Thanks for downloading one of the DeskPic Collections. I've spent a lot of time converting these pictures from their original formats, and almost as much time finding them! Although it is fun to have cool pictures for your desktop, it's a little tedious converting them... You don't really notice how slow 8Mhz is until you start doing very complex image processing and stuff like that! Ah well, ENJOY! Since you probably spent less time downloading this than I did uploading it (GEnie only accepts Xmodem uploads... bleh), how about taking a few seconds to send me email to tell me how much you like the images? A little feedback never hurt a project... That's right kiddies, these pictures are as FREE as the GIFs that they're taken from. I take no responsibility for any damages you may do to your hard drive, or your credit card, or whatever after downloading these, so there! If you upload these pictures anywhere else, please include this text file with the archive, just so people know where they came from. You never now, someone might want to track me down and kill me after looking at these pictures... :-) Chris Herborth, June 10/92 GEnie: C.HERBORTH Unix: (this works) or (dunno if this will work though) Snail: 174A Elgin Cres, (this will only work 'til about Sept.1/92) Waterloo, Ont N2J 2S6 or 26 Murray Hill Road, (this will always work, but is MUCH Stratford, Ont slower...) N5A 7J8