ALPHONE ------- I got this idea from a similar program on PCs. Alphone converts seven digit telephone numbers to words. It displays all possible letter combinations from a phone number. A no-frills user interface, you simply enter the seven digit phone number, then select whether to send the output to screen or printer. To exit program, press "Q" when prompted for phone number. Note that the numbers "1" and "0" don't have any corresponding letters, so they come out in the word as is. Also, there are no "Q"s or "Z"s on the telephone, so they aren't included. To avoid all the various printer commands, printer output is strictly ASCII. When printout is complete you may want to reset your printer. There is minimal error checking. The phone number must be seven numeric digits. Output prompts waits until either "S" or "P" is entered. I haven't had any crashes, yet... If anyone wants to see this program further developed, leave me some Email on GEnie (address L.KLOTZ1). Enjoy! Larry Klotz