporter of Atari Corp., even preceding his involvement here in the World of Games Forum on Delphi, and we're thankful for his long-term support of our company. Tonight, we are here to talk to you about the Atari Jaguar, our exciting new 64 bit interactive multimedia entertainment system. For those of you that haven't seen the specs on the Jaguar yet, here they are: o 64-bit RISC-based multiprocessing architecture. o A very high speed 106.4 Mbyte/sec 64-bit Data path. o 27 MIPs Graphic Processor with 4K bytes of zero wait-state internal SRAM that is closely coupled with the Blitter that can perform a full range of graphics effects (including shading and rotations) at high speed yet is programmable for maximum flexibility. o A programmable Object Processor that can act as a variety of different video architectures, such as an advanced sprite engine, pixel-mapped based systems, character mapped based systems and many others. o 27 MIPs Digital Signal Processor with 8K bytes of zero wait-state internal SRAM for CD quality sound and full stereo capabilities. o A Blitter that can perform a full range of logical operations at high speed with hardware support for Z-buffering and Gouraud shading. o MC68000 CPU clocked at 13.3 MHz as a general purpose control processor. o Lifelike quality 32-bit color on NTSC or PAL television screens, yielding greater than 16 million colors. o ROM Cartridge capacity to 48 Megabits of compressed or uncompressed code. When compressed, equivalent to almost 400 Megabits. o 16 Megabits of fast page-mode DRAM. o An optional double speed CD-ROM drive. o ComLynx I/O for networked multiconsole games. o Two (expandable to literally dozens) enhanced Controller Ports, supporting digital and analog interfaces, as well as keyboards, lightguns and mice. o High performance, ergonomically designed, Controller with Joypad, 3 firebuttons, Pause, Option, and 12-key keypad with game-specific overlays. o High speed synchronous serial port for connection to modems, cable TV networks and other high performance networks. With this Fall's introduction of the Atari Jaguar, the ultimate video game system and the nation's first 64-bit interactive multimedia entertainment system, comes a plethora of both new and familiar game titles. While third party developers and publishers are actively designing software for the system, Atari programmers overseas and domestically have been developing and fine-tuning several titles for the Jaguar for release this year. The dramatic use of 3D rendering and 24-bit graphics is most prevalent in games seen on the Jaguar system. Scanned and digitized character images, as well as detailed texture mapping, lighting and shadowing effects and unrestricted motion and speed all contribute to the next level of technology apparent in these games. And the 16-bit stereo capabilities and high fidelity CD quality sound combined with the imagery produce extraordinary results. Some of the upcoming game titles include: Crescent Galaxy - Lifelike three dimensionally rendered and shadowed planetary objects and lifeforms prevail in this multi-leveled side shooter. You are the young Corporal Trevor McFur of the Circle Reserve Core. Returning from a deep space reconnaissance mission, you and your shipmate intercept a long-range transmission telling you that you are the only hope in saving the galaxy against a ruthless creature. The game is visually stunning with full textured 3D renderings of creatures and planets with nine levels reflecting five different worlds. Enemies and allies include: Pop-up Poppies which explode when they sense an enemy nearby; Geysers which can spurt forth abrupt blasts of nuclear steam erupting from the Planets core; and bothersome creatures such as Skeletal Vultures, Scorpions and Flying Dinos and dozens more. Cybermorph - Surreal landscapes colored in both muted and bright tones are the background for this One-Man Rescue Probe sent into an interplanetary battlefield to rescue stranded survivors of a dying war. The Cybermorph is an adaptable, flexible machine with an outer skin programmed to react to its environment. If accelerating, it grows streamlined to reduce resistance; when banking, its wings extend to give maximum turn; when slowing up, the rear of the craft morphs into a cowl to bring the speed down quickly and smoothly. The probe flies in a full three dimensional world environment. The object is to fly over the surface of each world in a low-altitude, high speed craft saving helpless survivors and avoiding surface and air attack and alien infestation. You defend yourself by shooting anything that moves and avoid being hit yourself or colliding into tall landscape features. A holographic face speaks to you giving you information. Following lifeline sensors, you race toward the cries for help, saving survivors from all 50 moons to complete the mission. Raiden - As the ultimate arcade game conversion, the Jaguar version is considered the ideal soundalike and lookalike Raiden game. As a vertical scroller, you control aircraft flying over enemy territory, shooting militaristic tanks and aircraft, avoiding enemy gun fire and hidden missiles. This full-featured game makes use of the graphic capabilities with complex parallax scrolling and realistic and engaging audio quality. This was essentially developed as a yardstick for performance, color and sprite comparisons to showcase the Jaguar's capabilities. Speed and motion are exceptional with no slow down when mass objects are present on the screen. No other system comes close to accurately converting this arcade game to a home console. Evolution-Dino Dudes - Familiar to consumers as Dinolympics? on the Lynx or as Humans? on the PC, this title is an Atari-owned property which, seen on the Jaguar, utilizes all the graphics and colors Jaguar can represent. Vivid colors and creative use of animation facilities enhance the overall look of the game, but the 80 levels of play make this challenging as well. As a platform puzzle game, cavemen characters are taught to survive, by avoiding man-eating dinosaurs, discovering the spear, making fire and physically running, jumping and climbing their way up the evolutionary ladder. Club Drive - The most exciting vacation park in the 21st century is the theme for this pulse quickening excursion. At this fantasy driving resort, all vehicles are indestructible, and visitors can challenge their skills and courage by driving some of the most treacherous terrain and returning completely unscathed. Different levels are represented by a futuristic city, an old western town, a present day world and even a toy car world where you can drive in and around your furniture at breakneck speeds as if you were inside a toy racing car. This true 3D polygon environment is completely new to the gaming world. Checkered Flag II - Jaguar Formula One Racing hits its peak with this version using real-time 3D generated action, akin to arcade quality racing games. Cars, buildings and roads are rendered in true 3D, with options to customize your car. The game features 100% true sound effects; crashes are realistic in both sound and imagery, with parts flying and tires screeching. Racing speed is markedly intensified. Tiny Toon Adventures - Based on the popular Warner Bros. characters, this platform game utilizes the vibrant colors and graphics to the utmost. The storyline follows Buster Bunny, Babs Bunny and Plucky Duck as they embark on a rescue mission to save the planet Aurica. Bad boy Montana Max has a new toy: an Acme TiToonium-Gold Converter. The only place to get TiToonium is on the planet Aurica. The removal of TiToonium is causing grave ecological damage to Aurica. Armed with Acme Crazy Net, our heroes try to shut down the Acme TiToonium-Gold Converter. The object is to navigate through each level, locate the TiToonium Extractor within each level and pull the plug on it. With a transport beam pad, one of our heroes can be selected to climb, jump and run through each level so in the end, the planet can be saved. Alien vs. Predator - Based on two 20th Century Fox feature film blockbusters, what would happen if the Alien, the Predator and a colonial Marine Corporal were put together? Who would win? You select who you will portray and the qualities each possesses is incorporated into your strategy. For instance, if you were the Alien, you could climb walls; as the Predator, your night vision is superior and as the Marine Corporal, you may be able to outwit the other two with your computer skills. Placed in realistic texture mapped corridors, your movement is put in real-time action. Camera speeds race as you're being chased down hallways with a high frame rate. Exceptional colors and shadow effects put you right into the action. Kasumi Ninja - The game is set on the small island of Kasumi in the West Pacific rim. The Kasumi Ninja are the world's finest Ninja warriors and a mist of invisibility from the Ninja Gods hides Kasumi from the world. Kasumi is undetectable, even by radar. The Gods have decided to intervene when Gyaku, a strong warrior, kills his family and the Gods must find a new strong warrior to battle him. But first, this new young Ninja must learn new skills and fight with nine other persona, each with unique martial arts abilities and special moves. The game incorporates superior graphics and animation with realistic landscapes and backgrounds. Ninja warriors utilize 91 different martial arts movements, with all the sound effects and audio consistent with this type of fighting. Tempest 2000 - This title is familiar to gamers as the favorite arcade classic using vector graphics, polygons and rapid fire. Here, the Jaguar version incorporates a starfield in the background instead of just a black background. CD quality stereo enhances this game tenfold as this fast-paced energetic game unfolds. Manipulative abilities have been modernized and updated with new features that include spins and twists not seen in the 80's, as well as an updated version to the year 2000 which takes full advantage of the Jaguar's 3D graphic polygon capabilities. We're very pleased with the reception that the Atari Jaguar has been getting from the media, especially the gaming publications! We recently had a media day, where we showed off the Jaguar and it's spectacular effects to a standing room audience. The reception was overwhelming, and to say the least, we're gratified!! Our plans for the rollout of the Jaguar are for a New York and San Francisco release in October, with the rest of the US to follow in 1994. From the US, we'll be expanding into Europe, with London, Paris, and Frankfurt as the major target cities. With that, I thank you for your attention, and we're now happy to take any questions that our audience might have, Andy! VIDGAMES:Andy> Whew, nice to have *someone* prepared (hehe). Okay, first question.. honor go to AEOMAG. ATARICORP> Sorry for some of the formatting... ga, Tim AEO_MAG:Tim@AEO> OK, can you give a benchmark (maybe aska programmer?) on how fast the polygons are? texturemapped and flat shaded.? ga ATARICORP> Tim, this is a bit more technical than I had expected, and I don't want to hazard a guess. I'll get back to you on that, hopefully later on tonight. Sorry. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Follow up, Tim? AEO_MAG:Tim@AEO> no, that was my question. thanks. ATARICORP> Tim, please be sure to send me email on who the people that are interested in VR are, we'll be happy to talk to them. AEO_MAG:Tim@AEO> okeydokey. VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, on to PHUNKZIP. PHUNKZIP> the Jag may have a 64 bit Graphics processor, but isn't it really 16 bit machine because of the 68000 CPU? ATARICORP> Tim, we can render 50 million goroud shaded pixels a second. Hope that benchmark helps. AEO_MAG:Tim@AEO> yes it does. ATARICORP> No, the 68000 is a co processor. And it shares only the lower sixteen bits of the 64 bit system bus. ATARICORP> It's a similar situation to the 16 bit ISA bus that you still get in 32 bit PCs. ga PHUNKZIP> so what chip is the CPU of the Jag? VIDGAMES:Andy> Side comment: Isn't it also true that a processor in the Jaguar can be moved... from its "main" usage (like the graphics processor) to another task if you chose to? ATARICORP> The Jaguar CPU is a 64 bit custom graphics chip. ga PHUNKZIP> last question from me: how can a graphics chip be the CPU? ATARICORP> The 64 bit custom graphics chip is a good general purpose RISC unit, but it has been specifically optimized for 3D graphics work. ga PHUNKZIP> ok thanks VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, thanks, Dave. Josh, you're up. VGJOSHO:Josho> Thanks, Andy! Guys, I'm one of those that felt a bit "burned" by the... promises of third-party LYNX support, that basically never materialized... so I'd like to know which 3rd-party publishers have definitely been... developing for the Jaguar. GA. ATARICORP> We at Atari made no promises of 3rd party publishers for the Lynx. And we are working very hard to attract 3rd party publishers to Jaguar. We will make our first formal announcements as to who has signed up in September. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Follow-up, Josh? VGJOSHO:Josho> Ah. Okee-dokee. :-( Yes, one follow-up... As you said, you're planning a test market release in October in NY and SF... and I'm wondering when in 1994 you're planning the national rollout. GA. ATARICORP> The NY and SF markets will be shipped product in November and the rest of the national rollout will occur in the first quarter of '94 ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, thanks. RJUNG, you are up. GA VGJOSHO:Josho> Hmmmm...OK, thanks! Andy, back to you! RJUNG> Hi, guys. Two questions, sorry if this is against protocol. (1) What game comes with the Jaguar? (2) How does the Lynx/Jag/ComLynx connection work? Are you talkingh about Lynx and Jag versions of a title, a Lynx adaptor, But there are no gasmes planned to be on both the Lynx and Jaguar platforms? ATARICORP> We have not decided which game will be packed out. It will be a surprise. :) The ComLynx connection is a not a Lynx compatible adapter. The Jaguar will not play Lynx titles. What the ComLynx port will allow, is for software to be developed to allow Lynxes to be part of a Jaguar game as controllers. ga RJUNG> All right. Thanks. GA. ATARICORP> We're not sure what you mean, but we do plan to have some of the same titles on both platforms. VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, WUNDERLEYS is up. Go ahead with your question. WUNDERLEYS> Ok, first off, what is the CD tht you were talking about? Is it a CD-ROM or something? VIDGAMES:Andy> (If you already signaled with a ?, please don't send another one. It's confusing. Thanks.) WUNDERLEYS> Ok, and for my final question.... Will you have Fighting games? ATARICORP> We are planning a CD peripheral to be introduced during the 1st half of 1994. It can play CD audio, CD+Graphics, and of course, Jaguar CD software. It's a high performance double speed drive And will allow for full motion video in the Jaguar software. WUNDERLEYS> Will you have fighting games? What basis of games are you going to stick to releasing? ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Side question: How much will the MPEG 2 option cost? ATARICORP> by using compression techniques called "Cine Pak". ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Bob/Sam, did you get the question about fighting games? ATARICORP> Next? WUNDERLEYS> Ok, thanx! I'm finished! GA VIDGAMES:Andy> Sorry, there was a question about fighting games. I thought that was.. still being answered. ATARICORP> Of course, we will have a fighting game of all sorts. Man against man, man against animal, animal against animal, Aliens against Predators, just like we said in our opening remarks. We are planning on having all types of games, and hope that 3rd party publishers will add a long list of titles. Andy, we are not annoucing prices at present. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> (hehe) Okay, ARNOLDB. Fire away. ARNOLDB:Arnie!> What language is native game code writen in? ATARICORP> Assembly ga ARNOLDB:Arnie!> does the console have hardware scaling and rotating of individual sprites? VIDGAMES:Andy> That was easy enough. Follow-up? ATARICORP> Yes, and lots more besides. ga ARNOLDB:Arnie!> how many megabits will the average game be VIDGAMES:Andy> Again, easy. DAVHEBEL, you are on. ARNOLDB:Arnie!> and what phisical size are they? DAVHEBEL> Have you considered contacting Beyond Games about porting Battle wheels from the Lynx to the jag ? ARNOLDB:Arnie!> asembly as in 68000 chip or that graphics chip? VIDGAMES:Andy> Let's move on to Dave's question so that everyone else has a chance. Thanks. (We still have about 20 people with questions in line.) ATARICORP> You cannot compare the megabit size of Jaguar carts to Sega Gensis, and SNES. As Jaguar can compress data much more efficently and decompress on the fly. The general amount of uncompressed data will be far larger than anything seen on Genesis and SNES. VIDGAMES:Andy> I'd like to start by welcoming everyone here tonight. Special thanks to Sam Tramiel and Bob Brodie of Atari for taking time out of their ATARICORP> True Color graphics and CD quality stereo sound take up a lot of data. Regarding Beyond Games, of course we are talking to them. And as I said earlier, we'll announce publishers in mid September. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> (oops) DAVHEBEL> thanks ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Follow-up, Dave? ATARICORP> Arnie: ALL the processors are programmed in Assembly. DAVHEBEL> no thanks! VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, Gene5320 is up. Go ahead with your question. GENE5320> Followup on the 3rd party question. 3rd partys do make the machine, look at what Street Fighter II did for SNES. My question, will Atari put the Jaguar on "Tour" (like malls) to show it off and allow hands on with it? ga oops.. redo? VIDGAMES:Andy> Good question. ATARICORP> We are planning heavy duty marketing support, and will have point of purchase demostration units available at stores. At present, we don't plan "a tour", but might in the future. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Follow up, Gene? GENE5320> all done VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, JONSEI is in the spotlight. JONSEI> Basically same as josho above: How many 3P's and who. Do you anticipate 3P support at launch? Are development systems available.? ga ATARICORP> We will have 3rd party publishers developing software at launch. As a matter of fact, they are working on software as we speak. They will not be shipping until Q-1. And yes, development systems are of course available. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, follow-up, JONSEI? JONSEI> no. GA. VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, let's see if TELENUT is here... Nope, on to ATARIPOWER7. ATARIPOWER7> Why the timdity in getting the product out, what with the resources IBM has, surely we could have things in full blast already even! Bestest and mostest is great, add fastest, and!!!! GA followed by another !? <3 DOn't, ATARI DOES! :):):).... > Sorry, I was almost finished retyping into my text editor... :) ATARICORP> We are limited by the amount of custom chips we can get this year. 1994 we should not have these limitations. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Great, follow up, ATARIPOWER7? ATARIPOWER7> I'll wait in line for the next time.... ATARICORP> IBM really does have tremendous manufacturing power. And we really do agree that 3DO, don't, and Jaguar Does! ATARIPOWER7> Fair is fair! VIDGAMES:Andy> All right... SAM_RAPP. You are up. SAM_RAPP:Sam 030> Hi Guys! Thanks for being here! Thanks for all the wonderful toys! VIDGAMES:Andy> (Thanks, ATARIPOWER7) SAM_RAPP:Sam 030> I hear that there are several development systems for the Jaguar, such as TT, PC, and a stand alone system. Could you briefly describe the development environment and list the features of each system? GA ATARICORP> This question is very complicated, but basically we have a TT development environment, and a PC development environment. You can use any machine you want for art development. Of course, you should use Atari's for music work. SAM_RAPP:Sam 030> One more thing... Will you mailorder this year for us Die hards? ATARICORP> All we have time for is three more questions, sorry. VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, let's move to EELIAS. EELIAS:Eric> Will the Jaguar be modem ready or cable ready? ATARICORP> We do not have a formal reply to this, but we will consider the mail order option. EELIAS:Eric> ga ATARICORP> Again, if you are talking about the new, or yet to be available OR clearly define {interactive networks}, we do think that Jaguar can act as a set top in this environment. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> We'll skip follow-ups so we can get as many people in as possible. Sorry. EELIAS:Eric> Thanks. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> RDIMICK... you are on. RDIMICK> Will you be bringing any of the Atari coin ops to the jaguar ? - And can you please arrange for some of the initial Jaguars to be sold here on Delphi - there has to be a way!!!! please ATARICORP> Yes, some of the coin op titles will be on Jaguar. And I already answered regarding Mail order. We appreciate your enthusiasm... :) ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, EFLY. Go ahead with your question. EFLY:Fly> Could you run the preliminary information again. I was late. Perhaps on the way out. VIDGAMES:Andy> It will be in the transcript. I'll have it up in a day or so. Another question? ATARICORP> We'll have a transcript for the library later. VIDGAMES:Andy> (I'll save Bob and Sam from repeating all that.) EFLY:Fly> no thanks. ga VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, Geoff. You can go. GAIARES> Go on to the next person while I get my question ready. :) VIDGAMES:Andy> I think they are about out of time. How much more, Bob/Sam? ATARICORP> One more, Andy. VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, if Geoff isn't quite ready, Telenut is back and hopefully can. TELENUT> I'm ready. VIDGAMES:Andy> GA, TELENUT. GAIARES> As a person who was disappointed in the way the lynx turned out to be a pretende the Jag to show us that it is a contender? GAIARES> Oops. GA Dave. TELENUT> How do you see the Jaguar as bieng supiror to the 3DO. As far as overall quality. ATARICORP> We feel that the power of the Jaguar will allow for a quantum leap in software experiences. And we will back this with serious marketing dollars. The Lynx is not dead, and we will advertise it in NY and San Francisco along with Jaguar. There will be 12 new Lynx titles delivered this year. VIDGAMES:Andy> Trip Hawkins referred to the Jaguar as the "Betamax" to 3DO's "VHS." Any comment? TELENUT> Do you think you can compete with the bulk of software for the 3DO? (sorry, that was my follow-up) ATARICORP> Andy, look at the prices, the 3DO is not priced to be a consumer product at well over $500. 3DO is simply overpriced. VIDGAMES:Andy> Understand. Unless Bob and Sam can take anymore questions, I'll put a close... to the formal part of the CO. Closing comments, Bob and Sam? And, again, sorry for the glitches that delayed the start. ATARICORP> Thank you all for attending. On behalf of Atari, we're very grateful for your interest in the Jaguar. We'll be seeing you in the message bases here on Delphi. Please feel to send e-mail to BOBBRO here on Delphi, my normal address. Goodnight! BRYEDEWAARD:Bryan> Kick some butt guys! :) EELIAS:Eric> nite! VIDGAMES:Andy> Okay, the transcript will be up in short order, I hope. Thanks one and... all for attending. E-mail to VIDGAMES with comments on the CO and future CO... guests. --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To enroll as a Delphi subscriber, modem call 1-800-365-4636. Press -- -- [Return] once or twice, and type IP26 [Return] at Password: -- -- -- -- Answer all of the questions, and you'll be cleared for Delphi -- -- access in a few days. If you have questions about Delphi services, -- -- give a voice call to Delphi Member Services at 1-800-544-4005. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Atari Asylum ||| By: Gregg Anderson / | \ GEnie: AEO.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there and welcome back. Have you met my room-mate yet? No? Well then; Atari Fanatic meet Napoleon.... Napoleon, meet Atari Fanatic.... Of course he's not really Napoleon, he just thinks he is. He's a little bit crazy don't you know. How can I be so sure of that? Easy.... I'M NAPOLEON!!!! You wanna go conquer the world? Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... Welcome to an unusual Asylum my friends. This one will be shorter than the last one (really, I mean it this time) and may be the last one for a few issues. Why? Because I'm going to be out of town for the next few weeks and, temporarily at least, Atariless. Hopefully they'll save my room here at the Asylum and I'll be back on the electronic pages of AEO in September. This issue is basically an expansion on the ScreenBlaster review from last issue. After C.G. Haines (HAINES) sent us his review I was able to get my hands on a SBlaster myself and ran over a week's worth of tests on it with one of Computer STudio's Falcon systems. This issue is an expansion of HAINES' excellent review and will, hopefully, help the Falcon owners out there gain a better understanding of what the SBlaster is capable of in addition to how well it works. First, as HAINES pointed out, the SBlaster is capable of greatly expanding the Falcon's available screen resolutions. Rather than just the (already excellent) standard 640 x 480 VGA or 320 x 240 TrueColor modes, the SBlaster provides a huge range of resolutions. What are they? Well, the following list is a PARTIAL compilation of what is available on a Blasted Falcon. First; The number and type of resolution available is dependent on the type of monitor you're using. If it's a base single-frequency VGA unit then your options are somewhat limited when compared to a high-dollar SuperVGA MultiScan. As a rule, the better the monitor (i.e., the wider the horizontal and vertical frequency range) the greater the number of usable higher-resolution displays. Second; the following list is NOT all inclusive! Depending on the monitor used there will be variations in the available resolutions. Finally; This list is additive. Say what? That means that as you move from base to better VGA monitors you have access to not only the better resolutions the more expensive monitors offer but the resolutions available in the less capable units as well. Though there are a few exceptions (a few resolutions dropped, others added) this rule stays pretty solid. Therefore, when looking to see what YOU can expect to have available on your monitor you first need to look for the monitor in this list with vertical and horizontal frequencies closest to your unit. Then look BACKWARDS to the less capable monitors IN THE SAME COLOR RANGE and see what other resolutions should be available to you in addition to the list under your monitor. By the way, when you see "31Khz" listed but have a 31.5Khz unit don't worry about it. There is more than enough "slop" built into monitors that 31Khz will accept 30-32 (or more) with no problems. The same goes for the 35Khz listing, that will usually handle 35.2 and 35.5 Khz sweeps as well. Available Falcon ScreenBlaster VGA Resolutions: --Note: * indicates an INTERLACED video mode-- Base VGA Monitor (60, 70 Hz Vertical, 31Khz Horizontal) 256 Color Mode 16 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 672x496-60.0 31.5 672x496-60.0 31.5 896x512-60.4 32.0 752x432-70.4 31.9 864x512-59.6 31.9 1072x512-59.6 31.7 1120x672-88.4 31.5* 1280x624-93.2 31.4* 4 Color Mode 2 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 672x496-59.4 31.2 672x496-59.4 31.2 896x496-60.3 31.3 896x432-70.5 31.6 1152x504-60.8 31.9 896x496-60.4 31.4 --------------------- TriSync VGA (60, 70 Vertical, 31, 35Khz Horizontal) 256 Color Mode 16 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 640x480-70.0 31.5 640x480-70.0 35.4 768x576-60.0 35.7 1024x560-60.6 35.5 896x512-60.4 32.0 1024x768-88.8 35.6* 1280x960-63.1 31.4* 4 Color Mode 2 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 640x480-70.0 35.4 640x480-71.4 35.8 736x544-62.1 35.0 896x480-71.1 35.3 1024x560-60.6 35.5 1280x960-62.3 31.2* 1280x960-62.9 31.3 ---------------------- Super VGA (60, 70 Vertical, 31, 35, 38Khz Horizontal) 256 Color Mode 16 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 704x512-71.6 38.2 768x576-64.0 38.3 704x528-70.0 38.2 720x544-66.3 38.3 4 Color Mode 2 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 800x608-61.0 38.1 704x528-69.0 38.0 1024x528-69.8 38.1 1120x604-62.0 38.0 ------------------- EVGA (60, 70 Vertical, 31, 35, 38, 48Khz Horizontal) 256 Color Mode 16 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 880x656-68.3 47.3 4 Color Mode 2 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 800x608-75.3 47.3 832x624-73.7 48.1 832x624-71.9 47.3 ------------------ VGA MultiScan (60-80 Vertical, 31-60 Horizontal) 256 Color Mode 16 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 640x480-77.5 40.6 640x480-75.2 39.5 720x512-70.5 37.6 764x528-70.0 38.3 736x560-62.3 36.6 720x512-69.7 37.1 800x608-55.1 34.4 720x544-72.5 41.1 800x608-92.4 30.0* 736x544-70.0 39.6 880x656-92.1 31.8* 752x560-73.5 43.1 944x720-78.7 29.2* 768x576-73.1 43.9 800x608-66.2 41.8 800x608-72.5 46.0 832x624-70.0 45.6 880x608-67.3 42.5 880x565-68.3 47.3 1024x656-61.4 41.9 1152x832-86.0 37.2* 4 Color Mode 2 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 640x480-74.5 39.1 640x480-77.7 39.5 704x528-63.3 36.3 736x544-70.3 39.8 704x528-73.4 40.2 768x576-72.0 43.5 736x544-68.6 38.8 800x608-64.1 40.7 736x560-66.7 38.8 800x608-68.0 43.2 768x576-69.7 41.7 800x608-76.8 48.8 800x608-63.4 40.3 880x656-68.4 47.3 800x608-63.4 40.3 800x608-70.4 45.3 800x608-71.4 44.6 ------------------ SVGA MultiScan (Overscan 1701) (31-68 Horizontal, 55-90 Vertical) 256 Color Mode 16 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 896x512-60.4 32.0 704x528-70.0 38.3 1024x768-85.2 34.1* 1152x656-86.0 37.2* 4 Color Mode 2 Color Mode RES V H RES V H 800x608-61.0 38.1 832x624-73.7 48.1 896x496-60.3 31.3 ------------------ Also included in the installed Driver utility (used to tell SBlaster what type of monitor to expect) are the AOC 337 (30-60 Hz horizontal, 50-90 vertical) and the EIZO T560 (30-78 horizontal, 55-90 vertical), the various Atari ST monitors, a TT color monitor, an Amiga monitor (?), and a GENLOCK system. And YES, with the newest software upgrade the ScreenBlaster offers expanded video resolutions on the older Atari ST monitors. Sorry, but I wasn't able to do a lot of in-depth testing in the expanded True Color modes. I can, however, say that the SBlaster DOES offer a lot more usable room in TC. Graphics that on a standard Falcon030 had to be scrolled around a TruePaint "full screen" display to see all of it now have obvious black borders around them. So yes, SBlaster DOES GOOD THINGS for the TrueColor mode. I have to make the same apology about the standard "interlaced" modes the Falcon030 uses on the older ST monitors and TV sets. I had to limit my testing to the VGA mode due to lack of time and layout. Ok, first some bad news. The ScreenBlaster WILL NOT give you a full screen, Non-Interlaced 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 960. Sorry, but even with the SBlaster maxxed out with a top-of-the-line monitor these modes are beyond what the Falcon's internal hardware can generate. The Falcon's video bandwidth just isn't wide enough to handle that much data fast enough to generate those resolutions. At least not yet . However, you CAN access them in an interlaced mode on most monitors. While you can't avoid the flicker in 1280 x 960 (it's pretty obvious) you can use that resolution if you really need it. The 1024 x 768 mode, on the other hand, is VERY usable despite being interlaced. On the shop's TriSync the interlaced 1024 x 768 is displayed with an 88.8 Hz (44.4 Hz effective) vertical refresh. At that speed the flicker is quite acceptable for almost any application. By the way, the faster the vertical refresh the more solid the display will appear to the user and the weaker the "flicker" will seem. That's why a 50 Hz, non-interlaced, refresh rate seems more "flicker prone" than a 60 or 70 Hz rate. The same is true with an interlaced display, the faster the rate the better the display. The Horizontal Sweep rate also benefits from higher frequencies. The faster the horizontal sweep rate, the brighter and clearer the display will look. In all cases, interlaced or not, always try to use the fastest Vertical and/or Horizontal frequencies available. //// A Word of Caution ALL VGA, SVGA, and MultiSync monitors expect either a specific frequency or a pre-programmed series of frequencies from the computer's video system. While the Falcon/ScreenBlaster combination is able to produce several VGA/SVGA/EVGA resolutions it does so at (for the most part) very non-standard frequencies. Because of this, and depending on the monitor being used, the display may appear misplaced on the screen and/or over or under-sized. Though this doesn't happen in all the available resolutions it happens often enough to qualify as a minor annoyance. Fixing it is usually a simple combination of the monitor's vertical/horizontal size/position controls and the supplied CPX. Even better are the newer Multisyncs that "remember" frequencies and screen positions (NECs, MAGs, etc). It's also possible to display a resolution that has a "loop around" on the left or right edge of the screen. This will be obvious when the mouse is moved past the edge of the screen and a faint "ghost cursor" can be seen moving to the left (or right) while the mouse continues moving right (or left). So what do you do? First you try to resize and recenter the display with the monitor's controls. I suggest keeping the display as wide as possible without killing the aspect ratio. then, as HAINES mentioned last issue, use the supplied .CPX to help center the display on the monitor. If these fail try changing the vertical/horizontal polarities with the .CPX. If all these fail to give you a usable display then you may be trying to use the wrong monitor driver with the SBlaster. At that point your choices are to go in and select a less powerful monitor and reboot or just learn not to use this specific display. If you're shopping for a monitor be sure to find one with a wide range of adjustment in the Vertical/Horizontal Size/Position controls. The same goes for multisyncs, try for the most flexible you can afford with the widest range of horizontal and vertical frequencies. //// Aspect Ratio??? What the Heck's That? Most computer systems, and the Falcon & TT are no exception, output a fairly standard sized display. The vast majority offer at least one of the following resolutions: 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 960 (or 1280 x 1024). All these are measured in pixels by the way. What do all these displays have in common? Their Aspect Ratio is the same; that the ratio of their width (640, 768, 800, 1024, or 1280) to their height (480, 576, 600, 768, or 960) remains at a fairly constant 1.33333333. As long as this ratio is maintained then the GEM desktop will look normal and circles will always look round and squares will have even sides. Why do I bring this up? Because many (indeed, most) of the SBlaster's display modes have a very different aspect ratio than what most of us think of as "normal." While small variations in this aspect ratio are acceptable for most applications, any major alteration will cause serious problems when working on CAD, Drafting, or DTP software. A good rule of thumb, to see if the display mode you want to use is close to having the right aspect ratio, is to multiply the HORIZONTAL size by 0.75 and compare the result with the listed VERTICAL resolution. If they match then the aspect ratio is good. If they're close then you should be able to adjust the monitor to get a good round circle. If they're way off though then you may want to think about using a different resolution, unless you're just doing word processing in which case any ratio less than 2 to 1 should be ok. Watch for the SBlaster's time out though. While the initial "BootUp" Set Resolution Screen will wait forever while you make up your mind, there seems to be a default "time out" on subsequent res changes that will automatically select a default display unless you use to cursor to change the setting right away. Once moved it seems to disable the timer so you can take your time deciding on the resolution you want to use. Does it make a difference in overall feel? Darn right! After working with the ScreenBlaster, going back to the Falcon030's native 640 x 480 mode is like going back to a MegaST after working with the Falcon. You can't shake the feeling that something important is missing, even when you know what it is . Seriously, while not all of the Blaster's resolutions are really usable (or needed) on all monitors, the ones that are usable (both interlaced and non-interlaced) are a MAJOR improvement! In fact, with the Blaster the Falcon's graphics are almost as much a step up from the base Falcon as the base Falcon is over the standard STe system. //// About Compatibility What about compatibility? Well folks, "There's good news tonight!" The Falcon/SBlaster combination is amazingly compatible, at least with all the productivity software I was able to test it with. Granted that's not a really huge pile of software (I can't afford to buy everything on the market) but it's a solid indicator that most everything else should handle the SBlaster with no problems. ù EZDraw, in most resolutions anyway, is very compatible. There are some resolutions, as on the TT with a video card, that EZDraw confuses with the old ST-Low resolution and refuses to load. Otherwise it "looks Mahvolus" (with apologies to Billy Crystal). ù True Paint, no problems that I could see and it was a positive pleasure to be able to see the ENTIRE picture in the "full page" view mode. Shoot, most of them ended up with obvious borders around the picture. ù FirstWord Plus, very usable and just as fast as the standard modes. Having an 11 to 14" wide page took some getting used to though as did having almost an entire page showing from top to bottom. ù Speed of Light, very compatible in all the 256 & 16 color modes I was able to test it in. There were a lot of .GIF files that were much larger than I expected and I was able to see ALL of them for the first time in the 800 x 608 and 1024 x 768 (which works GREAT for color graphics) modes. ù CalamusSL; what can I say? Fully compatible and able to show a LOT more of your document. The 1024 x 768 mode is a good compromise between interlace flicker and an almost full page display. The 1280 x 960 is a full page display but not recommended for regular use. ù Atari Works, fantastic! Readable, responsive, and just a pleasure all the way around to use with the Blaster. Imagine, having multiple, readable, and usable documents open on the same page! ù Atari-Supplied Falcon software. So far, no problems noted. Some of the tested software included the Falcon's screen saver, which not only works with the ScreenBlaster but does so better than on a base bird. SpeedoGDOS is also very Blaster friendly and, if it loads before MultiTOS, the Blaster is MTOS friendly as well. A small list? Maybe, but very indicative of what to expect in the way of productivity compatibility; almost perfect! Of course not everything will be compatible, but the exceptions were pretty much what we expected, games and demos. I found some of the more popular graphics demos have problems with the the SBlaster. Most of them appear to have been written expecting a PRE-SET 640 x 480 resolution or were put together with the assumption that they would never have to cope with a non-standard display. This problem is NOT limited to the SBlaster of course, it also applies to the ST, STe, and TT as well. Blaim the authors on this one folks. Even the outstanding English Falcon Demo now being used by Atari dealers nation-wide fall into this class. But then, if you try to start it in the wrong Falcon video mode it has the same problem. Games? Sorry folks, but the Blaster isn't going to be anymore compatible with games than the Falcon itself. As one of COMPO's reps mentioned, software just can't make "assumptions" about the video system like they used to in the old ST Low/Med/High days. ANY program that "assumes" it will have to deal with a single display mode is almost guaranteed to break on the Falcon, let alone a SBlaster, and games are historically "assumption" prone. In short, if the program was written correctly (i.e., resolution independent) then it should run in the Falcon's native mode and in the expanded Blaster modes. The vast majority of productivity software follows the rules (though, sad to say, there are always exceptions) and should be fully SBlaster compatible. This is especially true of any new "Falcon Compatible" packages now coming out. //// Performance/Speed Sorry folks, this time I'm not going to list tons of numbers and test results. I've caught more than a little flack for my love of testing and numbers so I'm going to just give you a few glittering generalities and observations. All of the resolutions I was able to test were generally within 10% or so of the same test running on a base Falcon. With so little impact any loss caused by the ScreenBlaster's overhead should be easily fixed by NVDI and/or Warp 9. The Blaster's 640 x 480 modes are actually slightly faster the Falcon's 640 x 480 native mode (due, I suspect, to their faster vertical and horizontal frequencies). A surprise was that the 800 x 608 and 1024 x 768 modes test out only slightly slower than a stock Falcon. Even more surprising was that the GEM Dialog tests actually turned out to be faster than stock. 1280 x 960 and similar modes? Ok, here they slow down some, to around 1/2 or less the TT numbers, but not as bad as expected and still quite usable (except for the flicker). //// Monitor Size & Display Modes: ù 1280 x 960... FORGET IT, at least on a 14" monitor. If the flicker doesn't kill you the terminal squint will. That text is TINY! Use this display only as a conversation piece unless you're working with a 17" monitor, and be ready for a fairly slow refresh rate and some rather obvious interlace. ù 1024 x 768... Usable if tight on a 14" monitor. Depending on the mode selected the interlace is not too bad (watch out for two- color grey scales though). Be sure to pick the highest vertical refresh speed possible. Once again, the faster this is the less noticeable the interlace flicker is. The 1024 x 768 at 88.8 Hz is very solid if not totally immune from the flicker. Better still it has the correct aspect ratio so no monitor adjustment is needed. As I said, its usable but tight on a 14" monitor, better on a 15" unit, and great on a 16-17" beast. ù 800 x 608... GREAT!!!!!!! Rock solid, non-interlaced, and a dream to use on a 14" or 15" monitor. What can I say? This is the most flexible and easy to use resolution in the package. The base 768 x 576 mode is close enough to 800 x 600 that the aspect ratio is perfectly acceptable. Sadly, this resolution is not available on all monitors. The combination of vertical and horizontal frequencies needed for 800 x 600 are right on the "cusp" of what most monitors are capable of handling (remember what I said about having to use non- standard frequencies on the Falcon?). You'll need a fairly good SVGA MultiSync to use a true 800 x 608 and a really good monitor can offer several varieties of 800 x 600. Again, the 768 x 576 mode available on 35 Khz VGA monitors is VERY close to the 800 x 600 and maintains the correct aspect ratio. ù 640 x 480... SHARP!!!!!!! Though the same basic resolution as a standard Falcon, the Blaster's mode has a higher vertical and horizontal rate, this makes the display much brighter and even more solid. You'll need to expand the display with the monitor's controls a bit though as the higher frequencies make for a slightly smaller display "window." //// Needed Ok, so nothing's perfect. What else would I like to see available on the ScreenBlaster? How about: A) A Custom Monitor Driver Kit! There are a LOT of monitors available here in the US that do not exactly match the supplied monitor drivers. Unless COMPO plans on releasing a complete list of monitors soon (an almost impossible task given all the units out there) I'd like to see a "build it yourself" kit included in the package. Dangerous? No more so than selecting the wrong monitor from the supplied list. There's nothing in the system to prevent your using a base VGA monitor and telling the ScreenBlaster it's talking to a SVGA MultiSync.... But please avoid this unless you're into watching black screens and smoke curling up from the back of your monitor. This is a slight exaggeration of course, there's little danger of actually frying your VGA monitor with an "out of range" frequency. Still, it's a good idea to avoid over-taxing your monitor in any event. Finally: NEVER custom- wire an older SC or SM Atari monitor and tell the Falcon/Blaster to output a VGA signal (or visa-versa). Otherwise you WILL see that smoke I joked about earlier. I'd be really curious to see how the SBlaster would work configured for one of the new "Hyper' VGA multiscan monitors. Why? Because these units offer greatly expanded flexibility over the earlier units with a much wider range of vertical and horizontal frequencies. As an example, the top vertical refresh offered by the SBlaster"s supplied monitor drivers is 90Hz, yet some monitors can support a 120Hz refresh rate. 17" Super-Monitor Examples KFC CA-1726 MAG Innovision MX17f ViewSonic V17 (out of production) Max Resolution: 1280 x 1024(NI) 1280 x 1024(NI) 1600 x 1280(NI) Vertical: 50-100 Hz 50-120 Hz 50-120 Hz Horizontal: 30-75 Khz 30-68 Khz 30-82 Khz Bandwidth: 135 MHZ 120 Mhz 135 Mhz Dot Pitch: .26 .26 .27 MSRP: $950 $1499 $1299 Generally speaking, the larger (wider) the bandwidth the better. While this can be important to vital on "high end" systems and graphics workstations it's much less important on the Falcon which wasn't designed to produce such wide signal bandwidths. Look for anything over 65 Mhz as your bottom line. B) A display of the exact resolution and mode you're in would be handy. Either on call from a "hot key" or showing on the .CPX panel that comes with the SBlaster. Currently, the only way to verify your resolution is to reset it with the "SET VIDEO," a rather difficult thing to do inside a program. C) A smaller ScreenBlaster adapter would also be nice. Now we're really picking nits. The present SBlaster is only about the size and shape of an old Zippo lighter so it really isn't all that large. However, once installed between the Falcon and the Atari VGA (or RGB) video adapter you have the better part of a five inch bar sticking out back there. This can cause some major interference with the layout of your computer, monitor, and what-have-you. You can work around it but it can be annoying at times. //// Closing the Doors Well, there you have it. My final thoughts on the ScreenBlaster? If you've got a Falcon, you NEED the ScreenBlaster. It takes up where Atari left off on the Bird's video system and does so at a very reasonable price. While VERY compatible (I've yet to find anything productivity related that didn't work with it) you can easily disable it for those rare games and older utilities that can't handle the SBlaster's higher resolutions. Make it short and sweet? Ok: Got a Falcon? Get Blasted! So until they leave my cell door unlocked again and I can wander around the grounds without my everpresent keeper, take care and enjoy your new Falcons. You know, this may turn out to be a very good year for us after all. --==--==--==--==-- ||| The Unabashed Atariophile ||| By: Michael R. Burkley / | \ GEnie: AEO.4 Delphi: MRBURKLEY ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes there is such a thing as too much success (not often, but sometimes!). This week the church I serve had its Vacation Bible School program. For the past 18 or so years we've had it in the morning and early in July. This year, to make it more accessible to working adults we decided to have it in mid-August and in the evening. We were expecting about about 50 children and adults to attend. We've had a hundred or more each night. Yikes! All of the teachers are thanking me for asking them to teach this year! {grin}. Even so we all are having a good time and learning a lot. I'm very pleased to see what is happening Atari-wise these past few weeks. I hear more and more about the Falcon (I hope to see one someday!); Atari has just unveiled the Jaguar (amazing specs and power there!), and the PD software production rate is still burgeoning. In fact, I think things are getting to be a little too successful around here! This week's article has only about 1/2 of the files I've downloaded (which seems to be about average). I haven't included the rest simply because I haven't had time to describe them all. It's getting to be overwhelming! Just this past week a person sent me 26 disks (820K format) full of animations (and some other files) which I had never seen before. And since I've seen practically everything for the ST, that's saying something! But... don't slow down! Keep on sharing your creations with us all! Here they are.... ù ACCOUNT is Accountant v.1 by Mindbomb Developments (dated Aug. 1993). This is a TripLinK! FEDBBS utility that will display TripLinK! users account information onscreen. Accountant will display for you the useful information you want displayed, and not the "junk" you don't want. It does it in its own unique and interesting way! At least STE compatible. Docs included. ù AFMAJCOM is a series of six .IMG scans of Air Force logos/shields. They are of: the Air Combat Command; the Air Force Special Operations; the Air Mobility Command,; the Air Training Command; the Pacific Air forces, and the U.S. Air Forces in Europe. All are very nicely done. ù AMP_DEMO is a demo of the Atari MIDI Processor v.2.0 by Steven Lashower (dated July 31, 1993). This is said to be a very easy to use, powerful, step-entry sequencer for use with all ST--Falcon computers that can be used as a stand-alone step-entry program or in conjuntion with any sequencer that can load and save standard MIDI files. Actually, this demo is just a Jukebox demo that allows you to play (over your MIDI keyboard or synth) five classical music files which are included. This demo contains online docs that tell you in detail the capabilities of AMP. I like the care with which this demo has been set up. The functions are clearly seen and described and easily accessed. ST medium or high rez only. 134K uncompressed. ù ANIMAL by Sol Guber is a DynaCadd font that is made up of about 60 animals. I assume that it's excellent (since most, if not all, of his other efforts are!), but I don't have DynaCadd to check it out. ù ANIMALS is a series of nine very nicely done 300 dpi .IMG scans of cartoon animals. There is a picture of a bear taking a picture, a show-off bee, a very sad (and drunk) bloodhound pouring a drink (and missing the cup!), a very proud lion and his three cubs, a cow carrying a mop and bucket, an owl using an overhead projector (and getting the transparency upside down!), a chipmunk using a portable TV camera, a dinosaur skating, and a fox in a spacesuit reading a repair manual with screwdriver in hand (and looking rather alarmed!). These are all nice pictures. ù AW_CHECK by Michael Herbert (dated August 1, 1993) is a the AtariWorks Check Register. This is a set of AtariWorks Spreadsheet and Database templates designed to aid in the creation and maintenance of a simple cash accounting system for home or small business use. A tutorial is included which will get you started. The author states that this is a work in progress but useable as it stands. Requires AtariWorks from Atari (which I don't have which means I can't give you a first-hand review of this). ù AW_FONTS by Michael Herbert is an AtariWorks document (.STW) that will allow you to quickly view the appearance of various Bitstream Speedo fonts in three sizes and the attributes that SpeedoGDOS supports. Just load this file into AtariWorks, select the font you wish to preview and read all about "The quick brown fox jump[ing] over the lazy dog's back." Docs included. ù AW_FRAME is a series of twelve GEM frames created by Michael Hebert for use in AtariWorks by Atari. They come as an AtariWorks document (.STW) from which you cut and paste as you need. The author says that they were created to meet the need for something a bit more complex than the simple boxes and ellipses that can be drawn using the tools in AtariWorks word processor. Unfortunately, since I don't have AW I can't tell you what these frames look like! Oh well, someday! 140K+ uncompressed. ù AW_INV is a template for Atari Works by Michael Herbert that will allow you to create a useful invoice form for your business. It is set up for the author's security electronics business, but with just a few changes you can customize it for your own situation. Docs included. ù AW_SCPBK is the AtariWorks Scrapbook by Michael Hebert (dated August 7, 1993). This is a series of three blank templates for creating your own scrapbooks in Atariworks as well as two AW documents (.STW), one of which contains instructions for making and using scrapbooks and the other which is a sample scrapbook volume containing 26 decorative "initial" capitals (capital letters used at the beginning of paragraphs or pages) known as the "Morris" capitals. 146K uncompressed. ù The Brain Damage Demo by Aggression is a graphics, animation, and sound demo that I like very much. It begins with a person's head splitting apart from a shock of internal light (yeah, I know, gross, but...) and moves rapidly on to a series of excellent pictures, animations and sounds that kept me looking. It comes on two .MSA files (840K and 837K!) which you will need to reconstitute (I would suggest MSA_2_32-- see below). ù BIRDY is a self-running animation of a walking bird created for Atari France by Brainstorm (also in France). It is designed for the Falcon, but this file may also run on other computers with high rez graphic cards. I'll let you figure out the KEY to ESCAPE this animation. Unfortunately, I can't run this on my lowly STE so I can't tell you anything else about it (except that it uncompresses to 1.18 Meg!). ù CERTFONT is a file by Michael Herbert that is a three-page file for Atari Works (.STW) that contains certificate phrase templates for a "Certificate of Appreciation", a "Certificate of Completion," an "Employee of the Month," a "Student of the Month" and a "funky" seal (the author's words!). The typefaces used are Black Chancery, Helena (Old English clone), Becker Medium (aka Rudelsberg) and Goudy Handtooled (these are not Speedo fonts, but originally came from Outline Art and converted to the GEM3 format using Arabeque [from Gribnif] and then imported into Atari Works). Just fill in the appropriate names and you're off! Docs concerning their use are included. ù CHEATER is The Cheaters Digest v.1.3s from PjH Publishing in the UK. You can't download this file any more, and if you have it I hope you will erase part of it! This file contains an excellent series of "Cheats" in 1st Word format for many popular games. If you register you will get a file that contains cheats for far more games. This file also contains FCopy 3, and excellent disk copier and formatter, the games Bellum, Blaster, FireStorm, and Nova (all excellent, and recommended). But this file also contains the complete version of 1ST Word v.1.06. That's what you should delete if you downloaded this file. 1st Word is not, and never has been, freely distributable (according to Mike Fulton of Atari Corp.). For some time it was included with the first STs, but never as a public domain program. It's too bad they went ahead and included it in this archive. They also copied Jeff Minter's (the author of Llamatron and more) shareware description/story without giving any credit (that I found). I don't think they were consciously pirating 1ST Word (since they recommend that you go out and buy 1ST Word Plus), but this shouldn't be distributed anyway. ù CIVI_AP7 is a saved Civilization (from Microprose) game file by AP7 on Delphi (If you remember AP7 is the guy who is getting a lot of programs from Germany through Jens - this file though, if his very own). Beginning in 4000 B.C. he develops a game that conquers the world! I suspect that if you have "Civilization then you will thoroughly enjoy this game file. I especially was amused to see the names of active "Delphians" crop up in the game file. ù COILS by Everett Wells is a simple .FLM animation created with Cybersculpt and Phoenix Object Render. In order to view this you need an ST--Falcon with extended res. The animation is rendered in 640 by 480 dots on screen with 256 colors. I imagine that this animation is of moving coils! Requires Phoenix to view. 451K uncompressed. ù CONFIG is a utility for (some of) you Falcon users out there. It will allow you to change the Falcon030's desktop language and keyboard layout independently of each other. This might prove useful for multi-lingual people who like to use a different language on their desktop (to keep in practice if for no other reason). It might also prove useful for programmers who wish to test their program for use in other countries. From Atari Benelux. ù DATALITE is a press release from Oregon Research (dated Aug. 3, 1993) that describes Datalite!, their new online Compression/Decompression utility (that effectively doubles your hard drive space!). Datalite is interesting in itself, but this file lists 24 dealers who are carrying their product. If you want to find some Atari Dealers, here's a source for some phone numbers! ù DAWN_E is Before Dawn v.1.01 by Arne Rudolph (dated 1993). This name of this .ACC screen saver just might have some distant relation to a well-known screensaver in the Mac (and now Windows) world, but who can really tell! This version offers three modules, each of which may be customized using a wide choice of IMG files (flying Toasters, and LOTS more included) and, if your computer has DMA sound, .MOD files (only one .MOD file included). The program is in English, but the docs are in German. It's easy enough to configure even without the docs, but I am having a problem in keeping the displayed .IMGs from overrunning each other. I like the fact that this .ACC can interface with the .MOD player Paula (when Paula is run as an .ACC outside of MultiDesk), but I don't like the fact that someone has included Paula 2.2 .ACC (a SHAREWARE program) without any of the support files that should go along with Paula (docs and the many other files that are normally distributed with Paula). The author didn't do this, I am almost certain, because while he mentions Paula in the docs, he doesn't include that file in his list of files in the archive. Color or mono. It works on my STE TOS 1.62, but I assume that it is fully ST--TT compatible (let me know if it isn't, OK?). ù DROPIX_D is the demo version of Dropix by MajicSoft, Inc.. This is an excellent two player Tetris clone, complete with very good sound, excellent graphics, and keyboard or joystick control. You can also play this game over the modem (in the full version). I like this game for many reasons, one of which is that you can toggle between the child and adult mode. Another neat feature is that you can configure how sensitive your joystick will be. You can also attack your opponent by various means (but watch out--you mess with him and he will mess with you!). Along with the standard Tetris pieces the game also provides you with bombs, weights, and power blocks (which do various things for you to discover). This demo is limited in that you only get to play two levels. You can play this from a hard drive, but with my set up (lots of AUTO programs and .ACC's) the color map of the screen is all messed up on exiting. Color only. Docs included. ù EZDESKDM is a demo version of EZDesk v.1.0 by David E. Rutherford. EZDesk is an .ACC that will allow you to create, save and automatically load your own color or black and white desktop background (patterns, not pictures) while retaining the original GEM desktop menu bar, icons and windows. You can also change the pattern at any time. This demo is limited in that you are unable to save or load custom images to or from disk or specify or load a default desktop background.. TOS 1.0--Mega STE only. Docs and ordering information included. ù E_USA is another wonderful program by Albert Baggetta. It features the ever-popular Eliemouse, and is entitled, "Eliemouse In the U.S.A.." v.1.0. This game does an excellent job of combining learning and fun so your child (and you!) can learn the location, Capitals, State Flowers and Birds, and State Songs (brief selections) of the Continental United States. The animations really enhance this program's attractiveness. There are many different learning and game options from which to choose. I like this and recommend it to you. This is a demo version of the game (you can't use your printer with this demo and you are limited to only learning about six states). Color only. Docs and ordering information included. ù FONT48 is Diva's Ansi-Font replacement. The author has designed and implemented a "more elegant font for ansiterm." He feels that the default font in AnsiTerm (currently v.1.9 and a great shareware ANSI compatible term program) is too IBM-y in appearance, and that this version is much more elegant. I haven't used AnsiTerm to any great extent so I can't really comment. Try it and see! ù FRMK_DO by Mark Slagell (the author of SilkMouse v.3.1--if you don't have that, get it!) is form_do() replacement for all of you programmers out there (dated Aug. 1, 1993). This linkable object file will only add 1000 bytes to your code, but it will allow you to assign keystrokes to any dialog box (and several other things that I don't understand). This archive includes object file, source code (S), docs, and a sample program. ù GBENCH31 is GEM Bench v.3.1 by Ofir Gal (dated August 5, 1993). This program provides you with a simple, GEM based way of testing the speed (and much more) of your TOS 1.0--Falcon computer. It will test the graphic screen drawing speed, the CPU speed (math and memory access tests), and more. You can also use this program to tell you your computer type, TOS version, MultiTOS (MiNT) version, Blitter status, AES and GEMDOS versions, NVDI (a screen accelerator like Warp 9), FPU and other information about the system. You can even force the system (if you have a TT030!) to run in ST RAM or Fast RAM. It will also let you compare your system against other STock Atari machines. Fully MultiTOS compatible. Color or mono. Docs included. This version fixes a number of bugs in version 3.0 (if you have 3.0, get this!). SHAREWARE. ù HARDCHR is a simple but fun hard disk recorder/effector for the Falcon with a nice interface. Prompts are in German but easy to figure out. This description is from the CodeHead BBS since I don't have a Falcon030 on which to try it! I can say that the prompt that tells me I can't run it on my STE comes in a box I can grab and move anywhere on screen. That's interesting to see! ù HOWGENEV is an interesting article (dated Aug.2, 1993) by Al Fasoldt (an excellent writer) entitled: "Geneva'S MULTITASKING: YOU DON'T NEED ANYTHING ELSE TO ACHIEVE IT." Geneva, from Gribnif Software, is a multitasking environment for the Atari line of computers. Since both Geneva and NeoDesk are produced by Gribnif many people think that you require NeoDesk to run Geneva. You don't (though having NeoDesk is a great idea!). While telling you how to run Geneva without NeoDesk the author tells you a lot about Geneva itself. That sounds like one great utility! Imagine running numerous programs at once without a tremendous slowdown of your system. It's possible with Geneva! ù HS_MO14 is the High Speed Modem fix v.1.4 by Harun Scheutzow (dated July 24, 1993). Put this program in your AUTO folder and you will find that you no longer have a problem you the ST, STE, Mega STe and TT serial-port speed limitations on Modem Port 1. The author claims a reliable speed increase to 38 kbps on an 8-mHz ST and much more on a Mega STe and TT. The documentation is in German (also translated using the program "German to English"). SHAREWARE. Color or mono. You only need this if you have a 9600 baud modem or higher. I found this on the CodeHead BBS. ù LED_122 is the Little red EDitor v.1.22 by Volkmar Wieners and roland Bohn (dated July 9, 1993). This program is a message editor for Fido Points and standard BBS's. LED uses the Quick BBS ST format for message bases and is completely compatible with IOS, Bermuda, and Jetmail. It also has full support for extended flags in message headers. It's unfortunate, but while the German docs mention English documentation, it's missing from this archive. ST--Falcon compatible. ù LHA210 is LHA v.2.10 by Roger Burrows (dated July 12, 1993). LHA is a a .TTP (command line controlled) archiving program: that is, it allows you to collect together a number of files and store them under one file name and through data compression, reduce the file size so that they (almost always) take up less space than they would on their own. Older versions of LHA compressed files in the lh1 format (with the three letter extension .LZH). This newest version also allows compression using the lh5 format (still .LZH), the same as the newest Quester .LZH utility (LZH201L) and allows decompression of some of the older file formats out there that still crop up occasionally (.lz4, lz5, and lh4), and full support for Amiga-style comments ("filenotes"). Fully compatible with Charles Johnson's ArcShell v.3.1, this program is a breeze to us. Color or mono. Docs included. Last issue I reviewed Christian Grunenberg's LHarc v.2.21 (file name LHA_221). I don't think that there is any relation between these two programs other than the fact that they both deal with LZH files. RB's program and docs are all in English with CG's docs are in German. ù MANUAL11 is Manualizer v.1.1 by Anthony Watson (dated July 30, 1993). This simple program will allow you to use your HP Laserjet (or compatible printer) and your ST--TT computer to print out your ASCII text files in a landscape format so that they will be in the proper order to be able to fold the sheets into the form of a manual. Believe me, this automates what is a royal pain to try to do in most word processors or DTP programs! It's great for church songbooks, for example! This is the same program as v.1.0, but now it is freeware instead of SHAREWARE. NO ONE registered this excellent program, so he decided to release it as freeware. Send him something anyway to encourage him, OK? Color or mono. Docs included. ù MINSIDE by Tim Patrick is a series of IMG, PI3, and PC3 drawings that parody the "Intel Inside" logo. These promote "Motorola Inside" and feature the Atari Logo as well. Nicely done, with several variations. They would all be excellent as a desktop background picture. 172K uncompressed. ù MP5PATCH is a patch program for all of you MegaPaint Classic v.5.01 owners out there. This file will allow you to upgrade your software so that you can now use U.S. page sizes and have SLM Laser Printer compatibility. Free from CodeHead Technologies. ù MSA_2_32 is the Magic Shadow Archiver II, version 2.3+. Fully GEM-based and works with MultiTOS. MSA_2_32.PRG can be renamed MSA_2_32.ACC and run as an accessory. New in this version: A filename can be passed by command line to MSA-II. This file becomes the default .MSA file. Used by certain shells when dragging a file on MSA-II. Magic Shadow Archiver reads in an entire floppy disk and compresses it into a single file with an .MSA extension. It also reads .MSA files and creates a full disk. ù PAGESIZE is a Caligrapher document by John Eidsvoog (dated August 1, 1993) that is entitled "Understanding Calligrapher's Printing." This file (which needs to be loaded into Calligrapher, from CodeHead Technologies) basically explains what is found on page 70 of your Calligrapher manual, but since so many people seem to misunderstand how to get the program to print out just the way they want it the author explains it again here (how's that for support!). This explains in detail the "actual page size, the physical page size, and the virtual page size." This file also includes PRNTGRID.CPK which allows you to accurately determine the exact printing area of which your printer is capable (this was omitted from the Calligrapher 3 Professional master disks). //// As you know, I like PhotoChrome 3 picture files (.PCS). Here are some more I just downloaded. ù ECLIP92B is a .PCS format picture of a solar eclipse. Clouds partly obscure the view and a faint reflection from the waters below accent this scene. ù EVEREST3 is a nice .PCS picture of a daylight view of the Eastern side (based on apparent shadows) of Mount Everest. The sky is blue, the snow is white and blowing. ù HARD2 is a .PCS format of a young woman stretching after exercise (she glistens with sweat). She is wearing a rather skimpy and delapidated top. ù ISLAND is a very nice .PCS format picture of the sun shining over a small island in a calm bay. Mountains in the background and an overall golden color complement this peaceful sunrise (or sunset) scene. ù KAUAI_BA is a .PCS picture of Kauai, overlooking green pasture-like land interspersed with trees and other vegetation, and then seeing the bay with volcanic hills on the other side. ù LIGHT86 is a .PCS picture of the most awesome single-event lightning display I have ever seen. Multiple forks coming down (or going up) from the billowing clouds, illuminating them from within and without. All of this takes place over the lights of a large (flat) city/suburban area. The view is taken from what appears to be a nearby hill. ù WATERY is a .PCS picture of a very hard to describe image. I think that this is computer-generated, though I am not sure. Imagine a pane of glass covered with irregular ripples. Now shine many colored lights (predominately blues, violets, and greens) through that glass. Maybe that's what this would remind you of. ù WATFALL1 is a .PCS picture of a two streamed waterfall pouring into a forest pool. The stream then continues to flow downstream (of course!) showing two other minor falls (or perhaps "rapids"). //// Now back to the rest... ù POVSTUFF is two .TIF files designed for use with extended rez, but viewable on a standard ST using almost any TIF viewer. The first, FALCON30.TIF is a view of an Shuttle Astronaut during a space walk as well as several other images. The next, OBJECTS2.TIF is a series of solid objects reflecting off of mirrored surfaces. Looking at these two pictures using my STE is not a very satisfying experience. The 16 colors of low rez are not sufficent and so the pictures are quite grainy. I would recommend that you get a Falcon to view these! This file uncompresses to 1.15 Meg! ù RENSTIMP is a series of six Ren & Stimpy .AVR sound files which Bry Edewaard made for Atari's System Audio Manager. They sound typical R & S. Their titles are: Blast, Buttocks, Fence, Fireman, Horse1, and RenWhiz. If you don't have System Audio Manager you can listen to these with Sound Lab v.1.11 (the excellent SHAREWARE sound editing tool by Damien M. Jones). ù SB_DEMO is a ScreenBlaster demo v.1.01 for the Falcon030 by Patrick Jerchel (dated May 13, 1993). ScreenBlaster is a hardware and software upgrade that will dramatically upgrade your Falcon video. I recommend this highly to you Falcon owners. This demo is of the German product (all in German), but it is now being distributed in the USA by Compo. ù SPANISH is a text file that contains 5620 Spanish words (according to the uploader S. Ramirez, they are spelled correctly). It is designed to be a supplemental dictionary for Calamus S or SL. There is an attached message stating that the accent characters are likely to be incorrect (but I don't know one way or the other!). There is another file, found in the same place (GEnie) that contains the same words, but is formatted as a Word Perfect 5.0 file. ù SPXCR_14 is SPX Creator v. 1.4 by Gizmo and the Phamtom. This utility allows you to create your own SPX (Spectrum Extended Pictures). SPX pictures can be up to six times larger (vertically) than an ST monitor (if you have the memory) and you scroll thru the picture using a moving window. These pictures take up your whole ST screen, with no wasted borders! This archive includes several utilities that will allow you to convert your GIF and RAW files into Spectrum format and thence to .SPX format. GEM based. This creator will switch your ST into 50 Hz mode (shakey, but very usable) and will work in all resolutions, though you can only see the pictures in 8 MHz color modes (TOS 1.0--2.06 compatible - at least). It will even work on a 520 ST! The docs say an .SPX viewer is included, but it isn't. The newest viewer is v.1.8 (found elsewhere - look for SPX18). Docs included. ù SP_VIEW by M.J.Matts is program that will allow you to install itself and then view Spectrum compressed (.SPC) or Spectrum 512 uncompressed picture (.SPU) simply by double-clicking on them. You can also just run the program and use the file selector to view the picture. ù STALKY11 is STalky v.1.1 by Paul Lefebvre (dated August 11, 1993). This is a desk accessory (or program) that gives STalker, the excellent telecommunications package from Gribnif Software, a type ahead buffer. The type ahead buffer is three lines consisting of 232 characters each to be entered. It only uses 15K of RAM. Keyboard controlled. ST/STe/TT (and probably Falcon) compatible. This now works with Geneva, the multi-tasking resource from Gribnif, as well as Atari's MultiTOS (a few bug fixes from v.1.0). Color or mono. Docs included. ù T_REX1 is the a .DLT animation (use ANIMATE4 to view) of a open-roofed car driving along a road in a Dinosaur preserve. A T-Rex runs up next to the electrified fence, which suddenly loses its power, jumps the fence, stomps on the car and flattens it, and then runs off. This is the same animation as T_REX, except that a different car is used and a different outcome occurs. Color only. Uncompresses to 225K. ù T_REX is the a .DLT animation (use ANIMATE4 to view) of a landrover driving along a road in a Dinosaur preserve. A T-Rex runs up next to the electrified fence, cocks a leg, and sprays the car, which then drives off (to the car wash?). Color only. Uncompresses to 353K. ù TTART133 is TT Artist, the TT GEM Screen Saver v.1.33 by Massimo Farina (dated July, 1993). This file is a very nice screen saver designed for use with the TT. It takes advantage of all available colors, and provides you with a wide selection of animated display modules for you to choose. Docs included. This requires a TT. ù TTDESK_E is TT-Desk v.1.16 by Gregor Duchalski (dated July 1, 1993) This is a utility by that will allow you to easily configure Atari's "NewDesk." With this you can assign icons and edit "short-cut" keys very easily (much easier than using the desktop). Even though this program has a "TT" in its name it will work on any machine that uses TOS 2.x or above (or so the uploaded assumes). Actually, it runs on any TOS version (including MultiTOS), but since I don't have the appropriate TOS, it doesn't do much good! Much of this program is in English, but the docs are all in German (GER2EN30 does a pretty good job of translating it). ù VIEW_24B by Doublas Little is a .TTP TARGA or RAW 24-bit image viewer for the Falcon030 and Atari color monitors or TV's (dated Feb., 1993). It will allow you to display TARGA files in up to 16 million colors! Install it as an application and you're off! Limited (and sufficient) docs included. ù VIEW_GIF by Doublas Little is a .TTP GIF image viewer for the Falcon030 and VGA and Atari color monitors or TV's (dated Feb., 1993). Install it as an application and you're off! This works in any resolution. Limited (and sufficient) docs included. ù WAVE_20 by B. GRIER is a PRG/TTP (v.2.0) that will allow you to play Microsoft Corp. WAV sound files on your STE and TT030 (and likely Falcon030) computers (dated July 30, 1993). This version supports 16-bit mono WAVe files, supports incomplete WAVe files, such as those found on the CD-ROMS from Profit Press, and corrects a problem encountered when using standard input for file names. The program will run, but not multitask under MultiTOS. The commented source code is included (Pure C) so you can review and modify it for your own needs. A WAVe file (Kaboom!) is included. ù XE_ST is a program that will emulate two XE 8-bit floppies on one ST disk. This program, by Martin Krischik (dated May 29, 1988) runs on my STe, but I really can't say much about it. From the docs (all in German) I can see that it supports the Percom Standard (from 5.25" and 8" floppies through 1040kb?). It will allow you to emulate one ICD compatible Hard disk as well. Supports Speedy, Sparta DOS and My DOS and probably others as well (but since I can't read German please don't hold me to much!). It will work on a 512K ST with a single- sided drive, but to use all the funtions you need at least 2.5 meg of RAM and a double-sided drive. Color or mono. Program and docs in German. ù XXED12 is XXED, the Hexadecimal/ASCII Editor v.1.2 by Jim Charlton (dated April 8, 1990). This GEM based program will allow you to create and edit files of any format, in insert or replace bytes using hexadecimal or ascii input, display files simultaneously in hex and ascii, cut, copy, print, paste and erase files, search or search/replace on hex or ascii strings, mark and display your files in up to seven individual windows. This looks to be a very full featured editor. Color or mono. Docs and source code included. STE compatible (at least). Found on the Boston Computer Society's BBS. That's all for now! Take care. All of these files can be found on one or more of the following on-line services: GEnie (AEO.4 or M.BURKLEY1), Delphi (MRBURKLEY), The CodeHead BBS (213-461-2095), Toad Hall (617-567-8642), and The Boston Computer Society's Atari BBS (617-396-4607) (Michael R. Burkley). Drop me a line! --==--==--==--==-- ||| The Second Batch of Twenty Questions to Atari ||| Courtesy: The Atari Forums on CompuServe / | \ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ronnie, Please accept my apologies for this taking so long to get to you. I've been incredibly busy here at Atari, and there is so much to do in so little time. I've taken the liberty of combining a few of the questions together since I felt they were best handled by a single answer. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Q: We have heard that LlamaZap for the Falcon is finally finished, and the code has been sent to Atari US for duplication and packaging. How soon will LlamaZap be on sale in the US and Europe? From Bob Brodie: Llamazap is still in our software testing group, it has not been approved for released yet. I've been contacted by a UK based magazine that tells me that they have spoken to the programmer. They state that the programmer indicated that he's finished with the program. Our policies require it to go through an extensive software testing program here before it will be released. In the US, our plans are to bundle at least a couple of the games for the Falcon030 with the new controller pad. Llamazap is a leading candidate to be sold in that fashion. I would expect to see it in the fall. Pricing on the controllers isn't 100% firm right now, but I would look for it to be in the $20-30 range. Q: When the Falcon was first announced, there were comments indicating that a DSP modem was possible. Is this still being worked on by anyone? From Bob Brodie: Yes it is. There have been a few problems in getting this product implemented, especially at the price/performance point that we want it to be done at. We're working closely with a third party developer to make this happen. I'm confident that it WILL be done, it's just a question of when. Q: MultiTOS is reported to be fairly slow on the Falcon. Is Atari working on faster code? Is the slowness due to slow video routines that something like Warp 9 could cure? From Bob Brodie: I've heard all kinds of opinions about how fast (or slow) MultiTOS is. It's my impression that people reactions depend on what they've used before. If they had any experience with a Multitasking OS before, they probably recognize it to be pretty efficient. If they haven't...they might not be impressed at all. Certainly we're very interested in seeing updates to MultiTOS. But it's only been shipping for a short period of time, so I don't believe it's realistic to expect an update this soon. Perhaps later this year. Re Warp 9, well...yes and no. Warp 9 will improve the screen re-draws speed, but there is always another sacrifice: compatibility. This isn't a slam against Warp 9, I use it on one of the systems in my office here at Atari. The VDI is designed to be what it is, a VIRTUAL interface that should work in ANY rez. Warp 9 doesn't work in any rez, which is why it gets upgraded every time we release a new machine. From Bill Rehbock: I use NVDI on my Falcon030 daily. It works great with MultiTOS, and I'm very happy. But, I can hardly wait to be able to use Warp 9! Q: What is the practical number of channels of Direct-to-disk recording and playback that the Falcon can support with an SCSI-2 drive? I've been hearing that SCSI-2, as fast as it is, isn't fast enough for the full eight channels supported by the Falcon. Also, what's the highest channel count using an IDE drive? From James Grunke: The Falcon030 SCSI-2 hardware does have the bandwidth to support 8 channels of digital audio at 50Khz. We have done a proof of concept here but it is not easy to move that much data, the software must be well written. As well, limitations would include the access speed of the external drive. Applications using SCSI-2 on the Falcon030 handle digital audio in the following ways: Available now in Europe with US release pending, Digitape from Trade iT uses eight tracks, two for record with the remaining six for simultaneous playback, this should work on IDE as well as SCSI-2 drives. Available soon, the Steinberg Cubase Audio/Yamaha CBX-D5 system will use the SCSI-2 port for its 4 track system. I understand that you can link two 'D-5's to achieve 8 tracks total. Cubase Audio for Falcon (available later this fall) specs show that 4 tracks are used for record/playback along with 4 voices of sample playback. Available now, D2D 4TFX uses 4 tracks via SCSI-2 or IDE drives. Please contact developers directly for more information. Q: With current technology, about how many true color video frames per second should the Falcon be capable of handling in a video playback application? Is this faster than what Windows video can do these days? From Bill Rehbock: There are a lot of variables that have an impact on the answer to your question. It will depend on the exact rez that you are in, and if sound is included. At 320x200, 60 frames per second on a Falcon is very doable. Movies do 30 frames per second (with sound), most animated cartoons are running at 12 frames per second, so you can see that we're pretty competitive. Re the comparison versus Windows, again, there are too many variables to tell what kind of perfomance to expect. It would depend which Windows application you were comparing it to, and what kind of hardware Windows was running under. For example, the Intel Smart Video Recorder playback rate is approximately 20-30 frames per seconds. The price on the card alone is $549 (street price), and requires a 25 Mhz 486SX, and includes Intel's Indio video compression chip. Q: Now that the Falcon is shipping worldwide, what are the best selling, Falcon specific (or Falcon enhanced) applications (the top 3 or 4 please)? (And if the top three are all MIDI apps, whats the best selling non-Midi app) From Bill Rehbock: We don't require our developers to report there sales to us, so they don't. But MusiCOMM appears to be doing well, as is True Paint, and Atari Works . We really like Phoenix Render, but I don't think it's selling to well. On the game side, Ishar is selling well, and Transarctica looks terrific. Q: At the most recent shareholders meeting, Sam Tramiel commented that although the Falcon030 was not selling as well as anticipated, Atari is nonetheless committed to staying in the computer market and that there will be additional Falcon models. Can you please tell us about some of the models under consideration? From Bob Brodie: Sorry, it is not our policy to discuss unannounced products. I am happy to confirm for you that as we stated when we announced the Atari Falcon030, there is a new family of computers being produced by Atari. The Falcon030 is the first of that family of computers. I've seen prototypes of future machines, and I believe that you'll be pleased with the results. Q: In the last question and answer session it was stated that Atari plans to tell everyone about the Falcon030 but not until their is enough product to meet the demand. The Jaguar right now is already in very hot demand and Atari definitely needs to make sure they can meet it, how does Atari plan to do that as customers who can't get the product might be turned off and move to another platform? From Bob Brodie: First of all, it's important to note that we plan to ship initially only to New York and San Francisco markets with the initial shipments of the Jaguar. We don't plan on being able to supply ANY of the demand outside of those areas. We're already getting calls from potential dealers outside of that area, and we tell them we won't sell to them until next year. One of the ways that we will make sure that people will not get turned off is by the extensive coverage that we will have in the magazines. We've already seen some write ups by the Jaguar in a few of the gaming magazines, and we continue to work very closely with some of the biggest mags in the field to ensure their coverage. I've personally spoken to a number of the editors and writers that have seen video tape footage of the Jaguar. Universally, they are thrilled, and very excited about the Jaguar. They want review units _NOW_! And that I'm certain what that really means is that they want to play the machine, not just write about it!! We're being very up front about our sales plans for the Jaguar. People will either have to order it from either New York or San Francisco based stores, or wait for the product to be available in their area. The level of excitement in the game media is very high, and I'm sure that will splash over into the public as well. Q: Finally, When will Atari make public the names of 3rd party companies for the Jaguar? From Bob Brodie: I expect to make some press releases later this month on the Jaguar, but I'm not sure exactly when we'll make that one. Certainly within the next 90 days. Q: According to rumors, the Jaguar game machine has some very significant technological capabilities. Is there a public target date for it yet? From Bob Brodie: The Jaguar definitely has some very significant technological capabilities...that's a fact, not a rumor!! The unit will be available for sale in the fall season in New York and San Francisco. Q: If the recently announced numbers of the Atari/IBM deal are to be taken at face value, the $500 million figure equates to 2.5 million units at a retail price of $200. How long is the contract with IBM to last? Who will be able to sell the Jaguar (just current Atari dealers)? From Bob Brodie: The contract with IBM is for 30 months. Obviously, we're looking toward high volume retail outlets, but neither do we want to exclude our dealers that sell our computer products. At this point, I think it's reasonable to assume that the dealers will be able to purchase the Jaguar through distributors. Q: The press releases about the new Jaguar relationship with IBM state that IBM will be responsible for building and 'distributing' the Jaguar? Exactly what is meant by 'distributing?' Does this mean people will be able to order it from IBM, too? Or will IBM simply ship the completed units to whomever Atari tell them to? From Bob Brodie: Distributing them means that IBM will warehouse and ship the products for us. The orders will still come to Atari, and then we will notify IBM whom to ship the product to. IBM will not be selling the Jaguar. Q: Will there be a Jaguar version of LlamaZap? From Bob Brodie: We would prefer not to discuss any titles other than what we've released in our press releases at this time, sorry. Q: I have gotten conflicting reports concerning the TT030 going back into production. If it's true, will it be available to the public? I've been trying to buy one, but nobody has any. From Bob Brodie: Yes, it will be available again. Try calling Winners Circle in Berkley, CA. Their phone number is 510-845-4814. I happen to know that they have a new unit in stock as of today (8/14/93), as well as a used unit. Q: I was a beta tester for the World Clock program for the Portfolio. The testing was finished about a year ago but I haven't seen it announced to the public yet. Whats the status of this program? Atari Corp has not announced any new software or peripherals for the Portfolio for a long time. There have been a few rumors but nothing concrete about a Portfolio II model. Is the Portfolio dead? From Bob Brodie: At this point in time, we are devoting almost all of our energies toward the Jaguar. All Portfolio projects are on hold. Q: We were told a few months ago that ATARI EXPLORER magazine was "under review" and that an announcement about its continuing status would be made "shortly." When (if ever) can we expect the next issue? From Bob Brodie: At the time we made that statement, we were in negoiations to have Atari Explorer produced as an out of house publication. Negotiations to have Atari Explorer Magazine restarted as an out of house publication have broken down. While Atari still believes in the magazine, it is not profitable at this time, and we cannot afford to publish it at a loss. However, we are very optimistic that with the success of the Jaguar, we will be able to renew publishing Explorer again. --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To sign up for CompuServe service, call (voice call) (800) 848-8199. -- -- Ask for operator #198. You will be sent a $15.00 value CIS membership -- -- kit for free. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| An Open Letter from Bob Brodie ||| By: Bob Brodie / | \ GEnie: BOB-BRODIE Delphi: BOBBRO ------------------------------------------------------------------ Recently, there has been a tremedous amount of coverage about the problems that Lexicor Software has had on GEnie. Virtually all of the press has come from the online magazine, Silicon Times Report. Most of you know this publication better as STReport, published by Ralph Mariano. For most of my time at Atari, Ralph has been a harsh critic of almost anything Atari has done, and to be fair, sometimes he's been right. Of course, when you have as many opinions as Ralph does, sooner or later you're bound to be right! Seriously, as a rule, I have tried to avoid discussions about Ralph Mariano and his publication in most of the presentations that I give, and most of the online networks that I participate in. This is because I have found that almost without fail, getting into a discussion about this man, or his opinions is unproductive, and leads to nothing but trouble. He and his followers will yell, scream, write, call, and basically do whatever they can to bully or intimidate people into silence, or into changing their opinion. But sometimes, Ralph finally goes too far, and pushes me past my limits. This is one of those times. I have followed his coverage of the IAAD\Lexicor\GEnie controversy for sometime now. Basically, I've looked at it and found myself asking what all the fuss was about. Recently, Dana Jacobsen of STR made a post on Delphi asking for input from people about Lexicor losing their free access on GEnie. So I gave mine. It was wrong of me to think that I could simply ask a question of one of the staff members of STR without Mariano going ballistic. If I hadn't been so naive as to believe that I could have a civilized dialogue with an STR staff member, you wouldn't be putting up with the kind of asinine exchanges that Ralph has made his trademark. What follows now is Ralph Mariano's response to my message, and a public reply to Ralph. For the most part, I just ignore Mariano. He's so offensive that I think it is self evident to most people that STR is nothing but a scandal sheet. But I've become sickened of all the stuff that I have read in STR. The personal attacks are shameful. The weekly charecter assasinations against Nathan and Darlah are insulting and demeaning. And I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired of this man and his tirades. I'm sick and tired of seeing all this opinion spewed forth as fact from Mariano and his staff with no rebuttal. So, we're breaking our rule this week in AEO. We're going to talk about Ralph Mariano. We're not like Ralph, though. We'll show you his full, unedited message. No snide comments interspersed in it. No cheap shots alongside the message, nothing taken out of context. My reply has much coarser language than I usually use. In advance of it, I apologize if I offend anyone. However, I hope that it underscores the level of affront that I feel, and the anger over the way that this man continually misrepresents the truth, and abuses his position in the media. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59139 29-AUG 17:13 News & Reviews RE: STReport #9.35 (Re: Msg 59126) From: RMARIANO To: BOBBRO Here we go again folks... the old, "I am afraid to have what I said reproduced/reprinted etc., for fear I may be held responsible for what I said", syndrome again. Robert G. Brodie placed this notice at the end of a message he posted on Delphi in the Atari Forum.. message # 59126. This message is copyright Robert G. Brodie 1993, and may not be reproduced in any fashion without my expressed written permission. OK, so we didn't reproduce it in any way.. it we PARAPHRASED IT! This post is in reply to Director Brodie's message # 59126.... Its sad to see Atari's Director of Communications, Bob Brodie, seemingly jump right into the middle of this Lexicor/STRT/IAAD matter without being straight forward enough to reveal to the users the WHOLE STORY! Apparently, more expert double speak and nothing more is all they, (the users), (especially Lexicor's) deserve. In so many words Bob sez... he hasn't read the recent issue of STReport yet... but, please allow him to ask a question.... Bob old boy, if you hadn't "read" the issue yet.... how could you possibly have a question about the recent issue? Unless of course, you have some prior knowledge of the issues and the various drifts of the topics. Then again, you could very well have been "prompted" to have a question or two. In any case, we proceed. His question is quite amusing as only one who was very well informed as to what was/is "really" going on could possibly ask such a question. He asks Dana in so many words... Being as concerned as you are about Lexicor, their flags, etc., Have you asked for any explanations from Darlah and ... have you offered any viewpoints relative to GEnie's concern about this issue? To be quite honest with you there Bob, old buddy, GEnie has had nothing to do with this entire fiasco, its been the STRT and its wreckspert managers who've apparently been very busy escalating this entire matter. Let's get that straight right off the bat. From the original Lexicor complaints of six weeks ago about message deletions to now, the aggressive acts have all come from the RT management team. Namely; Nathan and Darlah. STReport has tried time and time again to get a straight answer from the STRT management team, but all we get is rhetoric, threats, and screaming. I have the LD bills to prove it too. We HAVE TRIED. But then again, they say actions speak louder than words. Lexicor didn't kill its own flags and give up its category for no reason although I'm sure you'd love everyone to believe that. Like I said; Actions speak louder than words. Bob then goes on to say with "all sincerity...." "his understanding" is that Lee Seiler was told his flags would not be "renewed" and that Seler requested the Lexicor category be closed!!!! Now, we are seeing MR. ATARI trying to make Lee Seiler of Lexicor Software look like a first class sap! The flags not being "renewed" is the same exact thing as taken away! What good is a category if one's company and its personel must PAY to suppurt its users and GEnie's members in the category on a daily basis? Every one KNOWS its cost prohibitive without flagged accounts. Bob then goes on to bring up a message posted on GEnie five weeks ago about the 9600 vs 2400 baud, disappearing free flag signal matter. Certainly you are not trying to tell us that's the reason for the latest "disappearance" of Lexicor's flags are you Bob? Surely you jest. (Most of you have read about the baud vs free flag thing in STReport at the time it was relevant.) Brodie then goes on and blathers about "balanced" reporting... More of the "old kill the messenger nonsense". Actually more diversionary garbage. "The bottom line is still why was Lexicor booted off GEnie by Nathan and Darlah... Why were the flags not "renewed"? (Read taken away) ...the Category Closed? ALL THE REASONS? All this is in a press release from Seiler in STReport 9.35. Speaking of balanced, when is the STRT going to tell the whole truth about the Lexicor matter and equally, when is the IAAD going to tell the users the REAL REASON for expelling Lexicor. You know, about the fabricated "given away Falcon story"?? Must we all wait for the trip to France to end to get at the truth or, will that party be "wizened" when he returns? Bottom line is .. STReport KNOWS what the REAL STORY is! NOW THE BIG QUESTION FOLKS "WHO STANDS TO BENEFIT THE MOST BY LEXICOR'S OUSTER FROM THE IAAD AND ITS LOSS OF ITS SUPPORT AREA IN THE STRT AND THE BENEFIT OF ITS FLAGGED ACCESS?" THAT'S RIGHT; "WHO STANDS TO BENEFIT THE MOST????" Bob then goes on to say he's "grateful" for Dana's suggestion of Atari perhaps re-evaluating its overall position with the present STRT management and its rather questionable policies. No argument there.... STReport agrees completely. Its time to check into many "questionable actions" going on there. We know of at least 110 reasons, if not more. Somebody ask Gene Mosher how he feels! More?y Brodie KEEPS making a silly mistake.. he sez the problem is between a "single developer and GEnie".... Really?? More double speak! Not totally true, as none of this would be happening if Nathan and Darlah hadn't seemingly taken the first perceivable aggressive actions. They... are NOT GEnie, they are the STRT and that's all they are. At the rate things are going they can KEEP it TOO! Bob then goes on to insinuate .... that since STReport was also "victimized" by The Nathan & Darlah Show, perhaps we have some sort of "special interest" in this sordid outrage called the Lexicor/STRT/IAAD matter? How quaint, let's see, they have no real argument since STReport is telling the truth about the entire scenario. So.... they have to resort to the old, "let's try to discredit them!" Once again Mr. Brodie; "NICE TRY..... BUT NO CIGAR!" You've tried that maneuver one too many times. Those facts are already known; STReport DID lose its free flags because Darlah killed them. STReport did lose its category because Darlah killed it too and Nathan had told STR he felt STReport or, any other magazine for that matter, didn't "need" an entire category. Darlah stated they were short of "room" then too! Truth is, we ARE interested because it happened to us too. In fact it all sounds far too familiar! We only hope that by exposing this outrageous practice to all it may stop before another Atari supporter is burnt. Notice any similarities folks? FACT... Lexicor's flags are gone, Lee Seiler sez they were taken away from him. FACT.. Lexicor's category is GONE. Darlah has/had a notice up on the RT entry saying the category got gone due to "consolidation". In closing Bob, why you didn't elect to tell the users the entire, "real story" is beyond comprehension. Must the "old line" of tell 'em only what they _need_ to know continue to prevail? Perhaps.. just perhaps, its time the truth was presented the users and they were allowed to make up their own minds. Again, to the many loyal Atarians and STReport readers ..... GO BACK OVER EVERYTHING RELEASED RELATIVE TO THE LEXICOR/STRT/IAAD FIASCO FROM STR927 TO STR935 THEN ..AFTER YOU'VE READ IT ALL; ASK YOURSELF; "WHO.. STANDS TO _GAIN THE MOST_ BY WHAT'S HAPPENED TO LEXICOR?" I believe the answer you come up with will suddenly make everything crystal clear. In any case, the whole story will be made public within a short time for all to read. STReport is trying everything possible to allow the principals in this matter to present the whole truth to the users. If that cannot happen... we shall do so. The double speak must end. Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ralph, First of all, I have to confess that I'm truly puzzled by your paraphrasing of my message on-line. Why did you do that? It is posted on Delphi for all to see. The only reason that I asked that it not be reproduced is that I don't want to be associated with you, or your publication in any fashion. If you insist on paraphrasing me in your issue, I suppose that there isn't anything that I can do about it. If you were a man of any honor, any respect, you would honor my wishes to not have any of my messages reprinted in your publication. But why paraphrase my message on-line here? The message isn't hidden, all anyone that wants to read it has to do is go look it up. Seems to me that all you're doing is beating your own drum to make noise, and for nothing other than ego. The net effect is that the paying customers of the Atari Advantage have to pay to read my message twice. I think that's really inconsiderate of the paying customers! Your message has all the trappings of a self-righteous, overbearing, loudmouth, obsessive, vindictive, self-inflated ego-maniac, who couldn't care less about anything other than himself. You say in your message: "His question is quite amusing as only one who was very well informed as to what was/is "really" going on could possibly ask such a question." Oh, I don't know about that, Ralph. Anyone that has read STR for any length of time can attest to the fact that you seldom give both sides equal time. You always show _your_ side of the issue. In the rare occasions that you have given equal time, you typically follow up the rebuttal in your issue with a final blast against anyone that dares to disagree with you. Therefore, my question to Dana, which was basically asking if STR contacted Darlah or GEnie for their comment regarding the story was perfectly appropriate. You see Ralph, you make a lot of noise about telling the users the whole story. But the simple fact is that YOU NEVER TELL THE WHOLE STORY!!! You _always_ shape your commentary to suit your own agenda. Giving the whole story (from both perspectives) is something that I cannot recall STR ever doing. While you lambast me for not telling the whole story, you are yourself guilty of the very thing that you accuse me of. And that's a fact! You assumed that I was there to debate the whole Lexicor controversy, but that's not correct either. I was only responding to a single message from an STR staff member, who was soliciting opinions. And it's a fact once again that in your issue there is no statement to the effect that "We contacted Darlah, and she would only agree to be interviewed via e-mail so she would have a written record of what was actually stated. We declined her offer for a written interview", or perhaps "Darlah declined to comment". Nope, nothing to indicate to your readers that you were at all interested in showing the other side of the issue. And I think that's wrong. You state that you have the long distance bills to prove that you tried to contact Nathan and Darlah. I would like to confirm that myself by personally seeing those bills. If it's easier for you to FAX them, you may FAX them to 408-745-2088. Either way, since you have alleged that you have proof that you attempted to contact them, I would like to see it. Of course, there is no telling what exactly was said while you were on the phone. Maybe you asked for information and were told that it was none of your business. Perhaps you were told that it was a private matter between Lexicor and the STRT. Those are appropriate answers, too. But if that's what you were told, then you should have indicated that in your issue. You didn't, so I don't believe that you ever tried. I doubt that I'll ever see the copies of the bills that you have to prove your point. It's typical of you to claim you have proof, but if pressed, you refuse to show it. Besides, who can blame Nathan and Darlah for refusing to talk with you? You've taken great delight in doing everything in your power to belittle, insult, demean, and lower their image with the public!! Your "attempts" at communicating with them are deplorable!! Your "problem solving efforts" are inflammatory!! All you have done is pour more gas on the flames. Typical Mariano problem solving. And if I do see those bills, what I am going to see? I'm going to see where you called DMC Publishing in Toronto. I will see _NO RECORD_ of where you have spoken to Darlah personally. My understanding is that Darlah will not talk to you on the phone. She insists on having a written record of correspondence with you via GEnie E-mail, because of the way you have handled voice communication in the past. And it is further my understanding that you haven't written to her in about six months. Whenever you want to communicate with Darlah, you call Nathan at DMC. And now he isn't taking your calls anymore, either! You know darn good and well that Darlah won't talk to you on the phone, Ralph. So when you trumpet that "you tried" to get their side of the story, you aren't being entirely honest. Because if you _HAD REALLY TRIED_, you would have sent e-mail to Darlah. Hmmmm, does that qualify as a lie from Ralph Mariano????? Or is that really just a "half truth", or " a little white lie" that shouldn't count?? Or is there another word we should use for this particular Mariano manuever? Misconception? Deception? Twisting the truth? You next try to "get something straight right off the bat" that the ST RT and its managers have been escalating the matter. Let me get this straight Ralph... are you trying to tell me that Lee complaining to everyone under the sun about the events on GEnie isn't escalating things? You don't see that as an aggressive act? Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a very good relationship with both parties, but c'mon! Lexicor goes to the Federal Trade Commission to complain, and you don't see that as aggressive? You state in your post that you were threatened by Nathan and Darlah. That's rather unlike them. Please tell us exactly what the threats were. And screaming??? Ralph, if anyone in the Atari Community has the award for screaming, it's YOU! I remember Darlah posting _in public_ how their baby-sitter became alarmed when the answering machine at Darlah's home malfunctioned, and instead of playing back a recorded greeting, began playing back messages. Callers got to hear you screaming and swearing through the phone at her! Screaming, obscenity filled phone calls are a Mariano tradition!!! Next, you accuse me of trying "to make Lee Seiler look like a first class sap!" Sorry, I don't see that at all. In fact, there is no mention of Lee throughout my post at all. For the record, I have always enjoyed an excellent relationship with Lee. The present controversy does not involve Atari's relationship with Lexicor. We have no reason to change the opinion we have of either Lee, or his company. What I did was to convey to Dana what I understood to be the facts as I know them. I made no negative comment about Lee, or Lexicor. This is just another example of you _MAKING_ the news, not reporting it. Re: the matter of the flag being taken away vs. not renewed.... I thought that was self evident. I see I was mistaken, and will be happy to explain the difference. On GEnie, flags are not given for an indefinite period of time, like internal accounts for example. _ALL_ flags have a point in time at which they will expire, no matter how good or bad the perceived value of the flag holder is. Darlah sent Lee numerous letters stating what needed to be done to renew the flags. If she had taken the flag away, it would have required additional action by her to eliminate the flagged status of the account prior to it's normal expiration. To further underscore the difference between flags and an internal account, a flag is given to the holder of a "regular GEnie account" to allow him to operate at no charge in a particular area on GEnie. Once the flag holder leaves the area that the flag is active for, then he is subject to normal system usage charges again. An internal account is an account that is totally free of charges anywhere on the system. Just for the record, since you haven't shown Darlah's side of the equation, here's her post from GEnie on Lee's flag. I've left the entire post intact, even though the first portion of it isn't pertinent to the discussion about Lexicor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Category 1, Topic 2 Message 33 Tue Aug 31, 1993 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 15:04 EDT Sorry folks, I have been moving. Not quite settled in but the phones are finally installed and the computer is half up. :-) I would be ETERNALLY grateful if the software could take into account the pointers when a topic move is made. I would sell everything I had, well almost, if they could do so. Honestly, I have conveyed my concerns to the programmers. Jim/Brian: Lexicor called into CSO at GEnie and requested the area be closed immediately. We complied. He also stated that he was canceling his accounts. He canceled the LEXICOR2 account. What was my request? Please retract the lies....lies that can be verified to be such. Please stop slandering this RT or GEnie or the representatives of this RT or we can't offer you flags. It is against our policy to offer flags to those that try to damage this RT. We would like to work with you in correcting this matter etc etc.... Seeing that a good majority of our devs don't even have free accounts and Lexicor had 4, I think we were more than fair with our treatment to them. John Stanford still has a flag and will remain having one as long as he supports his products online. Lexicor can and could have their flags again but not with the lies they are spreading. I read the press release...well I scanned it. Lee and Ralph's version of the truth leaves something to be desired in a BIG way. So what's new? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: the allegation that it's cost prohibitive for Lexicor to be online without a free flag, that might be your opinion, Ralph. But I don't see you backing it up. In fact, the issuance of a flag or an internal is not a right, it is a privilege. There are numerous examples of other companies paying to do support on-line. Most of the developers in the Atari RTs do not have free accounts. Ron Luks told me that on CompuServe, there are a number of companies willing to pay to do their on-line support!! Even if it did cost them money, with GEnie's new rate structure, it's more cost effective than ever to be on-line!! Personally, I'm impressed that at least one of the programmers from Lexicor, John Standford, has opted to remain on GEnie to support his product, Phoenix Render. He has publicly stated that he will continue to support the product on GEnie. It's no surprise to me that there is no mention of that in your article, or in your message. Why? It would appear that it's because it doesn't suit your present efforts to smear Darlah, Nathan, and the ST RT. Now we move to the cry of "the old kill the messenger nonsense". Look, didn't you read the message thread at all????? I didn't say the messenger should be killed anywhere in that post. Dana had asked people to give him their input on the Lexicor/GEnie issue. So I did as he asked, and gave him my input. Did I ask for the messenger to be killed? Nope. I did indicate, in simple terms, a concern about balanced reporting. Your subsequent posts have done more to justify my concerns about that than anything I personally could have stated!!!! Thanks for proving my point!!! There are a lot of reasons that I can think of about why a flag should not be renewed, or why an internal revoked. So far, I haven't seen you give any reason about why they were removed, although you allege that you KNOW what the REAL STORY is! You also scream your question about who stands to benefit the most by Lexicor's ouster from the IAAD. Interesting question. How can anyone benefit, or even more importantly, what harm has come to Lexicor by their expulsion from the IAAD? Have they lost any of the rights to developer support from Atari? No. Have they lost the right to market any of their products in the US, or for that matter anywhere else in the world? No. Have they lost any status in any way as a company? No, they have not. In fact, some of the most successful developers on the platform are NOT members of the IAAD. Like Migraph, Emagic, and Steinberg just to name three. Migraph is one of the original Atari developers, Emagic is the team that produces Notator, and Steinberg is the company that produces Cubase, two of the finest music programs on the market. So exactly how is Lexicor harmed by no longer being in the IAAD? And how can anyone capitalize on that? The REAL TRUTH is that Lexicor's only harm in being removed from the IAAD came in the form of the negative publicity that Lexicor itself generated via STR, nothing else. There is no other loss. Further, there is simply no way for anyone to capitalize on the fact that Lexicor is no longer a member of the IAAD. The reality is that companies like Migraph and Steinberg prove on a daily basis that IAAD membership is not a prerequisite for success. I'll skip over some of the portions of your post, because frankly they aren't worth responding to. Let's drop down to the part where you talk about the fact that STR lost its free flags because Darlah killed it. That statement is correct as far as it goes. Yes, your free flagged account ST-REPORT was cancelled by Darlah. But what happened to your _internal_ account, Ralph? I notice that you avoid discussing that entirely. And the fact is, GEnie cancelled your system wide, free internal account, ST.REPORT, Ralph. They read a few of your issues, and came to the conclusion that sponsoring an account for STR was not in the best interests of GEnie. All Darlah did was what any responsible sysop would do. She pointed out that there was a potential problem with the account holder. GEnie made the determination to eliminate your system wide, free internal account, and they held off long after your library and category had been removed from both the ST RT and the GEnie Lamp RT. Folks, this is a classic Mariano move! Ralph has told you as much as _HE_ wanted you to know, that he held back a very salient point - the difference of free flags vs. internal accounts, and who eliminated his internal account on GEnie. Truly classic: bitch about double speak from others in one breath, and do it yourself in the next!!!! I never intended to have this turn into a debate with you, Ralph. I read a message from Dana asking for input. I gave mine. It was not my intent to enter into a full scale debate about Lexicor. My only intent was to respond to a single message, and question if both sides of the story were being told. I will now, once again, commend Dana for his well written, well thought out response. Yes, Dana gave me a few nudges in there, but nothing like the post that you chose to make, Ralph. You could learn a lot by following his example, instead of posting your temper tantrums online. You profess in your post to tell the whole truth. Well, the whole truth is that you don't have all the facts. You've burned all your bridges with anyone of any authority on GEnie. They threw you off of their service, closed your libraries, deleted your messages and did it not just in Darlah's area, but in the GEnie Lamp RT as well. Darlah wasn't the only one to recognize the problems that you created. Sysop Jon Peters had opened up an area for STR in the GEnie Lamp RT. After a brief period of time, he closed the category, removed the STR library, purged the files, and declined to accept further issues of STR. That means that you have not been thrown out of just one RT on GEnie, but TWO! The IAAD holds you in disdain. You are persona non-grata at Atari. Because you don't have all the facts, nor can you get all the facts, it seems that you print whatever your imagination conjures up, or whatever happens to best suit your cause of the moment. In my opinion, TRUTH and STR are not synonyms, they are contradictions. I envision a day in the future when a user group will gather around to talk about the old days. When people will talk about you, it's my opinion that it will be like a faded, washed up, has been. You know, the kind of "one trick pony" that has a hit single, knocks 'em dead on the charts of a few weeks, sells some CDs, and does concerts in major venues. But before long, he is reduced to being a lounge act, performing in dingy bar and grills. And then the next step is being a footnote in history. People will say "I wonder what ever happened to that STReport thing, remember that? You had to wade through a ton of crap to even _hope_ to find a kernal of info, and the whole thing finally turned into a giant editorial. Who did that thing anyway?" "Wasn't that the same guy that ran a business that took money from a bunch of people, and never shipped their stuff???? The one who sold high speed modems to a bunch of sysops in the UK, and then cut the link to them when they complained that they never got them? YEAH, THAT'S THE GUY!!!! The SAME GUY WHO WHEN HE OWED ALL THAT MONEY WENT OUT AND BOUGHT A PC BASED BBS AND BRAGGED ABOUT THE SYSTEM HE WAS BUYING, with a 1.2 Gigabyte HARD DISK, CD-ROM, planned a multi-line BBS system -- WITH OTHER PEOPLES MONEY! YEAH, THAT'S IT! WHO WAS THAT GUY ANYWAY?" There was a day that everyone at Atari rushed to see your issue on Friday to see what you were saying. Now, I can think of no one here at Atari who cares what you write. When I speak to significant developers they all say "Who cares? It's only Ralph Mariano. He has no credibility, he's just a rumor monger!! We just don't care what he says. Why anyone of intelligence would put any credibility on Mariano and STR is beyond me!" In closing, I'd like to share with you the words of Governor Pete Wilson (R-Calif.) regarding some of his critics: "They can kiss my rear end, assuming they can reach that high from the low road that they are travelling on!" Seeya, Ralph! --==--==--==--==-- ||| How Many Colors? ||| By: Ken Baum / | \ GEnie: KEBAUM ------------------------------------------------------------------ This file is for the SPECy heads, like myself, who love to count things and compare. So you downloaded those JAGUAR screenshots and were wondering how many colors were actually in those pictures. After all, 24-bit color is more than most of us have on our computers. So I ran those pictures through a graphics program that had the ability to count "unique colors". Below is a list of the files and the number of different colors in each screen shot. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the counts, but the program I used costs $220, so I would hope it was reasonably close. Remember, most of the files were in the 320x200ish range, so that there are approximately 64,000 pixels per screen (give or take 10,000 or so). Archive: FILE: COLORS: TT_TRGAS.ZIP TOONRING.TGA 2084 " AT_L1.TGA 10673 " AT_BEAM.TGA 21315 " AT_ROCK.TGA 28528 KN_TRGAS.ZIP NINJA_1.TGA 18882 " NINJA_2.TGA 17598 RA_TRGAS.ZIP RAIDEN_1.TGA 393 " RAIDEN_2.TGA 203 " RAIDEN_3.TGA 151 " RAIDEN_4.TGA 178 " RAIDEN_5.TGA 251 " SNAP_1.TGA 220 " SNAP_2.TGA 239 " SNAP_4.TGA 260 So far, I'm impressed with what I've seen and heard. I would like to see some shots from the 3D games. How about it Bob? //// Editor's Note: This originated as a message on GEnie's ST //// RoundTable. I thought it was interesting enough that I asked //// Ken's permission to use it in this issue. Ken told me that he //// later looked at the Evolution Dino-Dudes Targas, "Their colors //// all came out in the 200-400 range, similar to Raiden. I can't //// wait to get a hold of a Jaguar." //// //// Me too, Ken. --==--==--==--==-- ||| News from Usenet ||| By: Timothy Wilson / | \ Internet: WILSONT@RAHUL.NET GEnie: AEO.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, the news started to pick up again, so here's another installment of news from Usenet. There's been a bunch of Jaguar speculation, but its just that, speculation. More Falcon030 users are popping up, and there's been talk of creating comp.sys.atari.falcon, or maybe comp.sys.atari.tos, but no formal vote as yet. So let's dig into the news! //// Apple Talk Driver at last? {elendir@enst.fr} () (no name found) plans on writing a real Appletalk interface for those of you with the LocalTalk ports. A "sorta Mac LAN selector, with file sharing and printing capabilities" If you'd like to help betatest, email the author. He says the final version will be freeware! Hot Dog! //// Really Cool STe Demo After Kiia Kallio {kkallio@vipunen.hut.fi} posted about Aggressions new demo, I D/L'ed it immediately and was blown away! A neato opening animation, lots of splines, landscapes, and to top it off a very fast (50fps claims Aggression) trip through a 3D city! You can send your comments to: Kiia Kallio Lancelot of Aggression kkallio@vipunen.hut.fi The demo can be found at Atari archive of course, in the /atari/Ste directory. //// Uh OH! Virus on Works disks?! Michael Olin {molin@cxc1.cl.msu.edu} claims to have found the "Signum" virus on Speedo Disk #3. He found it on the 720k versions of the release. Other users reported such occurances, also mentioned are System disks from Apple have been shipped with viruses as well. The point is, it can happen to anyone in the industry, even the big guys. Its always a good idea to inspect disks with a virus checker, no matter the source. //// MiNT and NVDI Ofir Gal {ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk} replied to a post about problems with NVDI. Ofir states that versions 2.03 and 2.50 work with MTOS, while 2.11 doesn't. He also posted some stats on NVDI 2.5 and a Falcon: "Here are some stats when using NVDI 2.50 on a Falcon. When MTOS is present there is a 5% slowdown on most VDI calls." GEM Bench v3.09 = Ofir Gal 30.7.93 ============================================ Falcon 030 TOS 4.04, MiNT not present Blitter Enabled, NVDI 2.50 present Video Mode = 880 * 656 * 2 Colours LineF FPU installed Run and Malloc from STRAM Reference = F030 + FPU ============================================ GEM Dialog Box: 1.715 227% VDI Text: 0.435 881% VDI Text Effects: 1.120 741% VDI Small Text: 0.600 710% VDI Graphics: 2.605 356% GEM Window: 1.050 145% Blitting: 1.025 112% VDI Scroll: 1.265 225% Justified Text: 1.980 183% VDI Enquire: 1.010 170% ============================================ Graphics: 375% //// Mighty Sonic Falcon Accelerator Info Mighty Sonic, no RAM. DM 1920 The Mighty Sonic does allow up to 128 MB Fast-RAM and has a VME-bus connector. FPU is not included. (50Mhz 030) There is also an Eagle Sonic board at DM 700 (33Mhz 030) But: Mighty Sonic does not fit in your FALCON case! You'll have to put the board into a tower case. There's a (ST-) RAM-board available now, where you can put 1, 4 or 16 (14 used) MB SIMMs onto. Price in Germany: DM 199. These products are made by GE-Soft. Yep, this is the Falcon030 accelerator you've been hearing about from CeBit. There was a posting about a mutant TT with a 50mhz 030, (the whole board) that GE-Soft also makes, other posts sugguested that it's an on demand product, or may not ever see production. It'd be best to talk to GE-Soft directly. GE-Soft Landgrafenstrasse 37 53842 Troisdorf-Oberlar (GERMANY) //// Falcon030 vs Sparc's and HP's playing MPEG's {mike@bsun10.zfe.siemens.de} (Mike Gassmann) wrote about MPEG speeds to which {eberl@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE} (Michael Eberl) replied with his own experiences. A Sun Sparc Station 10, using a PD mpeg player, decoded an MPEG at 3.5 frames a second. As I've written in a previous Usenet article, the Brainstorm MPEG decoder runs at 15fps! The DSP in the Falcon030 has a certain very fast instruction that can simultaneously perform one 24x24->48 bit multiplication, one 48+56->56bit addition, TWO parallel moves including reverse carry adressing mode. All in two clock cycles. It's also using fixed point math, which is faster than floating point math used on the SS10. And against the HP? Well, the HP won, at 22fps. What I don't understand is, if MPEG's are so hard to display (an 50Mhz HP 9000/720 Apollo is needed for 22 fps?!) whats all the hoo-haa about? Yeah, ok, they can compress video really tiny, but it seems to be quite a trade off. On the other hand, there are MPEG decoder boards now that really pump the stuff out. (Atari has annouced one for the Jaguar!) //// Dungeon Master II; Eeek! no ST version?! Interplay is creating Dungeon Master II, and guess what platform it'll be released on? Yep, the clones. If you would like to see a ST version, why not bug Interplay at: Interplay Productions 17922 Fitch Avenue Irvine CA 92714 Tel: 800-969-GAME Email: 76702.1342@compuserve.com interpla@orion.oac.uci.edu BBS: 714-252-2822 //// MiNT 1.08 Sources (and other MiNT goodies) released A new version of MiNT (source code only), has been sent to Atari.archive. Eric Smith can do this ONLY as a source distribution, and distribution of the binaries is forbidden. Eric says that he's allowed to distribute it this way, so only experienced programmers can compile it, and in effect gain more testers for MiNT. Don't use GCC 2.4.4 to compile it, it contains some minor bugs that crop up at the most inoppertune times, avoid this version. If you are in the know about compilers, and you do get it compiled OK, simply replace your current MINT.PRG with this version. New MiNTLibs also appeared as well, the newer the better. All of this is availible in the /atari/Mint directory on atari.archive. //// New GemView, V2.42. I'll keep this post intact: ----8<---Snip snip-------- From: fiebelko@bonny.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Dieter Fiebelkorn) NOTE: The DSP-JPEG-Decoder (written by BrainStorm) is a commercial product and must be licenced by ATARI. The DSP-JPEG-Decoder is not a part of the GEM-View software, but if enough users are interest in this software I can buy this licence and sell this software to any who are interested! (At the moment only 4 people have send me a mail, THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!) - [2.42]: o loads XGA images - [2.41]: o small changes o Test between DSP-JPEG (Brainstorm) and MC68030 (Falcon030/16MHz) NOTE: The followed times are combinations of load and decode. For pure decoding the DSP is 10 to 14 times faster! Loading and decompression time (no processing by GEM-View): DSP-JPG MC68030 BV17.JPG : 588 x 800 ( 84910 Bytes) 0'06.3" vs. 0'48.5" (7.7) PLAY2.JPG : 800 x 600 ( 87645 Bytes) 0'06.5" vs. 0'44.3" (6.8) PLAY1.JPG : 800 x 600 (106525 Bytes) 0'07.0" vs. 0'46.9" (6.7) BLACKTIP.JPG: 1219 x 838 (124990 Bytes) 0'11.2" vs. 1'23.9" (7.5) QUEENXBI.JPG: 1270 x 420 (170776 Bytes) 0'09.2" vs. 1'05.2" (7.1) - NOTE: (min)'(sec).(msec)" - [2.40]: o loads now PCD (Kodak Photo-CD images) with format BASE/4 or BASE o uses the DSP-JPEG-Decompressor written by Brainstrom, if installed. o Quick 90, 180, 270 degree rotation. In Monochrome(ST/Mhz): up to 266666 Pixel/sec (90, 270 Grad) up to 948148 Pixel/sec (180 Grad) o Online Rotate : | Options | | (in Window-menu) | Rotate +90 M | | Rotate -90 N | -------------------- o Online Brighten: | Options | | (in Window-menu) | Brighten +5% ( | | Brighten -5% ) | --------------------- o Bug fixed in loading True-Color-XIMG's //// TCP/IP code for your Atari For those interested int TCP/IP software and code, Usenet sugguests: ftp.tu-clausthal.de ( /pub/atari/telecomm/tcpip/* //// HP printer tidbits One user was having problems getting his HP deskjet plus to talk to his STe. Our own Ed Krimen sugguested to make sure your Deskjet is on before you reboot. Another user asked about HP Laserjet II's (compatibility), Ben Gilbert {bgilbert@cs.washington.edu} sugguested (along with praise for Atari Works and Speedo GDOS), that the "HP LaserJet" driver that comes with Speedo works just great. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Andreas' Den ||| By: Andreas Barbiero / | \ Delphi: ABARBIERO GEnie: AEO.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- //// A Tall View from a Small Land Since the last time I wrote, the Navy has sent me far and wide in my travels. I have been to Japan, Korea, Singapore, Austrailia and Thailand. The most stunning thing to me is how very different everyday happenings are between countries and cultures, yet at the same are so much alike in other ways. The biggest differences that I have noticed so far is that nobody eats bread over here, Aussie girls will hit you for 'pretending' to be American, (they think you are faking the accent in order to more easily pick them up) and most of all it is perfectly normal to charge twelve dollars for a beer. In Singapore we were charged over twenty dollars for a small pitcher! //// Patti's note: As his wife, I want to know what he is doing trying //// to pick up Australian girls!! Just wait til he comes home! With the world economy doing the things that it is, computers can become quite an expensive pasttime. We all seem to want more with our hobby. Prices over here are not as cheap as I expected. Memory chips can be much less costly than back in the states, but forget about hard drives. Figure on about 2x the cost of what the same drive will cost you back in the States. Even in Singapore, some components are really costly, but oddly enough I saw a Mac Powerbook for about 20% less than it would cost in the U.S. The typical dominance of the clone is highly rampant, and with the low cost of motherboards, some really cheap systems can be built. But no matter how tempting the prices, I still get that reality check (more of a mule kick) every time I am around a clone. My roommate has a typical '486 system, and while I cannot buy any software for my TT030 at the base exchange, he spends more time tweaking with the darn thing than using it. Several times his BAT files have gotten screwed up, and disinstalling Windows programs is an arcane art. To shock him, I disconnected the hard drive and booted from a BLANK floppy. OK, so I did not have Warp 9 and SpeedoGDOS, but I did have a fully usable GUI and could load up my old standby Wordwriter ST and write a letter. He is still trying to figure out how to get his CD-ROM working with his sound card. I must say that this machine has been a lifesaver over here, notwithstanding lending it to let other people write letters. MY sanity has been preserved (well the little I have left) and I finally managed to win Chaos Strikes Back, and get a 99% score on Civilization at the hardest level. For the use of the machine, thanks Bob! I wanted to get online out here, but without spending my family into living on the streets, I was depending on getting an Internet account set up over here. Well, I got the permission, but the Air Force is seemingly impotent when it comes to getting their hardware up. Their VAX is really kicking their butt. I don't pretend to be a UNIX god, but c'mon guys, three months and several million dollars in computer gear and you STILL can't get it to work? It just could be rivalry, we're Navy and they HATE us here... we get to leave! Who knows, in 12 weeks I will be home, and in 11 weeks they will have it working. //// NeXT Step or Stumbling Stone? I just read about the official release of the NeXT OS for the clone platform. $795 will buy a CDROM full of everything you need to get started. Now the OS is nice, since it is object oriented, it has enormous flexibilty, and it is better than Windows and TOS. For $800 it should. A while back people were wondering if there was going to be an Atari release of NeXTstep. It would be nice, but without a $750 rebate, I probably wouldn't buy it. It could run on a Falcon030, but with system requirements of 16 megs of RAM, 120 meg harddrive and a CDROM, I can wait for Atari's '040 machine. The same article stated that 24 megs of RAM and a 200 meg hard drive is more practical for day to day usage. At $20 a megabyte that's $480 for RAM alone. I think I will stick with TOS and its little helpers. //// How Small is Small? The Pentium, highly touted, is interesting but is showing some flaws, with its design as well as in its marketing. The actual architecture of the chip is a step up from the previous 80X86 series chips. An advanced FPU (math coprocessor for floating point operations) with specific circuitry for addition, division, and multiplication, parallel five stage integer pipelines, separate instruction and data caches and internal and external 64-bit data pathways has been designed into the chip. All this sounds very nice on paper and produces some good looking benchmark tests, but there is a fly in the ointment. Not only are there some serious thermal problems, but the chip is not as advanced as Intel would like us to think. The performance of other chips like the DEC Alpha, and the PowerPC are rattling the cage of the Intel Inside label makers. Based on a .6 micron design these chips produce less heat and use less power than the relative behemoth .8 micron design of the Pentium. Maybe the delays and initial small shipments of the Pentium reflect an intent to redesign the chip. The '486 will be the cash cow for Intel for a while, most users would relish the extra power of the Pentium, but the machines that will be using the Pentium are not targeted for single user systems. Windows NT is not for the single user, and basically, where they are counting on the money being is not with the personal computer user. The average Pentium machine will be in the $5000 and up range, and most personal computers bought, top out at about $3000. This may be a good thing. A very good thing. If people start thinking that there are OTHER things out there to own besides a Intel clone, then we all have a chance. It was a long time coming, but the heydey that was the computer market of the early '80s may be coming back. Things just may get interesting again! --==--==--==--==-- ||| Developing News ||| Interesting items from TOS platform developers and supporters / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// STraight FAX! 2.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= STraight FAX! has been a leading Atari FAX software package since its introduction in April of 1992. But since then, we've added a host of features that make it easier to use, more accessible and more compatible. Now, with the release of STraight FAX! 2.0, popular Class 1 and Class 2 FAX Modems are fully supported. This means that STraight FAX! is compatible with a wider range of FAX Modems that ever before, including less expensive Class 1 Only FAX Modems and high end Class 1 and Class 2 FAX Modems. Support for Class 1 also means greater compatibility and reliability with remote FAX devices, so you can FAX around the world without worry. We've also added features to make STraight FAX! 2.0 a joy to use. Like a Quick Dial feature, for sending FAXes to locations that you don't plan on FAXing every day. Or you might like the new STraight FAX! Manager for seamless, system wide FAXing from your favorite applications, including Pagestream, Calligrapher 2/3, That's Write 2, Calamus, and Speedo GDOS based applications such as Atari Works. Just create a document using one of the applications above, select the special STraight FAX! "Print to Disk" driver from the application's printer driver selector, (optionally activate the STraight FAX! Manager CPX to select the path/filename for the generated FAX files), and print the pages of the document from the application's print command. If you are using MultiTOS, you can have STraight FAX! sitting by idle and ready to send the generated FAX without quitting the application. Just tell the STraight FAX! Manager to send the FAX and the STraight FAX! pops up with all the generated FAX files ready to go! Normal TOS users can quit the application, run STraight FAX! and it will automatically find the generated FAX files and be ready to send! Don't wait another day to discover the FAX revolution. It's here and working now on your Atari computer. Get it straight with STraight FAX! STraight FAX! 2.0 Features ========================== ù Send and Receive FAXes using any Class 1 or Class 2 FAX Modem. ù Send FAXes using a SendFAX Modem. ù Print Received FAXes to any GDOS supported printer. ù Export FAXes to Image, PCX or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) formats. EPS files can be printed directly from the GEM Desktop to a PostScript printer or printed with a PostScript Interpreter. ù Send ASCII Text, Mono Image, High Rez Degas/Degas Elite, Mono PCX, GEM Metafiles, First Word, First Word Plus, Word Writer ST and FAX files. ù Broadcast FAXes to up to 100 Destinations. ù Schedule FAX transmissions at a later time (up to a year in advance). ù Quick Dial feature allows entry of a FAX name/number on the fly for infrequent destinations. ù Manual Send and Receive features allows inititiating a FAX Send or Receive from a voice call. ù Supra FAX Modem Caller ID support. ù Caller ID/Remote FAX ID can be used to reject incoming "Junk" FAXes from a user defined list of Bad FAX callers. ù Direct scanning from within STraight FAX! via the ScanLite Desk Accessory. ù Automatic merging of left and right scans from a hand scanner when used with The Tray scanning tray. ù Full Page direct scanning support for the Navarone/Canon IX-12 series scanners with our optional driver ($19.95). ù View up to 7 Image, Degas, PCX, GEM Metafile or FAX files at a time, each in a GEM window. ù Enhanced Image editing/processing features such as copy/paste a defined clip area to/from a selected file or the Atari Clipboard, Clear/Invert/Thicken a defined clip area, Reduced (50%) View and Enlarged (FAX page size) view, Clean Up stray pixels, Rotate and Flip Image and Draw/Erase pixels. ù Supports enhanced user interface features on Falcon TOS 4.02+ and MultiTOS such as 3D buttons and sliders and Hierarchical drop down menus. Supports MultiTOS features such as Drag and Drop and Iconifying windows. Enhanced FAX Send and Receive Logs now contain additional information: - Date and Time of transfer. - Name of destination (send) or Comment (receive) which may be edited by the user to allow annotation of the logs. - Destination FAX Number (send) or Caller ID (receive). - Remote ID string from destination FAX. - Name of first FAX file sent or received. - Transfer attempt number (send only). - Total pages sent or received. - Duration of transfer. - Resolution of transfer (Normal or Fine). - Established baud rate of transfer. - Cover Page sent (send only). - Modem Type (SendFAX, Class 1 or Class 2). - Status of transfer. The detailed FAX Send or Receive Log information for an entry may be printed to a line printer or copied to the Atari Clipboard. FAX Receive Log Management Commands: - View FAX. - Print FAX (via GDOS). - Rename received FAX files. - Delete received FAX files. - Export received FAX files to Image, PCX or EPS files. "Print to Disk" drivers included to print pages of a document from with the following applications: - Pagestream 1.8x - Pagestream 2.x - Calamus 1.09x - Calamus S/SL - That's Write 2.xx - Calligrapher 2/3 - Original Atari GDOS based applications (GEM Output, Migraph Outprint) - Atari FSM/Font GDOS based applications (WordFlair II) - Atari Speedo GDOS based applications (Atari Works) The STraight FAX! Manager (Auto Folder TSR and CPX Module) simplifies the "Print to Disk" of FAX files from an application. The STraight FAX! Manager allows the user to name generated FAX files and it keeps track of them and communicates with STraight FAX! to automatically enter the generated FAX files into the File List in STraight FAX!. Support's Supra's Silent Answer feature to allow single line Voice/FAX sharing. Enhanced Atari Clipboard support: - Paste Image, GEM or ASCII Text from the clipboard into a defined clip area in a window. Pasted Image files may be scaled to fit into the clip area with or without preserving the aspect ratio. - Copy a clip area defined in a window to the clipboard. - Copy/Paste text fields from the Cover Page to/from the clipboard. - Copy detailed FAX Send/Receive Log Information to the clipboard. Context sensitive on-line Help available with the Help Key or "?" button in dialogs. Over 60 user selectable parameters such, including the new: - Quick Dial dialog enable. - Time Format (12 or 24 hour). - Desktop color and fill pattern. - Prompt on File Overwrite. - Default ASCII Text File Extension. - Default File Path for Image, Degas, PCX, GEM, ASCII Text, First Word/Plus and FAX files. - GDOS Print Quality (Final or Draft). - Tab Width in ASCII Text File conversion. - Local Area Code. - Maximum AT command size (for newer FAX Modems that suppport 255 character command buffer). - Auto Baud parameter for FAX Modems that support automatic baud rate detection. - Caller ID parameter for FAX Modems that support Caller ID detection. - Clipboard Image Paste options for scaling, preserving aspect ratio and expanding clip area to fit. Optimized FAX import and export routines to reduce conversion times. Load and Save user preference files to change the entire system configuration on the fly. Run an external text editor from within STraight FAX! Enhanced Dialog User Interface: - Popup Menus and Check boxes to ease setting user selectable parameters. - "Fly Dial" dialogs can be dragged to any position on the screen. - Enhanced text edit field key commands. - Keyboard equivalents for button selection. Compatibility ============= STraight FAX! 2.0 requires an Atari 520 ST, 520STFM, 1040ST, STacy, Mega ST, STe, ST Book, Mega STe, TT030 or Falcon030 computer with a minimum of 1 Megabyte of RAM. 2 or more Megabytes of RAM are recommended for printing and viewing FAXes due to the large size of uncompressed FAX images. STraight FAX! will operate with TOS 1.00, 1.02, 1.04 (Rainbow TOS), 1.06, 1.062, 2.05-2.06, 3.05-3.06, 4.01-4.04 and MultiTOS. TOS 1.04 or higher is recommended due to memory allocation problems on earlier TOS versions. 4 or more Megabytes and a 16 MHz or higher speed CPU is recommended when used with MultiTOS. Due to the size of FAX files, a hard disk is recommended. Printing FAX documents and importing GEM Metafiles requires a version of GDOS and an appropriate GDOS printer driver. The original Atari GDOS (and compatibles), Font GDOS, FSM GDOS, and Speedo GDOS are supported. Font GDOS or Speedo GDOS are recommended. Importing GEM Metafiles requires the MEMORY.SYS GDOS driver to be installed as device number 61. Speedo GDOS is required to render text objects in GEM Metafiles. Ordering and Upgrades ===================== Suggested List Price $109.95 (US) Registered STraight FAX! users can upgrade to version 2.0 by sending in their original master disk and $25.00 (US). Registered users who have purchased STraight FAX! version 1.07 on or after June 1, 1993 can upgrade to version 2.0 by sending in their original master disk and $20.00 (US). Upgrade price includes version 2.0 master disk, version 2.0 manual and shipping within North America. Upgrade orders outside of North America, please add $5.00 (US). US funds only. Major Credit cards accepted. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery (after the official release date). Please mail upgrade orders to: Toad Computers STraight FAX! 2.0 Upgrade Offer 570F Ritchie Highway Severna Park, Maryland 21146 USA For more information contact: 410-544-6943 (Voice) 410-544-1329 (FAX) 410-544-6999 (BBS, 300-14400 baud, allow up to 60 seconds to connect) GEnie: C.S.SMETON CompuServe: 73047,2565 Internet: c.s.smeton@genie.geis.com or 73047.2565@compuserve.com STraight FAX! is marketed for NewSTar Technology Management by Toad Computers and is distributed in North America by Eastern Front Distributing Company and Pacific Software Supply. All programs and products mentioned are trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Imagecopy 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= : CodeHead Software announces Imagecopy 2 : : The Essential : : Image Utility : : for Atari Computers : CodeHead Technologies is proud to bring Imagecopy 2 to North America. This amazing utility was written by Jeremy Hughes for ST Club in England. As with other products imported by CodeHead, Imagecopy 2 meets the high standard of excellence which CodeHead requires of its products. //// Feature List ù Copy images from the screen in any ST, TT, or Falcon video mode. Images can be copied by pressing Alt-Help, and a flexible rubber-banding system allows images to be selected with a fine degree of accuracy. Imagecopy 2 works with standard and large screens including virtual large screens. ù Convert images to different formats. Imagecopy 2 reads and writes images in a wide range of formats, including Art Director, Degas, GIF, IFF, IMG, extended IMG, MacPaint, Neochrome, OS/2 bitmap, PC Paintbrush (PCX), RSC free image, Spectrum, Targa, TIFF, Tiny, and Windows bitmap. ù View images in any ST, TT, or Falcon video mode. Color-mapping and dithering are used to display images in video modes which contain fewer colors. Up to six images may be displayed simultaneously in GEM-window or full-screen display modes. ù Print images and screen dumps in color or black and white on a wide ranges of printers, including 9-pin and 24-pin dot-matrix printers, Bubblejet printers, Deskjet and Laserjet printers. (Atari Laser printer is not yet implemented.) Imagecopy 2 can print true-color images containing over sixteen million colors, and offers print scaling, comprehensive color controls, and a choice of halftone screens. ù User-friendly GEM interface, including window menu, pop-up menus, and color sliders. Can be used as an accessory or stand-alone program. //// Availability Imagecopy 2 is available now - we have them in stock today, ready to ship. Suggested retail price is $39.95. For more information, contact your local dealer, or: CodeHead Software PO Box 74090 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Tel (213) 386-5735 Fax (213) 386-5789 BBS (213) 461-2095 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Oregon Research =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Continuing our commitment to bringing the highest quality software to the Atari ST/TT/Falcon030 line of computers, Oregon Research is pleased to announce the following new products: P.F.M.+ Personal Finance Manager Plus is the perfect solution for home and small business finance and accounting needs. An easy to use, mouse driven, multiple windowed interface give you access to multiple accounts, budgets, reports, and graphs. Automate your personal or small business accounting with standing entries posted to multiple accounts and review you financial progress with budget and spending trend analysis. Compatible with all Atari Computers including TT and Falcon030. Retail price: $69.95 CALC-3D ------- 3D Calc is a true 3-dimensional spreadsheet with an integrated editor and programming language, graphics, and extended statistical functions. Features include: 3D spreadsheets - 13 pages x 2048 rows x 256 columns, 3 spreadsheets open simultaneously; up to 3 windows per spreadsheet; works in mono or color and supports all ST,TT, Falcon resolutions; full version requires 1MB of memory but includes reduced half-meg version; graphics module includes bar and line diagrams, pie chart, multiple bar and line graphs, stacked bar graphs, function graph; enhanced statistical analysis including averages and distribution parameters, scatter diagram with best-fitting curve, regression and correlation, and many more; easy-to-use GEM interface; reads ASCII and Lotus 1-2-3 files; Compatible with all Atari computers including TT and Falcon030. Retail Price $54.95 Quartet ------- Quartet is a 4-voice music composition and sound sample sequencer for the Atari. It can run on any Atari ST or TT and does not require any special hardware. Compose music on four scrolling staves by mouse input or playing on a MIDI instrument. Choose from over 100 instruments and sounds included with Quartet, or import your own from the Replay 16 or Stereo Replay sound samplers (sold separately). Up to 20 instruments can be used in a piece of music. Play back through your television, monitor, Replay 16 or Stereo Replay's sound sampling cartridge. Digital processing is available for manipulating samples. Routines are included for playing songs from GFA or Hi-Soft BASIC 2, C, or assembler. Retail Price: $79.95 Replay 16 --------- The first low cost 16-bit sound sampler for the Atari ST. The hardware cartridge contains 16-bit Analog to Digital, and Digital to Analog converters. The system can record from any suitable sound source such as CD player or any 'AUX' or 'Line" level signal source through the stereo phono inputs. Stereo phono outputs are provided for playback to an amplifier of mixer. The Replay 16 Editor software is fully desktop and window-oriented, allowing samples to be loaded and edited separately. The editor contains many sophisticated editing and effects commands as well as a sample track sequencer, and MIDI sample dump. Drumbeat 16, included, is a fully configurable sample-based drum machine. MidiPlay 16, also included, transforms your ST into aflexible multivoice MIDI keyboard emulator. Samples can be assigned to any individual note or range of notes in a 9 octave range. Replay 16 is fully compatible with Breakthru software. Retail Price: $249.95 Stereo Replay ------------- High quality stereo sound sampler and output cartridge for the Atari ST range of computers. Record in high-quality stereo from twin phono input sockets. Twin phono outputs provide the user of a standard ST, STF, STFM, or Mega computer with high-quality stereo output. Atari 1040STE, Mega STE, and TT users may play samples through the stereo outputs in their computers. Included is the advanced Stereo Editor software, allowing the user to load 8, 12, or even 16-bit samples in mono or stereo formats, and freely convert between them. Sample translations are handled automatically, allowing effortless cut-and-paste between sample types. Powerful editing functions include looping and cross-fading, as well as effects. The Stereo Beat program allows "kits" of samples to be loaded and sequenced, and responds to MIDI start, stop, and sync commands. Includes routines for playing samples from assembler, or high-level languages. Retail Price: $169.95 Stereo Master ------------- A low cost, high quality, 8 bit stereo sound sampler. The sampler cartridge plugs into the cartridge port and allows you to sample and analyze sounds input from any stereo source such as CD players, modify the way they sound with real time effects, or save them to disk. With powerful editing software, Stereo Master provides all of the power and flexibility you would expect in a professional audio editing suite. Retail Price: $79.95 VideoMaster ----------- Integrated personal multimedia Video and Audio sampler for the Atari ST. Digitize monochrome, grey scale or color images at up to 30 frames per second and combine them with sound from the integrated sound sampler. Easy to use editing and video sequencing software allows the easy creation of your personal video movies complete with sound. For all Atari ST,STe, and TT computers. Retial Price: $139.95 Sequencer One ------------- A high quality low price MIDI sequencer that's ideal for the beginner or semi-professional user. Full MIDI capabilities with support for four channel sample replay through the computer's own sound output (in stereo where supported). Sample replay can be done at the same time as playing MIDI instruments. Step time entry over MIDI or from computer. 32 tracks. Track and cue sheet screen. Individual note editing screen. Music arrangement page. Powerful global editing options (e.g.; quantize to correct timing). Retail Price: $39.95 Sequencer One Plus ------------------ All the features of Sequencer One, plus many more! Includes revolutionary Diamond Drag note editing system ("...by far the easiest grid edit system I've seen..." --Ian Waugh, Music Technology review). Unique juke box page allows up to 32 songs to be chained together into an "album" or "live" performance. Also provides tempo map screen, extra sample replay facilities (e.g.; external 8-bit sample replay cartridge support on Atari), MIDI sysex handling, additional global editing options, and much more! ST Review's "Essential Buy". A 1.5 hour instructional video is included to help you get the most out of Sequencer One Plus. Retail Price: $169.95 Breakthru --------- A 64 track professional MIDI and sample sequencer. Includes all the features of Sequencer One Plus, and in addition: conventional music score notation, dedicated drum editor page, simultaneous multi-track recording, sample palette screen, and much more! Breakthru also has a unique advantage over other programs; at the same time as triggering MIDI instruments, it can play back high quality 16-bit samples through a Replay 16 sampler plugged into the cartridge port! As with Sequencer One Plus, but with superior results, 8-bit samples can be played through the computer's own audio hardware or through a range of 8-bit sample replay cartridges. ST Format magazine recently awarded Breakthru their highly-prized "Gold Award", to add to the "Future Music Platinum Award" already received! A 1.5 hour video is included to help you get the most out of Breakthru. Retail Price: $349.95 Breakthru Plus -------------- All the features of Breakthru, but supports 32 MIDI channels instead of 16. Very handy for users with more than one MIDI instrument. Includes a hardware interface which plugs into the modem port, providing an extra MIDI output socket. Retail Price: $399.95 The Hit Kit ----------- Music composition system and ideas generator to use with Oregon Research sequencers. Create professional rhythm tracks, bass lines, and other accompaniments in a range of popular styles. Mix and match to easily produce complete MIDI sequences. An ideal way to learn. Retail Price: $49.95 The Sample Series ----------------- A collection of 8-bit digital sound samples for use with Oregon Research sequencers and some other programs. There are five volumes in the series: Percussion & Effects, Guitars & Strings, Brass & Woodwind, Synth & Vocals, Piano & Keyboards. Retail Price: $19.95 each, All 5 for $79.95 For more information contact: Oregon Research 16200 SW Pacific Hwy., Suite 162 Tigard, OR 97224 Ph: (503) 620-4919 FAX: (503) 624-2940 Genie: ORA =-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Raystart =-=-=-=-=-=-= Lexicor Software is extremely proud to announce the release of RAYSTART in the U.S.A. It comes, naturally completely in English and is one of the best Raytracers around on the Atari Platform. Check out some of the Raytraced Images of RAYSTART in our Lexicor Graphics Library. Ray tracing allows you to produce near-photorealistic images and animation. The ray tracer can accurately model such lighting effects as shadow, reflection and refraction, magnification, mirrors, and textured surfaces. It is a lovely addition to our family of Graphics Software. Perfect for use in Presentation, Multimedia, Animation maybe and definately DTP. It has a built in Editor very similar to CAD-3D2 from Antic and is 3D2 file Compatible which means that you can use your Cyber Models (3D2) with it. I will quote Godefroy de Maupeou from the French Magazine ST-Mag. (translated from French into English) "Raystart 1.0 is a big surprise. For a price that is usually for small Utilities, it is an extremely powerful Raytracer and very easy to use!" -- Godefroy de Maupeou In the same article he said: "Raystart is extremely fast, judge for yourself. A Sphere in 160x120 mode TIF with the raytracing option, a mirror of 100% and one solar light takes 22 Seconds, without antialiasing, 57 Seconds with antialiasing set to 1 (Four rays per Point rather than one)." He however failed to mention the testing conditions, as RAYSTART v.1.0 has no Math Co-Processor support these times are extremely fast for any raytracer, may it be for a TT, Falcon or just a plain ST. So how do I make a 3D Design and Raytrace it? - Load or make an Object - Confirm th Object for Output - Choose a Color for your Object - Choose a Texture - Choose its attributes (when a ray of light hit's th Object) - Position the light sources - Position the Camera - Select the method of calculation - While an object is raytraced you have the option to interrupt it and continue later on Positioning the Camera can be done using either a Coordinate System just like PHOENIX or a point and click interface like CHRONOS. Parallel, Point, Ambient and Spot light sources Additional options for Interpolation, Mirror, Transparency, Convex, Reflections, Shine, Texture, density, antialiasing and more. Functional and Analytical Objects. Intuitive Point and click Graphical User Interface, very easy to use. The Textures Menu have four different types of color deviations (if that is the right word): Block, Rings, Spherical and Striped. Each one of these Textures can be parametrised with a dozen other features, including the random functions. I won't go into detail of each those other functions as they are too specific. Distortion Raster The built in Editor allows you to change or distort a previously defined Object via a mathematical funtion which can be user-defined. System Requirements: Any Atari ST, STE, Mega, TT or Falcon. Price: 99 U$D Availability: GERMAN version Raystart 1.0, NOW ENGLISH version Raystart 1.0, September 1993 Does not include Shipping and Tax. Please contact LEXICOR SOFTWARE CORPORATION 1726 Franzisko Street Berkley, CA 94703 Tel: (510) 848-7621 - Fax: (510) 848-7613 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Cyrel Catalog Disk =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ._____. __ __ .______. .______. ._. / .___. \ \ \ / / | .___. \ | .____! | | | | !_! \ \_/ / | !___! | | !__. | | | | ._. \ / | .__. ./ | .__! | | | !___! | | | | | \ \ | !____. | !____. \._____./ !_! !_! \_\ !______! !______! ._____. __ ._________. __ ._. .____. .______. / .___. \ / \ !___. .___! / \ | | / .__. \ / ._____! | | !_! / /\ \ | | / /\ \ | | | | | | | | .__. | | ._. / /__\ \ | | / /__\ \ | | | | | | | | !_ | | !___! | / ______ \ | | / ______ \ | !____. | !__! | | !___! | \._____./ /_/ \_\ !_! /_/ \_\ !______! \.____./ \.___/!_! ._____. ._. ._____. ._. __ .__ ._. .______. _. | .__. \ | | / .____! | | / / | \ | | | .___. \ / | | | | | | | | !___. | |/ / | . \ | | | !___! | /_ | | | | | | | \.___. \ | |\ \ | |\ \| | | .__. ./ | | | !__! | | ! .____! | | | \ \ | | \ ! | | | \ \ ._. | | !_____./ !_! !_____./ !_! \_\ !_! \__| !_! \_\ !_! !_! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cybercube Research is pleased to announce the introduction of the CyReL Catalog Disk. This electronic catalog allows an easy selection of the 30+ products offered by Cybercube. The disk contains numerous files, including product overviews, ordering informations, demo programs and scanned images and screen shots depicting the CyReL quality tools. Take advantage of special offers, lower prices as well as special package deals. Order your copy today! The CyReL Catalog Disk comes either on two 3.5" 720 KB disks or one 3.5" 1.44 MB HD disk. Several compression techniques have been used in order to reduce the megabytes of data. We recommend the use of the latest versions of *.LZH and *.ZIP decompressor utilities to review all the files and data contained on the CyReL Catalog Disk. Use a *.JPG compatible image viewer to enjoy the 24-bit graphics. To order your own copy, simply send U.S. $5.00 or Cdn $5.00 (Cheque or Money Order) for shipping and handling, and we will be glad to send you the latest, most current edition of the CyReL Catalog Disk. Please indicate your preferred disk format. As an added bonus to our customers, you will be able to deduct this fee from your next CyReL order. CYBERCUBE. QUALITY SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE ... expand your imagination! Includes: /// High Quality 24-bit Rendered Images, Photographs and Scans: Have a close look at our graphics cards series. Our detailed 24-bit pictures will give you a first impression about these feature-packed boards. Sample the awesome quality and beauty of 16.7 million color graphics. Enjoy the best renderings used in promotions and dealer displays. /// FREE Working Demos of the CyReL Productivity Utilities: Bundled with help files, icons and documents, these demo versions of our popular utilities series will get you up and working in no time. Experience the difference when handling a industry standard MS-mouse or PC-Mouse under GEM, digitize in a snap with a graphics tablet/digitizer directly on your Atari, customize your color palettes like never before or simply have a look at the comfort and ease of installing a CyReL M16-1280 True Color High Resolution Graphics Card in your system. Get the most out of your system with the quality tools from Cybercube. /// Latest News and Press Releases: Updated information regarding the current offerings and new special pricing for various CyReL products. Read about the latest developments, updates, feature lists and learn about EQUINOX, the official support BBS for CyReL products. /// Technical Specifications: Get all the details. First hand, clear and informative. Take advantage of inside tips, explanations and technical overviews. /// View the CyReL Brochures on your Screen: For added comfort, ease of use and to support our efforts to reduce junk mail, you can now review the CyReL Product Brochures right on your screen, at your own pace and leisure. /// Screen Shots for Better Comparisons: Have a look at the features, appearance and menus of our software packages. Simply display these screen shots and see it for yourself. /// Printable Order Forms: For your convenience, simply print out the provided forms, complete, and mail in your order. We will do our best to accurately process them, for fast, friendly and dependable service. Should you require more information, please contact us at the addresses listed below: Cybercube Research Limited 126 Grenadier Crescent Thornhill, ON, L4J 7V7, Canada Tel (416) 882 0294 after Oct. 4, 1993 (905) 882 0294 Fax (416) 886 3261 (905) 886 3261 BBS (416) 882 5895 (905) 882 5895 GEnie: CYBERCUBE CRS-Online: cybercube.research UseNet/InterNet: cybercube.research@canrem.com or cybercube@genie.geis.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// ATARI UNITED! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ATARI UNITED! announces an expansion of their campaign to find isolated Atari TOS computer owners. The focus of ATARI UNITED! is to provide information to the Atari user community, especially the isolated owner. To aid in this effort, ATARI UNITED! is calling for volunteers to make their address and phone numbers available to anyone in need of support living in their local area. Anyone wanting to join this growing network should register with ATARI UNITED! and specify that their information be made available to any individuals contacting the organization in search of local support. ATARI UNITED! is urging that mainstream users, especially those using commerical and private online/bbs services, offer their time and support by registering. Although ATARI UNITED! is endorsed by Atari Corporation, ATARI UNITED! is independent of Atari Corp. Use of the Atari name is by permission. For further information, contact: Patti Barbiero Gordie Meyer P.O. Box 691 P.O. Box 1982 Mountain View, CA 94042-0691 or Ames, IA 50010-1982 (415) 903-9787 (515) 232-1627 abarbiero@delphi.com biblinski@delphi.com ****************************************************************** To register, please provide the information below, and mail to: ATARI UNITED! P.O. Box 691 Mountain View, CA 94042-0691 or email your registration, questions, comments, etc to: abarbiero@delphi.com Name (Last, First, MI): _________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________ Online Address: _________________________________________ Computer Model: ___ 520 ST ___ 520 STe ___ TT ___ 1040 ST ___ 1040 STe ___ F030 ___ Mega ST ___ Mega STe Computer Serial Number: _________________________________________ User Group (if a member):________________________________________ ( ) Yes! Please include me in your list of possible contacts for isolated Atari TOS owners in my area. ( ) Also please make my name and address available to other Atari related concerns. ( ) Please keep all information on my registration form confidential. ****************************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Megatype Upgrades =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The long awaited upgrades to ALL of our software are about done. Falcon / MultiTOS / all resolution compatible versions will be shipping within the next 60 days. The whole lineup, including FontVerter, Font Designer PLus, MegaKern, Bitmaker, and Type 1 Converter/True Type Converter will all have new versions. (yes you did read True Type Converter!) The new version of Type 1 Converter will now also include conversion of True Type fonts from Windows into .ECF format, which can be loaded into Font Designer Plus, or converted to CALAMUS or PAGESTREAM formats with FontVerter. We have tried to add all of the suggested ideas all of you users have come up with into the various programs. Registered users should be watching your mailbox for information and pricing on the upgrades, plus information will be available online as the upgrades are ready. Running Designer, FontVerter, Type 1 CVT, and the others all at the same time under MultiTOS (memory permitting) is a GAS, really a GAS. (sorry about that. I'm listening to an old Humble Pie Live album as I write this and it just came out!) MegaType SoftWare P.O. Box 645 South Bend, IN 46624 219-288-7468 --==--==--==--==-- ||| ||| Shutdown ............................ Power off, EXIT, BYE, Logoff / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------ We welcome feedback from all of our readers; feedback both positive and negative. Whatever you think of our efforts, we sincerely would like to know. Our EMail addresses are sprinkled throughout each issue - with the new Internet gateway into GEnie, you can reach us through the Internet also. Append "@genie.geis.com" to any of our GEnie addresses. Until the next issue of AEO, I remain, Your Editor Travis Guy Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com --==--==--==--==-- (This issue printed on recycled photons) --==--==--==--==-- DNFTEC --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a bi-weekly publication covering the Atari computer community. Material published in this issue may be reprinted under the following terms only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and author at the top of each article reprinted. Reprint permission is granted, unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari user groups and not for profit publications. Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, or of the publishers. --==--==--==--==-- Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS, MultiTOS, NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, ComLynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari Portfolio, and the Atari Fuji Symbol are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this issue belong to their respective owners. --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine "Your Only Independent Atari Online" Copyright ½ 1993, Subspace Publishers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A E O ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 2 - Issue 15 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 4 September 1993 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::