LIGHTOFF.PRG 3/8/93 After bootup (from hard disk), it used to be that the status light for floppy drive A would remain on, until such time as I inserted a disk. It doesn't happen all the time anymore, perhaps because I upgraded my hard disk booting software, but it does still happen -- after both warm and cold boots. Anyway, now that the problem seems not to arise as often, I've found the solution: turn on the drive A bit in the sound chip's A port. Just run the program, or put it in the AUTO folder to run at startup. If anyone else has this problem, and running this program helps, let me know. I'm curious. This program is free, but please distribute it only together with this text file. Thank you. Lars Rohrbach GEnie: L.ROHRBACH1 546 Lexington Ave #4 Internet: El Cerrito, CA 94530-3548