TAKE NOTE CLOCK SETTER v1.0 Copyright 1990, Take Note Software Because programming can lead to frequently turning off the computer I grew tired of having to reset the system clock on my STe all the time (Why did Atari rework the machine and not include a battery backed clock?). There are some fine clock setters available but none fit my particular desires, mainly, not to bother me when I don't want to be bothered. Also none of the clock setters I have seen utilize the mouse. So I wrote these programs as my preferred method of keeping my STe's clock set to at least an approximation of the actual date and time. If you have a battery backed clock on your ST you can stop reading and trash these files. This .lzh file should contain the following files TN_CLOCK.DOC - (if you're reading this and the file wasn't included there are some fundamental concepts about the universe which could need re-thinking.) TNGEMCLK.PRG - The program which allows you to set you system date and time from the desktop. TNAUTCLK.PRG - A program which, when placed in your Auto folder, will read a file called TN_CLOCK.DAT from your root directory and automatically set your clock without otherwise bothering you. TNSETCLK.PRG - This program will prompt you to make new settings upon boot-up when placed in the Auto folder. TN_CLOCK.DAT - This file is created/updated by using the Save, Save/Exit option in TNGEMCLK.PRG or by hitting return in TNSETCLK.PRG. It contains the most recently saved time and date. GENERAL - You may run TNAUTCLK.PRG or TNSETCLK.PRG from the desktop if you wish with the same results as from the auto folder. - All three of these programs do a comparison between the system clock and the TN_CLOCK.DAT file and take the greater of the two. - It is harmless but pointless to use TNAUTCLK.PRG if you are using TNSETCLK.PRG from the Auto folder. USING TNGEMCLK.PRG Changing the Time and Date... Of course you must run the program by clicking on it from the desktop or whatever. The program reads the TN_CLOCK.DAT file and the current system clock values and displays the greater of the two for you. After the program is running all you have to do to change the the time or date is point and click on any component of these (including AM/PM). The left mouse button raises a value and the right mouse button lowers it. If you hold the mouse button down for more than 1/2 a second you will see the value change at a faster rate. ALL components of the time and date are linked so if, for example, you go beyond 11:59:59pm you will see the day field incremented by one. Click here for info... Clicking here brings up credits and help. Any key or mouse stroke returns you to the main box. Okay... Clicking on Okay exits the program and sets the system clock with the values shown. Cancel... Clicking on Cancel exits the program without setting the system clock, nullifying any changes you have made. Save... If you want to create or update the TN_CLOCK.DAT file used by these programs click on this option. The file will be created using the DATE AND TIME AS CURRENTLY SHOWN. The program automatically checks to see if there is a C: drive (hard disk) and places it in the root directory there if found, otherwise it will write to the root directory of the disk currently residing in drive A: (hopefully the one you boot with). Save/Exit... This is to save time if you have been working on your computer for awhile and simply want to update the TN_CLOCK.DAT file before quitting. It sets the system clock, saves the file and exits the program immediately thereafter. USING TNAUTCLK.PRG To use this program simply copy it into the Auto folder of your boot disk. Upon boot-up, the program looks for the file TN_CLOCK.DAT in your root directory and if it finds it, compares it to the system time, sets the clock if appropriate, then goes away. USING TNSETCLK.PRG This is another program which runs from the Auto folder but prompts you upon boot-up to change the time and date. The keystrokes used are listed on-screen when the program runs. I have never found a need to set the seconds so I decided small is better and left that ability out. The program will only wait for 15 seconds before assuming that you want to use the displayed time. This is in case you often reset then go for a cup of coffee like I do and don't want to return and find that you are still in the middle of the boot process. TN_CLOCK.DAT This file is simply two quotation mark delimited strings separated by a carriage return in the format; "HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND" "DAY.MONTH.YEAR" It will look something like this; "03:42:00" "21.09.1990" DISCLAIMER Well, I think that covers about everything pertaining to these programs. I hope you find them useful as I have tried to cover all possible preferences. Please feel free to make suggestions or report any bugs so we can correct them. We tested these programs quite a bit BUT we are NOT responsible for any damages due to or resulting from their use/misuse. These programs have been released to the public domain and are free. Of course if you find them useful and want to send us money (maybe 5$? ) we won't argue with you about it. This is a new concept in software distribution based on guilt called Share- your-money-with-us-if-you've-got-it-ware which shouldn't be taken too seriously. J.L.Jacobi Take Note Software 285 Divisadero #3 San Francisco, CA 94117 (415)431-9495 Take Note Software also publishes commercially, "Take Note", a musical ear/sight training program for the Atari ST and Amiga computers. For further information write/call us at the above address/phone number.