"Why's Everybody Always Pickin' on Me?" Wil "Dub" Jones first uttered those immortal words on December 11, 1958 in the Coasters' hit single "Charlie Brown". Now, thanks to the miracle of the Atari Falcon, your computer can say them too. COASTERS.AVR is an 8-bit mono sample recorded at 12.2 Khz. "Sample This" is an 8-bit stereo sample recorded at 33 Khz. Bernadette Cooper used to be in the all-girl group KLYMAXX. Her solo album "Drama: According to Bernadette Cooper" garnered little attention but is a truly great CD. This little bit comes from the title track. Bernadette plays the bass and percussion and programmed the drum machine herself by the way. Check it out! I purposely kept the sound level on these kind of low because the Falcon's internal speaker tends to be quite loud at startup. They might still be too loud to use as startup sounds. But they might sound too soft if you're using Sound Lab to play them on an ordinary ST. (And the Bernadette Cooper sample won't sound half as nice as it does on the Falcon either.) You can adjust their volumes with Sound Lab. You might also want to use one of the utilities available on GEnie to convert them to Gemsound format. For more cool samples check out SAMSOUNZ.ZIP also available on GEnie. And drop me a line if you like these (or if you hate 'em!) My GEnie address is FAIRWEATHER