THIS PROGRAM IS STUPID. DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO WITH IT. JUST DON'T SAY YOU WROTE IT! PLEASE SWITCH TO MEDIUM REZ. ****************************************************************************** R-Gon Ver. 1.2 By Greg George/Fruitware ****************************************************************************** You've probably seen something like this on your friend's PC Clone running while you eat a sandwich or something. The screen saver takes over and you see those lovely polygons just skitting themselves all over the screen. Well, this isn't a screen saver, but it can do those polygons just like they do. It seems pretty fast on my 1040 STe, but I bet it would cook on a Mega, TT or Falcon! I'll bet you're wondering, "Why would anyone want to write a program like this that wasn't a real screen saver?" Good question. Well, I was down at the computer lab, helping my friend with his QBasic and I saw about 5 PC's running that screen saver program. So, I watched it for about 3 minutes and said, "I ought to write one of those polygon programs..." and my friend said (rather annoyed) "Well, why don't you?" So, here it is L.R. Read it and weep. If you have R-Gon 1.0, you may notice some differences. It looks a bit smoother, (but not much.) And it has some new commands. Look below. **************************************************************************** The Commands: **************************************************************************** 1, 2, or 3: Tells the computer to turn ON or OFF R-Gon 1, 2 or 3. L: Changes the screen resolution to Low. M: Changes the screen resolution to Medium. Q: Increases the frequency of the random colors. A: Decreases the frequency of the random colors. Z: Freezes the colors where they are. X: Un-freezes the colors. Q or A will also do this. F: Freezes the R-Gons where they are. W: Speeds up the R-Gons. S: Slows down the R-Gons. B: Keeps from erasing the R-Gons on the screen at each redraw. It blurrs the screen to create a cool effect. N: Returns the blurring screens to normal. C: Clears the screen. SPACE: Exits the program. You may find it easier to hold down a key rather than pressing it and releasing it. Sometimes STOS is funny that way... **************************************************************************** I hope you enjoy the program. For some reason, I STILL can't stop playing with it... I can be reached at: Greg George 1531 Stevens Loop Rd. Babson Park, FL 33827 GEnie: G.GEORGE3 (AKA Fruitman) Long Live Atari!