Winner Selection Program WINNER.TOS 1.1 Ron Whittam 503 Meadowland Drive Boise, ID 83704 StraightLOGIC! Information Service's QUANTUM REALITY programming has released yet another SOZOBON C 2.0 compiled program for the Atari ST. This one has a very specific use. WINNER.TOS 1.1 is designed for the random selection of door prize or "lottery" type winners out of the memberlist for your User Group. This program requires the text file WINNER.DAT be in the current folder. This can have up to sixty records, (one per line). Each line or record should not exceed 22 characters and spaces. This file can be edited by a text editor for the "List of possible winners." This list may be the names or ticket numbers. A future GEM version, WINNER.PRG 2.0, will be GEMDOS based and will work with dialog boxes, GEM windows, GENEVA, and MultiTOS. (This current version works with MultiGEM 1.0, MiNT, and PowerDOS TOS multi- tasking programs. . . and most-likely, Geneva). The program displays it's "thinking" by putting a dot on the screen as it works on a name or number. There are times when you may get a line or two of dots as it works to find the winner. Developed and tested on TOS 1.4. Beta tested on TOS 1.0 and TOS 1.4. A bug was found and fixed in the first version while running on TOS 1.0 that caused the thinking routine to "eternally loop." I want to thank the members of the Atari Boise User Group for helping me de-bug this program so far. Send bug sheets to the address or email above. Hitting the escape key (Esc) a couple of times will terminate the program. Files in this archive: WINNER.TOS - The executable program. WINNER.DAT - A list of members, edit this text file for your use. WINNER.TXT - This file. If you like this program and want to see more programs and/or upgrades, please send $5.00 to the programmer, (address above). Thank you.