WORLD ----- This program is originally from Germany. I spent a lot of time to translate it from German to English and especially the translation of the countries and capitols sometimes made me think to skip the whole project. With the help of a friend of mine (THANKS BILL!) we finally got 99% of the names translated. There are still a few countries (especially around Oceania) that haven't been translated, yet. That's because we couldn't even find them in the "TEACHER'S EDITION WORLD GEOGRAPHY". Also, I haven't translated most of the West-German countries/capitols except of the really popular ones like Munich etc. So, if you ever find a misspelled country or capitol you can easily change it by editing the file T.DAT with a word processor. Please leave me a little note in my mailbox (GEnie adress is J.FASS) if you find something untranslated. The program is self-explanatory so I really don't need to say anything about it. In respect of the authors original version I decided to put the untranslated program-files in the archieve file. They are named as WORLD.PRX and T.DAX. If you want to have the origial version just delete the files WORLD.PRG and T.DAT and rename the files WORLD.PRX and T.DAX to WORLD.PRG and T.DAT. Enjoy it! Jochen Fass, El Paso P.S. If you ever answer all countries and capitols correct you're a geography-genius. I know that there is a copyright note in the program but let me asure you that WORLD is public domain and can be spreaded without any profit (that's what the info-box says when you click on Info in the menue. I was just to lazy to translate that, too). Once again: Enjoy it! Jochen Fass, El Paso