ExtenDOS Patch Program This program will upgrade the UNIDRIVE.DOS and UNI_BDDS.DOS modules of ExtenDOS version 1.1 to version 1.11. It will ONLY upgrade version 1.1. [This patch updates UNIDRIVE.DOS & UNI_BDDS.DOS from 1.2 to 1.3]. This program is copyright ½ 1994 by Roger Burrows. All rights are reserved. This program may be freely distributed to all legitimate registered users of ExtenDOS. Any questions or comments, please contact us at: Anodyne Software, 6 Cobbler Court, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0B8, Canada. GEnie: R.BURROWS1 What is needed to upgrade ========================= . An un-modified ExtenDOS distribution diskette, version 1.1, or . An ExtenDOS distribution diskette, version 1.0, that has been previously patched by PATCH001.TOS How to upgrade the UNIDRIVE.DOS & UNI_BDDS.DOS modules ====================================================== 1. Make sure you have made a backup copy of the ExtenDOS distribution diskette. 2. Copy the PATCH002.TOS file to the ExtenDOS distribution diskette. 3. Run PATCH002.TOS by double-clicking on it from the desktop. The program will create backup copies of the original files, named UNIDRIVE.BAK & UNI_BDDS.BAK, and then patch the original copies. The final message should be "All modules patched successfully". If not, please read the error messages issued carefully; they should indicate what the problem is. 4. Once you have finished upgrading your distribution diskette, make a backup copy of this newer version. ** VERY IMPORTANT STEP, READ CAREFULLY ** 5. To install the newer version on your system, you MUST replace the following ExtenDOS files in your system with the corresponding files from the newly upgraded disk: UNIDRIVE.DOS UNI_BDDS.DOS If you get an error message =========================== If you get an error message during the patch process and cannot resolve the problem, you can mail us the diskette so that we can upgrade it. To have your disk upgraded by us, you need to: 1. Send in your original ExtenDOS distribution diskette. 2. Enclose a cheque for $5 + $2 shipping & handling ($7 total). 3. Enclose a note with your name, address, and daytime phone number. In return you will receive version 1.11 of ExtenDOS, which includes Falcon030 support as well as the UNIDRIVE.DOS and UNI_BDDS.DOS upgrades. Changes for UNIDRIVE.DOS & UNI_BDDS.DOS ======================================= This version contains the following fixes: + If the B= and/or P= parameters were omitted, an erroneous error message 'device not responding' could be issued.